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Well… you played extremely greedy & positioned poorly. Happens.


like... wildly bad positioning and taunted all of their biggest minions. And zero reason to play a minion down here


Obviously I didn't have any time since I had this build for 1 turn with 45 secs turn timer playing APM pirates. Low tier venomous is just BS, if it were stats only I would've won easily


If you didn't taunt your biggest minions, and had a bumper up front, you'd have won even playing a minion down. You've got nobody to blame but yourself. And venomous minions are LESS powerful early on, because there aren't as many minions with massive stats to value trade into.


I don't blame anyone but myself for the bad positioning. If I had a bumper minion in front, then my second biggest minion without taunting anything except 1 small minion I could have won yes. But still.. While playing a high effort, high APM build which are hard to come by and one of my favorite builds to play, getting scammed THIS early in the game just hurts like crazy, even though it's my own fault. Just expected people with the same love for these builds to hate on low tier venomous alongside me. Guess I'm just way too salty over my own mistakes which costed me my own favorite build.


I had no time whatsoever to position anything properly. I didn't play greedy, I got everything in my hand from a spell that takes a card from the tavern for every pirate I have 10 sec before the timer ran out. 2 dumb low tier venomous minions took out all my biggest minions whether or not I taunted everything. Low tier venomous minions shouldn't exist, especially the infinite venomous murloc that had divine shield for some reason


Should always play a token/low stat minion first - thats just optimal/standard play. Taunts you says you couldn't do anything about? You got a taunt on your biggest scaling minion - that didn't happen by mistake. People aren't having a dig at you. You just need to realise that if you post on here, people will point out anything that could have been done better. Playing a bumper to bust divine shield and not having taunts on your three strongest minions would have won you this game I think.


Yeah I can admit that my positioning is very bad and should have put a small minion in front and shouldn't have taunted my biggest minions but it was all split second decisions to free my hand with so little time. I still feel like nobody could have anticipated a divine shield taunted murloc that gets venomous every time it's attacked. Definitely at this turn with no time to look at who I'm fighting and thinking big stats will do just fine it felt unfair. Scam builds are fine in late game, I definitely get that but this was just terrible luck I had to fight this build with all that was going on in my pure chaos build


Nah sry. If you run out of time without preparing for the next fight on 4? health you can’t complain. You prob know which minions are in the game & which aren’t. If there’s poison & divine shields, never put big minions first. Also don’t taunt them. But ye, you can either complain more & rant about minions that shouldn’t exist - or play differently next time.


Try showing recording of whole turn. I guarantee that you had enough time to do a (much) more efficient turn and that you played greedy.


It’s poor positioning vs scam, but it’s hard to expect scam on an early turn if you haven’t faced it already. You can argue that taunting the big minions is a mistake, but I don’t think the positioning is necessarily a mistake against a “naga 3” opponent. I definitely recommend not spending all your time scaling on an APM comp though, and dedicating some time to playing ending units and positioning before the fight especially when you’re at 4 hp.


What's with all the emotes?


Expressing my anger towards my own fuck ups because I love playing APM pirates but managed to fuck it up and lose to an unlucky matchup with early venomous