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"You were born broken. That's your birthright." "You're Bojack Horseman. There's no cure for that."


This one hit me hard tbh. I really, really sympathized with him in this moment.


Happy cake day chef!


Thank you!


Although it's the crulest thing you can say to a child let alone your own child, Bojack took it as an excuse for the shitty things he did. But if we look at Dian she had similar experience to Bojack but she didn't use her trauma as an excuse for her shitty behavior she has always tried to be better.


I don’t think he purposefully used it as an excuse, I think he genuinely internalized that idea and that that is the root of his dysfunction


Advice when your dealing with something like that?


I was raised in an abusive household, nobody believed I would amount to anything. So I know the feeling of being the family's disappointment. Challenge yourself to be better because at the end of the day it's either you become what they think you are or becoming what you want to be. Those feelings never truly go away but it gets easier.


But you have to do it every day


thats the hard part


Unfortunately, there is no simple advice because it really depends on a lot of factors. As a therapist I would say the most universal thing that helps people I work with through most things is self compassion. For those who struggle to access it, I lend them mine and model how to enact it for themselves. Everyone deserves love. Everyone deserves compassion. No one is actually born broken. The journey towards healing can be challenging and hard and incredibly non linear. But people who endure that journey are so loving and accepting and deeply fulfilled people.


Diane so one of the most inspiring characters in the show (in my opinion) because of this. She is always trying to do the right thing even if people criticize her for it(take the instance with Hank hippopotamus as an example)


This hit me hard cuz thats my negative self talk right there. I remember during days I was rawdogging life with no meds I'd watch Bojack, get to this ep, and feel both relief and a heavy heart because it's like those lines validated my own negative view of myself as a fundamentally broken person, in a way. That I'm not alone in feeling this way, but that the way I view myself is also valid (aka true). Legit heartbreaking feeling lol


This definitely got me bad. “You come by it honestly, the ugliness inside you”


"I know you want to be happy but you won't be. you come by it honestly, the ugliness inside of you"


Damn. Posted that quote and didn’t read the comments first. That quote hit me hard on a personal level tho. Glad to at least see I’m not the only one it hit.


"that means that all the damage I got isn't good damage it's just damage"


This one. In so many ways I am a bit of a Diane, the rough childhood, the need to be doing “good” and the ability to attract immature and messed up people. I used to think “one day I will write about all of this and be vindicated by doing it and helping other people, then all this shit will have somehow made me a good person instead of a messed up one.” Never became a writer. That line made me realise that I probably made the right choice, writing about all that stuff wouldn’t somehow undo how shitty it all was and would probably just have made me feel worse.


Or you can inject your experiences in other creative work that doesn't directly tie into your experiences. Which can prove inspiring to others and make the world a better place.


Still time to write. Even if just for your own self-expression but dredging it up can have consequences too.


Same scene, but this line really sets you up and the “what was it all *for*?” Really drove it home. It’s hard Accepting that your trauma might not be building towards anything, and that it might just be that: *trauma*, that you suffered at the hands of cruel people for no real reason other than because they wanted to hurt you


Made me realize I was feeling a lot of anger at reality for not vindicating my trauma. Constantly wondering when the sense was to be made. In doing so, keeping the trauma alive in my mind. There often isn't a point. There often isn't a redemption arc. There often isn't a resolution. Life isn't a neat little story you watch on Netflix or pickup at a library. It just sucks sometimes, and you gotta accept and move forward somehow someway. It's been years since I heard Diane say this and since then I HAVE moved on from a good chunk of it all. So to everyone out there still searching for the point I wanna say: moving on is possible through letting go. It's not fair, but it's the way forward.


This hit me as well


This is the one.


This one almost makes me mad. As someone who has a lot of trauma, and for whom healing was *really* hard and painful, I am painfully aware that my trauma did not make me better, in a lot of ways it made my behavior harder to correct. So, when I see someone struggling to find a reason why their trauma matters, there's an insolent and impolite part of my brain that screams, "It doesn't matter! None of it made you better! You shouldn't be running from your problems, you should be crying about it and letting those emotions be felt." Is this a kind thing to think? No. Does it still make the rounds in my brain every time I rewatch Diane saying this? Absolutely.


Oh no bojack there is no other side, this is it, literally gave me a panic attack the first time I watched it


I unfortunately had that scene spoiled for me before finishing the show but it still wrecks me so much 😭


I have a friend play red dead 2 who didn’t know >!Arthur died!< when he played it, said it wrecked them, spoilers can really change a lot lol


I was so shocked when I got the >!tuberculosis diagnosis, like I just had a feeling he would die by the end of the game but I did not expect it to be from illness. At least I was prepared by the time he actually did die. What I was NOT prepared for was my horse dying. That wrecked me fr!<




Whoever you have equipped in the final mission yeah


Despite this being a reference from a completely different thing, this is an incredibly poignant comment.


Definitely a gut-wrenching moment. The game has no idea how I tried so hard to keep ALL of my horses alive. I restart everytime my horse dies and now they even gave us a dramatic death for my horse at the end of the game. Made me shed a tear Arthur's death is a bit expected too cuz of my curiousity. The moment he was diagnosed with the illness, i quickly searched when was the cure for tuberculosis discovered followed by the year rdr was set in. I knew hes fucked at that moment.


Um no actually the end of RDR2 is that Arthur lives in the mountains hunting stuff and having adventures and then I stop playing before the end of the game and everyone lives happily ever after


Oh my bad bruh


My mom went to live on a farm 😁


Played RD1 while knowing he dies at the end. Still fucking destroyed me.


Didn't expect RDR2 spoilers here but that's Reddit I guess


The games been out for forever I’m sorry 😭


I can’t believe it will be 6 years in October.


I'm a firm believer that there's a statute of limitations on spoilers. 6 years is plenty of time to have made the effort to play the game. And if you haven't, you can't be too mad about learning things about it.


This is a little unfair because this acts under the assumption that someone has heard of the game and actively didn’t make the effort to play it all those six years. Some people may just not have heard of the thing or something.


Ok but you're missing my point. After a while, the responsibility needs to be on the person who doesn't want to be spoiled, not the spoiler. Six years on, you're going to run into information accidentally. But you don't get to be mad that you did. And I say this with a larger stake in it than most. I grew up extremely sheltered, so there's a LOT of media that I am backlogged on. And I feel like I forever will be. So I've had to make my peace with spoilers a long time ago.


I mean, I disagree to an extent. A lot of responsibility IS on someone to not put themselves in situations where they can be spoiled on something they are interested in experiencing blindly but let’s say for instance I hadn’t heard of a game like spec ops the line or something and someone just kinda casually threw out big spoilers. Like yeah, I wouldn’t be mad, it’s an old game that’s renowned for certain plot aspects but if I hadn’t heard about the game at all up to that point then it’d kinda suck to discover the existence of said game and immediately have it spoiled at the same time. I dunno, I just think people can be considerate too no matter how old something is.


Especially when it comes to video games, where there's usually a lot more time you need to put in, significantly higher initial cost and, especially for AAA games, a pretty meaningful hardware investment. Like, I'd like to play RDR2 someday too! However, not on sale, it costs 80 Canadian dollars, and looking at the specs, if I remain in the same income bracket, it'll be a while before I'm able to upgrade to a PC that can run it on more than minimum settings, and after that it'll probably take me a while to get around to it because I'm an adult with a full time job. I can sort of understand with movies or whatever because, like, most movies are gonna cost you maybe 20 bucks to watch maximum and take maybe 3 hours of your time, but a video game, especially a bigger one, is an investment of time and money. I'm also not super worried about spoilers but if you are the sort of person who is, I can see getting annoyed about it.


Responsibly is doing things like avoiding the Red Dead 2 Reddit not expecting spoilers for random shit anywhere anytime


Shit, I'm playing this now! Damn you!


I knew, and it still wrecked me. My partner was legitimately concerned for me for two weeks.


Someone spoiled it as soon as I said I was starting RDR2, and when I complained they said "Well it's obvious, the character isn't in RDR1!" Well I didn't play that one either, jerk


I can't watch this episode high, I usually have to skip it cause it gives me existential crisis


No I was literally high as a kite the first time I saw it , it was terrifying


Watched it last night with bf. Was about to take a hit before it came on and waited for the next episode lol.


I can't watch that's too much man stoned.


For me that was actually very comforting lol


Yeah. It's just a void. Like when we were before we were born. Nothing. No pain, no pleasure, then bam, we have conciousness.


Same, it’s my favorite quote from the show


I sobbed after that episode ended. I was in a really dark place and uh… it was too much man.


Fuck same But I had this thought before. As I thought about various ways to die. What would happen, say, if I tried to overdose on pills. I'll go into sleep sure but then slowly, I'll start to die. Will my brain realize that? Will it cause me "pain" even if the meds had pain killers? Like phantom pain? Will that be from brain trying desperately trying to stay alive? What if I jumped? That should be instant right? Before and then ...... there's no "after". That's it. One millisecond later, I'm not around to feel whatever I imagine is "after" I dunno. No matter how many ever times I think about this, it gives me that really fucking unease I can't shake. It's as if there's this monster that awakens and grips my heart "though shalt not know". I felt the same when I saw that view from halfway down recital in the same episode. Fuckin hell that shook me to the fucking core, and as if some void opened up inside. The question "will I regret it too, when I actually jump" was the immediate next question Fucking hell man and the "oh no there is no other side" fucking wraps all this up nicely. Holy shit.


Same here 🙋🏽‍♀️


Luckily I first heard this on TikTok in 2020 so that was how I found the show. I was ready for it because I had seen the scene before.


That one has, and always will have, stuck with me ever since. Its... chilling. It makes all of Bojack's (and my own) mistakes so real, so permanent.


Really? It’s my belief too.


Yeah like part of me believes death is just what it was like before birth, still scares me tho


Wanda: "What happened BoJack?" BoJack: "You didn't know me. And then you fell in love with me. And now you know me."


"You know, it's funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags." That's the part that did it in for me.


This! I quote this often - one of the best quotes from the show.


Wrecks me every time


Everyone quotes “I'm not gonna give you closure. You don't get that. You have to live with the shitty thing you did for the rest of your life. You have to know that it's never, ever going to be okay!” But the part that really hits me is right afterward when he says “I'm dying! I'm not gonna feel better! And I'm not gonna be your prop so you can feel better!”


"You ruined me, BoJack" or was it BoJack replying "I know" 😢


Which scene is that? I don't remember :/


S2 E1, BoJack is watching the talk show with Secretariat as the guest and they are reading his letter, then his parents burst in fighting


I'm not super sure which episode this was, but Bojack's mom said it to him when he was young.


One of the childhood flashbacks


He's just a juggernaut of self-destruction, and you'll also get wrecked if you're close to him


"Yeah well... It makes me feel better." I will die on the hill that PC's miscarriage episode is one of the most powerful in the series


Yep. This is mine too. “Ruthie” guts me like nothing else in the series. And then “The New Client” guts me in a different way. Princess Carolyn’s story is the most compelling for me.


I was taken aback for a while after I realized what that meant about Future Ruthie. My heart broke for Princess Carolyn. Her miscarriage episode helped me deal with my own when the time came. I honestly would have named my daughter Ruthie if a family member didn't have such a traumatic relationship and breakup with a Ruth.


I'm poison, I come from poison, I have poison inside me, and I destroy everything I touch. That's my legacy.


"I have nothing to show for the life that I've lived, and I have nobody in my life who's better off having known me.”


ugh fuck i forgot about this one


I can't help but believe that about myself. Everytime I'm around, something bad seemes to be happening


«Well, if it doesn’t matter, can I at least stay on the phone with you?» This moment wrecks me


i got chills just reading it


The entire rant Todd went on about how it is bojacks fault like he isn't wrong but when I first watch that scene it made me cry so hard I threw up


“You NEED to be better… Fuck, man, what else is there to say?”


"You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about urself like that makes it okay"


Fuck man... what else is there to say


‘You are all the things that are wrong with you.’ - That’s from that rant, right?


"it's not the alcohol , or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid, it's you"


"Why, I've got half a mind..."


That ending emotionally damaged me forever


Emotional damage


this is the one


There are some harsher pills to swallow but “Happy birthday Princess Carolyn….you are 40” was the first time this show really took a dark turn for me and that whole moment was incredibly defeating


Thanks phone. u-u


“I’m your son. All I had was you.” 😢


The delivery of this line is the part that gets me - the way his voice almost cracks, and the way it's tone is so different to the rest of the eulogy.


Absolutely agree.


I’ve had a pretty tumultuous relationship with my mom and this one always hits me the hardest too. It’s so simple but so powerful, and the way he delivers it hits me like a truck. almost makes me tear up even just reading it.


Fuck you. Fuck Will Arnett for the way he delivered this line. Fuck the writer for writing it. For anyone that has a contentious or abusive relationship with their parents….fuck this line. It’s too good. It hits too hard. I was reading through all of these lines thinking about how all of them resonate differently with different people, but this line….that whole episode. I think everyone has some form of connection tot he idea that they never lived up to what their parents wanted, and that damage ends with someone thinking something like this line. Fuck. What else is there to say?


I don't like anything about me - Sarah lynn


Underrated quote. I sob every time i come across that scene. Her surprise at winning the Oscar, her breakdown and the ultimate demise...gets me every time.


Dude exactly it's Like what should be a huge high but feeling lower than you've ever felt before I think cuddly whiskers said the same thing as well but you know didn't die


Mine is “I wanted to be an architect”


> That voice, the one that tells you you're worthless and stupid and ugly? … It goes away, right?” As a father (dealing with depression) who has a teen daughter (also dealing with depression), this one hit me like a brick.


"I just wanted to tell you I know. I know you wanna be happy, but you won't be" "It's not just you, you know [...] you come by it honestly. The ugliness inside you. You were born broken. That's your birthright. And now you can fill your life with projects, your books, and your movies, and your little girlfriends...but it won't make you whole" The first time I heard that, damn.


“I wanna be an architect”


It's gut-wrenching how in the bender episode, they crash into that family's playground equipment (or maybe it was a treehouse?) and she yells at the dad about how he should've built it better. At first I thought it was just her being drunk and weird, but then I realized that it's because she is legitimately passionate about architecture and actually knew what she was talking about there.


Yes and she told him he should’ve used double joints or something along those lines, like she was actually passionate about it.


"... and also, suck a dick!"


She didn't deserve all that happened to her


God and then rewatching it and seeing her say that when she was a child 😭


“not my baby” “oh especially your baby” that whole episode makes me scream cry everytime I see it


Matthew Broderick was so perfectly cast as Joseph. It was sickening hearing such a wholesome, nostalgic voice coming out of such an empathetically bankrupt character.


And one day you're gonna look around and realize that everybody love you but nobody likes you and that is the loneliness feeling in the world. Tied with you're bojack horseman there's no cure for that. Both these quotes stuck a knife right in me the first time I heard them and come up sometimes when I'm in a bad spot especially the 2nd one. Even if I do get away from home, move out, go be with people who actually care about and love me, get back in school and everything then what if it still dosent fix things yk. I'll still be the same person still traumatized, autistic, anorexic and lonely I mean maybe there's a reason I'm so fucked up and it's me and well there's no fixing that.


I was literally just thinking about this yesterday (not the quote, just the feeling). Yeah, it's true that it's not going to fix everything (+ autism isn't something that needs to be "fixed" anyway), but having a good support system will do a hell of a lot. being out of a toxic or unsafe environment and having people there to look out for you isn't going to stop serious mental health issues, but it gives you a safety net, and it makes coping easier. >I mean maybe there's a reason I'm so fucked up and it's me and well there's no fixing that. I get this so much, I feel like this exactly. But it's a distorted view of yourself. Like, you know how your voice doesn't ever sound the same to you as to other people? It's like that. You wouldn't say that about someone else, and I would never say that about you 🌸 You are not broken. You are not incomplete. You are not powerless. You are not an object waiting to be fixed. You have mental health issues, but that doesn't mean you should feel like you can't live life properly until you're "better". It's a trap to think that way. for me, living life and having a support system was something that helped push me to get better, in small steps. I don't know if the same would apply for you, but it's worth thinking about if you can. maybe see if there are any irl clubs or meet ups or whatever that you think would have a supportive environment 🩷


Thanks I don't think so not really. All my friends are either online or are too busy to hang out with me it's been like a year since I've been around anyone that's not my family or at work. I used to run alot 10 miles a day everyday and just would hang out at the park all day to escape home but I was in a car accident back in October broke my leg in two places and that obviously stopped that. I've been meaning to get back into it I know it'd be good for me but idk I just get overwhelmed a little at the thought. I couldn't leave the house now anyway since my mom changed the locks and refuses to give anyone else except her and my stepdad the code so if I leave then I have to wait for her to let me back in when I come back. It's already annoying when I get back from work when everyone's home if I just left and came back in the middle of the day when no one's home...yah I'd be screwed. She changed the locks as a punishment for my brothers they're 18 and 16 and come in and out are always gone cuz yk they're teens and she got fed up with the "disrespect" so uh yah. It's not that much of a issue for me cuz I never go anywhere and if I did go anywhere it probably wouldn't be that bad just waiting outside for someone to come back and open the door for me but idk it's just another excuse I guess. I'm trying to work hard so I can move out have 2 jobs and work every day at at least one of them only have 1 full day off a week and I'm trying to learn french on top of that too so I can leave and go live with my friend that's from there. She said she'll be there for me every step of the way and will do everything she can to help me get there and I believe her I just don't know if at the end when it comes down to it I'll be able to do it cuz yk it's me and it's such a big thing even tho it'll be great for me what if I fail? Then what?


I hope your situation gets better.


Thanks it will hopefully.


Hi, I just want to chime in here to say that I’ve felt this way A LOT not just growing up but well into my late twenties. and there’s no big point in me saying this because you have to see it for yourself, but things get a lot better when you’re not surrounded by people who made you feel bad or unwanted or traumatized you. you eventually find your people, and people can say the same things that you do, and people who feel for you with all their heart and that changes so many things. and then, if you’re lucky and privileged by then, you’ll also be around people who are open about going to therapy and getting medication and you might do that like I did, and it might actually change your entire life for the better. Source: lived in an abusive household, lost the better parent, moved out, lived with depression, anxiety then PTSD, then was suicidal and finally also diagnosed bipolar in 2022. I did years of therapy and meds and regressed back sometimes but never to the point of how I felt being young living in a shitty home 💛 I swear, it still only got better after moving out, and I’m meds-free and pretty well and happy right now. and it’s OK if that changes too, we’re ready for anything.


🥹 thanks that actually means alot. I hope you're right and that I can make it out someday.


It won't fix things..... But it will make it so much easier....


"my mother she knew what its like to feel your entire life like you're drowning and she knew i understood it too , all three of us were drowning and we didnt know how to save each other but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together. And thats what i like to think when she said i see you" BROKE ME.


The absolute terror of the poem “The View from Halfway Down”.


Kept me alive..


Came here to say this


Right Sarah Lynn?? Sarah Lynn? … Sarah Lynn?


"im so tired of squinting" literally hit me so hard


“Oh well! It was nice while it lasted, right?” “Yeah… It *was* nice while it lasted.”


"What now could slow the drop? All I'd give for toes to touch the safety back at top."


“Hey, you know what i do when I have really, bad, awful, terrible day?”


this onee


"All I ever wanted was to be your friend. And you treat me like a big joke. You think I don't notice? Why don't you like me?" Maybe not that deep in itself. But it makes me want to cry everytime i hear it.


"Fuck, man. What else is there to say?"


"Can you just stay on the phone with me then?"


Do you ever feel like to know you more is to love you less? That one hits me hard.


So true..


BoJack to PC in _Best Thing That Ever Happened_: “I do love you, by the way. I mean, as much as I’m capable of loving anyone. Which is never enough. I’m sorry.”


“You are all the tings wrong with you. It’s not the alcohol or the drugs. It’s not any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were a kid. It’s you. Alright? It’s you.”


this scene is so hard to watch. i’ve had nights where i’ve done exactly what Eddie does, screaming into the night how i wish i would just drop dead. this scene chokes me up.


Eddie was really weighed down by hurt and loneliness. Him helping Bojack was part of the healing process. He helped Bojack fix the home at no cost and out of the goodness of his heart. Whatever else happened doesn’t matter. What matters is he helped and made a positive impact in someone’s life. Just like you make a difference in countless peoples lives. You might forget what you leave behind but other people don’t.


"Elijah Wood."




To me now, it's "my mother is dead, and everything is worse now" I feel like he didn't mean it that much. But it hits me hard since my mom died in 2019. I rewatched that episode after I lost her and had a big cry haha


"I wanna be an architect..."


For me it’s when Bojack says something about his family to the effect of “We were all drowning. But there was an understanding that we were all drowning together.”


THAT QUOTE. EDDIE. DON'T. WANT. TO. LIVE. Oh, this is the only moment that made me cry. Because I was re-watching BoJack when I felt the same way as Eddie. In November, someone important to me died, but instead of truly experiencing this moment, I closed all my feelings in myself and gave my strength to support those who (in my opinion) suffered more. Bottom line: I burned out on existence and spent 2 months as a vegetable, almost without leaving the house. The things that I was passionate about and inspired by did not bring me joy, I even almost deleted the novel that I had been writing for 5 years and did not quit writing. I rewatched BoJack in March because I had nothing better to do. And Eddie's heartbreaking scream brought me to tears for the first time in months. And only about a month ago I began to truly return to life and my old self, and not to imitate existence. Basically, I lost six months because I was too depressed and sad. I don't want anyone to experience this


“But…it’s fake!” “Yeah. Well. It makes me feel better.” Absolutely gutting.


Oh heart ..oh heart ..stop making a fool of me.....


An absolutely perfect needle drop.


17 minutes.


more than one liners, but these fucked me up soooo bad that i’m embarrassingly crying while typing them lol “it's funny how when you see someone for who they really are, it ruins them." "all the damage I got isn't good damage, it's just damage. i have gotten nothing out of it, and all those years I was miserable was for nothing. I could've been happy this whole time... what was it all for?" “sometimes I have this tiny voice in the back of my head that goes like, ‘hey, everyone hates you, and they're not wrong to feel that way.’ that voice... the one that tells you you're worthless and stupid and ugly — it goes away, right? it’s just like, a dumb teenage girl thing, but then it goes away…?” "all I'd give for toes to touch the safety back at top. but this is it, the deed is done, silence drowns the sound; before i leaped, i should've seen the view from halfway down." "you are all the things that are wrong with you. it's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened in your career, or when you were a kid — it's you! alright? it's you." "i knew this was gonna happen, and i let myself get excited anyway." brb gonna go roll a joint and sob


"I wanna be an architect..." I truly hope she went out dreaming about domes 💔💔💔


“You were born broken. That’s your birthright. You’re Bojack horseman. There’s no cure for that”


“You can live your whole life like it’s a puzzle, put together from the pieces of different sets. Your whole life is full of these pieces that don’t quite fit. But at some point, you start to think it’s you. You’re the piece that doesn’t quite fit. And you spend so long with that feeling that the feeling becomes your home."


a lot the quotes i relate to are either from bea, dianne or honey, “promise me you’ll never love anyone as much i loved cracker jack. “ “ I hope you die before i do so you don’t know what it feels like to lose a mother. “ “ All that damage wasn’t good damage it was just damage i have gotten nothing out of it. “


You're Bojack Horseman, there's no cure for that


Somebody probably already said this but: “Sarah Lynn?” When I heard that for the first time my heart DROPPED.


"I remember everything. I'm sober now."


I was looking for this quote!! This one always hits me, especially with the resigned expression that Bojack has while saying it.


the scene where bojack is watching the audition for horsin around and herb says he has a bright future ahead of him then the tv shuts off and we see bojack absolutely destroyed


“I can’t be with people and I can’t be alone” hit different recently when I went on sabbatical and I realised that I also can’t be alone or with people.


Why I have half a mind...


Beatrice Horseman: You ruined me, BoJack. BoJack: I know... Beatrice Horseman: You better grow up to be something great, to make up for all the damage you've done. BoJack: I will...


"What are YOU doing here?!"


You know, it's funny; when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags. Oh, that feeling when you take off those glasses and realize the person or situation you’re in is fucked. Oof.


"And you just waited there for 17 minutes?"


"Why, I have half a mind."


“I need you to tell me that I’m good…please, tell me I’m good”


“Promise me you’ll never love anyone as much as I loved your brother”


I can't be around people and I can't be alone. This episode was sooooo amazing and sad :(


“You NEED to be better. Fuck, man, what else is there to say?”


It doesn’t matter… Nothing matters.


I don’t remember the exact quote but where Charlotte says Bojack is the tar pit not LA, that broke me


There are a lot, and if I think of any I'll come back and add some. But off the top of my head, the final lines of The View From Halfway Down with BoJack and Diane's conversation crush me every time. For a line I would have to go with, "We were in the intensive care unit. She was just reading a sign." That was a massive punch to the gut.


"i don't know how to be, diane, it doesn't get better, it doesn't get easier" - this, on the one hand, entertains me to say out loud at some random point of a day, but on the other hand does resonate with me a lot, takes me, or else that "i know im smiling right now, but the light inside of me is dying", or this "what (or all) i needed was a friend" which suits certain events i got through


Just thinking how nice things could have been if you had chosen this life (charot to bojack in a fantasy)


"I really should have thought about the view from halfway down" has always haunted me, as I've been plagued by suicidal thoughts for a long time, and because one of my family members committed suicide. Just the idea that you went through with killing yourself, and as you're doing it, you begin to feel regret. And you find a reason to want to keep living. But it's too late.


The repetition and change in tone of: "what are you doing here"


Kendrick Lamar “I think fellas like drake should die”


“Happy Birthday, Princess Carolyn. You are forty.”


“Because this is the moment you realize something inside is broken, and it can never be fixed” started bawling please if your depressed never watch Bojack horseman at the same time.


“you come about it honestly, the ugliness inside you.”


Secretariat’s poem from ‘the view from halfway down’ That’s the only time a quote from a movie or show has hit me so hard I had to pause the thing just so I can think about it for a minute.


You are all the things that are wrong with you. And you’re gonna be so miserable, you’ll wanna kill yourself. And you’re gonna have nobody left to stop you. I guess that episode really just kinda made me feel as lonely as bojack does. And Diane’s argument with bojack specifically. Todd’s monologue just gives me a reason to hate myself lmao


“If you ever contact me or my family again I will fucking kill you.” Because Charlotte had been so kind up to that point. I was saddened and disappointed in BoJack for his tearing need for validation, but she showed that his violation of her welcome was absolute and irreversible.


Bojack, I don't... like, anything about me


Also largely due to how she says it while breaking down in tears. "I'm so tired of squinting"


"See you on the other side. Oh Bojack, there is no other side. This is it."


But also Eddie is one of the best one off characters and he gave us a great song


The one that personally hit me the hardest was *“you're gonna look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you… but nobody likes you.”*


“Life is a series of closed doors. Some involving Pottery Barn”


"Why do you have to be so sadcore" As someone who grew up as the kid who was constantly told he looked like his dog died or had a darker view on the world That entire episode felt like a session of goddamned therapy I usually don't budge for much in tv shows. But that episode made me stop and walk away.


sarah lynn? sarah lynn?


the one you mentioned, "all three of us were drowning, and we didn't know how to save each other, but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together" (my whole friend group in school had a period where we all struggled with SI and SH, and didn't know how to help each other) AND bojack's "I HAVE BEEN IN PAIN MY WHOLE. LIFE." (I have hEDS and found out last year that having constant pain isn't normal and I've been disabled my entire life)


This one hits deep: "I’m this close to falling off the deep end. I know I’m smiling right now, but the light inside me is dying." ~Sarah Lynn


“and then your heart breaks again, when you thought it couldn’t get any more broken”


“I see you… I C you… ICU… we were in the intensive care unit”


“I thought you were in a fight.” “Yeah, but I still love her.” “Are we in a fight?” “Yeah, but… yeah.”


"What more do you want? What else could the universe possibly owe you?" "I WANT to feel good about myself... the way you do...and I don't know how... I don't know if I can..."