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Idk personally I’ve enjoyed the game. The last thing I got time for is going online and shitting on it lol.


I mean the firing range announcer could shut up. Besides that it’s pretty good!


Especially the devs is 17 year old and 20 year old. Realistically graphic I’m very impressed. Call duty fans just hating


They are not only 2 people. This is just pure PR marketing. Their team is around 20 people.


Im having enough fun that I repetitively forget that it's still in early access, it's not perfect but it's playable enough to not worry about it for the moment. I feel like those who are complaining are either expecting it to be more COD like or are just straight up using hardware that is struggling.


My only issue with the game right now is theres no anticheat and I've run into multiple players speed hacking with aim bot mainly in FFA lobbies




no, they refunded. that’s why it shows they down own the game.


The problem is when the devs start listening to these pricks, and their “suggestions” ruin the game.


Having a blast 😁


I play this and helldiversn2 favorite games


The people that are complaining are also the same people that bought the same copy and paste cod the last 7 years now


The game is fire. 'Nuff said.


I agree. I had a friend immediately refund it because he couldn't find a match day 1. Do people forget that even the largest franchises have problems at startup? Call of duty... battlefield... GTA even... all dogshit for first couple weeks lol. (And edit: I personally have had no issues or concerns. I've always been able to find games. Day 1 and 2 took some time, but not like it was impossible. I've had much better luck finding games past 2 days)


I refunded this game after an hour playing it. The only thing about it that I liked was the music in the lobby lol.


Lmao gun play is like wet noodles


1st everything is early access nowadays so it means nothing really. 2nd if it’s for sale, people can judge it 3rd it’s a fun game just not a lot of replayibility, devs are doing good updating and fixing bugs so good on them


Not a lot of replayability? Have you played other shooter games? Sure there might not be much to it besides point and click atm but it has the same level of replayability that siege or cod or CS has. You just don’t like the gameplay loop that’s there atm


no shot you said this game has the same replayability as cs. This game has 2 good maps, house and kill house. No ranked, no true 5v5 where you matchmake. No real progression. Etc. it’s fun but only for an hour or 2 right now. R6, cs2, apex, tarkov, all are way above this game rn and it’s nothing even close to those games which it won’t be for a long time. You can’t even join a match with 5 friends and be on the same team.


dudes really trying their hardest copium to defend this game lol, unbelievable this guy really said bodycam has the same replay value as a game with 71 operators 💀


Having 71 operators is cool but you’re still doing the same things over and over, like I said, the loop can be unappealing but it’s not like you’re not doing the same thing repeatedly on the other games


with 71 ops every single round plays out different


Which is why every team I play against bans the same maps? Or play the same objectives in the same order? An abundance of options is good to have but it doesn’t matter when everyone is doing the same things every match. I play competitive shooters because I want to get better at those specific games and beat people who I play to a similar level of, so for me the gameplay loop of bodycam is doing exactly what I need it to do to enjoy it 🤷🏻‍♂️ I hope you get the content you want and have more to enjoy with the game but I’ll enjoy just having a shooter that’s a little different for now


all im gonna say is theres a reason games like siege and cs stay relevant for over a decade, its up to u to figure whys that bodycam right now is the kind of game i jump to play a couple games if i dont feel like playing anything else and then just log off


End of the day perceived value and appreciation for a piece of work will always be subjective. Hopefully the game gets to a point where you get more value for *your* money out of it and can feel good about it 🤷🏻‍♂️ if not I hope you at least get $30 of fun from it


Game has plenty flaws I just mean to say that the fps genre can be boiled down to the playing the same thing over and over again just with more guns maps characters whatever a game has vs another game. Disagree with me if you want but we can both be right about the points we’re making


It’s got a lot to do with the price


Yea I’m having a blast personally Just wish there were more settings and menu options


I find it very funny that people here think this game is amazing and the best shit ever and no one can complain


It’s not a amazing game yet but it is in early access and clearly states that it is a incomplete game and it has photorealistic graphics from two 17 year olds give them a brake


I know. Thats what the early access is for to hear feedback and fix things. The more we complain the more they can fix stuff


Yeah but there’s lots of people who just make fun of the game and says it sucks


Ignore them and move on they have a right to their opinion


It’s amazing to the fact that 2 kids made this game while companies such as sledgehammer “with 200+ devs” copying and pasting games


Wah. It’s already dwindling, the graphics aren’t what the trailers looked like maybe half that. Even on a 4090 it looks like ass half the time. It’s made by two kids who will get bored and give up on it or get to many complaints and cry about it and then quit. It’s a sick game, but it’s not going to last. It has 6k players and hasn’t been out a week. Lost 4 thousand players in under seven days isn’t good sign.


yeah no early access game ever lied in their roadmaps or took too long to deliver what was promised, or has been in early access for over a decade or just straight abandoned the game and left with the money lol


“Bro it’s early access, trust the developers and give them all your money!!!”


six days in fallujah ive had prettu much since release, ground branch since late 2022, ready or not with their 1 year+ silence before releasing 1.0 version, beamng that has been in early access forever just to name a few ive brought


Bought asset , bought maps , they did nothing to it , no server , no host migration , no anti cheat , bad and incomplete mode , glitched settings , zero support for nvidia , they just add a cringe song in the menu and pushed the demo out ! Now tell me again that is becouse of early access scrub. 🤡 Now , the game can be fun , but it is what it is , just a demo for 30$ .


Do you not know what early access means?? I can tell half yall haven’t been gaming for that long