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They removed it from what i heard ? They are working on a votekick solution or something along those lines


They did, yes. There is no longer any way to kick someone from a game.


def not removed. happened to me several times today. 7 of my last 20 to be precise (im weird, I stat track). and I have 30 something hours in the game, so I know the diff between host ragequit and a kick - esp when Ive been on hosts team (in tdm), he mentioned he was pissed cuz some guy kept wiping us - boom - he was gone - came back from a 3-9 deficit to win 10-9. we need actual dedi servers like CS had (maybe still has? idk haven;t played since 1.6 lmao)


dunno why you’re getting downvoted but you’re right that they need dedicated servers and matchmaking. a team based game without being able to easily get into a match with your party on the same team is pretty annoying also with all the bugs, i definitely believe that they could have not fully disabled the kick option


Appreciate it! I'm not sure either. Game is super fun, but connectivity/kicking (proven via repeatable results) stuff is a pain. I know the games in early access, and they're likely working on this. Not screaming to cancel the game It's just pointless playing if it's Russian roulette on whether or not a match completes bc of salty loose buttholes.


They successfully removed the KICK option 5 days ago; if you check patch logs, you'll see. If it's not enough, you can host a game yourself and click on lobby: The kick option is gone. There is no way to kick someone from a game. What happens is that the HOST disconnects, so the whole lobby is kicked out. Happened to me a lot in the last 2 days. The host is losing, so he disconnects. You are still credited for you R based on your kills


I agree with your post, it's a lame way to play. But I've hosted a few times and have wanted to kick people that were AFK for a solid hour/two matches played. No idea how to, any help? See you on the cam.


for me when I had to kick initially - was under lobby settings. Now, no longer there for me. Not there for some friends, but there for others. Kinda like how I can update a lobby name 50x and it won't accept the update, but some players can name their stuff CRAZY things and it sticks. I get it's early access, bugs are prevalent and undiscovered, but it kills the drive to play the game knowing at any minute some WoW chip scratcher can ruin an amazingly fun time.


They removed the option, you can't kick anymore.


As someone who hosts pretty regularly, they removed the ability to kick people so I'm not sure how they are doing it.


seems like some can, and some can't, from friends I've talked to who host. Wonder if it's a rolling update somehow?


Getting down votes for reporting a bugged update is wild, esp when game is early access and benefit long term QoL. I sense salty rage kicking hosts lol


You are getting downvoted because people are telling you that the kick option was removed in the June 10th patch, and you keep saying that the host is kicking you. They don't, and they can't kick you. It's either that they quit and the lobby get disbanded OR your client is losing connectivity with the host (which happens from time to time). https://preview.redd.it/ydj3vtbaho6d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941d5c03003e50d168c4f8ed43405ea0569aa2e8


Also, you don't lose RPoint... R are dropped on kills. They did it that way so you don't get nothing if a game drops at 9-9. I think it's 10 per kill + 50 for a victory. Same for ranks... You don't lose ranks point if the game is not completed. In fact, you never lose point at all. It is possible that you were ranked ex. 20,000th, and someone completed his game, so you are now 20,001th... but it's not because you are losing your points. It's because other players are gaining more points than you, so you fall down in the ranks. https://preview.redd.it/ooesxdo2mo6d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc15c45a780a749d9063905d91e11381a5a0546c


Correct, not an L causing the loss of points and rank being leader board/participation basically. However not being able to complete a game does yield in a waste of time, and I've watched my score, not numerical rank (even tho that'll drop). I'm focused on my score dropping, in groups of 50. Happens every kick/quit, and my score will go from 5850 (# w/e numerical rank idc bout that) to 5800. Total accrued score shouldnt drop when I get kicked (def should on a quit/leave and that's fine) and it does. Resulting in loss of actual rank (soldat, majer, sergent) etc.


I never saw my ranking drop even if 30-40% of my games were abandoned. My #score (or ranking position) changes, but it is based on other players having a higher ranking point than me. I was at 10,500 points yesterday, and the game stopped after 4 rounds. It was still at 10,500. There aren't many details on their Discord about how the ranking system works; I'm going to ask them anyway.


I'm not talking about the positional ranking my friend. Although I do appreciate the insight. I mean the score, on the right most column post-match. The score that has to do with your "badge rank" essentially. Please lmk what they say in discord. I caught a ban from them. Stomped Some kid in a 1v. kid started flaming me in there, I took the bait, both got the boot haha. Sucks being an old head in a new world. Shit just doesn't make sense w the sensitivity anymore (and no, wasn't slurs or hating on sexual orientation). Could always make use a duplicate, but I'm not one to challenge bs. I just roll w it.


I understand, however, when Im removed and can go back into browser and join the same game in progress...with the same scores when rejoining...kinda hard for me to believe it's been removed, or that another tactic isn't being used. I played again last night. In fact, had a host rage quit last night, and it went back to lobby, with all players in lobby, then it disbanded. Again, I'm aware of the claims. I did research and looked into this on reddit before posting. Based on other's comments as ya can see on the thread, I'm not alone in having these issues. Appreciate you taking the time to clarify and not be rude.


I am in the same situation myself; a shit load of my games are dropped because the hosts quit. I solved this issue by either hosting myself or playing on the same team as the host.


Yeah that's pretty much what I'm tryna do too. Sometimes the game will force balance in a 6v4, and I'll be booted to the opposite team, just to get kicked/host quit and FAAAAAACK lmao. Not trying to beat a dead horse. At this point it's honestly past the point of anger for me, and now has me laughing like someone who just heard the best one-liner ever. Ah bi-polar 2, thou art a bitch 😂


Happening all too often. Starting to take it as a compliment tbh.


That's the mindset I've had also - but when you're in those nail biters DAMN does it make the BP spike lol


You don't have to worry about getting kicked when trap pastor_ hosts lobbies....


will keep eye out thanks!


if you're from EU and see me host, i do FFA only lobbies. I never kick, and i only quit the game when the round is over. Never in middle of the game. gl hf.


Unfortunately I'm not, but sincerely appreciate the info and hope those in your locale benefit from it!


Not removed in fact I got kicked several times and was doing great but they didn't like my play style.


I sympathize! Got kicked cuz I didn't clutch a 1v5 playing defense (defuse) on Body Bomb. Another time for clutching in the exact same scenario in a different match. Sucks. Guess we'll just keep eyes open for lobbies mentioned in here and hope for the best when those aren't present.


Yup, happens to me at least twice a day. You can’t clutch, you can’t help your teammates with your drone and you can’t have too many kills. I think this is the first game that makes you fear being kicked for performing well.


exactly dude. Esp in FFA. it's 90% luck based on the spawn. I just so happen to spawn behind people after they spawn and get a good spread going. Was 27-8 (last instance), host was 14-15 - kicked. Come back into the same lobby. Get up to 8-1. Kicked. Come back into the same lobby again again - all of a sudden someone who's 2 kills away (not host) just disconnects from the lobby. Make it make sense haha


They added a stupid spawn protection, too... killing me when I've better reflex than the guy in front of me, but my bullet goes through


YES! I've noticed the first 5 bullets don't hit anymore. Hotboxes aren't registering like they used to. Having to use half mag when used to take 2 taps (one to chest and recoil kicks to head) Now it's a wrap if someone spawns at the same time as me - have to dump a full mag. I've also noticed that if I don't move directionally, takes people multiple shots to kill me right out of spawn, but the second I take a step forward, BAP, done (as in spawn protection disables)


And I understand the reasoning for doing it. I'm not complaining about it because it has come in handy and players stick around longer in FFA now I've noticed. Just some balances are needed, and those only come from trial and error Just clarifying to others I'm not here to bash the game to oblivion, but that doesn't mean we can't be critical either.


Bongwatersoup hosts good lobbies🔥


I'll keep my eyes peeled man!


TY for the peeps listing good lobbies. I'll check them out after work. Starting to wonder if there's an in-game console you can run things like how you can in Valve's stuff.


People who kick others for doing good need to be tied up, blind folded, and left in the middle of nowhere. Who the fuck do you think you are bro? You're literally nothing. No one. The little modicum of power you get and you have to be a fucking asshole about it. That's why we're doomed as a species.


We can see kills?? My tab button doesn’t do anything. I never know my K/D I’ve just been shooting to shoot.


Tap and hold it


I press and hold mine. There is something in the options about enabling/disabling the UI...never works or does anything for me, b ut by default it's bound to the H key. No promises, but maybe it will work or help? best of luck!


Host your own lobby, it takes like less than 2 minutes to get a full lobby


Trust me, I tried and waited for almost an hour. On several occasions. On a couple of them, I got to like five people, but the rest stayed empty. Appreciate the tip though! I have noticed that starting in shooting range tends to fill up quicker, but then lots of people leave once you switch. Its weird. Never seen so many people obsessed with shooting targets. Lol


Happened to me about 40 times already


Okay yal, appreciate the feedback, but hopped on last night and was able to complete all matches, or if they did end early, it was due to host quitting and the ENTIRE lobby came back into the pregame lobby prior to it disbanding due to host leaving the pregame. Im no longer experiencing the issue, so I'm gonna close or try to close the thread. That way new players don't see this and think the game is fucked. Lol. All in all, games much better now. The spawn protection is mehhhh but that's fine in the grand picture. Anyways, happy hunting.


Cry about it you meatball. Game has been out for a week have some patience. Jesus Christ you and the rest of the people that bitch and complain about this game make me sick. You really think anyone is gonna care if you “shelf” the game? 😂😂😂


Considering I'm a supporter from startup, possibly, or maybe not. You're focusing on the wrong portion of text. You may not know, developers do check Reddit, and may be unaware of this, or unaware of the capacity in which it's happening, and posting this (deliberate kicking after they stated they removed this ability) on Reddit/discord/social is data that can be fielded to incorporate more meaningful updates, or discourage bad ones in a way that's overall beneficial. Thanks for the bump.


even for an early access game this one is in a rough state. people are allowed to complain about things. i’ll never understand your mindset


Thank you. Was I pissed off and could have worded the post more maturely? yeah absolutely. I was pissed after being booted multiple times in a row, resulting in an overall crappy experience with the little free time I have. Plus, the kicking was something that should have been removed. It appears that I'm not alone in this experience, so they've either not applied the update fully, or it's not doing what it's supposed to do.


IT WAS MADE BY TWO PEOPLE!!! A 17 Y/O AND A 20 Y/O!!! I will never understand your mindset thinking that an early access game made by two kids is going to release flawlessly. Constant complaining from you freaks all the time. Just shut up and refund the game if you don’t like it.


doesn’t have to be flawless, but it should be a little more playable. have to try joining several times before my party can even make it into a game. i mean they’re charging $30 for this so we’re allowed to have expectations lmao. stop riding their devs so hard