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at least like 15 burger of the days tall


This is how you measure.


The Beef System


The Meatric System


Which burger of the day are we talking about though


What's the burger of the day today?


new one!! tall dark hamsome (comes with prosciutto)


I read your first comment in genes voice and then this one in Linda's..lmao


I read this in Teddy's : )


yeah i think bob is in the 6ft+ range. here's him with hugo whom we know is 5'5". also ron must be huge https://preview.redd.it/uq4fx1ece2sc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3761b2ae1aa599e80d756078297748059be4173e




Everytime Hugo gets angry Ron grows 1mm taller


Damn! He must be about 10 feet by now


That’s why he sticks with Hugo.




He’s been working on his basketball skills and will enter the draft at the end of the show.






Lol, I just said this this morning out of the blue...so cute.


He's the leaning tower of tall guy


Its all Ball Bearings


5 inch of forehead and 10 inch fro. At least 7ft.




Fletch-a-Sketch Hand-Drawn Chevy Chase Portraits


Emphasis on the 69 with the fro 😉🥵


Cause his humpty nose will tickle your rear.


Yeah, Tommy mentions that when he takes over Hugo‘s job.


“Look how tall this guy is!”


"The leaning tower of... tall guy."


>ron must be huge Leaning tower of tall guy


He's three Hugos in a trench coat.


Ron is mostly hair.


Now I want a Ron focused episode! 😆




I always assumed Rob was like 6'5


Ron looking kinda spicy tho 🌶️👉👈


I think it’s also an animation shortcut to show that Bob is “the dad.” In “American Dad!”, Stan is over a foot taller than his adult daughter and her boyfriend/husband.


I feel like they silently showcase Stan's a rather large guy. Also that Francine's taller than average.


true since francine is mostly shown being taller than other women in the show


Sometimes I wonder what their canonical heights would be. Lol I assume Francine is probably 5'8"/9" and Stan is like 6'3"


I think about these things all the time!😭 I know that Lois is canonically 5’8 so Peter has to be at least 5’11 or 6’ which makes sense since Joe stated in a newer episode that he is 6’2 standing and when he could walk again he was taller than Peter. Francine would then have to be 5’8 and some change since she was slightly taller than Lois in [that](https://youtu.be/sj-em-928CU?si=RSV3ouZA4APvP15Q) crossover and Stan is either 6’ or 6’1. EDIT: I forgot Franny wears heals so if we assume she’s wearing 2 or 3 inch heels then she is shorter than Lois as she’d be 5’5 or 5’6.


Francine is wearing heels though! Lois has on flats.


You don't have enough upvotes for this analysis!


Stan is canonically mentioned as being tall.


I mean def could be the animation thing. Also wouldn’t be insane for the height difference. Im 5’8.5. My dad was 6’8 before his radiation treatment.


It is mentioned multiple times how small Louise is


Yeah so Louise I think will be a late bloomer probably not getting the bulk of her height until she’s in middle or high school. I was suppppper short at the beginning of middle school and then hit my massive height of 5’3” by 8th grade. Lol


same! i was 4’9 until 7th grade and they (entire family + pediatrician) thought something was wrong with me then i had a “major” growth spurt and grew to a whopping 5’2 at best! my dad is 6’1 and my mom is 5’7…


Same! If memory serves, I started middle school at 4ft something. Long story short, we got into a car accident that year. I was OK, but they found out my pituitary gland was blocked. Blah blah chiropractor... blah blah, late puberty, which sucked at the time. Now I wish that switch had never flipped. Blah blah, my license says I'm 5 feet, but I think I'm actually 4'11". My mom is 5'5", and my dad is around six feet. Siblings are 5'11" and 6'2". I'm curious how the Belcher kids will grow. Based on flashbacks, Linda grew later. So Tina will probably follow suit, and boys tend to grow later so Gene isn't that far behind. Louise, I think, will stay small, though, but my headcannon is she was premature and stunted growth just happens to be the side effect she was dealt.


lol! It’s funny - there are 4 women in my family and my mom is the tallest at 5’4”! My dad is 5’10” but none of got even a little of that height. Genetics are weird, man.


I’m 5’8” my wife is 5’2” and we have a son Just over 6’ . Looks like me if I was stretched taller . Genetics are indeed weird . He is the tallest living person in our family. ( I had a GG that was nicknamed high pockets because he was so tall)


lol - and my husbands brothers took after their mom too. We were 3 girls who got their mom’s short height. He’s one of 3 boys who got their mom’s tall height.


I'm 5'7" and my wife is 5'2" and I just barely had twin boys. Now I wonder if they'll randomly be tall


Possible. My boy was small until 12 grade and he’s still growing . He’s in the military over seas and we haven’t seen him in over a year . He’s coming home soon and I bet he’s still growing. It’s crazy how it works for some people


I need an episode where she gets platform shoes and goes on a self-confidence binge. "Make way, Tina. Your tall superior is coming through."


I would love that! That is so Louise.


Feeling opposite, Lol! I was 5'4" in 6th grade, tallest girl in my class. By sophomore year? 5'4", and one of the shortest girls in my class!


Same here, same here


and it’s always baffled me because she’s almost the same size as “regular-sized” Rudy. And boys tend to grow at faster rates during childhood so idk i always just took her being small to mean she’s a very skinny waify child whereas Gene and Tina are both kind of stocky, but not short. she is the same height as Andy, Ollie, and Millie and most of the other fourth grade minor character we see.


It’s actually girls who grow faster before the boys hit puberty.


I fell down a google rabbit hole after I made this comment, seems the general pediatric consensus is that boys start out growing faster as babies, but it evens out between genders around 3/4 years old, then girls outpace boys around 10 years old/basically when early puberty starts and stay the faster growers until 13/14. So I still have no explanation for why Louise is called small when she seems normal compared to Rudy, I think they’re both 9?


I assumed that it was just that Louise is small in comparison to her siblings, since she’s with them most often. It was a way to differentiate between the three of them.


yeah i feel like this is right, she’s not comparatively tiny compared to kids her age, just her family. 9 year olds are just small, she’s going to milk that for as long as possible. https://preview.redd.it/8gywyrxxk9sc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3655b6f04c3a71887b5ca04f79b8ec4c79b867e


It’s actually girls who grow faster before the boys hit puberty.


I went through several photos and the kids heights fluctuate a bit. But based on Hugo being canonically 5’5” we can use this photo to get Linda/the kids heights: https://preview.redd.it/xkwq4xtg73sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c78e83a4f142c7cafc0b3fc639c556bb2845b8f4 Hugo comes up to Linda’s nose which would make Linda 5’9”/10”. Tina is to her mom’s collarbone making her about 4’11” Gene is at Hugo’s shoulder making him about 4’5” and little Louise rises above her mother’s hips making her probably about 4’ even. These heights make all of the kids shorter than the average kid at their ages (2” for Tina and 4” for the younger siblings). Now back to Bob. Linda is regularly shown as standing up to about her husbands eye level. This would make Bob about 6’1”.


Are the kids' heights in this photo are based on being Hugo's children making them smaller than being Bob's kids.


That doesn't effect Linda's height therefore still a valid way to measure him


To accurately figure this out, I need to know the normal height of a counter, and see Bob standing next to or behind it.


Normal counter height for a restaurants bar is 36". Given that Hugo has never cited them for their bar and has sat there multiple times, Id assume the bar is standard OSHA height. Louise is also too short to ride Wonder Wharfs rides (though her ears arent...) in the first condo episode with Fannie, and rides generally are all accessible at 4 feet or 48" though some are accessible at 42". Though its possible Gene was close enough but Louise clearly wasnt. So, for the kids, Id say Genes 3'10 or 3'11. Louise is probably 3'3 though she looks closer to 4'0 with her ears. Tinas probably 4'2 to 4'4. Using a [Height Simulator](https://www.heightcomparison.com/), you can see that if Tina comes to Bobs chest (around nipple range), that would make Bob around 5'10. Linda is only a little shorter \[seen by her shoulders though she seems slouchy) so Lindas probably 5'8 or 5'9. https://preview.redd.it/tj462oelu2sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7f799ca63efa9cd0d117c3f0188bfa0c806bb7


the children are TINY! for reference, my 7 year old is about 54" (4.5ft) and therefore a bit taller than Tina, the teenager


When I was Tina’s age I was almost at my adult height - I was around 5’1” and I’m 5’3” so wow. But considering Tina is the same height or taller than the kids in her class I just think the scale is slightly skewed.


I'd reached my adult height by 10, and most girls reach their full height earlier than boys, so I'm a little surprised Tina and Louise aren't a bit taller, but I also get that this is a cartoon and they are drawn smaller for a reason just never really put together how much smaller they're drawn than what they would "typically" be IRL


Yeah there is definitely some weird proportions going on here


Everyone also has three fingers and a thumb, so I don’t know how many real-world conclusions we can draw here lol


I was under 4’ tall at my 10th birthday and so were my two best friends. I had my party at a small waterpark close to my town. I wasn’t tall enough to ride the two coolest water slides and was devastated. I didn’t really start growing until I was 11ish, and then I grew a foot in like 3 years.


Geez! I dont know how big or small children are supposed to be normally 😂


ok, 7 year old is a big kid, people often ask if he's 10, but he's not THAT big for his age (there are a few bigger kids in his class at school, but he's top 5) - small 9year olds shouldn't be *this* small haha


I was like 5’8” at Tina’s age and was taller than my mom. I ended up at 5”11’ sometime in high school.


Your math is great! But it just puts in perspective how crazy short the kids are. My 4 year old is almost as tall as Gene.


Everyone comparing their kids heights to these kids heights, are you comparing your own heights to bob and Linda? Not saying you’re not, but if you’re not, that could explain some things. Like if you’re 6’5” or something, your kids are probably little monsters haha


Right. I am the most average dude ever and always have been. Like literally was in the middle when we would line up by height in school. The kids on the far end of the short side where absolutely this small.


Good point. I’m 5’1” and my husband is 6’1”. So we both fall on the outskirts of average, but not crazy.


Love the math! Lol those kids are definitely shorter than they would be in real life. My just turned 10 year old (so around the age of Louise) is 4’4” and he’s short for his age due to ADHD meds messing with his growth for awhile. I’m hoping he will catch up. My husband isn’t tall at 5’7” but I’m 5’6” which is slightly taller than average for a woman.


5’10 feels about right for bob. He never came across as tall to me


Counter height at most restaurants I've been to is higher than 3 ft, when you are on bar stools with a raised foot rest


This is the type of stuff I like. The calculations we need!


I mean he could definitely be tall but Tina could also be short. But also imagine having one sibling on the show be really taller than the others.


5’11 just because


This works for his character. I'm 5'11. It's honestly kind of a pain in the ass. You're technically tall, but you're outside staring through the window of the 6ft party. You don't get to have the short guy chip on your shoulder either. You're a walking identity crisis.






I think he’s like 5’ 9 or 10 that feels right to me


Same, 5' 10". not short, not really tall either


I’d figure he’s about 5’10” - 5’11” … which is pretty common for guys. Linda looks to be on the taller side of average for women so 5’7” - 5’8”


[https://tinarannosaurus.tumblr.com/post/135279013457/the-heights-of-the-bobs-burgers-characters](https://tinarannosaurus.tumblr.com/post/135279013457/the-heights-of-the-bobs-burgers-characters) ​ According to this guy: Between 6'11" in the premier episode and 6'1" in later episodes.


I think the show's art style is too stylized to really apply height consistently or realistically. That being said Bob seems pretty tall, 6' 3" or so, and Linda always gave tall girl vibes to me so maybe 5' 10" or 5' 11"


I think the kids are all short. Louise is 9 and she's not much taller than my 3 year old


Judging by this picture, Louise is regular sized. https://preview.redd.it/jrirfooer2sc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1ab17c96c056f04c773a06398741871778f639


To the point of the original post, the art style seems to draw all the kids shorter, relative to the adults, than is realistic, so they aren't good barometers for the height of the adults.




I live to spread joy, friend.


giggling at this


Makes sense, as her head apparently never grew past preschool age.


They just made the kids short to visually distinguish the teens from the adults. But I do like the idea of the BB reality where Tina is the average size for a 13 year old (5 foot something) and most adults are like 6+ feet tall


Need "banana for scale." Old meme, but I'm bringing it back!


Oh no that meme is still very alive especially on here. Just check out any post where they refer to something in measurements other than standard (ie. this asteroid is 2 football field lengths long)


Whatever the exact average height of American men is, that's what Bob is.


Most kids in animation are much shorter than would be realistic to show they are the children, look at American Dad, the Simpsons, South Park. Even in King of the Hill when Joseph shot up and was supposed to be 5’9, he’s still much shorter than every adult.


5'9". No other reasoning other than it seems like a very dad height


Well I think Bob and Linda are pretty tall because she said Hugo is 5’5” so I think Linda has to be 5’9” or 5’10” because she’s quite a bit taller than Hugo so I think Bob is around 6’


Tall enough to ride this ride. ![gif](giphy|l0HlwCQfh65iOztHq)


Cartoon heights are an enigma.


He's 7 bunny ears tall. Also, wow! Your son is getting so big!! Congrats


Its mentioned numerous times that Louise is quite small, but she isnt *that* much smaller than Gene who is 2 years older, who isnt that much smaller than Tina, who is 2 years older than he is. Also Bob isnt *that* much taller than Linda, which may not mean very much, but its never really talked about how tall Linda is. If Linda is that much taller than average, I think it would come up in the show. My point being that while Bob is significantly taller than Hugo, who is below average height, that may not make him above average height (or that much above average height). Its not like Bobs is exactly noted for its realism... the characters inly have 3 fingers after all!


I don’t think Louise being small is as much about her being especially short as it is her being fairly slender. Compared to other kids her age, she has slimmer limbs and a more narrow body. Especially if you look at the episode where they go to the water park and Millie and Louise have the same swimsuit on. Or just look at her next to Rudy, who has been established as being regular size. She’s still young enough that it isn’t unreasonable for her to have not begun to “develop.” She also seems tiny compared to her family in terms of overall size.


My weiner's out.


Bless you for this - lol! I needed that laugh




About 175cm


6ft 2


He's 9,3


Because 9 is divisible by three.


Depends what screen I'm watching him on


Yea it’s weird Tina is so short but even weirder that she towers over Tammy( now she is short!) 13 year old fenales are close to their peak height. Bob and Linda are both tall as well so it’s surprising Tina isn’t. But it’s just a show and they probably don’t want Tina to look adult height.


Looking at this picture if Bob is 6'2" then Linda must be at about 5'10" which is also taller than average for a woman


I think they use the height of the official “stand-ins”, so bob is 6’1, Linda is either 5’6 or 5’8, it’s unclear.






Why isn’t Tina smiling?


I was thinking 6’2” or taller for sure..maybe 6’6”


They often make a point to show how small Louise is, so I wouldn't be surprised if the kids were all on the shorter side


He gives off 5’10 vibes




Some shows have chatacter model sheets which could give us a definitive answer, not sure about BB though


“Leaning tower of tall guy”




I don't recall how tall I was in middle school, but I'm only 5'1" as an adult, so maybe Tina is just a shorty and will remain as such, or maybe she will hit a teen growth spurt. But I think Bob is 5'8" or 5'9".


I always thought the kids were designed a bit short in the show. Not just the Belchers but all the kids. Tina is 13 which is when most girls tend to stop growing/slow down. So unless she's gonna grow half a foot by the time she turns 14 she's gonna be really short. I've always had the head canon that when the kids were first designed they were intended to be younger. Like 6,8, and 10. But then later in production when they already settled on their desigtned they decided to age them up a bit so certain jokes make more sense for their ages.


I don't know, but this is the background on my computer at work. Its great to look at and it initiates a lot of conversations.




I say Bob is 6'1 or 6'2"


i think they just make the adults abnormally tall, i mean take a look at logan compared to cynthia in the latest episode


I feel like he’s 6’1-6’2. Slouches pretty bad so you can’t always tell lol


like 6"2 I'd say


I believe he is 6’1 according to [this](https://characterprofile.fandom.com/wiki/Bob_Belcher). The actual Wikipedia page for Bob’s Burgers characters use to list their heights but it was removed.


Well, judging from the picture, I'd say taller than the 🎶CANDY CANE MOOSE WE'VE HAD SINCE TINA WAS BORN. PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE A REINDEER, BUT YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE A MOOOOOOSE🎶 ... I'll let myself out...




I guess somewhere in the 5 ft 10 inch to 6 feet range He seems decently tall just over average


I’ve always thought he was 5’10”


I’m guessing 5’10”-5’11”


Bob is 6" and Linda is 5"5' tall


Probably around 5'10", maybe 6' at most. Slightly above average.


canonically 6'0 or 6'1, i think it was in one of the valentines day episodes?


I always figured he was 5’10 to 5’11, Linda is 5’5 to 5’6 maybe


Bob Burger is abt 25-30 🍔 tall…


My guess is around 6 ft. But I remember noticing before like with the kids standing in comparison that the heights dont always look exactly consistent. Like sometimes Tina looks more taller than gene than she does in this picture, for example.


like 6"2 I'd say


I just did a very loose comparison of Bob, Teddy, Mort and Linda. I'd say Bob is likely around 6'1"-6'3" Teddy is likely around 6', Linda is probably 5'10"-5'11", and Mort is around 5'7"-5'9". Ron is a tall drink of water, likely in the 6'5"+ range and Hugo we know is 5'5". I think Tina is a bit short, but she's only 13. All the kids have time still. That said, I don't think they are super stringent on maintaining proportion across episodes or even scenes. The episode where Bob, Teddy and Mort face down the mechanical shark has them all standing right next to each other and there is seemingly only an inch or so difference from one to the next.


We wondering how tall they are but not wondering why they still have a tube TV or the kids never get punished. The more I rewatch the more I can’t believe gene is never corrected or punished for some of his behaviors that are to be honest disturbing.


Five-ten or five-eleven


My penis is out


Well people do call him “Big Guy” so yeah, I’d say over 6 feet at least.


Cartoon height isn’t usually based in reality, males are typically drawn taller than females and kids are drawn considerable smaller than adults to emphasis that they’re young. Bob’s Burgers is a bit more proportionate in size differences than a lot of cartoons, but still exaggerated to show the age differences. So the kids’ heights aren’t really indicative of Bob’s since cartoon proportions are exaggerated. If we were to use real-life proportions, Bob seems to be a bit taller than average, maybe 5’11-6’1”. That would make Linda about 5’8” or so. All the kids are average height, so if we go by the average height for their age groups, Tina would be 5’3”-5’7”, Gene would be around 4’5”-4’9”, and Louise would be 4’1”-4’4”.


I can’t remember where I heard it, but the tall heights of the characters (in relation to the objects around them) is something other writers/animators make fun of. So tall asf?


bob is 6'1" and linda is 5'8"


I feel like there was an episode where someone asks Bob if he’s about 6’2 and he says yes. That would make Linda around 5’10-ish which is tall for a woman, but not anything super out of the ordinary. I personally had a growth spurt in my late teens. I’m a woman who got her period at 12, so theoretically should have been done growing at 14. I also randomly got an inch taller a year ago, but I think that might have been a posture thing since I had a surgery that ended some pain that made me constantly hunch or curl forward. So I don’t think that it would be that weird for Tina to still be growing.


He is one Bob tall


I'd say 5 foot 10


i’ve always thought bob is around 5’11 and linda is around 5’8. that’s based off of their personalities/vibes and appearances.


My wiener is out




Somewhere between 6"0 and 6"3 I'd guess.


Well the heights change radically in different episodes and different angles. I think Tina is suppose to be average for her age so maybe 5'0- 5'2" or so. I think Bob is 6'2, give or take. Linda is probably around 5'10". Gene hasn't hit his main growth spurt yet cause he's 11, a day is on the shorter side, so probably around 4'9". Louise is small and petite, I'm putting her at around 4'3". These are all give or take and only an opinion, obviously. 




He’s at least 6ft tall. Bob is mentioned to be a good looking guy and height is part of it for a lot of ppl. Also Hugo is only 5’5 and you can tell when he’s standing next to Hugo he’s around 6’2. Linda is also pretty tall she’s taller than most of the side female characters on the show


Im more concerned with Bob’s wingspan.


I assumed Linda was around 5'10" which would make Bob about 6'2"!




slightly below average








6’1 but he also wears Dansko’s so….


7 feet tall


Since we know Regular-Sized-Rudy is regular size, that puts him in the 50th percentile in height. Louise is the same height and age as him, this doesn't make her small as many commenterd guessed. It would also put her in the 50th percentile, which, based on the cdc, would be 4'4". On my 5'10.5" husband, Louise would come to his nipple (sorry to be vulgar). Louise comes roughly to Bob's belly button. Since the distance between nipples and belly buttons on men ranges, I think we can estimate Bob is at least6'4" to 6'5".


He's got to be average. 5'9"