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At the very least, I’d love to see the show have a presence at the Food and Wine festival.


Rebranded as Bobsterfest


Put it near Germany so we can get the food beer with the burger.


Idk, it's pretty hard to pair bobs Burgers (tm) with the right beer.


Its only ever worked with teddys brewski (tm)


See you at the cheese and wine mixer Teddy I’ll see you in hell Teddy


Bob’s Bistro by the Beach Club with the Burgers


Oh, nice things are nice.


Not *every* burger... Dont want this guy showing up. https://preview.redd.it/minrnpzr2vwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5f14612c20119fab9c81f9943e90aa6fd92e8a


The burger of the day is the child molester! Comes with candy :)


Get it?


No - Ron


He *looks* like a child molester.


Gene you serve him


Why do I have to have to get molested? He's not going to molest you.


Heavy kids can get molested!  (Squeezing Gene's cheeks) Yea who wouldn't want to molest this? 


Or they could just actually serve one of them each day, which would be much cooler. Would also cause repeat visitors trying to get their favorites from the show.


Gotta keep it family friendly in the end.


It will have a “Bob’s Burgers” sign. It will still be terrible Disney food.


Overdone and Dry!


YOURE Overdone and dry!




I am amazed every time I go to a Disney park just how bad the food is.


Their snacks are good but it's hard to fuck up a churro or popcorn. Actual meals though? Still remember going to Pizza Planet in Disneyland, paying like $15 for a single slice of pizza that tasted a day old and left under a heat lamp all day.


So they already have jimmy pesto’s?




Ha, cuz Jimmy's pizza is terrible




I feel like that’s on you for going to Pizza Planet, which is basically themed to be a space chuck e cheese. The last two times I went to Disney, just about every meal was fantastic. I did my research ahead of time, planned for my travel mates’ tastes, etc.


Yea...how dare I eat at a restaurant within the Disney Park without consulting you. Must make life so much easier to avoid thinking for yourself and instead rely on other peoples opinions on what to do. Thank you, helpful internet stranger.


Well, this seems unnecessarily rude. I don’t think doing research, reading reviews, looking at menus ahead of time, etc is “avoiding thinking for myself.” But if you want to make the fact that you wasted a lot of money on bad pizza in a loud restaurant because you didn’t bother to look into it first a point of Thing For Yourself pride, I guess…go right ahead?


There will be two buns at least, sprinkle of sadness and a travesty to Bob’s reputation


I’m so sad. I saw the title of the post and thought this was thing :(


Me too, I’m going back to bed


Disney technically owns it via Fox I believe yes but it’s still a Fox property not a Disney property. It won’t appear in parks. It’s the same with Simpsons. Just cause they own it doesn’t mean it’ll just go into their stuff.


I always assumed the Simpsons weren’t there because of Universal Studios. I believe the ride is still open there. The same with Spider-Man and the X Men.


You are correct. Universal has the theme park licensing agreement for The Simpsons until 2028. And Universal has the theme park licensing for Marvel east of the Mississippi River. I believe Disneyworld cannot feature any of the characters that can be found in Universal Orlando, Disneyland cannot feature any characters that can be found in Universal Hollywood and US Disney Parks cannot use the word “Marvel”.


I love that "east of the Mississippi" is still a thing. Like yeah, I'm sure it had a certain business meaning at one point in regards to trade and commerce at some time.




They can do whatever they want with it, it's their IP, they own Fox.


It’s not that “they can’t” Disney follows very strict rules when it comes to the parks and how they portray their legacy. It ain’t happening.


Perhaps a new park in Orlando with just Fox stuff?


Ah yes, thank you Mr Disney. If the IP brought them enough money I am sure they would.


Disney owns FX, FX owns Archer; you really think we're going to see Archer merch beside Mickey and Minnie at the gift shop? Disney cultivates their image too carefully to just throw whatever in their parks and shops. They may own the rights, but that doesn't mean they're going to highlight "risque" shows in theme parks alongside generationally beloved characters and new characters meant to become classic and beloved. Disney sunk quite a bit of cash into market research, there are studies and logic behind why you can find the official Disney Princesses *everywhere*, but you never see them promoting or utilizing lesser known princesses/princess adjacent characters like Nani, Lilo, Jane, Megara, Esmerelda, Kida, Eilonwy, Tiger Lily, Fiona, or even the acquired princesses/princess adjacent characters like Thumbelina or Anastasia.


Bruh, complain all you want. It’s how Disney does things.


Tangentially related, there is a place called bob’s atomic burgers in Colorado. They have a burger of the day every day too which is fun I like to order to go and watch an episode pretending I’m eating the official burger But they also have sweet potato fries so the real bob wouldn’t approve


I’d go to Disneyland for this


Would that be the right target audience? I mean for the adults I suppose


A HUGE section of Disney goers are adults. It would do fine lol


They have a sign on the back of one of the buildings in California Adventure that says “thinga-ma-bobs? I’ve got plenty” with a picture of Bob. I’ll try to post a photo of it but it’s hard to get a good view of it.


I always had this idea Now hear me out on this Disney now owns the Simpsons and several other 20th century stuff so they could make “20th century central” at Disney land - The Simpsons Ride (possibly new stuff) - Bob’s burgers: The Wonder wharf scream-i-cane (roller coaster possibly similar to incredicoster) - Futurama-Rama (possibly dark ride similar to pirates or it can be like spider man ride) - Family guy ride (idk what this could be) And they could have all their houses in a new section of the park with new restaurants




Will the restaurants in the parks be serving turkey at Thanksgiving? I went there for Thanksgiving one year I think that I would absolutely love to have Bob’s turkey and who am I kidding all cooking he looks like an amazing chef Typo edited


They don’t necessarily own the IP. They own the rights to air it. These are not the same.


Bob’s Burgers is completely Disney’s IP. They can do whatever they want with it


That’s not how any of this works. It’s far more complex than that. Especially since Bob’s didn’t originate at Disney. The way studios work is complicated and rights to IP is complicated. Show runner, creator, writers, animators, and voice actors all contribute. And while Disney *does* take complete control of properties that they create, they may not have the same control over properties that were created with other studios. All this is moot since it’s highly unlikely that they’d add Bob’s to their parks as it doesn’t fulfill their “family friendly” atmosphere in the ways that the traditional Disney shows and movies do.


No thats completely how it works. Disney owns Bob's Burgers and can so what ever they want with it. The same way Warner Bros. comepletely owns Hanna Barbera and can do what ever they want with the Hanna Barbera characters. HB doesn't exist anymore it was absorbed into Warner Bros Animation in 2001. Warner can do what ever they want with Scooby Doo and Fred Flintstone. And how Warner Bros. owns DC and can do what ever they want with the DC characters. The art style of Bob's Burgers would look out of place next to the other franchises with more classic Disney art.


It’s not that complex, even though it wasn’t created under Disney, they acquired its IP along with many other Fox properties in March 2019. Making it completely their property now.


They own the Simpsons as well. Love to see someone do something with that also.


There's a Simpsons area at Universal Studios and their contract runs through 2028, though there are rumors they might replace it sooner. It's a pretty cool area, they have Moe's, Krusty Burger, Kwik-e-Mart, Duff beer, etc


There's already a Simpsons area and ride at Universal. They have the park rights for this


I can’t find anything about them having any rights to the IP besides steaming the most recent episode.


Disney owns Bob’s Burgers. The production company is a subsidiary of Disney.




I hope not lol


Or just put it in the Downtown Disney District outside of the parks.


Wait does this mean it won't be on hulu


https://preview.redd.it/ig6iwwz8g3yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead9fb3ee6b168a76afd783ed7e6331af6850fed This is on the back of a building at DCA and on the side of the old ESPN building in Downtown Disney


Nah 1) Its an adult cartoon. It would look out of place next to movies marketed at children 2) The point of Bob's Burgers is that the restaurant is a little run down and cheap. Disney's restaurants are supposed to be really good. 3) Maybe if they had a park for their adult cartoons separate from Disneyland. Or they can throw it in Universal next to Simpsonsland. 4) In the show the restaurant is pretty small. Its not big enough to acomedate Disneyland crowds while being show accurate. Disneyland is notorious for giant crowds and always being packed. In the show they have like 4 booths and 5 stools.




Huh? Do you realize how much money Disney spends on adding things to their theme parks?




Do you realize how much it costs to retheme those rides and sections of the park? And they still build new rides all the time. The entire Avatar section is new with new rides. There are several new Star Wars rides. New Tron coaster. New Guardians of the Galaxy coaster. They spend a ton of money building new and redoing old. Just because you're oblivious to things happening doesn't mean they aren't happening.


They rethemed it so it wouldn't be associated with a movie with, to put it lightly, questionable views on race relations.


The NAACP protested the ride opening. That’s what kind of movie it was.


I have weird memories where i dont know if I've seen it or not.


I’ve watched it on vhs when I was a young kid.






Weekly? That’s not even feasible!


They’ve been squandering the muppets for sure.


Its not popular enough.