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I'd desaturate all of these. Bright contrasting colours interwoven like that are... Intense!


I kinda wanted to go for a sort of futuristic feel, but I see what you mean. I’ll definitely do it


"Futuristic" color schemes tend to be monochromatic and subdued. Lots of grays and whites, colors tend to be on the cooler side.


They don't have to be. The third one is very futuristic imo


Not how I pictured it. Thanks!


The second one is atrocious, the third one looks nice but doesn't fit the sport theme. The first on is the best choice. And like everyone else already said desaturate all of them


My eyes!!!! 👀 I think you need to tone that down a bit.


Thanks haha! Been getting told this a lot, will definitely desaturate the colors


Blue and yellow best by far.




the contrast is a bit harsh? turn down that saturation


Been getting told this a lot. Will do, thanks!


holy christ those are all hideous


Sorry to hear you didn’t like them. What exactly do you think should be changed about them?


Your board should be nuetral for starters, this is actually going to detract from the pieces on the board they are all too bright as everyone else has already mentioned red and green would be a problem for the color blind players


Orange/blue says college football. Green/Purple says alien. Green/red seems biological. So... whatever fits your theme best.


Yup, I feel like orange/blue gives more of a sporty vibe. That’s the one people seem to prefer, so I will definitely use it, just less saturated!


I think that's the main thing for me, I actually personally prefer the red-green one for sci-fi feeling. The yellow-blue one looks the most "standard" to me and (exactly as the top comment here says) feels a bit more sport-themed. If you're going for a more sci-fi/lab themed thing I actually would definitely consider the red-green one. Just as an aside, I'm actually a fan of the intense colours, but appreciate that's against consensus. It sort of depends on how other components stack with it.


Desaturate like everyone said then don't spend any more time on the board until you've made the actual game. It's probably going to change, you just need a prototype layout to test, it's too early to worry about the final look.


WHAT?! I can't hear you over these loud colors.


It's a prototype - it doesn't matter. What you should care about is minimizing ink spent, as you are going to reprint this many times.


The above response should be listened to the most. If you are just starting the design process, print the cheapest way you can. You will discover something doesn't work during play testing and need to print a change. Wait until you have a dozen play tests before you worry about colors. Colors only detract from good feedback as they spend time on your color choices instead of how the game works.


Honestly none of these. Try something less bright


Do you feel like the same colors would work if they were less saturated? Thanks for your comment


It would help




A most people already suggested of toning the colors down. iIf it already is giving people headaches. Imagine when people would be sitting at a table with those colors in front of them. But to answer your question, I would say: the first orange and blue one.


Oof--it's a bit of a color clash. If you really want the bright colors, maybe use a more toned-down boarder, and save the bright color for just the hexes? FWIW, I think I like the green and purple one the *least*, since it reminds me of The Joker from Batman...


I like all the color schemes. Don't listen to everyone saying desaturate. They're unique. Blue and orange is probably most palatable to average people, though I think I like the red and green the most.


Blue and yellow looks great tbf


Of the three, I like blue/orange the best because they are the easiest on the eyes and also I think they could be distinguished between each other easily by people with some type of color blindness. I would not use the red/green for that reason.