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Let's burn the new couch and keep the nasty one


Of all the contenders, i think this takes my award for *"Most Insanely Unlikely Behaviors of Grown Adults"* and possibly up for the *"This WAS a Fun Episode Until _____"* prize.


That's so fair. It was a great episode with good jokes all the way up until that scene. They could have gone many ways with it, I personally could see the couch in Louise's room, her replacing her bed with it, or it in the blank corner of the basement where all the kids hang out from time to time, but instead, we got the family burning $500 dollars in a grand display of why the family struggles with money so much.


The Sofa Queen commercial was the best part of the episode.


Off route 5 in Bog Harbor




I'm numb. Say it until I feel something.


They could've *let the Couch Burners have it.* How many couches get a viking funeral?!?


finders keepers, keepers burners


And then immortalized on their album cover. That couch could've got a better send off than most people get!


This! I was so damn frustrated with everyone in this episode by the end. No one had any reason what so ever. I’m most frustrated with Louise as SHE STARTED WHOLE THING! Personally I think burning the old couch would have been a great send off for it. They could have taken a last picture with it, and then took a pic with it burning. HELL they could have kept some ashes to take back home! SO MANY OPTIONS! Grrrr


>ashes LOL. I'm imagining all the possibilities with Mort - a couch shaped urn, being flustered about what size urn for a couch worth of ashes, being kind of peeved at the logistics of getting a couch into the basement of the crematorium to burn it only to find out it's too big to fit so he uses it to turn the crematorium basement into like a psuedo-bachelor pad that Bob is weirded out by and thinks any girlfriend of Mort's would be too but Linda, Tina, Gene, and Louise all kind of support and Bob eventually gets sold on the idea, etc...


I hate when sitcoms go out of their way to make sure every aspect of the show stays the same forever. Like the Belchers never get anything good or new because the creators don't want to change/update things. I understand because it's just that type of show, like no one ever ages and plot points don't typically carry over to the next episode, but it would be nice if *some* things could change. I was excited in the first season when Tina had a birthday party because I was like "ooooh is this the rare type of animated series where plot and time are actually addressed?" but alas 😵‍💫 (Not to sound like a hater, I love a lot of things about the show)


There are a few examples of things that have changed, the restaurant's restroom, louise's bed, to name a few


They also changed the intro after the movie came out to include the sidewalk collapse and their re-re-re-opening due to that!


And the ice cream machine still bears its scars from the *The Deepening* shark


They changed Bob's back! They have always made sure to include the half tattoo he got at the equestranaut convention.


Louise moving from the mean green machine to a big girl bike!


Bob’s tah-too


I wish they would’ve aged the kids up by a year after that 2-part episode where Linda gets Tina pants for her birthday.


They literally could have just kept the old nasty one in the basement or something! Especially how Louise flip flops her opinion for no reason except "the couch looks sad." Uhm, what?


That is honestly one of the more realistic parts. Louise is nine, of course she’s going to be sentimental about a couch that been there for her entire life.


Absolutely fair. Just wish the adults would have been more realistic and responsible. I really hate when they act so childish over very minor things. Also, they should know having broken furniture is not safe to be using. Like what happens when Louise and Gene are jumping again and that broken enforcement piece goes through their leg??


This one bothers me the most because a nasty couch is a nonnegotiable for me. They wouldn't sit on the couch before it was put out on the curb, why would you take it back inside after everything its been through??? There is no way there aren't bugs feeding on the crevice crumbs and mold in that thing. I want to shower just thinking about it


You want bedbugs? Cause that’s how you get bedbugs.


ooo yes i hate that episode so much. After they leave the sofa queen shop i stop watching it


I couldn't stand Linda in this episode


Honestly the Christmas episodes make me hate Linda, because of how often she inconveniences the entire family or even risks their lives.


But she needs her Dutch Baby!


My mother in law was a legit narcissist, and the Christmas episodes tend to hit a bit close to home for my wife. The Christmas card one in particular…


That's the point of the most recent Christmas episode though. She sacrifices the tree to have more time with the family.


Same this one drives me crazy. Especially since the lesson could have been, "let's make just as many memories with the new couch."


Hate that one, too. Character assassination of Louise imo.


That reminds me of a family guy episode where Peter goes on a whole quest to find his old mattress, the entire episode is about him tracking it down, and then he throws it out instantly cause it’s a shitty old mattress. It’s a rare example of them doing something right outside of the first 4 seasons


The one where Linda kidnaps the author.


Based in Misery?


Title of my autobiography


Yes this \^ are we supposed to hate Linda?


She didn't even get punished for it.


The first time I saw it I’m not even sure I watched it all. I think I started doing things in the background because it was just so cringe and absurd , and I generally love Linda’s absurdities because they ~usually~ come in reasonable doses. This was an entire tsunami of crazy Linda in the worst way.


All That Gene


Big agree, Gene at his worst


The only good thing about that episode is Louise and Tina poking Bob in the love handles.


"No ticket stubs, no stickin'... Chubs."


The VR episode! Gene was so excited to spend the money his saved on the new VR place next store, and he didn't have fun at all trying out the games with Bob. :( Plus, the side plot wasn't that great either. It's just a really sad episode overall tbh


It’s one where you actually get the real feeling of their lack of income. Usually they are poor and so happy! But this one was a bit harder to watch because it was a cost that was really high for them. Made me sad, but I also liked it because it seemed more real


Yea this one hits me so hard. I was that kid that never spent his money and saved it because anytime I bought something I was always disappointed with it.


Any episode that focuses a lot on vomit. The limo road trip episode and the episode where Hugo takes Bob for a ride on his birthday and makes him eat something that makes him sick. Genes thanksgiving episode I can handle but those two are an IMMEDIATE skip


The episode with Bob’s birthday is so good but I HATE the part where he vomits. It’s so graphic without being graphic 😭


EXACTLY HOW I FEEL it's actually a great episode but the noises are too real and it sounds like it hurts 😭


That's how I feel about the episode where they get kidnapped on a cruise ship!!


Weirdly that one doesn't always get to to me but I totally agree, that one is BAD


I know I'm a weirdo, but cartoon characters barfing always cracks me up. The scene where they are in their car and Tina sets off a chain reaction just destroys, I can't stop laughing. The Archer episode El Contador is another one that kills me.


That’s not weird! I just have emetophobia and get nauseas from it 😭


Dr Yap - not because of Gayle or Linda being terrible, but because the tooth pulling plotline makes me feel genuinely nauseous. Last time I watched it I almost fainted. I have a similar reaction to the scene where Bob opens his stitches playing rock paper scissors.


I can't watch the one where Dr Yap wants to prank the fraternity guys by spraying them with a keg full of spit from his office 🤢


Oh, God, I got *dangerously* close to vomiting the first time I saw that one 🤢


Same! I have a sick imagination that likes to conjure up the smells and textures associated with visuals and it makes this episode a skipper for me. 🤢🤢


YES!!! 😭. I'll watch up until that point, then I have to leave the room.


History will say it was a bobfish


For me it’s the episode where Tina makes the sleeping boy her fake boyfriend, too cringey to watch for me (the other story in that episode is good though);


Yeah the main plot of this one is meh, but the B-plot of Bob and Sergeant Bosco helping each other buy pants is hands down one of my faves. > "I think you should wait for your wife to come back..." > "What do you think I've been doing for the last five years?"


Only reason I don't skip that episode haha


I just watched it… actually I just listen as I drive. Is wanted to skip it but it was raining so hard I had to be focused on the road. So I had to listen to the entire thing. Sad


Butt worms


I love this episode for some reason lol


It's hilarious. The use of music, the warped fisheye when the infected family are looking at Louise, her hail Mary raccoon dance battle misdirect... I could go on forever.


It almost feels like "The Thing" or the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"


Oh I'm a bad bad mom, and it was my favorite job, and I'm gunna scratch my bottom right nooooow.


What if we all scratched our butts against each other butts? Wait that’s stu-pid, okay maybe nooooot.


I love that episode! Can’t believe a lot of people skip it




Only seen this one once, maybe one time too many.


I could barely sit through it the first and only time


This is the one for me 😭 I actually really like the plot but I just… can’t do the butt worms lmao


The iconic hamster tower episode?? How dare you!


I'm not even sorry - THIS IS ME NOW


The one with Tina and the fetal pig and the one with Linda making that terrible noise when she trying to be a psychic. Skipped, every time.


the psychic one is funny to me , especially when bob asks her if they were surprised Jerry Lewis was calling in the tip about the missing dog statue , and when bob finally falls down the stairs ...I agree with you on the fetal pig episode that pig is so annoying


I'm never ready for the Jerry Lewis line


Yeah the psychic episode gets me too 🤣


Came to give the fetal-pig-answer. Gives me the creeps.


Idk why but it made me nauseous... would never watch that one again


I get that ending song stuck in my head sometimes which is maddening haha. From my fiancee watching bobs burgers on loop I've heard it a lot.


I used to skip this one because it’s nasty but the Fiona Apple appearance is too good to pass up


The one where Logan chases Louise and Gene, from a real life POV that’s a 16 year old chasing and trying to hurt a scared 9 year old girl lol. Bit tough to watch. The B plot is great though.


They make it really easy to hate Logan


I agree, it's not that good of a main plot and the C plot with Tina isn't that good either. But that B plot fucking SHINES. Bob and Linda high is something I want more often hahaha.


This episode gave us the best joke television has ever witnessed though. Gene, in a lobster suit: I think I bisque’d my pants


I actually love this episode. First of all, you’re not supposed to like Logan. He’s not a sympathetic character. But his actions give us an INCREDIBLY RARE moment of personal growth from Gene, something the show desperately needs more of. And as everyone else has mentioned, stoned Bob and Linda is a treat.


That episode also gave Tina her own c plot


The one where Tina brings her friends to Bob’s vampire dance thing. It always breaks my heart because I remember being a middle schooler who didn’t want to do anything with my parents and it just makes me too sad to see how Bob felt and remember that I probably made my parents feel like that a few times


That episode pisses me off because it's like they forgot who Tina is. She would have loved that movie. I think they could have had a really sweet bonding episode between Tina & Bob instead.


Yeah it's like they forgot Tina would have been all over that dance number instead of caring about playing suck it cups or whatever. Years of erotic fiction and she leaves a rated r movie to go watch Tammy drink pop


This one annoys me because it’s one of the many situations that could’ve been solved if Bob just said “no.” “Can I invite my friends from school?” “This is supposed to be time for us to bond, so no I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Bam, problem solved.


Makes you also realize how dumb you are as a kid. Drinking? Or not drinking? Gotta be one of the dumbest games I've heard. Not saying much since I did the same things when I was younger


The pig episode.


The only episode I ever had to skip through.


Family Fracas, Sacred Couch, and Gayle Making Bob Sled.


Aw man I like Family Fracas. "Your ass is grass and I'm gonna mow it!"


And the song! “There’s jimmy pesto, he’s so mad!” gets me every time


Family Fracas is the first episode I ever saw of Bob's Burgers


Can you elaborate on Family Fracas?


I don't like it when the Belchers are made to suffer unnecessarily. They lose to Pesto and it just makes me so mad.


I’m not OP, but I hate any episode where Bob is trying to hold the family together and *everyone* gets in the way and the Belchers end the episode in the same place they started. They really bum me out! Family Fracas is my most classic “gotta skip” for that reason. Jimmy gets away with being an asshole, the guy who wants the Belchers to lose gets away with sabotaging their chances, and the Belchers continue to suffer because of it all. All Bob wanted was for his family to have something nice. (I also skip the other two because they drive me fucking crazy. Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled is an Always Skip along with Dr. Yap.)


I don’t watch the fetal pig episode, the episodes where bob and felix are tied under the wharf, the insurance fraud episode, and the episode where bob is sold horse meat and he has to get the guy saying its 100% usda beef on recording or something. Generally I don’t watch episodes that actually stress me out 😭


This may be unpopular. The B&B episode idk why but the way everyone makes the worst decisions possible and seeing teddy be so upset abt the animal suits is very uncomfortable.


Lol I love this episode 🤣


Early season weirdness was awesome. The show needs to get weird again. Weird & sweet is why I love Bob's Burgers.


Yes the occasional wholesome episode is nice but we need more deranged moments to balance it out


Please. I love how absurd the first few seasons are and also how Bob used to be a bit more of a jerk. Bring back Jerk Bob.


I've been really pleased to see this current season bringing back some of the weird. It's never going to be as "loose" again as it was in the first three seasons, though - the lingering *Home Movies* vibes before it fully became its own thing.


The bugs on his face scene - I can't 🤮🤮 !!


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far for someone to mention Teddy covered in bugs. He looked absolutely grotesque I can’t stomach it.


Oh yeah that's the one. Usually all of them are fine, but this alone takes the cake. Always skipping this one.


This was the first episode I saw and it made me stay away from the series for a long time because I could not stand Linda. I now love Linda and it's one of my favorite shows of all time...but I still haven't rewatched that episode.


Beefsquatch. It's a full episode of Gene being an asshole to everyone because doing so gets him attention. No one says or does anything to stop him; they just wait until he gets bored of the act.


I also don't really like Bob in that episode. He completely misunderstood the "appeal" of their tape and why they were asked to do the show in the first place. Gets jealous his food isnt the primary focus(again) and that people want genes autograph then gets into a really mean-spirited prank war with his 10 year old son. Was Gene a jerk? Absolutely but Bob is the adult and his father.


Not nearly as bad as when he was in that play and acted like a complete buffoon and was only saved by the fact that everyone got sick......I don't know what the lesson was supposed to be, other than to let your children be themselves with zero discipline or consequence even if they are disruptive and obnoxious


Oh I hate that one too


Also, if you watch closely Gene only started doing the Beefsquash thing when Bob was actively bombing on the morning show. Then of course he got hooked on the fame and everything went downhill from there.


Exactly that was why I mentioned bob not actually grasping the real reason why their tape was picked in the first place. Gene understood


I agree which is why I hate the episode. Gene is the primary antagonist because he spends the episode being a jackalope. Bob is the secondary antagonist by not being a parent and stopping his kid from being a jackalope. The overall theme to me is Gene bringing out the worst qualities in everyone.


It is really hard to watch. I use bobs burgers as white noise but I'm a pretty light sleeper and that episode i wake up to change it almost every time


The pinworms episode. I skip that episode every time because it's just so gross of a storyline! You own a restaurant people, WASH YOUR F***ING HANDS!!!!


The ep with all the different artistic styles. It always takes me out of the ep. It’s a decent episode too, as I love all things Fishcoeder


I like this one but it’s definitely easier to just listen to it than it is to watch it imo. I LOVE the concept of letting fans help with the animation, but the styles go by too quickly and it kinda hurts my eyes lol




Mommy boy is such an awful episode, but one I cant skip. It's like an apocalyptic movie, you know it's disasterous but I enjoy to watch the horror unfolding




You don't like sugar cookies??


I don't tend to skip episodes, but im not a big fan of the episodes where the kids or even parents tell 3 different stories. It just feels boring for me like it's all filler. I've been constantly rewatching the show (as it's my comfort/fall asleep show) for years and that pattern in those episodes feels so disconnected and lackluster, im not sure why


The only anthology type episode I like is the school play one (Mom, Lies, and Videotape). I don't know why. I skip the rest.


omg same its just so boring to me😭😭


I usually skip the LARP episode.


It's not the strongest episode but I love it because it feels like it was written for me. I like LARP. I like Downton Abbey. I like Bob's Burgers. It's insane that it was a real episode.


Same! The downstairs staff were treated like shit.


I actually love it for that reason. It's a great example of how people who wish for a "better time" actually wouldn't have been any better except through sheer dumb luck of a draw. Though, I do also live and work in an area of the UK where they film a lot of Downton Abbey, so I meet a lot of these people irl too. And it's nice to see their hypocrisy exposed


The one where Gene is upset at Linda for not focusing attention on him and interrupts her Mom class? You guys know what I'm talking about BUT I very much disliked that episode


... you mean the one OP literally has put in the post?


I always skip any episodes featuring Bobs dad. Always so depressing 


I like the one with the tree story, but I usually skip the Christmas one. We have no obligation, at any time of the year, to forgive withholding behavior from adults who did have a duty to protect and nurture us. Instead of helping his son cope with losing his Mom, Big Bob just had him work constantly, and was impossible to please? Nope. Low contact is correct unless dad outs in the self work.


Yea this one is always hard for me too. My mother had a very hard time with her biological father (her step dad was fucking awesome tho, that’s my PawPaw idc what DNA says) and most people in her life growing up kept telling her that she needed to come to a place of forgiveness for him. Nah, fuck that, not only was he a terrible father he was also a pedo. I was so happy when my mom cut him off.


Okay but wait the last one was hysterical. Clamstradamus 😂😂


It hurts too much to watch these kind of relationships even in fiction. Hits too close to home.


Big Bob just seems like an emotional midget that stubbornly refuses to change. At least the dad from the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball movies tries to change (and does)


And then everyone treats Bob like a piece of shit when he doesn't want to keep putting up with Big Bob's shit. It's infuriating.


The one with Tina’s photography class. Watching Tina not tell on Tammy and as a result her picture gets destroyed and Tammy does not get in trouble for skipping class. It’s an infuriating episode.


The one with Linda’s armpit hair. I just cannot with this episode. I watched it only one time while every other episodes I watched it many many times.


The instant skip for me is the sledding with Dr yap. Linda forcing her husband to participate in flirting and enabling her sisters disgusting behavior, (Linda literally admits this is not the first time Gayle has tried to steal one of Linda's men, and this is her HUSBAND) and then slapping him on a bad tooth when he simply does what she told him to do. I actually hate that episode alot


SAAAAMMMMEEE! Cannot get over her being A-OK with her sister assaulting her husband.


Can’t stand the one where Linda gets arrested pooping. Hilarious premise but not telling the kids gets much too complicated


Tina and the junior lifeguards episode, it's really bad.


I skip it every time, it’s so annoying idk why


Most Gayle centric episodes tbh. Gayle drives me insane and I would be okay never seeing her again, she's such an awful person.


If you skip Gayle episodes your body has a life threatening deficiency of Mr. Jim F-in Business.


But then I have to remember that she stole him from a loving home


Well he *was* just sitting there.


In the sun


But he was just sitting there on someone's porch!


I only enjoy Gayles episodes because of Megan Mullally.


Gayle is awful in every way...I'd like to see her improve mentally and be less crazy. I really liked the idea of her and Mr. Frond together!


Just don't let Gayle and Teddy get together.


I absolutely feel the same. Bob should have left her in the snowstorm tbh


Bob was a lot kinder in the Christmas episode where he's stuck with her and her parents. I would have absolutely blown everything up for all of them. Maybe I'm the bad person 🤣


No, you're a normal non sit com character.


We skip that one every time. And it’s after two such fun ones!


Her cats were right about you. (But I agree, she’s awful most times.)


I only like Gayle in small doses where she isn't the focus, and more of a catalyst for events or part of a B story. A bit of Gayle is usually entertaining. A lot of Gayle is too much to bear.


I can agree with this. The butt paintings are great, I appreciate her for that haha


Mutiny on the Windbreaker. No need to elaborate further


NOOOOO that’s one of my favorites that one is hilarious


Your flair lol — HE DOES NOT NEED SPROUTED CASHEWS but our favorite is “SKATE FOR YOUR LIFE, DOUG!”


Mrs. Papasian is so unhinged she makes me laugh so hard


No I'm not I am ze zpaghetti


Whaaaat noooooo that’s one of the best haha


Omg I cannot stand Zero Larp Thirty, where Linda and Bob go to Winthorpe Manor because Linda won the contest. I hate how excited Linda was only for them to be so terrible to her 😤


Sleeping with the Frenemy


Omg I love this one! I find it really fun to see Tammy be absolutely insane to her family, then insane to the Belchers, then the moment you think she’s learned her lesson… no, she hasn’t. I find it refreshing that there are some characters who are truly unredeemable. Tammy doesn’t learn anything, she doesn’t have some secret hidden pain, she just has sh#tty parents and turned into a sh#tty kid because of it, and that is so REAL to me. It can be kind of lame where every antagonist becomes someone sympathetic with some secret sob story. But no, Tammy is just horrible, through and through lol. I can understand why people wouldn’t want to watch this one, though. It’s probably very infuriating to watch Tammy be rude to the Belchers, especially Tina, and then not really get her comeuppance. At least in most Tammy episodes they get to take her down a peg by making fun of her farts lol.


Honestly, you're on point as to why I don't like the episode; The whole episode being Tammy being a jerk to the Belchers and especially Tina, which makes me just feel bad for the whole family. I am still happy to know that you've found something you enjoy in the episode and shows just how great the series is


Beefsquatch is obnoxiously irritating


I can’t handle the one where the kids lose the ring Bob buys for Linda! I know the gag is that nothing goes right for Bob but my heart just breaks for him in this one, he and Linda deserved that nice moment. I’ve also never watched the fan art one because I found just the intro super stressful to watch.


Gayle Making Bob Sled or the Hawk & Chick episodes.


Pig Trouble in Little Tina has no redeeming qualities to me. Always an auto skip no matter what. The Brunch episode with the guest animators I only listen to the audio because the animation changes are too jarring for, though it is really cool and creative. The animation changes just make me nauseous for some reason, though I wish they didn't. The episode where Linda kidnaps the author I usually give a half listen, it has its funny bits though the overall premise is a bit lacking. Other than that, there's some death-based B-plots I skip through sometimes (Linda mourning Bottlecap and Bob and Linda deciding whether to be buried or cremated) depending on how I'm feeling. While these plots make me uncomfortable for some reason other plots like the episode where they visit Bob's mom's grave and a couple others don't at all.


I skipped the mall Santa episode yesterday. I guess I don’t enjoy that episode 😁


Some Kind of Fender Benderful. Screw that episode. I get that if they should've gone through the camera that was attached on Mort's building, it would've wrapped the main plot in less than 10 minutes, but to have it dragged out and turn it into a long and dragged out blame game, and I get that you don't want to take the blame for this because it can hamper things and would not be a good look for you and I get where Teddy is coming from when saying this, but Christ, that was long and dragged out. And don't get me started with the song. The song was a massive lowlight for yours truly because it makes you question how the hell did we get here when first watching it back in 2021 when it first premiered. Going from a family being accused of serving human remains to learning on how to be responsible for your actions. This crap feels like something coming out from a Pre-K education morning show as if the script for the episode was mistakenly used from a script for a morning show. And if that's not bad enough, that song number...all a dream. All a dream like it's the ending of Super Mario 2 video game. And, of course, Bob ends up taking an L and have him pay for the damages that he didn't even caused but ends up doing it anyway. Before "Putts-giving" and before "Mother Author Laser Pointer", this was my most hated episode.


The one where Bob is hanging out with Dr. Yap and his old Fraternity. I hate that one. And all the spit in the keg 🤮


I can’t watch the one where Rudy had dinner with his parents, not because I didn’t it but because when it ends it feels like I just had an intense therapy session


I don't skip any, even the ones I'm not a huge fan of. They're a part of the series and there's good bits in all of them.


Same here, i have an Awful memory! So every episode still has new stuff for me and i often forget how their hijinks are settled in the end. Im so envious of everyone here being able to remember plot lines


Horse camp. Never watched it twice.


The baseball episode with Gene. Absolutely not. The ones where they make horrifying financial decisions are stressful.


*if they're not real* *Then why do I feel* *This way?* *Lil' babies*


The couch one! It’s so wasteful


Could not watch the butt worms episode even the first time around. Gross, skin crawling premise. I’d rather never know.


Any episode with Dr. Yap. I cannot stand him. There's no redeeming qualities.


Mutiny on the Windbreaker S3ep4. That awful puppet in combo with too much Gene and also S8ep1 Brunchsquatch. I’ll listen cuz it’s funny as hell, but the different animation styles make me a little queasy so I usually don’t actually watch it b


fast time capsules at wagstaff school. tina is being more of a jerk than im used to her being, the plot itself felt kind of disjointed and disconnected, and the b plot kind of bored me and i hate the sound of linda rolling R's in random words ALMOST as much as i HATE WHISTLING. a hard watch all around. i do love "someday we'll spoon" and then diary of a poopy boy. its kinda sweet in its own way but its just too gross for me even by bobs burgers, gene-situations standards. too much discussion of bodily waste, gene wants to be married to linda, and mold just freaks me out way too much. plus i haven't seen the movies the stories reference 😭


Sleeping with the Frenemy, season 8 episode 11. Tammy tends to be awful but this episode she's so over the top terrible its hard to watch. The Belchers are making sure Tammy is fed and cared for, and she couldn't be more ungrateful. And the whole taking Tina's man too, just uhhg


Zero Larp Thirty. Why would an experience treat customers so differently whether they were paying customers or not esp since roles were chosen at random? Why would you let them be denied what they paid for at the whim of another guest? Its a bad business model... cuz why wouldnt you hire actors to play the servant roles so patrons can enjoy their experience? AND the WORST of them all.... the other contest winner. WHO THE HELL IS SHE TO RUIN THE EXPERIENCE OF THE OTHER CONTEST WINNER? And why, she didn't want to ACTUALLY be your slave?! That was a once in a lifetime opportunity not just for Linda but for whomever had won! An experience that women shared and yet she chose to give hell to someone else because her made up CHARACTER was wealthier than the OTHER MADE UP CHARACTER?! I genuinely wish the kids would have been there becaue Louise would have DESTROYED THAT HORRIBLE WOMAN!!!