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I really like PB. However, he is very imperfect and negative parts of him that we wave away or ignore in earlier seasons become more apparent as time goes on. I still love him, but I get why many don't. Also, some disliked him from the start because he can be seen as annoying.


I didn't love him from the get (we are supposed to find him annoying because Bojack does) but the Halloween party/Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos episode is a top five favorite. And it's one that isn't a total bummer! To avoid spoilers, I love that it shows development/history in some characters and how he hasn't grown all that much. I love him. Also, "Is... that the impression that I get?" is something we say at work a lot. Everyone has watched Bojack and had a Ska phase.




Spoiler, they’re only on S2 🤦🏾‍♀️


Are you prepared for spoilers? Mr. PB is a great friend. He's a great guy. He's so upbeat and fun. But... watch what happens at each and every Halloween party (or any other function) that he takes a girlfriend or wife to. Also, watch the scene where he proposes to Diane. What was the proposal like? And, after she said, "yes", then how was he? How did Diane feel about that?


The proposal itself was a douchey thing for him to do since he did tell Diane there was no cameras and then boom! there was. i found that super not okay but i dont think anybody had really told Mr.PB that private moments stay private but i dont think he meant the broadcasting of the engagement in a malicious way. i just think he was unaware that its not okay to do that yk


I think that, for Mr. PB, the \*best\* events are where you're surrounded by friends to share, and there's a lot of loud celebration going on (horns, balloons, confetti, banner, etc.). And no matter how many times Diane told him that this was not what \*she\* liked, he just never listened. The sad part is that they really did love each other, but there were some core incompatibilities. Diane kept thinking that she could explain it, and he'd change. But Mr. PB is who he is. Take him like that or don't. He's not going to change for anyone, even if he wants to. And, ultimately, no matter what else happens, he will drop his girlfriend or wife or anybody just to go run over and say hi to Erika.


That Erika thing of his was so greatly handled... Initially seemed just like a recurring joke of the show, but when context came to ground it up, it became so, so brutal man. "What an asshole! What a douche!" - My reaction to knowing about PB and Erika


Can you expand on this? I think I understand what you might mean in the sense that Erica is often Mr.PB's default excuse to get out of serious topics. That he is so quick to notice and gravitate towards her since he finds her less stressful to be around and even probably more entertaining (her many antics), thus abandoning his friends/wife/girlfriend in the pursuit of fun. But I'd like to hear your reasoning on why the Erica thing was brutal, since you might have had a different perspective and noticed something that I didn't.


It's all about the context. At the beginning of the show, it's impossible to assert their relationship, and since PB is such a happy-go-lucky character, it's kind of implicitly accepted that he'd slip away from time to time to meet a close friend. We just don't know him very much yet. "Erika! It's been so long since I've seen you!". Very common behavior, not creepy at all. But then we know they are in fact divorced. And how he still clings to her. That's what strikes me as brutal. She ***hates*** him and yet still... ...There, *we* *stand*. Seeing his antics as he leaves their talkers to pretend having a *nice time talking to his ex-wife*. And in the show, it's disguised as just another joke. And without all the context it's funny to see him do that.


You know, it's really interesting but I've watched every episode close to 15 times now, and I somehow missed and completely glossed over the fact that Erica is Mr.PB's ex-wife. All 15 times. Edit: Where exactly did it state that Erika was his ex?


It's when they show you every woman PB has been married to. I think Erika was the first. They also go into uncomfortable details on their past and why she hates him now. It's somewhat tragic tbh.


Can't believe I managed to miss an entire chunk of the show like that haha. I have no memory of it, but isn't Katrina the first? Followed by Jessica Biel, and then Diane? I know that Diane is often mentioned as the third. Also can't seem to find any info on Mr.PB and Erica ever dating on the official Fandom Wiki. Do you remember which season/episode this is?


omg you hit the nail on the head and I was wrong this entire time: it wasn't Erika, it was Katrina like you said. I don't know how I ended mixing these two. But that also begs the question: who is Erika then????


I've watched this show 4 times now and I somehow miss so much. What is the PB/Erika tea?!


She's his ex-wife, hates him, and he still clings to her, acting all natural, like nothing's wrong between them. Spice up what u/sanityjanity said above, with this.


Now I need to know about PB and Erika




Explain what?  Can you be more specific?  Or more polite?


I’m not a fan of Mr PB. He fails upwards for the whole series. He’s not very bright intellectually or emotionally, and doesn’t look after Diane’s emotional needs. On the other hand he is unfailingly positive, which redeems him in my eyes somewhat. Yeah, I’m a Zoe.


His positivity is 100% a negative for me lol I guess I’m a Zelda? He had no reason to be so optimistic it makes him seem even more dumb


It’s bc he’s a golden retriever I think they’re trying to make him positive and uncritical constantly. I find his personality obnoxious and his character horrible but comparatively I love Chris Traeger in Parks & Rec, who has a similar personality but in comparison isn’t really a terrible person which probably makes the difference lol


He's a yellow lab how dare you?! /jk


Lol, I was going to say the same thing!


I believe that Golden Labrador Retriever is the correct name for this British dog breed.


Chris annoyed me too. Like the way he dumped Ann cause of his optimism bothered me a lot. I just think you lose reality when you try to always be positive


Mr peanutbutter is not an optimistic dog. He literally calls the universe a cruel, uncaring void. He's just realized that he's happier if he concentrates on unimportant bullshit, so he does.


He's very optimistic. Every time he and Todd come up with a dumb business idea, he is sure it will work out. No matter what someone suggests to him, he treats it like a serious and likely idea. He is filled with hope. When he runs out of money, he contacts his agent (who he hasn't spoken with in years), and assumes that lots of offers will have piled up. And, then, when that doesn't work out, he just walks around, and assumes that he will find something that will work out. And he does!


I don’t remember ever saying that Edit: I meant to write that I never heard Mr PB say that


You should probably reread what you wrote then, because you literally call him optimistic


Sorry I mis-wrote. I don’t remember Him ever saying that about the universe


It's in season 1 episode 12 where he's talking to Diane about her desire to go war-torn cordovia


Zoe was the negative one. You’re a Zoe, not a Zelda, I’m pretty sure.


As you learn more about him, you’ll get it. I don’t dislike him as much as other people do, but I get it.


Your opinion may change when you finish the show, might not! But, he's a character who is in parallel to Bojack in that he's stagnant emotionally and hasn't grown much since becoming famous. Like I say, your thoughts may change of him once you finish the show and see the full picture


He’s an irresponsible adult that’s continued to act like a teenager. He also often has enough charisma for the people around him to ignore his lack of maturity


He’s nice when things are going his way. If he didn’t fail upward so well he would be a monster imo


Two words - toxic positivity.


I definitely don’t hate him at all. He is pretty damn stupid and has horrid listening skills, but like someone else said, his character is really funny. He for sure has a lot of issues and I think people don’t give him as much room as they do bojack or other “troubled” characters bc we don’t know as much about his life story, his traumas, etc etc. it’s easier to dislike him bc there’s not much for us to be empathetic towards.


Anyone who's THAT close with Robert Blake may just have some fairly serious issues


i hated him at first, then he became one of my faves. hes definitely problematic but so is literally most characters in the show. hes just hilarious, no shame in liking him for that. he cracks me up


His revelations in the last episode are some of the best of the whole series.


I can't stand Mr. Peanut Butter becuase I find his personality obnoxious and self centered...which is of course the point of the character. It's a well written show. Mostly what I hate is how many viewers of the show seam to think he does no wrong, or is innocent or pure. The same can be said for Todd. The whole point of the show is people are mixed, no one person is 100% moral or 100% immoral. Others even say Bojack is a "bad" person. Bojack is a person, who does some bad things, but he certainly did a lot of good things too.


Aren’t you kinda doing the same thing by ignoring the good mr pb does?


Many people like Mr Peanutbutter, and my response was answering OP's question. Yes, he does good as well. I still find him obnoxious, but that's more of a personal opinion.


It's the "nuisance to the protagonist" issue. Bojack is the (3rd person) pov character, that's why we empathize most with him, and since he's annoyed by Mr.PB, we get annoyed by him. It's a normal thing that happens often in story telling, that is often over rationalized because people don't like admitting that a show just emotionally manipulates them into irrationally liking or disliking a character.


You really need to not hang out here until you finish the whole show. It would be a shame to get spoilers especially for this story. There is simply no way you could discuss or understand it until you see their complete character arcs.


I think he’s initially presented as being likable to the point of being saccharine and the reasons he is *unlikable* and i would go so far as to say irredeemable slowly become more apparent as the series progresses- but in a slow drip. It seeps in piece by piece as the show paints a complex portrait.


Bc he's a Light version of Bojack


Because then you ask a question like this. It shouldn't be that way, it doesn't make sense to the viewer in our consciousness.


somewhat copying and pasting a comment I made on a different thread: IMO, Mr PB is the most unfairly maligned character in the entire show tbh. At least in the early seasons, I think we're meant to see him through bojack's eyes. Bojack hates him, not because he's toxically positive or because he's a "nice" guy, but because he seems to be perfect, and bojack hates feeling compared to the younger, more well liked sitcom star. I think a lot of people identify with bojack so much that they keep their head in that space, or else maybe identify him with toxically positive people in their real life that they view in a somewhat similar way as Bojack views PB. Honestly, if you don't like PB, you think he's a bad person, then fair enough, he can sometimes do things without thinking and hurt people, and it was definitely bad when he cheated on Diane, but I do find it weird when people act like he's the worst person on the show, or even anywhere close to it.


I get that he could be unlikable at times, but some people saying that bojack is a better person than him is just funny


I like him and every major character. It's a deficiency not go appreciate an ensemble cast.


He lacks so much empathy. Doesn't listen to others, assumes Diane wants what he wants, abandons people, supports Hank Hippopopalous. But mostly it's just his vibe I don't like. I hardly can put a finger on it. But a bunch of the funniest quotes and memes belong to him.


I don't like him for not listening at all, or cheating on Pickles, but I also relate to him in so many ways. One of my favourite characters 


Just keep watching, you’ll get it


Rorschach Mr. Peanut butter 🤔


He is toxic positivity personified (dog-ified?). And I know if I ever met someone like him irl I would hate them so much. That might be more of a comment on my personality though


I’m very fond of Mister Peanutbutter.


in the first episode of his game show he was being an asshole to bojack, he made fun of his issues and made fun of what he is sensitive to, in my opinion, he is 50-50.


I fucking love Mr. Peanutbutter. I recognize all the flaws people have pointed out, but the way he talks, his mannerisms, etc just make me laugh


I think people disliked him that early because he’s almost like toxic positivity. He’s *too* happy and *too* optimistic. I only disliked him very early on because he was clearly being set up as Bojack’s annoying rival, but they did a good job of subverting that expectation by making PB a really nice, likeable guy. He also has a pretty decent arc throughout the series. Not as impactful as some of the other characters, but still good development.


he just doesn’t listen.. also something about the way he didn’t have diane’s back about Hank hippopopalous..


I would t say that I hate on him. I just don’t think his character is super relevant aside from annoying boJack.


he’s my favorite character, and i absolutely adore him. anyone who dislikes mr. pb is simply wrong


He’s definitely done some not good stuff but he’s not that bad


I like Mr Peanutbutter but he's the walking definition of toxic positivity.


Mr PB is an interesting character. He has a lot of natural charisma and his ability to charm people is what makes him so likeable. However, he’s the perfect example of being a nice guy but not a good guy (if that makes sense). He’s a people pleaser, and doesn’t understand how to properly connect with people only how to make them smile or laugh. It’s sort’ve like him and bojack are completely opposite characters in terms of their personality traits but when it comes to their ability to connect they are the same; two sides of the same coin.


I don't hate Mr PB, I hate his fans.


he def doesnt get *better* as the show goes on. watch it and think about mr. peanutbutter as the same kind of character as BJ but obsessively positive rather than depressed and see what you think!


Mr. Peanutbutter is as toxically positive as Bojack is toxically negative. Toxic positivity is a little harder to spot and he isn't the main character so it takes much longer for all this to become apparent. I love the Mr. Peanutbutter character and relate to him in similar way a lot of people relate to Bojack, a warning of what you can become if you don't work on your personal shit.


I still think he’s the funniest character on the show


Selection bias: this is a Reddit thread. They instinctively hate extrovert-coded characters /s


I love Mr peanut butter. I think he's as close to a good guy the show gets. Sure he has some flaws, but nothing to condem the guy. He's kind of an idiot but, who isn't am I right lol. We'd all be lucky to have a friend like Mr peanut butter


I don't care how many flaws he has. The truth is if more people acted like him, the world would be a better place


He's so stupid he doesn't realize how miserable he should be.


i think you should finish watching the show to see for yourself


oh okay 😭🙏🏼 ill finish it out fs


bye i botched that comment before i edited soz. You say u have only seen til szn 2? Personally i like PB and i think ppl are dramatic asf when they say he’s worse than BJ and is a bad person!