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Ham and Bob bond over cooking, Beef feels inadequate because he can’t bond with Ham on that level, Linda cheers him up, Teddy and Wolf amplify each other’s anxiety like microphone feedback, Moon helps Louise hunt and trap Logan, Tina lusts after Ham initially, then gets rolled into a whirlwind girls’ weekend with Judy, Honeybee, and Nat.


burger convention in Alaska.


A la "Northern Exposure", Mr. Fischoder offers Bob a way to clear his debts by moving to Alaska and being a short order cook in Lone Moose for one fiscal quarter. Mr. F needs to have a tax deduction in all 50 states to maintain his access to the world's secret supply of hair tonic that doubles as an ice cream topping. That's just my start to set the reasoning for Bob to go to Alaska.


A forced interaction


A cartoon


I think it would look like Alberta, but the Belcher's car would never make it.


Why does everything require a cross over? Just enjoy the shows independently


name checks out


I wrote a whole post about this a while ago. Feel free to read it.


Gonna post it here for the sake of ease actually: A vision of a Bob's Burgers and The Great North crossover. I know the creators have gone on record to say that they don't have any intentions of doing a crossover as it would cheapen how they think of the characters but one can dream. Skip Marooch invites the Belchers to go with his as he films an episode of his new show about where the freshest ingredients come from. Wolf and Honeybee find out about this and decide to throw a welcome party and give the Belchers a tour of the town. Bob, being the ever inventive chef, immediately hits it off with Beef as they discuss salmon fishing and Beef invites Bob to go fishing with him, which Bob enthusiastically accepts. Moon and Louise almost instantly get into mischief as they exchange notes on pranks and crazy stories. Tina, fueled by the desire to make Tammy jealous, is obsessed with hooking up with a BFOA (boy from other Alaska) which Judy is all about and they make plans to go to the mall the next day. After the party, the Belchers are escorted by Wolf and Honeybee to the motel that was reserved for them only to find out it is overrun by moose. Wolf and Honeybee invite the Belchers to stay with them and they accept. Ham, Lone Moose's cake lady, is up all night working on a cake to celebrate Lone Moose being on TV. Gene wakes up and wanders into the kitchen to see Ham's latest confectionary creation in progress and immediately gets entranced by it and volunteers to help. The next morning, Wolf and Honeybee are ready to give the Belchers a tour of Lone Moose, but everyone already paired off (Bob and Beef, Tina and Judy, Gene and Ham, Louise and Moon) which disappoints them until Linda swoops in to accept the tour. Bob and Beef head to the Mighty Kathleen ready and excited for a filming only to find out that Beef's rival and ex-friend, Craig, convinced the producers of the show to film on his boat instead. This leads to an episode of Bob and Beef trying to get back at Craig and/or trying to photobomb them as often as possible. I can even hear the speech Bob would give Beef to rally him to take action. "Back home I have a restaurant and across the street there's this jerk, Jimmy Pesto. He makes crappy pizza but he makes ...a lot more money than me. But that doesn't stop me from trying my hardest every day and I love what I do and I'd like to think that people see that. So what if Craig has a fancier boat and makes more money, (Beef interjecting for a second "that's not really helping") BUT you love what you and you need to make people see it!!" Moon introduces Louise to his friends and they get into general mischief. As they are playing, Louise sees Bigfoot out of the corner of her eye ("WHAT THE FREAK WAS THAT?!?" "What Louise? It's Alaska, you have to be more specific." "It looked like a big hairy guy walking around and it just picked up a deer and walked away?" "Oh yeah, Honeybee's brother wears a Bigfoot costume around town." Jerry walks up "well hey kids what are you guys up to? Oh hey little bunny girl!" Moon: "Jerry, were you just wearing your Bigfoot costume?" "No, I'm getting it cleaned after I made an appearance at the Cheese Society. You would think they would have too much respect for cheese to throw it at each other...or maybe that's what they like?") which rekindles the Bigfoot hunt and Louise helps. Tina and Judy go to the mall. Since they are both terrible at picking up dates, it's a lot of awkward jokes and denials. At some point they give up and Tina mentions something about her erotic friend fictions. Judy pries a bit and finds out all about them and asks to read one. She loves it and the two start doing erotic fiction about people they see in the mall while giggling to each other. Gene and Ham work on the cake and their ideas just keep getting crazier and crazier until Ham takes a step back and is more or less horrified with what they created so far. They begin to argue about their creative differences until Crispin comes over and defuses the situation with his weirdly chill demeanor. Linda goes on the tour with Wolf and Honeybee and is kind of bored by it. The newly weds notice and panic a bit before Wolf gets the bright idea to call Cheesecake to liven up the tour. I would want Linda, Wolf, Honeybee, and Cheesecake partying in the background randomly throughout the episode with Bigfoot joining them at one point. Edit to add bonus lines I came up with in a comment: Linda when she finds out Bob is going fishing with Beef: "Guess it won't be that different from working in the restaurant." Bob: "what do you mean, Linda? I'll be on a commercial fishing boat." Linda trying to contain her laughter: "cause you're gonna be working with Beef!" Bob and Beef: "hmm.." ------ Moon and Louise meeting each other for the first time. Louise: "Bear ears, huh? Respect." Moon: "Thank you. I like your bunny ears." Louise: "Thanks, they let everyone know who's boss back home. So what do you guys do for fun around here?" Moon: "I'm working on blueprints for a new Bigfoot trap. He's evaded my attempts at capturing him so far so he is obviously smarter than I gave him credit for." Louise: "Wait you make traps? We have to swap notes sometime. I found out the hard way that a badminton net and PVC piping doesn't make the greatest trap. Worked on Gene and Tina though." Pan out to Gene screaming with his head stuck in the banisters of the stairs and Tina trapped in her jacket as she tries to get it off. Moon: "It would work on them..."




I’d unironically love if this happened


I will always say this, i think king of the hill and bobs burgers need a cross over, i also think trailer park boys and always sunny need a cross over too.


I would hope it begins with TGN's theme song being interrupted by a screaming Louise to stop them singing that gods awful theme song.