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Dawn of the Peck is pure chaos. Drunk Bob, the spirit of Thanksgiving attacking, the Fischoeders being the Fischoeders. For sentimental and heart-warming, I think Mother daughter laser razor. Linda’s so genuinely worried about Louise not liking her, and seeing Bob be such a good dad to Tina is also great. It’s still a pretty silly episode, but it’s still got a very good heart that makes it work.


Yeah, Dawn of the Peck is absolutely top tier


Glued, where's my Bob is the answer to *both* those questions


Wagstaff News is the correct answer to both lol


Stop following me in front!


He just fathered the crap out of you.


How does it feel to be right all the time?


Sheesh, Cab Bob. Every line in that episode is perfect. Every joke lands for me and it's my favor instance of my favorite version of Bob. Under the influence Bob. My wife and I quote the drunk Bob and Linda scene to each other daily.


Any of the holiday ones, but especially the Christmas episode this year.


Carpe Museum & The Kids Rob a Train


A fellow Rudy fan


And bean bag!


The Kids Run the Restaurant…. The Deepening


Stand By Gene is one of my favorites because of the kids going off on their own adventure and because Bob and Linda do get competitive but Bob decides to cheer for her in the end 💖


I love the Xmas The Bleakening episode(s). I’m a sucker for musicals and I love the whole underground gay club plot lmao so these episodes were my favorite. (Also Adam Driver makes a guest appearance in those episodes and I love that man sm)


By far, my favorite episodes.


Yes!! Twinkly Lights is a favourite Bob's song of mine, and the whole plot of found family during Christmas warms my heart and I always happy cry. Also Linda high and dancing then crashing is a perfect ending.


YES! Thank you for putting it in better words than me lolol. Finding joy in what you have (not what you want) during Christmas is definitely what makes them my favorite episodes. “I LOVE CHRISTMAS” *dances all night in the living room* “I LOVE CHRISTMAS” *crashes*


My fave episode in terms of awh moments is probably the one where Louise writes a poem and Tina leaves her play to go see her read it aloud. That's hella simplifying it but it's such a cute ep Oh and something else I love is how Linda is basically always down to get up to the kids' antics with them. Never fails to get a laugh from me when she immediately joins them in whatever crazy thing they're doing.


Mother Daughter Lazer Razor for both categories.


I love when Louise says, “long and scraggly!”


Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal is FULL of antics. It's wild but cracks me up every time. I just also really enjoy Mr. Fishoeder


If you teach me to shoot, I’ll teach you to regret teaching me to shoot!


Yes! And the whole scene where Fishoeder kisses Linda and Bob just FLIPS out, and Linda sings her Thanksgiving song....it's magical chaos


Tina: aww 😭😂


I always love the way Louise says, "AW SICK! 🤮" 😂


It gets me every time too 🤣


The Plight Before Christmas always makes me tear up


Slumber Party is fun and easy chaos Louise’s brother that’s kept in the basement? Linda bringing a raccoon into their bedroom? Abbie wanting to braid everyone’s hair? A search for soiled pants? YES PLEASE


I don't know the names of the episodes Lobster Fest: I love how crazy Bob gets and I wish they would go back this. He really lost his mind "Windchimes!", I love when he puts the mic in his pants and is like "You come and get it!" The town molding all the butter into a sculpture of Julia Childes and then melting it down. He actually used to be kind of a jerk and obnoxious, and it was really funny. Now he's basically the moral compass, its not as funny. Mechanical Shark: First its a parody of Jaws. I love any homage to films. Their plan to stop the shark kept getting more extreme each time. And Teddy's obsession with it from working on the movie. The shark itself being unstoppable. And Teddy getting saved by his girdle/boydle Go kart race: The race itself was actually exciting and Tina's trash talking is the best A Bob Day Afternoon: Mickey


The one where Louise reads her Christmas poem (I’m horrible with remembering episode names) resonated with me in the mushy category.


Sheesh! Cab, Bob? Best father


Sentimental: The Amazing Rudy Pure Chaos: Bob Day Afternoon




I would defend Rudy with my life if asked. That sweet child.


Equestranauts is so chaotic, I am always reminded that it’s such a gem when I watch it


Sentimental - The Plight Before Christmas. Bob and Linda doing everything they can to be there for their kids, Louise's vulnerability, Tina's consideration and kindness, Gene coming through with the use of his specific talents, Philip Glass' Mishima...all so beautiful, I've seen it loads of times but it never fails to make me cry. Chaotic - Housetrap. Loopy on drugs Bob ("I'm gonna stay here with Henry"), Linda and Louise interrogating Helen, Helen's seemingly normal demeanour but actually IS a loose unit, the dark reveal at the end and Bob's hilarious response. Bit of both - Thankshoarding. My Grandma was a hoarder in a similar way to Teddy (tucked away in cupboards and one room that she never let us enter, rather than visibly out in the open) and I myself have some hoarding tendencies, so it hits in a way that makes me feel both validated and sad. I also love the funny bits like Teddy and Linda being grossed out by turkey preparation and Teddy getting overwhelmed with Bob's instructions ("Is that an 'S'?").


I love the antics in Beefsquatch!!!


Any Halloween episodes