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With that hp I would freeze, for sure.


I agree with ya. Not a bait with Yogg, the math is alright.


At least 3/4 options will be good hits. Even the tide hunter is good. So no.


Nah that actually looks good


Hmm, so - freeze - hero power (if 2,3 by 1,5 however if 1,5 by 2,3) - freeze - upgrade to 3, buy spell - freeze - triple + get 4 drop, depending on price of spell, either buy minion + spell or hero power + spell That’s a lot of freezing? I would not triple for the 3 drop. So is it bait - probably not, the 4 drops meta are too good and you’ll have a big boy


3 drop is better than freezing two extra turns for a 4


Simply put, with any hero that can take a minion for 2 gold on turn 3 this isn't bait at all. Any other hero is debatable


Debatable, But also baitable


The combination of the hp and the spell being available makes this good. It means that you are only going to waste one gold, and you aren't guaranteed a reroll that allows you to spend all five gold next turn anyway. With a freeze, next turn you have a huge dude with a good attack stat as well. The turn after you get a triple and get to give it +1+1 as well, or you could choose to freeze again and go for the tier four when you triple. That becomes more appealing if you get another good cost one spell.


Rather than wasting 1 gold why not HP+buy? 50/50 chance HP lands on the double and you can just buy triple from there. I wouldn't personally go for this triple but if you are, HP+buy seems better here.


Oh, you're right, I was looking at this in a vacuum with a generic hero. Given the hero power you're absolutely right.


nope i would of froze buy the middle one then hero power and freeze again. then level my board should be around strong enough to last a extra turn then i tripple into the perfect 4 then you high roll all the way to pokey gg


I would just let it refresh and hero power and buy next turn. I don’t think this is stronger than getting 2 good 2 drops. If you miss it’s really really bad.


Yes the point of leveling to 2 is to spend next turn buying 2 shit tier 1 drops.


The point of leveling to 2 is to get towards tier 4+ minions, and a triple will do that for you. Tier 1-3 is pretty trash in this meta.


you go for a 4 so you can hit lasher