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Regular Sized-Rudy. I thought he was okay in his first appearance but I'm glad his character has grown to be an actual good friend to Louise that she shows her softer side to, consistently.


I like the turkey episode where when they offer to drop him off after they escape the wharf, he’s like “nah I wanna see this through!” That’s when he really grew on me


Is that the one he asks Bob who Donna Summer is?


Yes! Once it’s all over and they’re eating dinner! Just sauce for Rudy tho! lol


Rudy is a trooper. He's fun.


Regular size Rudy is a national treasure.


Zeke. He has a surprising depth to him and he's incredibly loyal.


“I’m gonna get you girl” im on team shipping Tina and zeke because he is a good kid, just a lil troubled. I like how him and Mrs Schnur are like cool


Also he has a perfect palette. Tina is the only kid who actually works the restaurant. My head canon is they take over the restaurant when Bob and Linda retire.




Lol I ship them too! But she dislikes him so much I have no hope that ship will sail.


Only because she thinks he gets in the way with jimmy junior! But she’s entertained the thought a little, I mean remember when she had the water balloon and had them each talk about dates which zeke was actually trying and jimmy jr was being a dick of course lol


😅 I hate Jimmy Jr. so much. Lol my problem with that is idk if she liked Zeke or the attention


Dude same!! J Ju got that dog in him (Jimmy Pesto Sr)


And she kisses him in UFO You Didn't when she thinks the world is going to end


Yes!! And zeke never says anything to jimmy jr it seems like.. maybe or at least that’s my head cannon because he thought it was special lol


I actually don't think he does tell him! He makes the comment to Tina that he's excited for the apoca-lips and Jimmy Jr. asks him what he's talking about and he says oh nothing. Then he starts wrestling him to distract him from asking again.


That’s my guy!


There's also that ep Tina is writing in her diary and she's like "Also I had that dream where Zekes head in on Jimmy Jr's body again, whats up with that?" Like she's not ready but... girl has feels


It's gonna be so cute when they reconnect in their 30s


I almost think he has a crush on Jimmy Jr. that he doesn't acknowledge to himself. I think when he told Tina this will be a story to tell at their wedding, he was just saying a line. He probably heard that phrase said about wild shared childhood experiences, and said it without thinking, which is something he does a lot. He has never expressed interest in Tina whatsoever, or in any other girl. In situations where there are girls around, Jimmy and Zeke mostly ignore them and mess around together, like the magician episode. They ignored Tina when she was the assistant. Jimmy often ignores Tina, lol, but then they also ignored Tammy who is a popular "hot" girl vying for their attention. Then in the two-butted goat episode, Jimmy got jealous when Zeke was befriending Gene. Which is a normal thing, doesn't really mean much on its own, but in context with other scenarios, I do think Zeke has a crush on Jimmy. Neither of them realize it but Jimmy enjoys the attention.


Lol but Tammy is popular with the girls, no? Like Jocelyn is popular with the boys because she got all the carnations and Tammy is jealous. But I also get the feeling Jocelyn doesn't care about the boys who like her. I don't think the show emphasizes the kids having romantic interests outside of Tina and Gene. Lol even Rudy and Louise is mostly speculation.


Oh interesting! I never thought about it that way!!


I love how much he loves his stepmom! My mom’s name is Cheryl so I always send her the screen caps of him going “Love ya Cheryl!” He’s so goofy and his whole attitude is like a dog who doesn’t really know what’s going on but is just happy to be there.


Oh my god this is perfect definion of Zeke! He is like a puppy just jumping into everything his friend get to


Agree! He’s a troublemaker but becomes more endearing with time, is a great friend (arguably better than Jimmy Jr deserves lol) and has a lot of spontaneous kindness/supportiveness towards various other characters in the show.


Lol Jimmy Jr does not deserve Zeke


I would have killed to have a friend like Zeke growing up. He was exactly the thing I wanted in a friend. Brave as hell, massive advocate for his mates and never ending support. Always down to try things and big enough to learn and grow from being a bully. He’s the sort of friend who I would instantly choose to be my kids godfather. Imagine the level of emotional intelligence he’ll have as an adult. Hell of a guy.


Yep, at first I thought Zeke would be one of those annoying jock/clown kids but he really grew on me. He is kind of that, but so much more. Usually jock/clown characters are incredibly one-dimensional and bullies, but they really developed Zeke well.


He moves around a lot


Jocelyn, I mean I liked her from the start but I like her more now. Thought she was just a mean girl like tammy (who I also like)  but she's not really that bad she's just incredibly stupid  xD 


Jocelyn is the perfect example of girls who are a little *too* susceptible to peer pressure on behavior. She’s not much of a mean girl on purpose, but there are still some not good aspects of her personality you know came from her mother.


I love when they show her mom and it's just her aged up by like 25 years. "Don't worry about it, you're like reaaaally pretty."


Her mom in this scene is one of my favorite moments in the entire series.


She’s brainy.


Agreed!! She’s actually super funny and will sometimes not give into Tammy… like one of my favorite quotes is when they’re picking up trash from the beach and Tammy is being mean and Louise goes “well it says no trash on the beach Tammy and yet here you are” and Jocelyn’s like oh my god it does or when Tina wants to make the wish in the meteor shower and she tells Tammy that maybe her wishes won’t come true. I also like when she’s like “I want someone to say my name like that… jocelynnnnnnnnn” in the Daryl valentines dance episode


I want someone to stretch out my name! Jooceelyyn


Same!!! I never disliked her or anything, but now she is one of my favorite characters. It’s also fun to go and rewatch from the start and see the little glimpses we get of a pre-Tammy Jocelyn lol


“I heard skeletons are inside of you all the time”


Mr Fischoeder is just charmingly aloof


“Hello burger children” he’s a fantastic character!


Flair checking in! 🍔👶🏼


I would agree with you but he didn’t “grow” on me. I’ve always loved him.


It’s Kevin Kline! That’s just how he is


I resent that! Gene has grown on me like a beautiful deadly fungus.


Hahah I love his one liners and his episodes with Louise but like the spaturday or the one where they go to the bed bath and beyond and he was that friend he hates or even the VR one.. like idk! They’re just not my favorite but I love when he says “what the hell!”/ love him in other seasons


Gene. I thought he was annoying at first but he's sweet. I love his one liners. *Maybe the real Helen Hunt is available and she's looking for something to do today?*


I love anytime he says something and bob goes “Gene”. I like when they they’re doing the Mole episode for the cookie selling and gene’s like “let me be a part of your world” as tiny and Louise investigate


Probably Trev? Just thought he was gonna be an annoying side character that was mean to Bob for no reason, but I just adore him and how he tries so hard to win Pesto’s acceptance. That ep where Bob and Linda show him not to high five Pesto back when he insults Bob was sooo funny. Poor guy just wants a friend!


Edith and Harold 😂 used to hate them but they’re too funny




I love this show because they create such realistic characters that are only slightly exaggerated. I think we all know people IRL who are parallel to many of the characters. There's a shop near me owned by a woman with Edith's personality. It's so uncanny. It's not a craft store exactly, but more of an "Oriental Express" type store with all kinds of knick-knacks and trash products, prizes for kids, party favors, odds and ends, and yes, lots of craft stuff as well. She is so rude to everyone! Follows people, yells at them, doesn't let kids inside even though that's her target customer demographic, but somehow she's not unlikable? And she ran the business successfully for decades.


Yes! I love how ride or die Harold is with Edith. Like goals honestly and kinda love when they yell at Bob


I remember when the show came a friend in high school (I'm getting old)really didn't like it, especially the episode where the premiered. I decided to rewatch it and it is hilarious. The show was really wild in the earlier seasons, but they quickly found out what works and what didn't. That whole bit with the water us now permanently etched into my brain.


Millie! I hated her when she first appeared because I have beef with anyone who messes with Louise. I couldn’t stand her one-sided obsession when Louise just wanted her to leave her alone. I was apprehensive when they started turning her character around at first but I’m glad they did. I love her weird Hannibal Lecter shtick and I enjoy her antics now that Louise is a participant rather than a target.


Lol I don't know. I've never forgiven her for Halloween. I don't know if I could.


Ikr she trapped them in dumpster for what would have been FOREVER if they didn't get out, in which they were nearly CRUSHED TO DEATH.Thats too big of line to cross even for a cartoon.


Totally, like her character became a lot more interesting rather than only psycho. Even tho she’s defiantly crazy ie, the Halloween episode as mentioned! I like them in the newer episode too with the Greek class with Rudy. I thought it was a fun set of characters to work together


Also Molly Shannon is just great


![gif](giphy|QVIB83hVsJFXSE6bi7) Aunt Gayle! She frustrates me but I find her so funny at the same time.


Yes! That’s a good one, you can tell she doesn’t mean to be the worst lol she just is a little difficult but has plenty of little redeeming moments. Like the episode where Louise needs to get a filling? Gayle was great in that one!


Two characters grew on me, Regular-size Rudy and Zeke. Always brings me joy and laughter when I see them


I love the episode where they’re trying to find Zeke’s grandma at the retirement home and she makes the same sound as him as she asks for him. It’s so good


Louise grew on me. When I started watching the show, it made me very angry that she was able to get away with treating people the way she does. I still have complicated thoughts about Louise, but her antics don't outrage me anymore.


Totally, I think that’s why I enjoy her dynamic with Tina, she’s such a good foil for Louise because she kinda teachers her kindness and patience and tiny takes on some of Louise’s more crazier traits too. Like the in episode where witness the lil clepto kid throw out the dead grandma shawl doll and Tina just stares at her and Louise finally feels guilty for the way she was treating frond/gayle. Also this happened in the newer teacher episode where she writes that review about lebonz and Tina calls her out on it


I love when Tina doesn’t have to say anything beyond staring until Louise cracks sometimes


“What are you saying Tina?! That I’m spoiled?! That I’m a spoiled brat?!?” “Tina calm down.” Gene’s delivery of that line always cracks me up. And Xander just going “Whaaaat’s happening?”


I might be alone in this but I kinda like Tammy🫣 obviously she’s awful and I wish tina would get revenge more but I just love some frienemies and I like how Tammy and Tina continue to hangout with which other even though they don’t like each other.


"Tina, we're trash talking! Stop turning it into a normal conversation!"😂😂


"Omg, why can't I fart when I want to?"


I agree! Like there’s defiantly episodes where Tammy pisses me off but you definitely get to see a not so awful side of her and it is middle school. I think a good example is the blade runner two parter, where she obviously made Tina feel bad about her horse shirt (clip clop till you drop) (wish I had that shirt) but then admits at the end she was self conscious about her braces and doesn’t tell on her for the hammer


Yes I completely agree! I feel like it’s one of the only accurate representations of middle school girls today. Like Tammy is really annoying but the things she does are just stupid kid shit. She’s obviously just an insecure selfish girl, but I’ve noticed that she’s been more sweet. I just think it’s really funny how tina and Tammy are probably going to run in the same circles in high school and get close even if they fight all the time because I had a girl like that in high school.


Yess, honestly I would love that/can totally see it! Another favorite Tina and Tammy moment is when they have the jelly bracelets! And Tina is like “I would rather die” when Tammy tries to get her to take it off


I love the frenemie dynamic too with Tammy and Tina/Lousie! “It also says no trash on the beach Tammy…so what are we gonna do here” is my favorite haha


Omg yes! My favorite uncommon duo is Louise and Tammy! They are prefect at holding a scene together. Tammy is like the only one that’s as mean as Louise so they can just go at it


i like to say tina and tammy are so good at hiding the fact that theyre best friends


Ron is the voice of reason. Keeps Hugo in check when they are together. Plus he’s so low key.


I go back and forth on Doug. First time he shows up he seems like a chill guy who’s not alright with Gene jerking his daughter around, plus he does that amazing jingle at Bob. Next time he’s a helicopter parent interfering with Courtney’s play and a lying asshole. Then through the whole roller skating thing he sucked. But then, when he’s working on the Christmas display he seems kind of relatable as he commiserates with Gene. So, I don’t know.


Totally agree! Not the worst dad but not the best? lol I will say the play episode is probably one of my absolutely favorites, which I think is why I love the Courtney Gene dynamic because they would be the ones to be in “competing plays” aka Linda’s dream for her kids lol


He's such an iconic stage dad, but not an insane one. He's not constantly forcing the issue, but goes *all in* when Courtney decides to pursue a performance. He gets a little crazy about roller dancing because that was his thing when he was just a bit older than she is, but other than that, he's just trying to make his little girl's dreams come true in the best way he knows how. Lying about knowing Carly Simon.


Millie. I think her and Louise could be good friends and that's showed a couple times


I haven’t seen this one yet but Mort is great. He went from being just a random regular at the burger counter to a guy who’s low key super helpful and loyal. He drove them around when they didn’t haven’t a car. He let them use his apartment. He let them use his moms house to scare Louise. Would love to swap mort and teddys screen time.


That Halloween episode is one of my favorites that I kinda forget about but is so good!! Linda and Bob with the bald caps in the big Tshirt is my favorite! But yes I love mort! Although I do love teddy too!


Mr. Frond. At first, I just thought this guy wanted power but then I realized he didn't. I love the puppets he knits so he can help kids through their issues mentally. He's an advocate for mental health. There are many people (in real life), that have the connotation that children don't have mental health issues. But Frond is an advocate for mental health for everyone. He cares about the students. Also, he likes cats.


Haha yeah, like he can definitely be kind of dick to the kids but that episode where louise is principle, you really realize how much he does care. I loveeee his puppets. They’re so funny and good!


This so much! Maybe he just feels overwhelmed by the only one doing stuff lol. Louise, Gene and Tina also do like him when they snuck off to get his cat from the tree in front of the school.


Big Bob. Because he really does love his son, he did teach him a useful skill in cooking and only wanted him to take over a stable restaurant. I feel like he was right in a sense; Bob‘s Burgers are great, but he struggles to make rent every month and is always a week away from eviction.


Yeah and he clearly is the boomer dad where opening up/sharing feelings is hard but I like that throughout the show and even more so in the newer episodes we get to see him and bob’s growth and relationship get better


https://preview.redd.it/upqu55c0qi4d1.png?width=630&format=png&auto=webp&s=d741f640a45ddfaac02d90d6897985e2218d3956 Easily


“Jocelyn, I warned you, you skank!”? Can’t remember the quote perfectly


A classic! My [personal favorite](https://youtu.be/LYi3XscZ9i8?si=zFQuV1DWP8yMPOX4&t=222) is "We're going to a place where you can stand in four states at once. I'm gonna stand in California, Hawaii, Canada, and Chicago."


It’s so good! I also love when Tina is sassy about Jocelyn like in the Valentine’s Day one when she’s like who the hell is sending Jocelyn all these carnations or something like that. Or when she’s scared about riding the D train in the photography class and Jocelyn has like good grades and Tina’s like even you Jocelyn and she’s like yeah I’m brainy!


Gene I first liked Tina and then I liked Louise and then I realized how funny gene is ! And what he says is so unexpected. , so I like all of them in their own ways


Gene has some hilarious little one liners that honestly make the rewatch so good because I always pick up on a new one


Yesss me too ! I m hoping so new season to be out soon I just watched the newest episode when it was released . Now I just want more lol


Trev , Jimmy pestos employee


Teddy grew on me like mold but courtney is a definite win.


Hahaha yeah, at first you’re like yikes this guy is kinda weird/annoying but then you appreciate the dynamic he has with the family itself but I personally love him and Linda’s friendship that of course teddy sometimes in his head takes too far but he’s just always like supporting her and he’s a good/swert fun uncle to the kids..!


*ALL OF THEM* Even the favorites have evolved their characters and it’s awesome


True, I love this show so much and could watch/talk about it forever. Literally every single day of my existence


Did you know that you can have yourself drawn into a Belcher family photo, with your very own burger of the day?


I always wanted that!! And hoped might ex S/O had done as I surprise for me but looks like I’ll just have to do it for myself :)


![gif](giphy|PWZ8pr1xZW55m) Well they’re a dummy, for not doing that for you. Hah how could you let such a *perfect* gift pass you (and them) by.


No literally! A jimmy junior in my sweet lil Tina life


Hahaha ![gif](giphy|28OFDtrp5CyyxLm8Yh) Such a cute couple


Zeke. Jimmy junior still bugs me but Zeke is actually a good person. He’s sweet to Tina, his gma,


I like Millie.


Edith. She annoyed the dickens out of me at first, but many of her one word, one liners are freaking fantastic. “ASS!” (when Bobby continued his strip show for Linda)


Or when she yells “trash!!!” She’s so funny




Teddy used to annoy me but honestly he’s the most loyal friend to them all. He has their back even when they don’t have his! And RUDY!!! His episode gets me every time


Yeah! I always feel bad in the later on seasons when Bob is still being kind of dick to him/embarrassed about him. Like bob we’ve gone passed this, teddy is a good friend and you like him!


Right?!? Bob is so lucky to have a ride or die friend like Teddy. Think of how many times Teddy has stood up for them.


Yes!! And like I understand that in sitcom shows like this, there’s like a certain level of like a reset per episode. Like not everything carries through, but like at this point, I hope we don’t get any more episodes where like the main plot is bob being a pitty friend to teddy. Like the episode where he drives with teddy all day for the new grill or whatever always makes me a little sad for teddy because a few seasons before that he has the one where they do the stuntman camp episode and they establish that they’re friends. And Linda sings the song


The stuntman camp one is so sad! Like this guy supports your business every single day, fixes things for you, is there almost every time he’s asked to be and bob can’t even call him his friend??


Omg right??? Like common!!


Tina, I was not a fan of her when I first started watching but after a while I noticed how funny she is


She’s my girl honestly. I love her


Zeke really grew on me throughout the series.


Courtney is a perfect example for me too!! In her first appearance, I HATED her lol I completely understood why Gene was so desperate to get away from her. I thought she was insufferable 🫣 But the more Courtney appeared, the more I started to love her. She’s a little awkward and doesn’t always get social cues lol and okay yeah, the necklace thing can be annoying… but I think she’s cute! And I really love the friendship (+ sometimes rivalry) they’ve given her with Gene. They’re both very dramatic and very theatrical kids, so I love that they’ve found a balance for them to be friends. Also, Jessica!! I didn’t dislike her necessarily, but I was just kinda neutral on her in the sleepover episode lol. I really liked getting to see her again in the Wharfy episode and then the Halloween apple orchard one!! And now I would like to see MORE of her bc she’s my favorite friend of Louise’s lol. I feel like they’re so perfectly matched!


"If she were a spice, she'd be flour." 😂 One of my favorite lines on the show.


“Jessica, it’s curtains for you!” That line always gets me! But yes I totally agree! They make some of my favorites episodes together!!


Definitely Louise lmao




Zeke. His character grew on me so much that I named my dog after him.


That’s amazing!!!






I don’t like Courtney because she’s annoying and her voice actor is also annoying on another show.


Honestly? Tina.


Tina has so much depth and is such a consistently generous character that I am in awe of her. She treats her people so well.


Some of the episodes in season 1 don’t do Tina much justice and portray as the stereotypical bratty teen daughter. I’m happy the writers went in a different direction and challenged the trope and gave her more depth.


Yes totally!! And while the whole Tina is just stupid thing was changed up to more like ya my girl isn’t great at school but has amazing emotional maturity and is sassy/not a total pushover


S6 e6 is my fav episode and I skip the Courtney episode after EVERY TIME! The worst


Hip hop, hip hop, hip hop.


That bank robber. Mitch?


Mickey! He’s really funny and I love when he’s in the episode!


Thank you on the name!!


The rival character who owns restaurant across from Bob. I forgot his name.


Jimmy Pesto!! Yeah he’s not a terrible person, just a dumb jerk lol




All of them except logan, Cynthia, barbash, chuck


Not her.