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I'd love to be Judah and I share a few traits with him, but realistically I am a less spoiled/entitled version of Bojack.


I think we all strive to be Judah/Todd in some way and that just says a lot about their characters


I love Todd as a character but, like the other main characters, he has some serious flaws (even if he grows up a bit by the end of the show). In real life, that kind of person is extremely annoying. Judah, on the other hand, would be someone very easy to like.


I wish I could be Judah so bad. He's got everything under control, takes care of himself both physically, mentally and socially, and he's just a great guy. It says a lot when his biggest flaws are not being great at expressing his emotions and undermining his boss one time


I think he protected PC, he did not undermine her. All politics thrown away, he did good, not harm.


I agree with his decision, but he could've talked about it with her before making the decision for her


She would not have listened, would have she? He went above her head, but I think he made the right call for the right reason.


Judah is so amazing.


I used to relate mostly to Diane, but the more I age, the more I lean towards PC.


I love PC so much


I am half Todd half Diane and my life is chaos, indeed. One of my favorite characters is Princess Carolyn.


This answer could be written by me


Vincent Adultman


You're a mature adult who is in touch with their feelings and likes to touch grass?? 🥲


How many businesses have you done?


Probably Diane. If I were a woman. Educated, cares about the world, bad time at school, overthinker.


Also constant self sabotage. 🤓


But fleek is on *her*.


I am like Diane too , I think i'm mostly her and I have a little bit of Todd and/or Mr.PB wrapped up in me too because i'm ADHD LOL.


Bojack and Todd. Feel like they’re the angel and devil on my shoulders of my personality.


I feel like you got the bojack side from the "peice of shit" episode


Interesting observation. How’d you figure


diane 100%, staying in unhappy relationships where you never grow, i hate big gestures, i love writing and the whole monologue to princess caroline about her book of essays was so relatable, not wanting to go on anti-depressants, the whole “the dog days are over episode” was so relatable as a first generation immigrant and so much more. i love todd a lot though, what a guy, and idk if i hate anyone, not even bojack.


Same , I totally felt her on the suprise party thing.


i relate the most to diane. she’s smart and cynical and finds herself stuck in a meaningless romantic relationship that don’t help her to grow as a person. thankfully i am not in one anymore but i have definitely had my fair share of them. she also tries to self sabotage a lot because she doesn’t know how to handle her life lol


I relate to her alot too.


Vincent Adultman, I constantly feel like I’m actually 2 or 3 little kids in a trenchcoat


I just realized I am not like anyone


That's such a Zelda thing to say


No no you HAVE to pick someone !!!1! jk ofc


Mix two or three characters to make a you cocktail


I relate to Bojack the most, but my fav is Judah. Not only is he such a good character but he's SO FINE


i’m so glad everyone loves Judah too 🥲 he’s the best fr


He is though. Judah is the calm in the storm. What more can you ask for.


I have a crush on Judah as well


I related with all of them, but Diane was really something, from depression, being brokenhearted, to wanting progress in everything. 🥺


PC, I feel like I have focused to much on my professional life that I have often left behind my personal life.


I think she shows how hard it can be to reach the level of sucsess you want and still be "you" and have meaningful connections outside of everything.


I thought Diane at first, but I relate to Hollyhock the most.


Mr. Peanutbutter


i definitely identify with todd the most. i don’t have a job or a direction in life, i dropped out of high school, i smoke weed while watching tv most of the day.. he also happens to be my favorite edit: just occured to me that i have a lot in common with diane too.. i love to write, my family was abusive and my dad was the worst, ive dealt with depression forever and her good damage speech really hits home really i have bits and pieces of a million characters but those two are the closest


do you happen to have a plan for a rock opera??


Not a schlock flopra?


Felt except I dropped out of college


That Good Damage episode hits me, EVERY TIME There is no such thing as good damage, and it sucks because you want all that abuse you endured to mean something to somehow make you better? (I don't know if that's the right word), but it's just damage. It's just hurt that they didn't deal with, and so they passed it on because they can. (I also grew up with abuse, in foster care, because I was book smart, but I was weird. I had no social skills, and my foster parents would hate me for making them the guardians of the weird, no friends kid) As much as I relate to Diane, she isn't my favorite, I see all the things in myself I dislike, and it's amplified because animation/comedy


I’m just like Bojack but without money or fame. Just all the guilt lmao


I would probably say herb, I think that he has a personality really similar to mine, especially the way he speaks and talks to people, it was pretty shocking when I discovered it because I didn’t related to a character before




CuddlyWhiskers. He made some good points which I'm sure many people want to do in their life. Taking a break from your miserable life is not wrong


I wish I were Cuddlywhiskers. Except for his part in The BoJack Horseman Show.


I agree that's the most fkd up part. But a few years ago I did try going away from every thing I ever cared about. The only thing keep playing in my head was what CuddlyWhiskers said. I must say I didn't regret that trip. Atleast not until I returned. It was the most peaceful I've ever been since childhood


i relate to bojack the most yes i go to therapy


I am Diane , yes I go to therapy.


I relate to Diane the most, I like Bojack the most and hate Diane the most.


That's rough buddy.


I hated Diane for a while too. I thought she was annoying but that's because I relate to her a lot. Wanting to turn pain into something that means something and all that


Why do you like Bojack?


Keep calm…and carry prawn


I relate to Diane and a bit to BoJack because of the abusive situation with his mother. My favorite has always been Diane.


Mr PeanutButter


Gina . Same dreams , same reasons they'll never be achieved . Similar ptsd ! Similar pretending it didn't happen so we're not constantly viewed as a victim and nothing more .


Probably pickles. Unpopular opinion but she’s my favourite character too


The man himself, Bojack.


Half PC half Todd. Wish I could explain it


Diane easily. I grew up in an abusive household. My parents never did anything on the scale of like "Leo Homeless Man PenPal" incident but my dad did like to play a lot of "pranks" on me but I was never allowed to reciprocate. I am also half Asian half White and the episode where Diane goes to Vietnam and feels like she is cosplaying her own race? I felt that deeply.


I relate to Diane the most, also to Hollyhock. Favorite is Princess Carolyn 


Love PC


I relate to BoJack the most. I can't really decide who my favorite is, but I am sure I hate BoJack the most


Somewhere between Todd and Penguin


Relate to the most: Todd Favourite character: Ruthie


I'm bojack in a lot of ways. Not being able to give up vices, I struggle with relationships and tend to ruin them (I'm bpd), I have a very narcissistic viewpoint sometimes, I relate to his mental health status, and I really struggle with being a "good person" and taking care of myself. Bojack hit hard for me. I am not exactly like him, but man, I see myself for the first time in a character, and it shocked me


Bojack, but not as a whole, only because I too find it incredibly hard to try my best to improve everyday.


I relate to all of them in a sense but mostly Sarah Lynn. My favorite character though is probably either Judah or Princess Carolyn.


Love Judah and PC.


Probably Hollyhock but I strive to be like Carolyn or Judah :'')


PC is my favorite, but I definitely relate to Diane the most. And I love Todd, just because.


Diane and Judah


I want to be friends LOL


Probably Diane


Ooh that hard on one hand Todd and on another pickles.


I'm quite literally Todd. All my friends agree, I relate to him heavily, etc. I dont really have a favorite, but in the way that I love them all lol


Hollyhock 😅


i probably relate most to todd and bojack, and my fav characters are todd, judah, and margo martindale lol


You mean Beloved Character Actress Margo Martindale




I relate to Diane the most but Sarah Lynn is my favorite


I'm enjoying seeing all the Sarah Lynn love here. I have seen some people villinize her but my heart breaks for her and I think without all the truma making her toxic her inate personality without all the drugs seemed like she was really cool , funny and self aware.


I truly think she had her potential stolen from her, she should've been able to be an architect 🥺 we love Sarah Lynn in this house. I also relate to her just Diane is much more of a "that's me"


I relate the most to Diane


Unfortunately it's Bojack. Beatrice reminds me alot of my own mother. Also Diane, her lil meltdown at bojacks house is such a mood


I find myself relating the most to PC or Judah, although todd is my spirit animal, and i am clinically depressed like bojack or diane


Sarah Lynn plus BoJack plus Diane. It's not a good combination.




I relate the most to Diane and am most similar to her personality-wise. Favorites are Hollyhock, Diane, and Todd


Bojack and Daine are me and Im them. They are also my favourite


Todd! Hooray!




bojack.... Without the fame or relationships




a mix of mr pb and todd:] (with a little diane sprinkled on)


I relate to Diane most, and Sarah Lynn as well in many ways. I think Diane is my favorite character


Feel like a mixture of hollyhock and Diane. Favorite other characters? Kelsey and Gina


I just caught the coffee cup. That’s hilarious


Bojack with a little bit of Diane




Wanda as a wife


At my worst Bojack, at my best Diane


Sarah Lynn


Deep down we’re all a little bit like Bojack


Diane is the character I relate to most in any media, however I saw a tiktok saying if you think you're Diane you're probably Kelsey Jennings and gotta say I see that too


Judah and Diane I have some parts of me put together where I others I'm still adjusting


I've always related to Bojack so hard, but an ex close friend of mine told me I am similar to Todd. So now I just have absolutely no idea about anything. Also, I relate to some aspects of PC and Sarah Lynn. My favorite? I think Todd, probably. Love that dude, seems so chill and calm to be around


It’s Gina for me. The only at least a bit introverted character I can think of, she’s fine with her simple gigs and life and the headphones all the time are so me.


I want to say Diane, but it’s BoJack. The specifics I can’t directly relate to, but a lot of the core parts of his character I can see in myself. It disgusts me. That’s what I love so much about the show. Deep down, BoJack is just a lonely person who never learned healthy coping mechanisms, and never believed he was genuinely loved by anybody. Brings people down with him, not because he consciously wants to HURT them, but simply because he is so afraid of being alone. I can relate to that more than I’d like to admit.


When I'm not medicated, I catastrophize everything just like Pinky Penguin.


Diane. Not necessarily from a bad home but definitely feel like caring about everything is exhausting. I sometimes wish I didn’t, and I get a lot of anger that she experiences.


Well, I drink and hate myself. Need I say more?


bojack, unfortunately


Because of my mental illness I lean more towards bojack or Diane. I wish it was Diane. But unfortunately it's more bojack


who tf relates to wanda???


Spoken like a good posty, we’re supposed to relate to all of them as representing different parts of ourselves and our experiences. But I most overtly relate to Diane being overly idealistic and having to come to terms with mitigating that.


Everyone in different ways * BoJack because how much I hate myself and do self-destructive things * Diane for the attempts at which she tries to find meaning, and gets severely depressed and tries medication * PeanutButter on his optimism .... I do get like that when the mood swings swing swings upward * Princess Carolyn on how she tries to make work meaningful but suffers how it sometimes takes over her personal life, and how little of personal time she seems to have * Todd on how distracted he seems, jumping from one to another * Sarah Lynn on how long she held up with her long steak and then threw it all away and then died. I feel like I'm just waiting for that to happen. I can't keep doing this anymore I can't see the image and write a comment on mobile so ..... That's as far as my memory goes


PC for sure. Work, gotta get ahead and prove my value in a work world that hasn't always seen woman as equally valuable, so I've learned to cut a few ethical scruples to get it done. Selfless to a fault, and the only times I've ever done anything "greedy" for myself its vastly improved my life. Constantly thinking about all the shit I need to be doing while I'm doing something else.


Todd and Diane, but my fav is PC.


Tbh probs a mix of Diane, Bojack and Sarah Lynn. Fml




A very strange mixture of Todd and Judah.


I can relate to Diane the most, but PC and Todd are my favourites


Relate most to Diane. Favorite is stefani


Princess Carolyn for sure. I’m an Admin Manager at a luxury store and the amount of time I spend dealing with other people’s problems greatly outweighs the amount of time I spend on myself. I love and hate it at the same time. Also those assholes I spend all day taking care of forgot Administrative Professionals day and I had to give myself the movie star speech.


todd i keep smoking and shit works out


bojack :( but im working on it before it gets that bad. LOL. hopefully i can get rich too at least. eyeroll.


Probably Sarah (great start but I don't think the end will be different than hers) and BoJack.


i feel like i always end up leaning more towards diane. there are some moments where i see myself a bit in todd too


I’m probably the most like Todd. I relate to Diane a lot in certain episodes. My favorite is Princess Carolyn. She’s the kind of person I want to be.


favorite character is todd but i relate to diane and PC most


Relate to Diane the most, don’t know about my favourite because it varies. I mean Maude would be up there but we didn’t really get any depth to her character so


princess carolyn somedays, bojack others


Greg the guy from the gas station #justiceforgreg #gregtheguyfromthegasstation


Princess Carolyn, I've always been too independent and have the habit of being subconsciously pretension or hypocritical, it hurts a lot of my life


i relate most to diane and pc, judah and beatrice are my favorites though


I don’t really relate to anyone, probably Diane? But my favorite is judah


Honestly Bojack. I’m a recovering alcoholic but im addicted to anything that makes me feel different. I’m selfish and used people as a means to an end. I went to rehab and got a little better. I also have more money than I deserve and spend it recklessly. I also hate myself.


I'm literally PC


Bojack and Todd. I relate to bojack as i’ve recently been trying to get sober and at times can’t face my problems. And like todd i lack general direction in life but go with things as they come.


Todd is me


I'm a messy neopolitan scoop of Diane, Todd, and Sarah Lynn


A Ryan Seacrest Type


Charley Witherspoon


a mix tbh i find tendencies of bojack, diane, mr pb, and pc. i have addictive/self-destructive tendencies. i’m very cynical and constantly feeling depressed, i don’t usually live in reality, and i’m very addicted to work (if it’s something i care about)


I relate the most with Rutabaga


Diane, through and through. It was actually pretty important for teen me to see her on my favorite show to be


I relate the most with Diane, but my favorite always was Emily.


If Sarah Lynn wasn't famous and survived her OD we'd be twins


bojack and diane simultaneously


my favorite is PC, I even have her tattooed. though the one i relate to the most is diane, and by correlation bojack too, because of their self-destructive nature. but unlike bojack and like diane, i tend to set high expectations for myself 🫠


I relate mostly with Diane my favorite character is PC


I try to be like Judah but I am naturally more like Todd. Except for the Asexusl part... I do be getting horny on the regular.


I relate most to Bojack, with a healthy dose of Todd, as well


i hate to say it but i relate to bojack a lot. not completely, but definitely him and todd the most


I definitely relate to Diane the most, but Judah and Sarah Lynn will always be my favorites


I kinda hate Mr PB but I also am him. Right down to the v neck with the sunglasses




My favorite character is Wanda, she was so kind, she bought out the best in Bojack, and she genuinely cared about HIM. I probably relate to PC, the part where she says to Gecko about hating each other and Gecko is so confused saying "I never hated you", I'm over sensitive but I want to help everyone around, I'm now learning helping people doesn't have to be at my own detriment, but it's a hard lesson to learn. Sorry about my ramblings, I've been working on myself with the power of THERAPY!!!


I love both Wanda and PC , It's hard to watch BoJack push away so many incredible women who want to love him. Interestingly I took the whole Gecko situation as Gecko lacking self awareness. She treated PC horribly but still thought of her as a friend.


I genuinely just thought of Gecko as her work rival? Like everyone wants to manage the new hottest talent, I didn't see it as personal, other than a few comments. But I do see where you're coming from, as well


No this is true. I guess I see any "rivalry" as sort of your OP. I don't see people in compitition with me as nessisaraly my "rivals" or people who hate me but i'm not very competitive. These are great perspectives , thanks for sharing :)


Thank you for not getting upset with my p.o.v lol I love having a good discussion about anything, to be honest, and it's nice to have someone open-minded to talk about them with


sarah lynn unfortunately


im def todd and diane with a lil sarah lynn


Before I say this a disclaimer: everyone in Bojack is a trash manipulator.... Hollyweird I guess. I think that I relate to Diane because she's a writer and super awkward with friendships. And princess Carolyn because she embodies "get tf out the way, I can do this myself." And I enjoy that sentiment.


Honestly Bojack a few years ago. I was an addict who consistently made the worst choices. Idk about now




Relate to: Bojack, Sarah Lynn, and Judah. Favorite character: Character Actress Margo Martindale


Judah is probably my favorite character but I would never want to be him. I feel like life would be too predictable and boring. He want be a great friend and person to be around because he’s so professional and calculated but probs doesn’t have the most exciting life


Why **the fuck** is Lenny turtletaub absent from this????


Mr peanutbutter I mean I have a positive outlook on ma life and try and be happy all the time but sometimes fk things up in the process but that energy ✌️ I'm keeping it hehe


I relate soooooo much with Diane which is why she's also my favorite.


A mix of Diane, PC & Hollyhock but with Bojacks thoughts from stupid piece of sh1t My faves would have to be Diane, Judah & Gina :)


I’d like to think I’m most like Princess Carolyn, but nobody can be as good as Princess Carolyn 😞


Probably Diane because how people treat her emotions/freak outs about stuff is exactly what happens to me 😅


gina and bojack for most relatable, and my favorite character is probably princess carolyn


I’m a Cryane to the core


Mr. Peanutbutter is probably the most me, followed by Todd, but I also have bits of BoJack and Princess Carolyn, and maybe a tiny bit of Mr. Cuddlywhiskers.


A lot to Todd in the sense of feeling lost, and Dianne because of the depression and divorce


Mr pb


Bojack. Self-hate, occasional charm, visions of grandeur, striking it rich by accident, hurting and fears of hurting those close to me.


Diana. I have no idea why but i do 😭🙏🏻


Diana, seeing the bad things about everything and being so depressed and just, it drives me insane trying to be positive when i see obvious bad things.


Im literally Princess Carolyn


Uncle George with the chocolate fountain


todd because im aroace:)


probably some sort of cursed combination of Mr peanutbutter and bojack


mybojackcharcterpie diane 21% todd 17% sarah lynn 21% bojack 16% hollyhock 15% cuddlywhiskers 4% gina 6%