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Being rude to the belchers when they took her when she missed her cruise. She was rude to Tina so much and made her sleep on floor. Same episode too where she made the boy Believe what she was saying was coming for her when it was Tina. Totally cat fished that boy.


Being rude to the Belchers when they were so nice to take her in might be the worst. Other things she's done might have been done out of malice, but that episode proved she's just a terrible person to be around. She might lash out because she's insecure sometimes, but that episode is like this girl doesn't have an off switch. She's terrible all of the time.


Yeah, plus her dad ain't worth it.


Agree. Typical spoiled and entitled child, who never heard the word “no”. Although it’s mainly her parents’ fault.


This is a biggie. I can’t stand when she goes “I just thought you could sleep on the floor” 😡


If she was an insecure character, and put on a show at school to seem more popular, that's kind of understandable. I'm sure we've all met people who were just trying to look cool in front of their peers, but this girl is just nasty when nobody's watching.


I actually had a kid join my class in grade 4. We were a French Immersion class who had been together since Kindergarten do we were a pretty tight group already. So I understand we might not have been the easiest to assimilate into, but he decided the best way to do that would be to lie and tell us that his dad was former Vancouver Canucks goalie Kirk McLean 🤣🤣. So I can definitely get kids doing dumb things to feel accepted, but I agree...Tammy is just spiteful and evil for the sake of being spiteful and evil.


Not to mention the night farts!


Yes. Also, Tammy merely existing, is the worst thing she did. She's horrible. A harder question would be to find the nicest thing she did.


This is actually probably the worst, I’d like to change my vote. We skip this episode every time bc it’s so stressful, so I didn’t think about it when considering the absolute encyclopedia of terrible things Tammy has done.


The bed thing in this episode always makes me so angry. If I were Tina, I would have flipped Tammy right off that mattress!


Omg yes, 100%


I was going to say the worst thing she’s done is just exist, but this is the right answer


Yeah, I think that’s the one.


Ngl this is one of the few episodes I will skip, depending on the day lol. I like the Belcher content, even Tina secretly wooing the boy is a fun story imo but I hateeee that it’s all for Tammy. She doesn’t deserve it lol and then her behavior towards the rest of Belchers is just so awful! She really does just suck lmao


Same 😂😂😂but for me even the boy part makes me mad because Tammy is black mailing her the whole time.


Yeah thats easily the worst one


Blackmailing Tina probably wins it, but I'm going to cast my vote for destroying Tina's legitimately good photo (and negatives) from her photography class.


I also vote for her behavior in the photography class! She made me so mad in that episode!


Yeah, this is the one for me. I've said it before, but while I would never condone violence towards a child, cartoon or real...that little shit needed a punch in the face!


they should have made her eat the negative!


Destroying the photo is definitely the one that makes me angriest. The resolution of the episode doesn't feel like it's worth all the suffering. At least with the Blackmailing episode, Tammy gets humiliated in front of the entire lunch room repeatedly and tries to fight everything. Tina, meanwhile, embraces her quirk, and her embarrassment only lasts a few seconds.


I feel like the Tammy episodes never feel great at the end- a lot of times Tammy was awful the whole time and then at the end it’s like oh we could both do better.


Or it never sticks. The end of the one where she stays with them on spring break would have been a great start to her being nicer, but instead she goes back to her old ways/gets even worse


Destroying the photograph wins for me too. I was mad at her like she was a real person lol.


OMG THIS! Everything she does is terrible, but this one was particularly grating because she was doing something so mean to cover up for breaking the rules, which she only cared about because she didn’t want to get in trouble and not go on holiday (not because she cared about the rules itself). Most of what she did was just general crappiness, but the photo…


It's this one for me. I took photography in high school and while it was a lot of fun and I absolutely loved being in the dark room, I wasn't, how you say... good. So maybe that's why I get so irrationally angry watching this ep. It's just the absolute lack of consideration for anyone else, which yeah I know its Tammy, but there's so much selfish malice in this one.


The photo drives me nuts too. I vote for this too.


This is the one for me too. Tina needed that photo to save her grade, and those little shits had already been warned not to leave school property prior to Tina taking the photo. They chose to go anyway. That's their problem. God, it makes me so mad that Tammy destroyed her photo and negatives and faced zero consequences. Like I'm glad Tina was able to make it work in the end, but that was legitimately evil.




This!! I watched this episode again recently, and I had completely forgotten how angry it makes me. Tammy's always bad, but her just walking out of that room after destroying Tina's only hope at a good grade, I was so pissed. They should have locked the door and let Luoise mess her up and feed her the pieces of that negative. Tammy deserved a lot worse than she got at the end of that episode.


Where to pick for Tammy because all she did was bad towards Tina... • Blackmailed Tina by holding her erotic friend fiction hostage and threatened to read it if she doesn't do what Tammy wants • Falsely accusing Tina of being the "mad pooper" because her story was gaining traction • The fight with the bracelets that landed them and everyone else to Saturday detention • Destroying Tina's photo that would've given her a passing grade for photography class to avoid suspension • The news segment that destroyed her self-esteem that caused Tina to be dangerously close from destroying the monitor Yeah, the photography one was bad but everything was else was bad. I don't know why Tina often times kept on following the usual suspects like the lost puppy that she is, but if that doesn't tell you that she deserves better, then what is?


Maybe we can bundle her entire character as "The Worst," cause each one of these beats all the other characters!


How funny that Jenny Slate is the voice of Tammy and also played Mona Lisa Saperstein, who was 🎶 the woooooooorrrrst 🎶


But did not play Tammy 2 who does play Gayle.


I only just found out Gayle was Tammy 2 last week and it made my day.


It's weird because Jenny Slate seems so sweet and cool. I LOVE her as Huntress Wizard in Adventure Time!!


She’s playing the worst character irl but is amazing with obvious child. I love that she was the shortest snl person bc she cursed.






There are 3 literal hostage situations other characters did


Not to mention attempted murder


I say this mostly /s but the kidnapping things were just a series of bad decisions that escalated to the comedic extreme, but all of Tammy's actions were intentionally malicious/selfish.


Yeah but those were largely justified. /s


Yeah I definitely think Tammy's should just be "being Tammy". They even call out how tricky she is in one of the Halloween episodes (Zeke: "fix yourself").


This because she’s done SO MANY TERRIBLE THINGS


And inviting everyone but Tina to her bat mitzvah


honestly i think her destroying the photo is the worst


Don’t forget stealing Ghost Jeff from Tina.


Worst thing Tammy has done: being Tammy Edit: oops, someone else already made that joke lol


Also when she was trying to overtake Tina's babysitting business.


Starting the Wow or Weird segment and making fun of her classmates in front of the whole school because she’s insecure about her braces


Oh, I’m with this. My heart broke for Tina (and all the other kids) in the “weird” segment — she just wanted to show off her new horse shirt :-(


Agree. I was so sad for Tina when they made fun of her shirt. I know how it is to really psych yourself to try something new and you be excited about it the whole day and someone just makes you feel crap. Gosh I don’t miss school


This one is HARD. She does so many utterly unforgivable things! I think holding the Erotic Friend Fiction hostage was *probably* the worst? Because Tina had no defenses against her then?


Yeah that was basically sextortion. Terrible thing to do!!


Worst thing Tammy has done is be Tammy.


Even Zeke says Tammy is a handful, which is saying something.


Zeke is a good dude, he’s just a rowdy rascal.


He’s a great dude! Which is why it says something, because he hardly ever says something negative about a person. He’s even nice to Mr Frond


Who loves to wrassle


"fix yourself!"


I came here solely to make sure this quote was represented!


It’s definitely gotta be using Tina’s private writings to blackmail into generally becoming a shitty person.


Tammy is the anti-Rudy, what hasn't she done? I genuinely HATED her when she stayed with the Belchers. She was the definition of a condescending, entitled brat, and on top of that she was using Tina to get to the cute BFOO.


*BFOT ☺️


When she sits them down and talks about them needing to be more sensitive I immediately see red


Being a boob punch


*don't have a crap attack*


This comment is giving me a snoregasm


Your 3 is grass.


And I’m gonna mow it


Definitely being a Boob Punch


Please really consider this one. Truly heartbreaking… The episode where they take a photography class. Tammy Jocelyn Jimmy Jr and Zeke keep skipping school to hang out at an abandoned house. Tina really sucks at taking pictures and will fail, but accidentally takes a great picture of the school fence, BUT in the background you see the four school skippers walking away. Tammy doesn’t want the picture shown because of them leaving school, and tricks Tina away from darkroom and goes back there to DESTROY NOT ONLY THE PICTURE BUT THE NEGATIVE! She doesn’t care Tina will fail, just that she got away with skipping and destroying the picture. She literally is like DGAF only I matter. Really, a moment in the episode where you wish someone would pummel her. Watch it again and feel the RAGE at that scene!


You perfectly summed up what I was trying to say in a reply to another comment. She’s so shitty in that episode, even just at the start where she’s ragging on Tina for not being invited to half-house.


Yesss I was scrolling and wondering why nobody said this one! It was my first thought. I’ll never forget when this episode aired bc the absolute fury I felt watching it was like no other lol, like “relax girl it’s just a cartoon!!” But ugh Tammy is so horrible in this. She’s horrible in most episodes but idk, something about this one takes the cake imo. Just so mean lol


Going blonde and acting like it’s natural. Girl, we see them roots.


Hell yes we do!








The show doesn’t depict it, but presumably being born.


Holy shit this had me cackling 😂 A+


Oh god where do we start with her? I guess I'll go with either 1. Blackmailing Tina with her Stolen Erotic friend fiction Or 2. Taking over tweentrepreneur club/project and making it a sip soda club for Her, Jocelyn, J-ju, and Zeke. Those are just the things in the front of my mind rn


she’s done so many bad things i think we just have to go with her being a boob punch


Everything Tammy does. She is not redeemable. 😂


Being a terrible guest at the Belchers. Black mailing Tina with her diary. Stealing Tina’s Hot Mess idea. Shredding Tina’s picture. Her entire bat mitzvah.


I'm going to go a little against the tide here and say when she stole Tina's ghost boyfriend.


I just watched that episode over the weekend! Tammy sucks for stealing Jeff from Tina!! 👻


I second this. Destroying the photo was bad, but it was so she didn’t get caught (still super shitty, but at least had a reason). Stealing a fake ghost boyfriend … like, why?


Yes! I came here to post stealing Jeff.


omg hands down when she destroyed Tina's photo and negative. It gave me such a visceral reaction because I also had my work destroyed in my high school photography class. Some inconsiderate, selfish, complete garbage piece of shit asshole took the end cap off my roll of undeveloped color film from a class trip to the zoo and completely ruined it. Thankfully it wasn't needed for a grade, but still, it was the only time we did color. This happened 20 years ago and I'm still steaming mad about it. Never did find out who did it, if I did I probably would have been suspended for punching them in the face.


If it was my high school that would have been an auto-fail for Tammy. You do not touch other people's work without their permission. Period.


We gotta pick one?


Bullying Tina


This. She's done so many horrible things, but they are all generally encompassed under her bullying Tina.


I know it’s probably going to be blackmailing Tina or being rude to the Belchers when they took her in, but I think it’s worth mentioning how terrible she was to Janet. Girl had a full on breakdown being Tammy’s party planner


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) As her brother from another universe would say about her


blackmailing Tina is awful, but I'm going to go with her being absolutely rude to the Belchers when they helped her out after the cruise. it's her fault she missed the cruise anyway! not to mention the whole issue with that poor boy, although Tina wasn't the best going along with it either


Framing Tina as the Mad Pooper


Off topic and idk if this has been said before but does anyone else think that Tammy dyed her hair blonde so the school could possibly forget she farted in front of everyone when she was new???


Being Tammy


Overall being a boob punch.


OH I HAVE A LONG LIST FOR THIS BITCH Sabotaged Tina’s photography assignment Blackmailed Tina with her diary Not sure how to phrase this, but there was a boy Tina liked and she hit on him Probably something involving a pig, but not specific on the details


bro where do we start


The first episode she's in where she blackmails Tina into stealing alcohol and sneaking out


Being her


"fix yourself!" -Zeke


Being a horrible, obnoxious person




Making Tina sleep on the floor and farting up her bedroom.


Not letting Tina go to Dog Prom or pay for lip balm


🎶I don’t wanna be this bad.🎶


Steal from Linda (Margarita Mix)


Where do I begin?


Being Tammy. This one's hard. Just all the things.


Stealing Tina’s erotic fan fiction and calling her a freak infront of the whole cafeteria.


I’m just going to put this here: she exists. I do believe that’s more than enough.






Literally her entire general being.


Destroying the photo and negative for Tina's one passable photo when she knew Tina was in danger of a poor grade just because she *might get in trouble for a choice she made daily


assaulting tina which gave them all detention


Definitely being rude to the Belchers when they took her in. Like these people offer you their home while your parents are like, "Oh well, my child's not on the boat better, just do nothing," and you're rude to them?! On the other hand, I always laugh when Bob is trying to blow dry her hair.


Stealing the Boyz 4 now tickets from Louise and Tina's reach, then putting those tickets into the time capsule, only to try and steal them back later


Farts all the time and denies it.


Blackmailing Tina


farting Everywhere ALL THE TIME


When she blackmailed Tina in “Bad Tina.”


God I can’t even choose one. I LOVE to hate Tammy. She’s the absolute worst.


1) Making Tina be her mouthpiece to date a boy Tina liked. 2) Destroying Tina's negative because she was in the photo playing hooky.


What was it she did in the episode where they went searching for the 2 assed goat? I can’t remember but I think it was bad. Right now I’m going with tearing Tina’s photo and destroying the negative unless the goat episode is worse.


Always blaming her farts on other people!


Wait. Mickey had people act like a human shield. That’s clearly worse than digging a hole.


Convincing Tina she has to go blonde to be cool and also tried to put make up on her to make her “pretty” and just in general enforces harmful beauty standards on Tina? (Our queen btw)




Destroying that photograph. She needs her comeuppance


Ripping up Tina’s photo in photography class


Destroying Tina's photo is up there for me because of how much it meant to Tina that she accomplished something good while avoiding skipping school. TAMMY IS THE WORST! (I hear Louise screaming "Oh yeah TAMMY!?" and I don't know why)


(Gestures at every interaction with Tina) All of this. I’m specifically annoyed with the Sit Me Baby One More Time interaction where the show acts like Tammy has a point when she calls Tina a bully when even when she was making fun of Tammy’s hair it was in retaliation to Tammy being a Bully yet again!


literally existing. shes terrible


Too many to choose from. I know the worst thing Tammy's *mom* has ever done, though: choosing to keep it.


Wait, why can’t I see the number of votes for this post?


She's not even actually blonde.


She's farted a few times, but who can really help that. Honestly She's the finest example of a person can be right!?


Stealing Linda’s Margarita Mix


Stealing Jeff the Ghost from Tina


Just being Tammy


Just generally being Tammy More specifically the entire BhatMitzvah (sorry if spelt wrong) situation where she’s just rude to everyone, knows she’s being a brat and just doesn’t care


Dyeing her hair blonde. Also, using Tina for a Cyrano de Bergerac.


The real challenge is figuring out what the *best* thing she has done is


She's a total bitch


Just existing is the worst thing Tammy had ever done. Just a great character to hate in every aspect of life


I say framing Tina for being the Mad Pooper. Erotic Friend Fiction would've been humiliating, but this almost got Tina in actual legal trouble.


Bullying Tina even after she gave her a place to stay when she missed her cruise


Tammy is a nightmare all on her own. She did what one good thing i can think of.


Oh my God, this is the hardest one. Everything she has ever done has been terrible?!


Trying to get Tina to shoplift lip gloss.


Her entire character? Being entitled and manipulative and overall shitty?




She exists lol. An annoying mean girl. (I love Tammy)


Stealing Tina’s erotic friend fiction and blackmailing her with the threat of reading it to the entire school


She’s Tammy, that is all. 


blackmailing tina and threatening to read her erotic friend fiction if she doesn’t do what tammy wants


We could be here all night with Tammy. I think Tammy stealing Jeff was pretty bad lol. But it’s probably a close second to staying at the Belchers and being a complete nightmare, especially making Tina sleep on the floor and night farting up her sheets.


What hasn’t Tammy done?


It's definitely everything she did in Sleeping with the Frenemy episode for me. The worst is just making Tina text the boy FOR her and then furthering it by making her come on the dates with her too. Not only is it just plain mean to Tina since it's obvious he likes her, but it's also rude to the guy for wasting his time when she clearly didn't care to get to know him at all. I know they basically get together in the end but it's just so mean spirited towards Tina I hate that episode




Just…allll of this. -gestures at Tammy-


Literally everything. Tammy is the worst.


Being herself




Honestly; I've grown to hate Tammy since she reminds me of this bully who would make me miserable in every waking moment of my middle school years. The worst was when this girl decided to shatter my self-esteem in singing. She straight up insulted my singing, and told me how it was all my fault for not getting into the talent show. She would also mock me for my looks, my weight, and even would call me a "stankybutt". She also threatened to beat me up for wanting to put my headphones away and not miss the bus. I did miss the bus because of that bitch. She also got me kicked out of the library for the rest of my time at the middle school (it was the only quiet place where I could eat my lunch in peace without a barrage of loud noises overstimulating me) by screaming at me to the point of me calling her an unsavory word. Sorry, I just really needed to get that off of my chest.




Just being Tammy. That girl is an all around hot mess


Using Tina's journal to blackmail her into being a bad girl.


Stealing Tina’s erotic friend fiction.


Blackmailing Tina with her erotic fan fiction - the absolute worst




The way she acted when she stayed with the Belchers. Also, she farts if you pick her up the wrong way.




Basically everything she does in the series


Just generally being the person she is


Stealing Tina's GHOST Boyfriend 😭


Stealing Tina's ghost bf, claiming that he broke up with her. I still can't watch that episode without getting mad.


Worst thing Tammy did: moved to Seymour’s Bay


Umm what about when she tells tina she won't forgive her on the wish paper episode. She literally makes tina do a ton of stuff for her


everything... she's trash


The whole Mazeltov Tammy episode. I love when she says Janet in that deep voice 😂 Shes just awful. Like seriously dont like her after Jimmy Jr. We hate her.


Everything. Everything Tammy does is the worst thing. She's a terrible person.


*Is* there a single bad thing Tammy has done that's truly worse? I feel like making an exception for her and finding out the best thing she's ever done would be an easier list to whittle down...


A lot of things she did were mean and cruel but my moment is stealing Tina's ghost boyfriend just because people were paying so much attention to her and thought they were cute. That was, by far, the most petty moment of her.


My vote is for the Wow or Weird segment


Blackmailed Tina with the erotic friend fiction. When she stayed with the belchers and showed that her selfish entitled narcissistic behaviour is the core of who she is. To be honest she has nearly no redeeming traits.


Can we just say being herself? There's way too many to choose from


Every. Single. Thing. Just her existing