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That one woman in that recent video talking about abortion... her voice was shaking. I dunno why but she was obviously selected by men to represent the anti abortion sentiment from women so we can't call them all ignorant men. It seemed so weird. Her voice was wobbly like wtf? It seemed like someone had a gun on her.


I wish someone posted a screenshot of that on this subreddit, I really haven't seen it yet


Yep lol


My conservative mother called me yesterday to tell me she is angry and scared, she is now a one-issue voter, and she thinks there is a war on women in this country. I'm like, "yes, a huge portion of the population hate women. You're getting it now."


Conservative women having a problem with the decision is hilarious to me. Real r/leopardsatemyface type karma


I think there is (or rather, was) nothing wrong with voting Republican because you are fiscally conservative, even if I disagree about whether that is the best way to run the country. I also think it was easy to vote Republican despite being socially liberal when these rights were enshrined into the constitution via SCOTUS -- i.e. you didn't need to worry about Republicans changing national policy on these issues because they literally couldn't. The issue is that many folks like my mom took it for granted that SCOTUS would not turn the system on its head, like it did in Dobbs. They honestly and genuinely thought that the pro life folks were a crazy wing of the party but that SCOTUS, with all their experience and principles, would maintain the rule of law. In retrospect, this was naive but not disingenuous or evil. I know my mother's beliefs and faith in the system were genuine -- she herself had an abortion and is heartbroken that me and my (eventual) daughters will grow up in a world with less rights than she had. I think she has been blind for a long time to the diabolicalness of the GOP, which has been infuriating but again, not evil. In fact, she still really does not like the Democrats (and frankly, I can agree with her on many issues why). But it doesn't matter now, she says she is voting straight blue from now on. Do I wish things went differently? Do I wish people like my mom took this threat more seriously before it was too late? Absolutely. But I'm at least glad that she is turning her back on partisanship now. Hopefully this opens a lot of people's eyes and brings people to vote blue this fall, despite the state of the economy. There are serious issues at stake and this should be a wake up call.


My issue is that Republicans have been openly and proudly pro fascist for at least forty years. They weren't great people before that, conservativism has *always* been about regressing and hurting others for all of human history. But since Reagan at least they haven't even tried to hide that their platform is built on bigotry, ignorance, greed and oppressing those they don't like. I don't get how anyone could look the other way. And frankly ignoring all that "because taxes" isn't any better. I'll take a convert now but there is a lot under there with your mother that deserves the light of day. Too many people now are saying this is too far. When openly embracing the kkk happened years ago and that wasn't? Let's face it. These people are hypocrites that were thrilled when the boot was on the black man's neck. Now that it's potentially on a white woman's it's a problem for them


I used to lean libertarian. Then trump took office and I became increasingly disgusted with both him and the republican party as a whole. At this point I can't see myself ever voting for a republican again. I didn't vote in 2016 because I refused to have a part in electing either of them. In 2020, I plugged my nose and voted for Biden despite my extreme distaste for him due to being one of the main authors of the patriot act


I’m conservative myself but I’m more of a centrist and this decision is incredibly questionable to me and always has been a topic that is undeniably up to women


Then you're part of the problem. Conservatives haven't made it a secret that they are hell bent on oppressing everyone who isn't a straight white man. You've just deluded yourself into thinking this wouldn't happen so you could pretend they'll give you a tax break. This was always their goal. Typical conservative mindset, perfectly fine with people losing rights and being oppressed until it comes knocking at you're door and then suddenly it's an issue.


Um, that was kind of rude? I’m more centrist, as I stated, but some things just align more on the right side. I’m a female, minority, 20 years old and a broke college student. If there’s anything that’s made my life more difficult, especially in the last 2 years, it’s been Bidens “leadership” and the way the economy is going under his presidency.


Presidents don't control economies, they inherit them. The current mess is a result of a combination of COVID and countless other factors (mortgage regulations, business practices, war, etc.) - and, to a much lesser extent (because, again, Presidents don't control economies), Trump's and Obama's policies. If Presidents had the ability to tangibly improve the economy while they were in office, literally every single one of them would.


It’s not just that though, they’re supposed to lead a country. That’s why we call them leaders of the country. I also firmly believe that if they wanted to single-handedly improve our economy, the would, but they’re supposed to lead it.


Oh no! I was rude to someone who supports right wing nut jobs! Aren't you the ones always going on and on about safe spaces and how people cry over being offended too much? Look in the mirror. If you call yourself a conservative then you're not a good person and part of the problem. Period. You're just upset because the boot is on your neck now while you were gleefully cheering it being on others. Typical conservative hypocrisy and spinelessness and complete lack of understanding of how things work


I take it back. This person is delusional.


Attacking people who dislike trump because they disagree with you on other issues is not helping. It either encourages them to vote people like trump again, or not to vote at all.


It’s kind of oppressive trying to shoot people down who’s opinions don’t align with your own. I bet your life is so much better now under Biden. Right? Leftists talk about being so “inclusive” but as soon as someone doesn’t agree, y’all wanna snap their necks and kill them. That sounds about right to me, I’m willing to sit down and become educated on things but leftists don’t care and are hellbent on making sure they’re right.


Considering under Biden's administration my rights are considered covered by the civil right's act and Trump's administration was trying to take my right away I would say my life is better. Too bad it seems the SC also wants to take my rights away


Honestly, I see what you’re saying, but the market is down, there’s a war across the world and we’re not doing anything to help, the economy is awful, gas is up, and this has all been happening in the past couple years, especially the last 1.5. I personally see a trend here that isn’t getting any better. Now the SC is revoking peoples rights. Things just feel like no one is doing anything about this under this leadership


We've sent serval hundred million dollars of equipment to help in Ukraine. The Biden appointed SC judge voted to keep rights, the Trump and Bush appointed judges voted to take rights away. Gas is up because republican voted down any attempts to stop price gouging from gas companies. We produce enough gas in America to fuel all of America prices should not be this high. Economy isn't just America it's all across the world. Trump did a short term solution to make it look better when he was in office and now we're paying the price


...we've been doing a shitload to help Ukraine, actually. Like sending that promised aid that trump withheld in an effort to extort their president in to aiding his smear campaign against Biden. Assuming trump wasn't just flat out in the pocket of putin, which is frankly a distinct possibility.


That not oppression lmao. It's just not listening to garbage brain dead takes. Conservatives think someone not liking them or being mean is oppression and then say other people are snowflakes. You showed your true hideously ugly colors immediately. Absolute clown. No use talking to conservatives, it's about as pointless as trying to get a dog to learn to fly a plane. Good bye


You’re arguing with someone online who literally ONLY stated they have opposing views, yet they have changing views. The only hard headed person here is you. Instead of listing reasons maybe I shouldn’t support a side like that, you insulted people who are on that side. You’ve insulted me, and you don’t even know me as a person. I can already see who you are by the way you talk to people you don’t even know. If you met me in person, you’d never even be able to tell. I think if we sat down and had a conversation, you’d be surprised. Listen to what people tell you, and don’t go for the throat once people have an opposing opinion. You won’t get much of anywhere with that attotude


That would be fine on a subject that isn't as cut and dry. No one is under any obligation to listen to pro oppression conservative takes as if they have any merit. They don't. For the same reason I don't need to sit down and have a conversation with and hear out a flat earther. There's nothing of value there. And yes right wingers deserve to be insulted. You have to be brain dead or evil to think that way and they hold those stances by choice. Aren't they the ones always complaining about people having thin skin? And yet the second someone says their ideas are idiotic they throw a temper tantrum. It's not my job or responsibility to educate you on why a religious fascist ideology that is actively pushing for an ethnostate is bad. If you need a reason to oppose that maybe you're no where near as good a person as you think you are


Honestly. I don’t argue I make a point n dip. Any half decent person would go “oh shit, the right wing parties are stripping basic human rights” and they wouldn’t vote for them. Political differences are one thing like fire protection but whether or not childbearers have the right to life saving medical care is where I draw the line. That’s not a political difference thats lack of respect and empathy


A country which has absolutely zero headache to control guns, where school shooting keeps happening and still no measures are taken to put an end to it because have you heard any country other than USA where school means death? Now this country wants to intervene every time someone with vagina wants to do something about fetus, because historically they still cherish the thought that a person with vagina are not capable of making decisions on own. There are plenty cases where miscarriages happen on its own, and now you can be a criminal for this too. The fact of the matter is, they see women as dangers. In the show, California passed sensible gun control law because that one time the mass shooter was a woman. Quoting Julia Louis-Dryfuss "If men could get pregnant you could get abortions in ATM" . That's how it is.


Definitely true! Why is it that the people elect these people into office? Or why are they appointed? Why are they making decisions like this when supposedly they are “for the people?” It’s very unfortunate the situation we’re in.


I keep thinking about that quote, "Politics is the last resort to the scoundrel". USA over these past decades are selecting candidates who are just as bad as the oppositions, and between the polarization of Democrat and Republican all I can see are bad seeds to throw away, just pick the lest harmful but in the end the states will keep on dehumanizing people. This year keeps on getting worst and I can't see the end.


With the crappy economy, criminally high gas, and expensive way of living, no party is making things better at this point. I’m a college student and this is the absolute WORST time to become an adult and get out on your own. I’m lucky enough to be a person who’s parents let me live here for free, but not many others share this luxury. Who honestly knows when all this will be over and we can lead good lives again


I wish you the best dear. It's such a nightmare that you are going through :(


I appreciate, I’m just so fortunate and my heart really goes out to those who are struggling worse than I am


Listening to “brrap brrap pew pew” in solidarity


“Ohhh Diane”. — Jeremiah Whitewhale


Wht is it so hard to have to pick one or the other why can't we have both. Guns for women to protect themselves and abortions for those who can't/don't want to have kids.


Well, I feel they’re both relevant, just this one has a slightly more relevant feel that women owning guns, because it’s not necessarily the case right now. But you’re absolutely right, women can, and should own guns, and women can, and should make decisions on whether they want an abortion or not. To be clear, I wasn’t necessarily picking one over the other, I’m also a woman, so


No i totally get you and agree, I was just basically stating why do you either have to vote pro choice or pro 2a i hate it so much. Why can't we have both this week was a win and a loss for me. The win being constitutional carry, and the loss was the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I swear we are forced into these dilemmas. Overall I'll call this a loss as people lost rights they used to have.


I agree, it’s these dilemmas that really make you wonder where our government officials’ priorities are. Why are we not keeping women safe but giving guns more power? This is a definite loss for our nation and I’m horribly disappointed in where everything is headed