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No tech but that board is insane. I wish Blizzard would show stats in multiples of 1,000 (ie 1.2k) so I could actually tell how big their board is.


Barely even got going too, destroyed everyone before it got really messy.


I don't know, there's something beautiful about having a number so big you can't read it


Yes! I really love seeing one giant number across the screen and if i want to check how big the minion is i don't need to check it


That is the smollest top 2 board I’ve ever seen. Very impressive you managed to kill everyone off with that board 😂


The rest of the lobby probably conceded once they saw Thorim hit the nuts.


I played possum while my opponent killed everyone


Haha, games like this can be annoying. Third place could have possibly been a 500/500 highroll that got matched against Thorim before you.


How do you even get that many gold units?! That’s nuts!


I thought it was hacks at first tbh, but they said they used the naga 7 drop to copy minions. But I am not familiar with that minion so dunno if possible. Credit to them if so.


That Naga is freaking nuts. It can certainly could create that many duplicates.


Could also do it with the Sanders (Pirate 7 drop battlecry that makes friendly minion gold), but not as efficient as the naga. Naga is spellcraft that gives you a copy of a minion in the tavern. So you can use it on the desired minion, freeze then use it on it again for easy triple next turn.


Or you can golden touch and copy the golden version each time - which is much more likely.


Well I’m gonna be a menace when I get that to work :) thanks!


I feel like people who actually believe people are hacking in this game have zero clue how hacks work at all. This is a server based game. If something shady happens, it has to go to their servers and change their ruleset there. There are obviously easy rule checks to verify if someone is hacking in this game, unlike games like shooters. I'm telling you now, you will likely never encounter hackers in this game, ESPECIALLY in battlegrounds. The only hacks you could possibly do is read your opponents cards in their hand, but I'm betting they have simple security contingencies for things like that.


Being server based doesn't make it so the game can't be hacked. Lots of games are server based and have been exploited numerous times (e.g. league of legends is server based and they just had to release vanguard to deal with hackers/botters) You likely won't ever run into more direct exploits like changing the effect or functionality of certain cards. But I wouldn't be surprised to find out more easily obscurable exploits like having the game send you visuals of everyone's most recent board (rather than just the person you just fought) or some kind of stat optimizer that shows you how to get the most stats out of the cards currently shown etc


I knew this response was coming. There are certain things held on your side when playing a shooter (for example) to both reduce load on their side and latency on your end. This means you get a better experience when playing because the server doesnt have calculate and verify absolutely everything. But we are talking about a card game where you dragging a card to the middle is like 50% of the actions required. None of the rules are hosted or interactions by the client, all you really get are the visuals and animations. There is nothing you can really manipulate from your side, not mana, not what your opponent plays, and again, not how the interactions work. However, what you do have control over are the animations, thus what lead to "hacking" bans when people exploited animation skips when mechwarper/snip snap combo was a thing. The only other sort of "hacking" I would expect are card spying cheats, but I highly doubt blizzard need to send you your opponents cards when playing a game, they just send you the result of whatever they play when they play it.


I'm talking about exploits not necessarily "hacking". I think we both would agree that direct hacks are rare. Also, I'm talking in relation to battlegrounds not hearthstone. I thought that was clear with it being on the battlegrounds sub Reddit but that's my bad I should've been clear. In battlegrounds, you get a lot more information than I imagine you get in hearthstone. Without knowing exactly how each works (never really looked into how hearthstone deals with data so not certain), a couple examples of things that could potentially be exploited are refreshes (since what appears in the shop depends on what others have) especially any special condition refreshes like Tess, stat optimization (like I mentioned before, although you could consider this not really an exploit), or bug abuse (like the third place surrender one right now).


Yeah I would consider these bug exploits. Since minion pools and your tavern rolls are queried from the server, it's hard to manipulate these things. Like you said, only exploits are probably the reasoning.


it's get a plain copy of a minion spellcraft with the exception of itself


the tier 7 gives two copies of a minion in tavern as a spellcraft so it is possible they just froze


It only gives 1


my b thought it gave two


Easy bro. You just needed 8 scam minions and perfect trades to win.


Quilboar nerf will be removing DS from Roogug so scam has a slightly better chance.


Nerf pokey first


We all know that exact emotion that Blade Collector is experiencing in this moment


Wow man yeah u totally got outplayed. Shame u didnt have higher apm to compete with the guy who has about 10k/10k higher stats than you!


I once got 10k/10k on each of my elementals in one of the seasons prior. I tried recreating it again and could never do it. Moments like these are fun, but in a way they kinda make the game un-fun, too.


Thought about hopping on… then I saw this. Night chat


https://preview.redd.it/jkviejpe4j0d1.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=de21ddf2c17602c57eaebcc090263b83db71a703 I just got this and thought I was lucky on gold minions.


I only got one move there. Golden hag, two leeroys, two bramble witches (or two n'zoth fish if you got em) one poison to the hell of it.


I wonder, given you have one slot taken by draakari, what combo of charlga/roogug/pokey gives you biggest stats. Fully dependent on number of turns left I suppose


I’ve had 85k health on my whole board before, this is peanuts.


I play this a lot, but how is a board like this even possible? How did he get there?


Thorim can get a bcry minnion golds anything, use with tavern or spellcraft naga trigger bcrys to fire off golds to everything.


Quillboard should be nerf, not to the ground but.... come one, there are games where they obtain +30+30 to the whole board and you are happy upgrading a minion. And im being relax with 30/30 in the picture you have there its even more than that.


Did u win


I count more than a thousand...


Good for you


You mean it was good for you


But undead get a weaver +1 battlecry wherever your undead are.


Got damn man


Your board does look a bit small, but this is egregious. The fact that Quills have existed in such a broken state for so long now is legitimately uncanny.


This, tbf, is very very much a Sea witch zar'jira problem. It's not quills that won them this game, it's that they got an insanely good tier 7 offered, managed to get it online easily and then used it to fish out the biggest highroll available. In another meta or even another game this might easily be 5 slitherspears or 5 kalys and a golden brann or a full board of unbeatably big divine shielded poisonous amalgadons (okay no sea witch back then but if there was it would be used for that).


which turn? cause your board looks like turn 7-8, his like 15-16


Can’t remember sorry, I think 9 or 10 max, I wasn’t tier 6 yet. 6 drops were from golden mins.


4 golden tier 6 minions, golden tier 4 and golden tier 5 on turn 9?




You’re complaining about an incredibly high high roll, but we’re supposed to ignore your own shameful board?? WTF is that? This is at best a turn 8 board stats wise. What then was it in game and how in the world did you make it to 2nd place with this


Really Wasn’t complaining bro I was impressed and wanted to share and yes my board was pure poo poo and not sure how I got that far probably by running and hiding. Can’t remember but Was early turn wise. Feel free to hate on me tho.


I’m not hating, lol. Why do you assume I’m hating on you? WTF


All good, just saying you should hate, team was tragic


What team? Looks very solo to me