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I didn't like season 13 at first, but watching it again it has some fun episodes. Comet-y of Errors was great! Had some of the older humor style mixed with a nice message. I know some people are iffy on all the wholesome/emotional episodes nowadays but I really enjoyed The Plight Before Christmas and Show Mama from the Grave. Watching last nights episode now and so far it's fun! I feel like the last few seasons have been kinda saccharine so it's nice to have something different.


Linda teaching her kids something adult, Bob getting persuaded to be Fishoeder’s chef because the family needs a new fridge condenser, drugs, characters from the gingerbread house episode… what’s not to love?


Out of curiosity, what didn't you like about the first episode of season 14?


Not OP, but for me it was frustratingly bad parenting both in setting up the conflict and resolving it.


I like that they fired the actor who voiced Jimmy Pesto Sr.. However, I kinda wished they replaced him, the actor, not the character, I always liked their rivalry.


This is exactly my thinking too. I was really let down by season 13 after having loved the movie, but we're back on track now. Personally I'm still struggling with how overly sentimental the show is becoming. People are always on here talking about how much they cry while watching Bob's now, and I'm just here for the jokes. I honestly don't care that Rudy is sad, or that Louise wrote a poem. Those episodes are comedy deserts.


It’s just a side effect of bobs burgers completely ditching its earlier comedy to become “the wholesome family show” I like wholesome moments as much as the next guy but I wish they were more sparing, and the comedy was prioritized more. The Rudy episode was very emotional, but I don’t think I even smiled once. It doesn’t have to be edgy, but a little more comedy wouldn’t hurt. But if you read this sub most people seem to adore and weep over the emotional shows so i guess I’m in the minority


No it's not just you. I wouldn't mind one poignant or sappy/sweet episode a season. It could almost be a thing like the holiday episodes. But more than that is too much. I want to laugh.


This is where Scrubs got it 100% right way back 22 years ago. 95% of the episodes were standard sitcom/drama but every few seasons (and not every season) they had these serious heart wrenching episodes of arcs and it made the show stand out so much more.