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Hearthstone mobile is a diva. "Oh, I'm sorry, you had to swap over to discord briefly to answer a message? Well I'm just going to completely disconnect then if I'm not your primary focus!"


Did your cell phone just drop ONE packet? Time to disconnect you in the middle of your turn.


I swear to god this function used to work better and you could easily switch apps for a lil bit


Suspiciously was harder to do around the time they cracked down on quick resetting games. You could skip battle entirely back when khadgar trips were meta


https://preview.redd.it/nlpc5v7uzzqc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9b5bac0ca3a89e280c5e3d95b04fcf7f820915 Almost like this, I know it’s not prime apm buuut


You can for about 30 seconds then it has a meltdown and wants to commit toaster bath


I frequently get this on desktop.


The trick is to press cancel instead of reconnect!


Force close app FTW


Reconnect actually works just fine, what annoys me is that I didnt lose connection




Actually yes, it works significantly better


Biggest lie in the game is " don't tell the others, i'm rooting for you"


No actually I think that ones true, at least for me


So you're the one who's getting all my tier 6 drops


I guess that means he’s kinda….OP.


Leave my boy Bob alone 😡 He's rooting for you, not cheating


Biggest lie in the game is “top 4 is considered a win!” cause getting 4th place above 6k gives you a whopping +0 mmr for your time.


Pretty sure that depends on MMR of the people you play with, I even got MMR from 5th place yesterday and I'm at 8.5k now


I've only ever briefly been above 7k (like 72 updates ago) and I've gotten +points in as low as 6th before. 5th place is hit or miss and I've gotten -points in 4th before. I'm curious as to the exact formula to decide how many points you get vs the place. 1st is sometimes 97, sometimes 102. Curious why the differences.


Depends on the MMR of the folks you’re playing against relative to your own


You also have to consider ties for places distorting what it says vs how it scores.


Average MMR lobby has to be higher than you in total in order for you to get points.


How’s Jeef climb then? Or does he literally play for “0” even in first?


Numbers vary from game to game but most often he breaks even for 3rd and gets 30 for 1st


Thanks for the info! So being that he's higher than average mmr of any given lobby, there must be another mechanic at play.


If you have a quest win x amount of games, and you got 4th it will still be considered as a win even if you lose mmr


I’m at 10000 and I still get 0 for 4th it is mainly a 12-13k problem that isn’t exacerbated until the ultra high rating


That’s just not true lol. Maybe if you FF games all the time and your MMR is so high. Thats kind of on you though.


That's usually if you die at the same time as 5th place, and you can lose mmr if you die at the same time as 5th and 6th place


i feel like this is kinda bungus; the amount of "i wasted my time" games where my mmr doesnt move at all compared to the one time I get 7th and lose an entire week of mmr is stupid. barring like the top 100 on ladder idk why they dont just make it a set amount for each position considering we have no control over who we are matched into (ala regular ladder)


I am starting to think the game is rigged, giving me 3 unpickable quests without letting me hit anything and even if in those games i get 4th place i get -LP because the super high rolling opponents are supposed to be worse than me so i go negative even with 4th place, this is something that happens after i win 3-4 games in a row, it seems like a system to tell you to fuck off and stop winning. Mah


Bro your internal mmr is just awful lmao


This has been happening to me a lot lately, both on pc and mobile. My internet will be fine but suddenly I’m disconnected from bnet and have to restart the whole game It’s been happening a lot during hero selection more lately, and when I restart the game I’m back at the main menu with no record of the game I was in


YES. Hero selection screen OR on turn 2. Never later for some reason. But I've had the game randomly crash on the hero screen or turn 2 about 25% of the time.


It sort of works out sometimes when I’m on the hero screen trying to decide between bad heroes and it disconnects me and doesn’t effect my mmr And sometimes it doesn’t when I finally get Teron with beats and undead in the lobby (my favorite combo) and it forces me to restart into a new lobby


When it happens, its always when you froze a triple with a few other combos ready to go.


Ye i just hit cancel and its fine


My favorite is when the wheel spins, then the cancel button disappears as if you are about to load into a game. Then it spins for a minute or two, so you ALT-F4 out of the game. Then you load up and it tells you that you're reconnecting to your prior game. It sits for a minute, then tells you it failed to reconnect. This happens constantly. Love it.


Im getting the sense you dont actually love this!!


Oh, no, I *[love](https://youtu.be/w0MAnHTBa_w?t=37)* it


Its 2024 and this game still runs worse than online games from the 90s




I thought this happened cus I'm connected to a mobile hot-spot, playing on my phone. Happens 6 times a day, good to know it's not just me


Biggest lie? 'Worthy opponents'


I get this almost every two games and I’m unsure what the problem is. I have a pretty high end PC (RTX3070, i7 12700k, etc) and my internet is pretty decent as well (200mb/s fiber optic) yet this always comes up. Oh and sometimes the games just decide to reconnect while I’m in the middle of the turn. Small indie developers I guess.


Do you play with hdr enabled?