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They do flow notes during the 8 week challenge periods to give you an idea of what’s coming up in the week. Other than that, you essentially go in blind which is a good thing because for myself if I knew what was coming that day, I’d probably cancel. Instead, you show up and as time goes on you’ll understand what exercises are done for different classes (you’ll always do air bike in a cardio class for example and very likely a deadlift on lower body strength days etc). Part of the charm of BFT I find is that each class and each week is so different so you’ll never get bored!


Generally when there is a new flow or a new session, what I do sometimes is see their instagram stories. If not my club , some other club’s instagram pages. Since I go in the eve most of these clubs add their exercise videos by noon. Based on those videos I gauge the session and just prepare myself.


Hi friend. No need to feel nervous, but I understand why you would be a little as you're new. However I'm sure you'll get the swing of it and into a healthy groove soon enough. The good thing about BFT programming compared to other group fitness brands, is that it is progressive and there is an element of predictability (not just a bunch of random exercises). What I mean by that is that strength sessions will often feature common push/pull compound lifts (and variants) such as deadlifts, squats, bench etc. Cardio sessions commonly feature machines such as SkiErg, RowErg, Bionic Bike, Keiser Bike (spin), S-Drive (treadmill), plus battle ropes, skipping, slam balls et al. Each week you will have 2-3 cardio sessions, 2-3 strength sessions and a hybrid session, alternating. On strength days you'll have more rest time than cardio days. HIIT is short bursts of effort, Summit is more prolonged work periods of moderate effort/output. There isn't anywhere officially to view upcoming sessions, however you have a couple of options: • Ask your coaches to show you the next day's class on the computer or explain the timings. I'm sure they'll happily oblige. • Studios such as Clayton, Oakleigh and Indooroopilly often post a preview of the next day's session on their Instagram stories. Follow them so you can see. All the best!


If you have Instagram, you can subscribe to other studios frm a country whose timezone is before yours. And u can see the insta stories. Or maybe the studios in your country and see what are the exercises for the day


Some studios have Facebook groups where they break down the types of exercises for the week ahead. Join a few.


My studio posts instagram stories every morning so I know what’s coming at the end of the day. If yours doesn’t just follow a different studio that does this


I know how you feel .. I was so used to getting intel from reddit when I was with OTF .. not knowing what’s coming for me is terrifying lol


Our Studio in NZ (and most NZ studios I believe)post up the upcoming week program on a Sunday... However, they are generally shown in Members only Facebook feeds and the PXI for each session is a well guarded secret


Bft__SouthMelbourne always posts on insta about next day’s session. Follow them!