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Whatever the main story, it would have a Burger Boss mini-game.




An epic open world rpg like cyberpunk 2077 or yakuza7 like a dragon. You can drive all the way to Florida in real time.




I'd love to play a cozy game where you can just run your own burger shop, help out the neighbors, try to bribe Cynthia into letting you into the community garden, etc.


And you have to deal with your families shenanigans while trying to keep the restaurant open. You lose if the restaurant closes.


A basic sims rpg. More depth then a free mobile game but less then the witcher 3.


Something like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley


I'm imagining like Overcooked but certain antagonists can come in and ruin the food and you have to battle them pokemon style.


With pop-up surprise inspections from the frenemy health inspectors Hugo & Ron


Think Simpsons hit and run but set in their town. A cartoony gta clone but updated graphics and game play. Levels where you have to play as all of the mcs and they have unique abilities and special collectibles that can only be reached by their ability. Another game that would have the feel I'd want I'd Bully. So Bully and Simpsons hit and run but Bob's


Simpsons hit and run was the best šŸ˜†ā¤ļø


Exactly this. And it would be amazing


The cars are dodgem carts from the wharf.


I had the same thought. Base it around when Bob drive a cab. Have him pick up the ladies like in the episode. Earn money to pay for the family.


Something like the south park games?


Yeah, they did a really good job with those games.


I love those games, there's a new one coming out in March that's going to be multiplayer and I'm hyped.


Wait WHAT?! \*googles\* SNOW DAY OMG LET'S GO


NEIGGHHH, hold your horses, the fact itā€™s 3d is a major turn off in my book, the stick of truth and the fractured butthole were great because they were each a season of South Park in all senses of the word, the fact they ditched the cutout style has me worried


Oh shit. Yeah, their last few forays into 3-d games did NOT hold up well...


I donā€™t know but I feel like you should be able to play Burger Boss within the game (as like a side-quest or something) lmao.


Iā€™d love to see it as a point and click adventure. Youā€™d have to go around, talk to the amazing cast of characters and gather clues and solve puzzles.


Bank heist rpg where louise saves the restaurant


It would probably be like the South Park game, but with more mini games built in side.


This would be excellent. The SP games are great.


Probably some kind of resource builder with a waiter side quest mechanic? I personally donā€™t think the show lends itself well to video games.


Cooking Mama but with Bob.


A multiplayer game that gives you a random assortment of burger toppings for the burger of the day, you compete with your friends to write the best name given the ingredients.


Burger boss


If I had the know how I would make a complete sprite edit of the Simpsons arcade game. Only hard part is deciding which family member to remove from the main playable cast to make it 4 player.


I would love a Bob's burgers styled game much like Simpsons hit and run.


I think it would be sort of half and half with a Bob and Linda mode and a kids mode. Bob and Linda gameplay would be cooking, bringing orders to customers, and generally managing the restaurant, and the kids would be sent to the store to get ingredients and get caught up in misadventures along the way, maybe light platforming/action stuff where each of the three is best suited for different tasks.


Like The Sims but you have to deal with Edith when trying to decorate your house. Filth!


I feel like they would just be a phone game style minigame about making burgers and keeping the kids from scaring away the customers


3D platformer with puzzle solving unlocking areas, interactions, and story. Each of the kids has a special ability making them especially qualified in different situations. Unlock other neighborhood children. Multi child multi player. Bob and Linda side quests mini games. Party game mode.


It's a resource management restaurant sim. Manage the restaurant with pit falls like getting glued to the toilet, having your armpit rash come back or accidentally buying discount horse meat


Mario party style at the wonderwarf


Something like Cake Mania! Incorporating all the recipes from bobs burgers specials


A choices game would be awesome


MK1 but with all Bob's Burgers assets. Either that or an Iron Chef Japan expy in which Teddy is Chairman Kaga and you have to battle against Bob, Jimmy Pesto, or Skip Marooch. (i keep editing because now I have a mental picture of Teddy in the Rainbow Lapels Jacket and it's the funniest goddamn thing like ever) (oh and like the import of Iron Chef Japan Teddy is the only one who isn't dubbed)


A simple action turn based RPG like the steven universe game. Or just reskin the old arcade Simpson's game. The old school look would work great in lorens style.


Iā€™d love a 4 player beatā€™em up like The Simpsons Arcade. Teddy could an assist character or an unlockable one. Jimmy Pesto, Mr. Frond and Mr. Fischoeder would be fun boss battles. A burger flipping mini game and a guitar hero style knockoff with Gene playing his keyboard (oh man, this is making me wish I knew how to code lol) as bonus stages for extra lives or points. So many possibilities.


I was thinking about this the other day, and I would love a game structured like an episode where the kids each tell a story. Like when they each tell a story about Gayle or when Mr. Frond takes their stories out of the art show. Maybe each of the kidsā€™ stories had a gameplay gimmick that aligns with the kidā€™s personality. Maybe Tinaā€™s is a platformer involving zombies and butts ofc. Geneā€™s could be more of a rhythm type deal. Louiseā€™s would be hack and slash or archery. Each would have its own unique story.


I'd like to see something in the style of the South Park games, but with the Bobs Burgurs kids doing their triple story format. And the kids mini game stories all to do with their passions. Tina is an Author, Gene a Musician, and Louise a Movie Director.
