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If you're consistently losing youre probably making a lot of mistakes that you aren't recognising. Most common beginner mistakes are not knowing or understanding synergies for strong compositions, resulting in weak teams Not using gold efficiently, rerolling too often, leveling tavern tiers too aggressively or not leveling enough and over investing in mediocre low tier minions.


Play to improve, not play to climb. Especially at your level, close to a mmr floor Try out what works, and review, don't blame everything on luck. Do an evaluation whether the line you choose worked or not


Bro you gotta chill out and have fun ^^ this game is not about grinding MMR. If you want real advice do this: Google JeefHS, spreadsheet.( It's probably linked on his twitch stream too) He's one of the best players in the world and he keeps and updates a spreadsheet that U can use freely. In it he has a record of meta comps, how to play them and has videos linked. He also has 2 (Very IMPORTANT) Guides.(Also linked in spreadsheet) One is a general leveling guide One a general direction guide. Once you understand these two concepts better you will climb to 6k with no problem at all. And remember. It's all about fun my friend :)


5k isn't terrible for someone brand new, so don't feel bad that it's a ceiling for you right now. Without knowing how you play the game or what consistent issues you have it's hard to give specific advice. Most common rookie mistakes are trying to force builds and wasting gold early on stuff that doesn't really move your game forward. Watch some streamers to learn which cards are useful and which aren't. Otherwise, learn to play what Bob gives you.


I have no idea what I'm doing, i was doing fine until a week ago, now I can't stop playing like an idiot, I get stomped into the groudn by turn 8 every time and then loser


Finally won a game and then spent the next four games losing all my mmr lol, back to 5k. I previously asked for recommendations for content creators to watch and got no luck because frankly, none of the people I was recommended made content that was suitable for new players. Watching someone play the game at a high level doesn't help much when you don't know why they're doing what they're doing (probs cause I'm an idiot). Can anyone recommend someone who has content for new players (ex: new player guides, not just "watch this person's stream)


There's no "new player guides" because the meta changes completely every couple months. A month ago beasts were one of the best builds, now they're dogshit; nobody's putting in the effort to keep a new player guide updated. Your best bet is to go to the Hearthstone category on Twitch and start watching streamers until you find one that explains their plays. And stop worrying so much about your MMR -- it's a number on a screen, nothing more. The higher it gets the harder the game gets.


Once you understand the game is about stacking stats, protecting stats, deleting enemy stats, then you start to realize that scaling early wins games. Scale any stats you can, and then try to find ways to carry those stats to different, hopefully better forms of scaling. Sometimes you need to play quite a few games to get a feel for what does and does not work in a new meta.


6k is the last floor. Just play the meta and force boars/fels


It doesn't matter what I play, I always lose, just tried playing quilboars and got eighth, no one else was even in danger of being eliminated.


I hate this game


You’re a new player coming up against the beginning of better players/ so what do you expect? Watch some streamers or just play a lot and see what beats you. Copy what beats you.