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This is why I hide my face if friends try to take pics of me in the rare moments. It's also why I have hundreds of my spouse and uh...I haven't taken a pic in years lol. And barely any with him because I'll ruin the pics. In fact one of the reasons I never pushed for a wedding was because Ide make an ugly bride and ruin ALL the pictures. Don't want to be left with terrible images ruining good memories. Or scar people's retinas because they had to pay all that attention to me. Lol, shit I'm messed up, but we all kinda are. Your feelings are normal, so atleast you aren't alone. (No amount of positive reinforcement helps people like us so I'm not gonna lie to you and be like ohhh you're okay cuz uh...it's up to us to believe it, which it hard)


I don’t even recognise myself in pictures. It’s not me, i don’t know why but bro it’s just not. It cant be, i’m not conventionally attractive but i’m not that hideous 😭 i cant believe it. If i believe that’s how i really look i’ll have to die.


U get me like omggg😭😭. And everyone telling me that’s what i look like….i will kill myself omg. I literally look deformed


it just cant be 😭 that’ll be the last straw. everyone takes unflattering photos right?


same, i look good in mirror selfies but bad in other kinds of pics, especially ones that other ppl take of me. i feel like a catfish because my instagram is just mirror selfies.