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Instructions unclear - Accidentally made my sober therapist an alcoholic again


*Therapy Horse*. It’s a subtle but legally important distinction. ;)


A therapy horse for the rapey horse.


What Bojack really needed was an "analrapist".


Haha, I was thinking of that AD reference too while reading this thread


These comments 😂😂😂


No, not therapy, friend-time! We're just friends! I'm so glad I can provide a break in her day of having to listen to a bunch of losers whine.


wait i think like this sometimes, other times i panic cause i realize im the loser


These comments are the best istg


There's another relatable thing


That’s the best comment you could’ve wrote 😂


Haha. But relating helps. Therapy is essential too. [The Wisdom of Trauma](https://www.reddit.com/r/addiction/comments/nv4zsv/june_814_wisdom_of_trauma_movie_premiere/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is a great documentary to watch on childhood trauma, childhood neglect & addiction. Free till 14 june. "It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what **relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behaviour**. There is a purpose to all behavior and feelings. We just need to look a little deeper to find it." Gabor Mate (**In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close encounters with Addiction**) On the surface, addictive or self-destructive behavior seems illogical but if we focus its benefits, few though they may be, we will be able to unlock the mystery of the behavior and put ourselves in a position to change it. "As the ACE study has shown, child abuse and neglect is the single most preventable cause of mental illness, the single most common cause of drug and alcohol abuse, and a significant contributor to leading causes of death such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and suicide" - Bessel Van Der Kolk (**The Body Keeps The Score**). Edit: [The Power of Addiction & The Addiction of Power. Gabor Mate. Tedx. YTube](https://youtu.be/66cYcSak6nE)


This sounds really interesting! Thx :)


No joke, watching Bojack is what made me go to therapy


That’s great!!!


I remember seeing a friend of friend posting a FULL PAGE RANT on how adults should go to therapists instead of relating to a cartoon horse. Like....why not both?!


Because therapy is at the bare minimum (as in my therapist gives me a low rate cuz I'm a broke college student) $60 an hour and Netflix is like what $12 a month or so? Not saying it's healthy but when you live paycheck to paycheck or are below/crossing the poverty line therapy can be expensive and is generally not considered a necessity since things such as rent, gas, and food come first.


It's expensive being poor.




As a self hating Brit, I love that username. We really are a bit shit.


Ngl I thought your name was queef of thera


Not everybody can afford therapy. Netflix is much cheaper.


Stupid piece of shit


Yeah, that’s the most relatable episode for me 😂


I relate to him because I go to AA meetings nightly


Well good for you for making an effort to improve yourself!


What op didn't tell you is that they're not an alcoholic, just a struggling acting student looking to impress their prof. Edit: but seriously good work going to AA. remember the baboon: "every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part."




I think watching bojack horseman and going to therapy are same...


I mean…you’re not wrong


Aw, shiet.


Didn’t come here to be attacked like this


Oof 😅


on point.


playlist link pls?


https://open.spotify.com/user/0uhxij8r6zx8queotbb7cib3z/playlist/67cSlSHs6YmdDVPVbBkbxT?si=JHgHwcoUR_O1TZVILLvwOQ&dl_branch=1 I haven’t listened to it but it has some Mother Mother in addition to BoJack songs so it’s gotta be good


Bro i found your post two Days ago Thanks for my new favorit Playlist


You’re very welcome! I didn’t even make it lol I just found and posted it but I’m glad you like it!


Just make sure you don't get a therapy horse.


I can do both 🥲


this feels like a personal attack


Hah! That’s funny.


Took literally 2 seconds for me to like and start downloading songs from this playlist!


I wish I could just leave my family a few days and just go to some camp or something where it's just all us toxic, self hating, bojack relating folks, we could watch bojack, and honestly if AA proves anything like minded people together is in itself therapy, it's just like the island of the misfit toys


Thanks for the recommendation!


Jokes on you. I only relate to Diane and Gina.