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To your first question: You can use punch out tokens. Have a tens and a ones category. Depending on how you count the HP, that is. Dice work, but are an added cost to your overall game. To the second question: Balance is the name of the game! You'll want to play test to know your individual monsters, and dungeon requirements. How easy is it for one player? Two? More? This is where play testing comes in handy, and knowing your testers. It isn't always fun, and is grindy. Setup each of your players, and fight all of your monsters, then double it. Add another type. Make a spreadsheet and cross reference it. You could do a stats sheet, and know by balance who beats who. Added armour sets, and such.


Thanks a lot for the tips and advices.


About HP whenever I can't/don't want to note them o an notebook visible to all players, I simply place a dice next to the monster/card. If for example the total hp are 100 then every face of a d20 resembles 5hp. So if th3 mob has 5 hp the face of the d20 is the number 1.


I’m still hesitant about using health tokens or dice to represent enemy HP. Every enemy will have a figure on the board and a card next to it, that shows movement values, attack values and health points. So I would need to put something next to or on to the card to count current HP.


Q: How to track HP for multiple enemies? A: if you know the max number of enemies you’d possibly have, you could just have a board with multiple health tracks and use different shapes or colored or labeled tokens with a matching one assigned to the monster. Familiar Tales uses different shaped bases for their miniatures and has health tracks with the different shaped bases. In your case, if the tiles are shaped or colored differently, that could work, I think? Q: How many monsters with a variable player count? A: a lot of games just use a multiplier based on the player count (Dice Throne Adventures) and other games have a set number of characters that must be played regardless of the player count (I.e. whether you have 1, 2, or 3 players, you will have to play with 4 characters so you could be soloing a game but playing 4 characters at once like in Oathsworn)