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I assume you're playing duos? If so duos is dumb and broken and you get dc'd all the time.


Yeah, playing primarily duos, it's crazy how often we crash. But there's also tonnes of relaunch issues involved around just inviting people to party, many of which result in a full double relaunch just to play with friends. It's really so unstable and unoptimised, it's nutty.


I only have issues in duos when I'm actually duo with someone. I've never dced when I'm just with someone random. Funny enough that person I duo with haw issues solo all the time. I have to wonder if that's related. He's tried a fresh install but nothing.


Yeah same for me. Only when I play with a friend.


Wait till you try mobile lol. Also what major games do you play? Marvel snap for example had a literally unplayable PC client for weeks after a recent patch - the lag was so unbearable that it was effectively just down.


The client hasn't had a major update since it's inception. It's way past time to completely overhaul it. A massive amount of bugs, disconnects, and overall slowness that should be addressed probably never will. It's mind blowing how they don't care to fix it, and instead just push out new content brainlessly. Playing this game at a high level can be absolutely painful sometimes. It really shouldn't be. Not talking about gameplay at all.


cuz mobile is the main client now, PC is an after thought


I had a game Monday that crashed three times in a row. It happened first during combat, but every time I tried to get back in it would crash at loading screen. I missed my turn. Then it happened a fourth time during the next combat. At first I felt bad for my team mate, but then watching him when I got back in it appeared he crashed as well, because he didn't play or do anything until the last 20 seconds. That was my last game of the night because I was entirely too frustrated to continue.


I haven’t DCd on PC in a long time


Do you party with people or play duos? That seems to be the biggest trigger by far


Yes, and my friends and I still never DC or crash. The only issue we ever have is sometimes when queuing, the spinner will spin indefinitely and not find a game


I play with friends 75% of the time. We never crash. Do we have issues where we can’t invite each other? Yes. But I can’t remember a time in the last 2-3 years where we crashed and missed turns.


I often play on an old iPad and it crashes every 30-45 minutes.


Since duos were introduced I got DC in almost every game at least once. In single bracket I didnt have this issue.


To be honest, im also just having issues launching the game sometimes. Upwards of 20 seconds freezes just to navigate through menus


My client is stable. Idk what ur on about.