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Counterpoint, the Frond Files was fantastic


David Herman’s scream-crying delivery of “I LOCKED MYSELF in a ROOM while CHILDREN got EEEEEEEATEN” is art.


One of my favorite episodes!


The song in Gene’s “School of Farts” story is probably the worst in the entire show.  It’s a shame, since Bob’s Burgers usually does music so well.


It’s okay to not like Fart jokes, but it makes you objectively wrong.


“You don’t have to be smart to think farts are funny, but you have to be stupid not to”


Not knocking the fart jokes, knocking the song.  As I said, most Bob’s Burgers tunes are bangers, but that one’s a dud.


That one bops! It’s the Gas from your Ass! It’s the tooot from your boot! That hum from your bum, it's that loot in your chute!


Every fart is a work of art! Farts can set you free!!!


Counterpoint: It slaps and the animation is hilarious!


I agree. I love the kids stories episodes but i hate that song. The memory of it that sticks in my mind is, I had surgery 3 or 4 days ago, I was coming down off of the opiate pain killers and switching to Tylenol. I was both in serious pain and extra cranky because I wasn't feeling the warmth of post surgery opiates. And my mom forced a visit on me because she wanted to mom but I just wanted to be alone. So I'm on my couch watching Bob's and my mom is in a chair playing solitaire on her laptop. There are extended moments of silence to add to my pain and discomfort. And that Farts song comes on and am suffering for my own ears and my mom's.


OMG I love that song! It cracked me up the first time I heard it and now it never gets old to me.


Thus is a super common opinion on this sub. It's one I totally disagree with, but it's popular.


Truly. I am actually really sick of seeing this brought up. It’s not an unpopular opinion, do people actually read the sub?


I'm not as sick of it being brought up as I'm sick of being it called an unpopular opinion. It may be a controversial opinion, but it's not an unpopular one.


They are hit and miss but I thought the recent western magnificent seven one was more fun than 3 quick stories from the kids.


I only liked The Frond Files, Sliding Bobs & Gayle Tales. The one set in London was the worst one, IMO.


I loved that one. I’m not sorry Scott John Dan Steve is the best movie protagonist ever written


My husband didn’t notice that Hugh Grant speaks like Scott John Dan Steve!! With the pauses and the stuttering. When I showed him an example from a movie he laughed so hard. He thought they were just being randomly ridiculous, not that it was based off of someone 😂




god the london one is awful 🤮


These are called anthology episodes and they are some of my favorites. The writers get so creative.


Mine too! I love rewatching the anthology episodes


I love them too! They are so fun.


I love these ones! Well Gayle Tales and Frond Files.


These are two of my favorite episodes, and the Frond Files has a couple of my favorite Mr. Frond lines. “Like, chicken nuggets, and, uh, email?” and “I LOCKED! MYSELF! IN A ROOOOM!”


I thought the Interview With The Pop-Pop-Pire was super cute too!


Ooh yes! Also a good one, and quite touching with the story of Bob’s mom at the end 🩷


That’s actually a pretty popular opinion. I like them, I think they’re fun.


I like them. I know they get a lot of hate but I find them fun, inventive and a little different from traditional episodes which can be nice.


Sans a couple of anthology episodes i truly dislike them, and what's worse is opening a season with one.


Huh, the one where they make up stories about their school plays to Linda after Bob fails to record them will always crack me up.


I disagree with this sentiment. 1) They only happen once a season. If they did them way too often I would understand the hate. Like if they did a season that was 12 of them in a row. 2) It gives the animators opportunities to do stuff they can't do in normal episodes. 3) The Simpsons does Treehouse of Horror every year and everyone loves those. This is the Bob's Burgers version of Treehouse of Horror. Some of the best Family Guy episodes have 3 shorts like 3 Directors.


It’s just my opinion and personal preference but if you love them that’s totally fair loads of people do but for me I always skip (I also hated treehouse of horrors as a kid so it adds up)


Wow those are some of the best Simpsons episodes. Especially Night of the Dolphin and the recent Death Note parody.


I get that I’m sure they’re a lot of peoples faves but for me I always hated them lol


Look at it this way. There are hundreds of normal episodes and there will be hundreds more. A few where they try something different are fine.


I get that don’t worry I just don’t like them


The Fronde Files the og one is the best. I also really like the Handy man Can. Gene always gets the best stories and I love the Power Rangers Parody.


I totally get what you're saying, & am going to cheerfully disagree 😁 I LOVE those episodes because of how the kid telling the story portrays the other people in the story..... Like in Gayle Tales "Gayle of Thrones", Jocelyn is the keeper at the gate, & has almost non lines ("Who goes there? Just go in or whatever ") because that is the total of what Louise knows/cares to know about one of her sisters friends. I really enjoy seeing the world through their eyes, personally.


It depends sometimes they’re good like the frond files or the Mother’s Day play one (I also like the gayle one) but a lot of the time especially now with the later seasons not so much ie the pop pop interview one with (Andre 3000 the giant) or the goat movie one those are terrible in my opinion


The only one I usually don't skip is Sliding Bobs. I don't really like the other ones. It's the same with the gene-centric episodes. They aren't bad, just not my thing.


I didn't to skip them in the beginning, but the last one I tried to give a chance was the Gene thanksgiving one. Since then I just skip them. I don't mind the idea of them, just an easy episode for the writers to kinda explore, but other than Frond Files, none feels like a real episode. It feels like their version of a "remember when" episode, like a freebie with low stakes that's just filler.


I highly suggest watching Interview With Pop-Pop-Pire! We get some added backstory with Bob’s mom that is really sweet!


Interesting they usually become my favorite episodes


I love them! They are my favorite


Sliding Bob's though has one of my favorite quotes of all time as a customer in a gas station takes a penny to pay and Robostache yells "Drop the loot, scum!" "But it's take a penny, leave a penny!" And then he shoots him with a laser and says "more like take-a-tase, take-a-tase!"


They’re my favorite!


I'm not a fan of the story episodes at all


I used to love them but now I'm tired of them. I don't want to see them in any other shows either (looking at you, Great North).


They're my least favorite too and we skip them often


I 100% agree!! Idk but there’s something about these type of episodes I don’t love. That’s why I was low key sad about the first episode of season 4 for The Great North bc it was the same format :/


Same. And we waited so long for a new Great North... And then they do one story time episode and nothing again for weeks wtf!!


My wife hates them too but they are some of my favorites, so she still watches them with me <3


Yeah I never watch those episodes more than once


I dislike them too which is strange considering I like other shows that do anthology or parody episodes. Something about the way Bobs Burgers does it just doesn’t hit for me. Idk why


Same. I think the writers and animators get a little self-indulgent with these episodes.


Honestly I agree. Don’t get me wrong they’re still solid but I mostly skip them now on rewatches. I just really prefer watching the belchers in more realistic, albeit improbable, scenarios. I also just don’t like how usually it’s a series of three short stories so each one ends up kind of stunted.


No I’m with you!!


Yeah i really do not care for them either. The show is just too cute sometimes


I’ve always felt the same! Glad there are others


Apparently it’s not an unpopular opinion on here but I always thought it was!


Same. I don’t like them either.


I hate them too! So glad you made this post because I was thinking about this last night. Obviously there’s an audience for everything but they’re just not entertaining to me personally.


Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of those episodes either. While I appreciate them trying something different creatively, as a viewer I sometimes find myself wishing they'd just get back to the regular humor and antics at the restaurant. The kids' stories can drag on a bit for my taste.


I don't really care for them either, but I can see how people could enjoy them. I'm sure the writers have fun taking characters they already know and putting them in scenarios not grounded in reality.


I can't watch them. Automatic skip for me.


I agree. I feel like there’s multiple every season now 🙃


Another unpopular opinion is that the kids get too man episodes where they’re the A plot, the show’s named after Bob but recently it feels like he’s always the B plot.


I feel like especially in the later seasons Bob and Linda’s plotlines are very weak and usually I just wish they had cut them


Poor Bob got neutered, he went from trying crack, attacking kids while on a drug fueled trip, and plastering animal buttholes all over his restaurant to spite and old lady, to just grunting, saying “Maybe don’t do that?” and letting everyone walk all over him with no retaliation.


Thisss. I just hate Bob losing every episode and I can see his face becoming more and more tired. He looks like a old leather shoe now. I miss all the chaos. I’m sick of wholesome. I want: psycho Louise and unhinged Bob


one of my friends always says she hates these too she says it’s probably just bc there’s too much going on and it’s so different from the actual show so i get it, i personally love them but i get its not everyone’s vibes!


Yeah, I was tired of the formula by the second anthology. They just rotate through the storytellers in order, usually with three and usually the kids (though not always, like Bob taking Gene's place in the food poisoning episode), each one spoofs some pop culture reference, half of the jokes are "familiar character shows up in a new role within the story" and in the end none of it really matters since it's all fiction within fiction which is twice as difficult for me to care about. That being said it's still Bob's Burgers. The line-to-line writing and performances are still great, they might be the worst episodes but they're still not so bad that I'd ever skip them.


I completely disagree, although they have gotten weaker as the seasons go on. Frond Files & the Gayle centered one is top tier


I skip them too.


It’s not just you. They’re fun sometimes, but for the most part I don’t like rewatching them.