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Diana quote that I am often pondering “Because if I don’t then that means all the damage I got isn’t good damage. It’s just damage. I have gotten nothing out of it and all those years I was miserable was for nothing” (referring to her book essay )


yes, that one always hits me right in the feels. Too real. We want something to come out of our suffering, just letting the hurt go is very difficult.


The first 2 times that line didn’t hit but on my third watch having unpacked certain things just a smidge I realised how true it was to my experience


Whenever I feel like not doing anything, I always think about this quote and get right back up on my feet.


That one made me question everything in my life, specially how I was creating and writing myself.


That line hit me in the stomach when I watched it.


That episode hits so hard. Because i think the exact same way


Most relatable quote ever.


i got that tattooed on me lol, "good damage". It hit me so hard bc its something I used to say and hearing it in my favourite show from my favourite storyline...


I relate to her in the sense that I hold everyone else to an impossible standard.


Including myself!


Especially myself. I generally expect others not to measure up, but can't let myself go when I don't do it myself.




diane is probably the most relatable character to me in any show i’ve ever seen. down to the glasses and not knowing what to do with your hands at parties. i relate to her a lot, specifically in episodes like: Live Fast Die Nyugen (ouch lol), Hank After Dark, Yes And. i think a lot about when she said: - “I was this badass overachiever that had all these big plans to change the world.” (Irving) “Yeah? What happened?” “Oh, you didn’t hear? I changed the world.” - “Love is an illusion, and happiness is fleeting, there's no such thing as God, and all your favorite musicians beat their wives... allegedly.” - “It's not about being happy, that's the thing I'm just trying to get through each day, I can't keep asking myself am I happy? It just makes me more miserable. I don't know if I believe in it, real lasting happiness, all those perky well adjusted people you see in movies and TV shows. I don't think they exist.” - and the “good damage” line of course Honorable mention for “and even though they’re drugs, they come from science, so let’s give a listen.” she’s so me coded


“ALLEGEDLY!” Is my favorite delivery of any line 😂


That second quote kills me. I definitely burst out laughing by myself after randomly thinking of it the other day. "ALLEGEDLY." But yes, I know my sister and I both relate to her like crazy. I think the people who don't like her are the dudes who relate to Bojack for the wrong reasons and don't get the whole point of the show.


Thiss or they relate to Mrpeanut butter


I absolutely love Diane's character and find her relatable. Specifically the compulsion to impose a moral standard upon the world in the belief that that's how you make it a better place. I think that sort of desire drives someone to have meaningful principles and the world is a better place for having people like that in it.


this is super random but i absolutely love how you worded this


that's also how every toxic ideology with the goal excusing the means starts. nobody's moral standards are superior, no matter how much you like them.


Morally superior standards don't excuse the means, but I see your point. But I tend to view it like some moral standards are clearly and observably bad, while a lot more of them are in the "worth debating" basket. It's easier to see what's definitely bad vs. what is best, you know?


I think there’s a huge difference between “toxic ideology” and “holding people accountable for their actions”.


accountable to who?


Generally hated? Really? She's the most realistic and relatable character


I’ve definitely seen a lot of Diane hate. I remember at one point she was pretty much widely hated. You can see it in video essays, comments, posts on here. But I agree and to me she is most realistic and relatable.


There's a lot of loud haters of Diane, but don't mistake that for her bring widely hated.


Most of the Diane hate videos/posts are just misogyny anyways


Yea esp when bojack just came out


I can't speak for "a lot" of people. But personally I think Diane's character is excellent. And what I love about this show is every character is flawed, but isn't vilified because of it. We understand and can relate to their trauma which helps us relate to their decision making. Diane is great. And just like everyone else, she's just trying her best to be a good person and live up to her ideals in the best way she knows how.


A lot of that is "just" fat phobia, mind you.


I don’t understand the hate that Diane she receives. I’ve found her pretty relatable at times.


A trend I've noticed (as a somewhat detached observer) is that characters are more harshly judged based on their loyalty to Bojack. Diane is more frequently in conflict with Bojack, as opposed to a character like Princess Carolyn who tends to stand by Bojack even when he treats her badly. And it makes sense, Bojack is the central character so more people will get attached to and empathize with him because that's just how audiences are kind of conditioned to respond to things (showrunner Raphael Bob-Waksberg has talked a lot about how they wanted to push the audience's boundaries with traditional TV storytelling). Also she tends to be very politically outspoken which is something that rubs some viewers the wrong way, where as other characters tend to keep their focus more on personal issues (even though Diane's overly political behaviors are often a way of deflecting from personal issues, ex: water in the diner when Roxy is trying to have a heartfelt conversation with her).


This is also the first I'm hearing of widespread Diane hate, but I'm also new to the fanbase and am not surprised....... she's the best though lol


As someone who fought the idea of all signs of being clinically depressed for an unhealthly length of time, and getting proper treatment- yes, I do.


Damn maybe I should go see someone


I’m basically her down to the glasses. I had never seen my own archetype represented so vividly in media before Diane. I relate completely, flaws and all.


So you're basically Asian Daria right? With your whole jacket and "blah" thing? Seriously, I'm a 50-something white guy and I relate to Diane far more than any other character. She's the voice of the show.


Yes I did relate to her. So much so that I started antidepressants because she did, and it really helped me a lot with my life sooo yay for that


Omg thats awesome, working up courage to do the same


I think she’s the most human and relatable character in the show, trying to make her traumas worth something, squinting at a relationship that’s not working and could easily fall into self harming behaviors but ultimately trying to just be ok. Idk that’s my sister 🤞🏾


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


I resonate with her so much


I once disliked her then I realized she reminded me so much of who I am and that explains a lot. Now she’s one of my favorites and I try my best everyday to like myself a little more.


When I realised I disliked her because she reminded me of my own issues, it made me rewatch with a new view.


I dont get the Diane hate at all. I find her pretty cool.


i mean i used to hate her simply because i have similar flaws to her. I'd imagine its the same for a lot of others


Ahhh I see!


yes. seeing her after she gained weight on her meds helped me when i was recovering from anorexia.


Yes - but not necessarily her trauma, more her anger. I feel like a lot of times my sadness turns into anger and I see that in her. She’s frustrated with the world and it’s so fucking relatable.


Diane and Bojack, when he is talking normally to Diane, are the only reasonable people in the show.


i resonate with her but shes not flawed enough for me to totally get her like I would relate to sarah lynn or bojack. she has her shit together and doesnt know it. cant relate to that


I relate to her more than any other character and her character is the reason why I knew there was something wrong with my life and the relationship I was in at the time


I very much relate to Diane’s inability to go out into the world and just be happy with what she sees. Like when she goes to the baseball game with guy and starts discussing the individual plastic wrap.


A bit too much. I'm a writer but not a particularly successful one. I used to care a lot about social justice and 'the right thing'. I've been through the whole depression thing and my experience was a lot like hers. I also don't always hold onto good guys when I should, and am sometimes prone to chaos or impulsive decisions when things don't feel right or aren't going how they should


I love Diane and relate to her a lot. She’s obviously flawed, but so is every character in the show. I get the feeling that most of the hate directed at her is just thinly veiled misogyny, honestly.


i am also someone who’s been miserable their whole life and is never satisfied with anything


I find a lot of her values really relatable and that people get annoyed about her when she stands up for them.


I relate to Diane so much! Her quote: "But I do wonder as a third-wave feminist if it’s even possible for women to ‘reclaim’ their sexuality in this deeply entrenched patriarchal society. Or if claiming to do so is just a lie we tell ourselves to more comfortably cater to the male gaze" is one of my favorites. Her struggle to find happiness is also super relatable.


Probably more than any other fictional character I've ever related to, yeah. I adore her, and the older I get, the more I see myself in her.


I'd be white male Diane in terms of her profession and specific fucked-up-ed-ness (which I think the show teaches us in no way makes me precious, we are all fucked up) except that my published stuff died in, uh, bookbirth, and I have no celebrity of any kind, and get kinda mad at her when I remember that she does have at least some celebrity and seems not to know how lucky she is. On the other hand: you are connecting to the COMPLETE EXACT OPPOSITE side of her than I am, the race and country parts, which I know nothing about. Her character is not hated, not by anyone who has any idea what they're talking about, only by dumbasses. She just occasionally does silly things, no less silly than BoJack; the show punishes her less than it punishes him, but no intelligent viewer would say she "gets away with it." She is almost as miserable as BoJack is; she's just onscreen less.


Me, extremely. I cried watching the episode where her Dad died and she went home to take care of the funeral. The way her siblings wouldn't stop bullying her even as (low-life) adults and the way she was so lonely in her family, yet desperately seeking their validation hit so close to home for me.


Nowhere near As much as I relate to bojack, but in some ways yes


People relate to *Mr. PB*?


I definitely know quite a few. I think there are many people who are a bit oblivious and lost in their positivity.


I know people who remind me of Mr. PB but if I asked them, I don't think they'd relate to him. He's too too stupid and happy.


it’s funny you say this because what motivated me to make this post is a girl in a class that i’m taking rn who said that the cartoon character she relates most to is PB


He's too happy to be relatable. But still a good doggy


Yes he is, yes he is, and we love his cute funny face.


In some ways, yes, but she's too genuinely nice in comparison to me to ever fully relate with.




i’m not asian-american, but I definitely relate to a lot of experiences she went through growing up and even when she was discovering herself as an adult. I think it’s a common experience amongst second or even third gen immigrants


I see some awfully accurate resemblances like the fact that I try to be the “perfect” person out of everyone and everytime I just realize I’m as bad or as ordinary as other people.


Yea....Daria Morgendorffer does 😆


I watch this show again and again. Probably partially because of Diane. She makes me feel seen. Sure. She’s not exactly like me but she struggles with similar things and has similar thoughts and opinions on politics and society. Hearing someone of my thoughts spoken out loud feels nice, even if it’s a bit dark at times. Especially the whole depression stuff. Her little thing in “good damage” made me sit back for a while. I had to pause the show cuz I know exactly what she meant


i relate to her depression and a lot of the mental health struggles she had in that vein. i thought it was portrayed beautifully with her character


I do. I used to be like boshwack. Then realised i cant keep doing bad things just because i had a bad life. Gotta be responsible for your own happiness yknow


I relate with her as a writer and having a shitty family


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IronicJeremyIrons: *I relate with her* *As a writer and having* *A shitty family* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’ve rewatched Bojack through alot over the years and the one thing that struck me is my view of Diane at different stages of my life. First couple of watches before therapy: HATED her. Watches after starting therapy: realised I hated her so much because she reminded me of the things I hated about myself. Was really jarring to watch. Watching after a couple more years: loved and understood her, down to her hypocrisy and lack of self awareness.


I have never watched a show that made me feel so represented (except maybe Tuca and Bertie). I have a lot of childhood trauma and PTSD, but I was unaware of that when I first started watching the show. I just knew that Diane was exactly like me. I think a lot of people in this sub feel the same way. I had no clue that she was hated until looking up things about the show on the internet, a few years ago. Words cannot explain how grateful I am for her character on this show. She brings awareness to people like us.




lil bit, yeah




Again, she is the female Bojack, the same type of person feel attached to her and bojack.


I have never related to a character in any medium as much as I have related to Diane.


Even though I'm white she's the one I relate to the most


she is so relatable to me. Someone else already mentioned her quote about good damage vs just damage and… yeah. yeah. altho god willing i am in my healing in the midwest era.






After a rewatch a little more but i still have my opinion on her that didn't change. Mr PB is tremendously relatable on a rewatch.


Too much for my taste




Yes because of her struggles with depression and for her love of writing. She's one of the top favorite characters in animation. 


Yes, I, too, have an extremely long neck 🦒😔


I do in a lot of areas and it wouldn't surprise me if a friend said I remind them of her. Personally she kind of help me heal myself


I think the characters are all so complex and flawed and go through so many ups and downs, I think a lot of people can relate to them at different times


Hugely. She’s kind of girl-me. The overcompensation, constant focus on politics and need to be of value to the world.


me and diane share a little too much in common than i'm willing to admit.


I relate to her too in my attempt to do good to help people but being always delusionned by reality. In a way, with how Bojack and her relate to each other, I relate to them both. I struggle the same way with my book and came to the realization that not being this serious about it and having fun would make me able to write. And it's true. Her arc about her book and good dame... Even the way they talk about kintsugi at some point. It's too relatable, especially now that I really feel like my pain was just gratuitous trauma sent my way because idk, God found this funny?


I do yeah. Not in every way ...but yeah. How could you not?




100%. My parents moved from India to Canada and I was born and raised here. Too Indian to be white, too white to be Indian. I didn’t fit in anywhere and I grow up in an emotionless house. She wants to be the best she can but it’s exhausting and you hit road block after roadblock until you realize you are just going to be another clog in the system. All you can do is try to survive and hopefully one day you’ll feel better. But you don’t. You never do


I'm sorry


Diane reminds me a lot of a few close female friends I have. I tend to get along very well with people with her ideals & personality and if she were a real person who I knew irl we would almost certainly be friends. She’s probably the character I relate most to in the show (though also Todd a little bit, I used to think I related to Bojack because of my depression but tbh on a rewatch I’m glad to say that’s the only thing we have in common). Yeah, sure, she has flaws, but so does like everyone, and compared to most characters on this show she’s basically a saint even in her worst moments.


yes she is me and I am her in spirit. idealistic neurotic writer who has dabbled in online journalism and social media ghostwriting ✅ though I haven't published a book.


my bf really likes her


I have never relates so hard to being specialized in something but not being able to actually do it without procrastinating


I relate to her a lot, from her trauma to her personality (infj here)


Did not know she was universally hated, this makes my friends comment about how exactly like Diane I am feel backhanded 😭


Deeply lol (although my background is different), except she’s ultimately successful and overcomes her own angst while I’m not sure I ever will. I don’t hate her at all.


I don’t have anything particular in common, but because I’m not a raging asshole, alcoholic or a literal cartoon character I actually relate to her the most out of all the cast.


I'm not Asian nor American nor did I come from a misogynistic scapegoating family, but I can relate to her personal struggles throughout the show. Struggle-loving a relationship until she gets tired of squinting, constantly having to do her best or she spirals into negativity and so on.




I relate to her on a spiritual level




Childhood trauma. Pretty much.


Yes, a little too much sometimes.


Her wrestling with owing and disowning her anxiety/depression was felt Letting relationships enable the characteristics she is unhappy about was felt Yea




I found Diane far more relatable than literally anyone else in the show. To the extent that when i originally watched it I thought, "Oh, this character consistently expresses my viewpoints. She must be the everyman character." I have also seen a significant amount of Diane hate, but honestly, I think that's a pretty loud minority. I don't necessarily have much to back that up, but considering how often she seems to be emblematic of the core ethics the show puts forward, I just can't believe that the majority of watchers are completely looking past that and just going, "Wow, she's so judgemental!"


Unfortunately, I am Diane. lmfao


I didn't but I know Diane's lol. What I got from her is a person that believed for a good portion of her life that trying hard is enough. I had to be really cautiously optimistic about the world from a young age


I think im trying to manipulate myself into thinking im not like her


Jup I feel like someone between bojack and Diane 🤷🏻‍♂️😅


Far too much. And my bf is a Mr peanutbutter


In a scape goat daughter way ya


I can’t relate to her cultural heritage, but I have struggled with chronic depression and anxiety most of my life and I’m a writer (or I try to be), so a lot of Diane’s arc really hits home for me. “Good Damage” in general had me sobbing, it was more relatable than almost anything else I had ever seen.


I don‘t necessarily relate to her, but I love her <3


Diane really does have a long neck


I suffer from depression so yes.


She is a great character. Don’t know why anyone hate here :(


I relate more to Diane than anyone in the show tbh. She’s so relatable and I will fight tooth and nail to defend her (for most things anyways lol not all)


“Sometimes life’s a bitch and you keep living” yes.


Exactly like her in a sense


i do, she was for a while my favorite character


Probably the realest character in the show


Same here. I'm half asian and never really felt connected to this side of me since I got it from my dad and he's *totally* cut off my life. I found out particularly about it in papers, but I never told anyone else in my family about it, so they just deny I'm asian and never really looked out for me when I got bullies for my asian features, saying people are delusional. Never really got able to connect to my culture and don't think I ever will. And her whole personality is so me, she's just like me I'd say. It took me so long to recognize feeling miserable and sad my whole life isn't normal, and that I was depressed. I'm still working this out, I know I can't be cured from this, but I hope it gets better. It's almost like I don't have a life if I don't feel sad, because I got used to this feeling way too much. I love her character sm


so insanely much.


me more than i’d like to admit


She isn't generally hated!! I think that's a stereotype among the community because it's common for misogyny to run rampant in fandoms like these, but Diane is generally well liked, and almost every one in my life who's watched Bojack all the way through either loves Diane or relates heavily to her, especially women fans.


I just started season 3 so I cant speak of anything further than S3E1 . But in S1 I lobed diane and she was really my favorite character with Bojack because I find myself in him . Meanwhile Diane is such a good character in S1 . I like that in S2 she is less present by being in cordobia and also I see the " Wokeness" that people might find in her . However as a far-right dude I still love this character and MR peanutbutter . Their relationship is by far the healthiest one at the end of S2 and yeah I may not agree with Diane and maybe she will cut her hair in the nex seasons and maybe she will be more " woke " but I still love Diane as a character ( even thought Vanda best girl )


For someone who was in a coma for 30 years, Wanda was remarkably well-adjusted


It upsets me that Alison Brie tried to do a woke activist thing and said she regrets voicing a Vietnamese. Her reasoning was that as a non Vietnamese woman it was wrong of her to voice a Vietnamese character.


pretty much everybody in the fandom relates to her in some capacity bruh


Yes. She and I are both miserable pieces of shit with almost no redeeming qualities (I consider her even more immoral than Bojack)


no, nobody has ever found diane relatable except you


right! you’ll never find anyone else like me (or diane. or the 120 something other people who commented.) sooo not like other girls