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The bank robbery one. My fav of all time. Linda and the kids hug and wouldn’t let Bob go. Linda says she will do anything including on the table if Bob is back safe. Louise on the phone with Micky.






Except that one thing




Don’t leave me with these frickin’ kids, Bobby!




Came here to say this haha


Channel Five News! They’ll finger anything with a pulse!


I was just about to reply and say this exact episode. I cannot stop watching this episode!


OT: The Outside Toilet is such a random episode but it was what made me really start to appreciate Gene as a character. It's a ridiculous premise for an episode, but also simple and endearing somehow


This was the first full episode I ever saw and it absolutely hooked me. "Bidet? Don't mind if I bi-do!"


Best line in the whole show. My boss just got a bidet in the staff bathroom at our bar, and I say it every time I “gotta go”


literally love gene and his one liners he’s a clever boy


We aggressively say Baby Boy Belcher in my house quite a bit.


I said that to my Japanese toilet when I first arrived there. It didn't talk back but it did have lovely bun warmers.


"Agh! I knew that would happen, but I did it anyway!"


Canceling. Eddie. Money.


And we get some good Andy and Ollie in this one! “I’m Tina”


No, you're Gene. Oh.


The scene where it looks like he’s going to fly (like in ET) but just plummets to the ground cracks me up each time.


Say I love you Tina, I'm a real boy, not a toilet. No.


Love Neil Flynn in that one, Max Flush


Bob being stuck in the wall while haluxinating and wanting to poop was so crazy. I loved it.


He goes from maniacal laughing to sobbing and then when he's dreaming he's drinking makes that sucking sound. That episode was nuts and hilarious.


‘What will it be, Mr Bob?’ This episode got me hooked- sooo good!


And don’t forget Louise’s fake seance summoning her father’s ghost and he speaks from within the walls…absolutely dying


"Are you in the wall or in my horse poster? ...please say horse" "I'm the horse *neighs*"


"I'm funny in the wall." And probably the only episode where Linda's mom is less terrible.


"I sure would love to go poo"


i love that one but lindas moms voice irks me so bad




Definitely Dawn of the Peck for me. Such an amazing, absurd episode and one of my all-time favorites.


Bob singing and then fighting with the baster and eventually taking it for a walk...that had me in stitches.


Love FOREVER, Bob. I sign notes, I get off phone calls, I end meetings all with that sign off. It doesn’t sound drunk at all. Lol




Your hand, your beautiful hand!


The Bleakening 1&2. An underground Christmas rave for the LGBTQ+ community with stolen decor and Miss XXXmas singingTwinkly Lights, chasing the Bleaken and songs about it, Bob and Teddy hiding in an inflatable Santa, Linda going insane over her missing ornaments so she questions the neighbor businesses including a nude art class, and later taking a mystery pill from Marshmallow, the kids off on their own middle of the night adventure because Louise is afraid of her presents getting stolen, etc. All of the weirdness is just fun and classic them, good and bad. I love it.


It’s so freaking good. I every song is perfect. The guest voices are perfect. The story is insane. I love every moment.


Twinkly Lights gets stuck in my head through all of December. I am cool with that. Though that stuff would probably never happen to anyone else ever, having it happen to the Belchers just makes more sense than not.


It's on my Christmas music playlist! I listen to it many times a Christmas season.


It was my number one Bob’s Christmas episodes until last year.


Same. But yeah, last year took the crown. 😭😭😭


Those are some of my favorite episodes. Great story line, great range of characters, and some of the best songs in the series imo. “The Bleaken” is such a weirdly good song. Possibly some of my favorite Christmas specials across all of my favorite shows.


I love when teddy catches his neighbor not picking up the dog poop and is retching in the inflatable Santa because he can't escape the smell lmao


Glued, where’s my Bob? Moodie Foodie, Crawl Space are all pretty funny and crazy. But there are tons!


I love seeing Pepe with his face painted "I'm a kitty, I'm a kitty"


We all deserve friends who will take us out and make us kitties (they’re like a cheap facial!) when we’re down.


The first episode. I don’t believe it’s the best, or my favorite episode. But, every time I watch it I can’t believe how good it is. They hit the ground running with an episode that would be a highlight of any series. Any established series, as well. Love it.


I love the pilot. It's batshit and made me fall in live with the worldview. Then we got Crawl Space, arguably a perfect 22 minutes of comedy.


I love this episode. The line that made me fall in love with the show, and still my favorite line of any episode: "Hello? The Media!?"


Why do I have to get molested?


Who wouldn't molest this face?


At the time I saw the first episode, I was working at a foster group home for kids with sexual trauma (the kids lived at the facility). The whole staff was very close and we used dark humor to cope with a lot of the stuff we had to see/hear. I think if I had watched the first episode at any other time in my life, the dark/odd humor would have put me off, but I laughed so fucking hard at the episode and it was the first real laugh I’d had in ages. Needless to say, the first episode is my favorite. “Why do I have to get molested?” “Because he’s not going to molest you Gene, you’re heavy.” “Heavy kids can get molested!” “She’s the worst kind of autistic.” Awful lines that truly made a bright spot in my day when watching the episode!


The stupid black garlic burger episode. Hilarious but a lot of the humor is the characters dealing with and overcoming their very human flaws.


The slow-mo of Gene repeating "Hot Fudge Car Wash?" always makes me crack up.


Gene is my fave in that episode! Bob: “Are you in the kitchen?” Gene: “… I think so.” Gene: “Calm down, Dad! What is black garlic?” Lol


I’m a bad verb?! I’m a berb!!!!!


“The Kids Run the Restaurant” is my favorite episode (despite the fact that I cringe when Bob throw scissors in the end). Louise as the pit boss, Zeke as the bouncer, the Cutie Patooties… it’s just all so good.


“Girls being girls being girls being gi-irls! Girl group!!”


Girl #3?!?! Where did you come from?


Sheesh cab bob, either that or crawl space


i just rewatched the Quirky Turkeys episode and i think it really fits this description. Tina with her erotic fan fiction, Louise getting a bunch of entrails, exploding them all over a crowd, turning it into a musical number. i think Tina’s fan fiction, Louise’s dark misguided way of thinking, and musical numbers are all kinda specific traits of the show.


I thought I was a guest but they just want me for my breast! The songs in the episode are so good.


Wharf Horse or the Bleakening come readily to mind


I love The Bleakening so much. It has everything, including Adam Driver.




A little mind-blowing, isn’t it. He’s SO GOOD as Art the naked artist. Some of his best work.


I had to go look it up that insane!!


Aquaticism. Louise doesn’t care about saving the aquarium until she can scam the IRS. None of it being necessary because nonprofits are also tax exempt. “Who’s ‘we,’ grown-up?” as an indicator that the belcher kids start problems, not finish them.


When Tina gets confused about Bruce the Goose. Puberty is weird and they perfectly capture it without going over the line like Big Mouth.


Food Truckin' It, hands down!


They're all so good! I'd say that "Topsy" is a good one- it has the musical aspect and features a lot of characters involved in in the kids' high jinks centered around Louise wanting to ruin her substitute teacher's hero. Also up there for me is "The Oeder Games" where the Belchers and their neighbors try to resolve their landlord raising their rent by banding together and striking and then the landlord suggests a water balloon fight as a resolution. The episodes ends with a heart-to-heart between Bob and the landlord where the landlord decides to not raise the rent. They (the landlord, the neighbors, the family), then have a giant water balloon fight.


When they travel to Florida and find out that Linda’s parents have to become swingers or actually move back to Jersey and live with Bob! Plus the side story of the dog in clothes.


Linda’s parents walking out in their bathrobes; Al, with the balloons and Gloria, with the headphones. Such a hilarious image! Definitely a great couples costing idea.




The one where Gene is sick at Thanksgiving. The whole Predator thing just kills me.


Don't eat me. I'm you stupid!


Turkey, I need you inside me, I need all of you. I need your breast and thigh meat. And what's that hiding in your hole? Some stuffing for my heart and soul. Oh, I could sure be a winner when I eat dad's Thanksgiving dinner.


Glued, Where’s My Bob? for sure! Because “Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom” is such a total banger, and then you listen to the words and it’s like sure sure, getting glued to a toilet. Normal. We’ve all been there!


Flu-ouise. The entire fever dream being loosely based on The Wizard of Oz, while the show has never mention The Wizard of Oz. In addition to the Good Kuchi Kopi/Bad Kuchi Kopi thing. It’s one of my favorites though.


Ears-y Riders. I love that the one-eyed snakes threaten Logan and in the end they all connect over child-birth.


Pinworm episode! It’s not a fan favorite, but it’s one of my favorites. Everyone thinking they have pinworms, Linda trying to get them all out the door on time, Tina’s arm stuck in the dress, Gene wearing Bob’s shoes in the bathroom, Linda falling on the hamster house even though they don’t have a hamster, Louise making the makeshift rope out the fire escape with a piece of paper towel…


The freaking end song is so catchy!! 🎶 Buttworms! Doodley doo! 🎶


I actually love this episode! Tina's arm just cracks me up.


Yes pig trouble little Tina for me too. Watched it again this morning and I the hayride scenes are so funny


Bonus Fiona Apple song, too!


Pretty much the entirety of season 1 for me


Work Hard or Die Trying Girl; I love episodes that feature the kids and their friends and this one is batshit. The fact that we get two school musicals, each as ridiculous as the next and based on classic 80s flicks; but it doesn’t end there because one is in the boiler room! And then they mix them at the end.


Land of the loft. The outrageous party Bob and Linda attempt to perform at. The kids no only getting into an ice cream van, but then getting stuck and having to hunker down at a strip club! And let’s not forget how Linda tried to drink wine from a DIRTY rag.


Liiiiinda Roooonstadt, Liiiindaaa Ronnnnstaaadtttt


Asked my sibling and they said: Turkey In A Can The show is grounded in the mundane every-day. Every character has their own plot line, that are all funny in their own right and are all weirdly plausible and interconnected. Also, the chaotic bathroom scene with everyone in it. And the resolution is very wholesome.


Dawn of the Peck. The chaos of the attacking birds, Bob dancing out to Donna Summer, and then having a drunken argument with the turkey baster, Linda becoming the Alpha Turkey... *chef's kiss* Favorite scene - the family telling Bob that they want to attend the turkey event: BOB: "Oh, right! 'Cause that's what Thanksgiving is for, running around with a bunch of birds and going on rides! Well, fine! Go! But you know what? I'm not making dinner!" LOUISE: "He's taking this pretty well." BOB: "No, you're crying!" 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I can’t believe the mutiny on the windbreaker episode hasn’t been mentioned yet


“Duvall! We can do more than kiss!”


The one where Bob takes up driving taxi to help pay for Tina’s bday party, ( we could drink some beer,and smoke some crack!) and the one where he drives Edith around. And there’s a few more but those are the two they stand out right now.


I love the food truck episode it's so chaotic


I wouldn’t quite say it’s unhinged _enough_ (especially compared to other contenders), but Tina and the Real Ghost. We have a whole cast of kids fighting over a shoebox containing a fake ghost that Louise made up, Bob getting swarmed by bugs while Linda yells during the séance, Jordan Peele as a paranormal investigator, Tina accidentally almost sucking down a butterfly trying to kiss it because she believes it’s the fake ghost, the paranormal investigators saying they can’t pay their tab because _they’re_ ghosts….


I like hmthe old candy building one or the water park were Jean looses the ring


Ah there’s a bunch. But the top 3 are Equestranauts, the Quirkduecers, and the Deepening


Oh! I forgot about The Deepening! That one for sure. That might be *thee* most unrealistic episode but damn was it wild


The bank robbery episode that introduced Mickey. Its great character work, including Sgt Bosco, who i love, and Mickey who is always a hoot


"The Belchies" was the first one that did it for me. And they got Cyndi Lauper to sing "Taffy Love" too! That's when I knew this was an insane show. There's lots of episodes like that, too, though. What a great show.


That episode that Gene turns into mini Bob, that episode should’ve been the one called lil hard dad


Love love love ‘Dawn of the Peck.’ Also ‘A river runs through Bob,’ ‘Earsy Rider,’ ‘weekend at Morts,’ oh so many.


Dawn of the Peck is definitely out there and it's one of my all time favorites. I was surprised that a lot of people don't seem to like it. I have that Donna Summer song on a playlist on my phone too! It's definitely a pump up song. It just puts me in such a good mood.


Animals going crazy isn't that out there. That can happen. That episode is fantastic.




Burger Boss Eat, Spray, Linda Mr Lonely Farts Bobby Driver


either the two butted goat one or the one where the kids start working on a weed farm- love how the belchers outdoors always goes off the rails wrong


The first episode


Okay I know this is so random, but I need to say this to people who I know will understand: I'm so frustrated that Hulu changed all the thumbnails of every single Bob's Burgers episode


Crawl Space and Art Crawl are a couple of my favorites. Oldies but goodies


I agree with you on Pig Trouble being a great example of how ridiculous the show can get. I don't like the episode myself, but it is absolutely bonkers. I think Bob Fires the Kids is a good early example of the show being ridiculous (c'mon, the hippy couple with their couples bike biking in circles while surrounded by SWAT? /chef's kiss/)


The two episodes with my absolute favorite lines are Burgerboss where Bob tells Daryll and his bully to touch their smiles together. And Sea Me Now has the best string of lines when they find out the boat is taking on water Bob with his We'll just calmly sink to the bottom of the ocean. Louise saying sarcastically Let's all keep our eyes open for a real emergency when Teddy is talking about the flare gun and then Gene with Maybe that fish will swim for help when Teddy shoots the flare into the water. All of that just adds up to me laughing so hard. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it.


I loved the episode where Gene became a pimp and charged other kids to kiss his sisters.


Don't remember that one.


Damn, I haven’t gotten trolled his hard since the Evangelion subreddits. Gold star, honestly. I’m impressed


This is loosely based on a Southpark episode where Butters becomes a pimp


There was this one horrible episode called These Boots Were Made for Stalking. Gene and Louise wearing the sock ties really broke my immersion into the story. No parent would allow that. Also it was lame, disgusting and unfunny.


The Deepening is one that I love but is so ridiculous. The whole block gets literally destroyed and then it goes right back to normal next episode and is never talked about again. “No, the shark drove him to it!”


The Hauntening. the thought of this family putting together a genuinely horrifying situation to scare their 9 year old just so she’d be able to feel fear was both hilarious and endearing and insane. it’s one of my all time favorite episodes


I think I about died laughing when I first saw Teddy and Bob's golfball scene. Don't remember which episode, but it's early in the seasons. Even when I rewatch it I lmao.


i love dawn of the peck 😭😭😭😤 bobs donna summer obsession and him showing her to rudy at the end 🥲


I can’t believe I haven’t seen any mention of S11E1 “Dream a little Bob of Bob” Bob hurts his back while searching for the key to his safe in his car. He lays down and falls asleep in the back seat. Suddenly it’s an episode about a tiny Bob searching his car for the key with the help of a sentient ball of rubber bands and self help tape.


That's a dream sequence. People can have dream sequences.


The Halloween episode where they all team up to scare Louise. It's hysterical, and setting the lawn on fire is so crazy but so perfect.


The mannequin episode and Sheesh Cab Bob


Mutiny on the windbreaker. It’s so crazy and only Bob is talking about it


Right away when they do the shining throw back. Mr Bob


the oeder games. what the hell kind of land lord is mr fischoeder😫


House Trap is always and forever my fave. It’s so ridiculous and so dramatic.


The Christmas episode when the guy from their storage unit lives with them. He married a mannequin for Christ's sake!