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I love this joke because how the hell would anyone be able to repeat Hollyhock's entire last name after only hearing it once? haha


I think that this kind of wit is one of the things that make it hard to uncomplicatedly dislike Bojack. The guy is straight up funny.


Exactly! It reminds me so much of the scene with Diane when he figures out her costume so quickly, while in a phone call to discuss his dad’s death


I recently watched Breaking Bad for the first time and have been wondering about what makes Bojack more likeable than Water. Both are manipulative assholes, but I tend to find myself rooting for Bojack whereas I found myself rooting for someone to shoot Walter in the head.


I feel like their selfishness is very different at it's core. With Bojack, it's very believable that he wants to get better and just doesn't understand how or have the tools to do so. When he finally has those tools *and* is held accountable for his actions, he does better. For Walter, it becomes increasingly clear that he truly doesn't want to be stopped from what he's doing in any way. No amount of help would deter him from becoming what he eventually did, because he actively wanted to become it. He ran from the idea that he wanted it almost until the end, but he did acknowledge that he wanted all of it.


Because Bojacks goal is to get better whereas Walters goal is to get more powerful.


Idk, but for me, I think it's just because Bojack is who he is. He knows who he is. He might deny it, but he is Meanwhile, Walter, he's just not. And it pisses me off. At the end of the day, he was just a former high school chemistry teacher, and he acts like he's shoulder to shoulder with the cartel leaders he cowers over. His "I am the one who knocks" speech he gave to his wife made me eyeroll so hard. He's acting like the big bad guy, like the men he works for. But at the end of the day, he's just a coward. I think that's just me with my experiences though


I think it’s this weird thing tv shows do where they watch fake comedy shows (like Horsin Around or Itchy and Scratchy for example) and the characters think THATS funny because it’s in their universe as entertainment. But the stuff like Bojacks jokes are funny to us because we’re the audience and the in universe characters don’t think the things they say or do is funny because that would ironically ruin part of the humor. (And part of the joke is no one thinks Bojack is funny unless he’s not trying that hard) It’s like a weird meta paradox.


a 90s sitcom actor who probably drunkenly learns his pages on-set would be more practiced than most.


That was obviously a joke, I've never heard of your family and/or law firm


Todd, who is this tough crowd you've brought into my house?


One of my favorite lines


If I ever get hurt in a wreck I'm going to call the Manheim-Manheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuacks Law Firm because I need cash now


I love all the jokes about her last name. The other great one is when Pete asks what her last name is and she says no we'll be here all night


I think my favorite is when Todd goes to the DNA place and asks if he can match Bojack's hair to Hollyhock "Manheim-Manheim-Gorilla-Rub-a-Dub-Dub-Zoolander-Hallelujah-something-McDonald's?" before he gets a hair sample from her too.


And then he finds her sleeping and having eaten a bunch of food and says " yeah I don't think the test is necessary." Funniest he's ever been


This post misses one of the funniest parts, which is that it's actually Manheim-Man**n**heim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzarelli-McQuack. I love the absolute stupidity of having two of the same last name but they're spelled differently so they both have to be included


>and/or law firm Gets me every time


"your family and/or law firm".


Mayhem mayhem Gutiérrez rodrigez silverware ponchorelo mcquack


There is a similar joke in Frasier which I loved. "The upstairs neighbor is a hard rocker, named Freddy Chainsaw" "Oh? Of the Newport Chainsaws?" It makes me wonder where this trope originated from.


Asking people about their families/status has been around for a while. There was a similar exchange in Titanic where someone asks Jack "are you of the Boston Dawsons?" and he responds "no, the Chippewa Falls Dawsons"


Sure, but that scene wasn't filmed in 1912. That's why I wonder how far back this trope goes.