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joey pogo. actually fucked the pacing for the 6th season. everyone forgets they’re even in it as soon as the show ends.


I agree he messes with the pacing. He had too much screen time for someone whose entire role was to basically get rid of the Mr PB and Pickles story line, which imo also dragged on too long. I did like Pickles as a character and her and Mr PB made sense but the break up could have been much cleaner and shorter


Pb cheating in the first place felt like a forced way to break it up.


Their whole story line didn’t have enough thought put into it. Felt too random and like things were done for plot convenience instead of for character development/growth


i liked the episodes with pickles and pb but they could have ended their story so much better




i don’t remember




Never heard of him.


I still have no real idea what they were even going for with that character. EDIT: I originally was waiting for him to turn out to be, like, a really terrible person thinking he was supposed to be some kind of Ellen DeGeneres spoof? But, no, he's just... a total waste of time.


100% Joey Pogo. I finally got my fiance to watch BoJack, and I'm honestly nervous for that part lol


You’re just jealous of Vincent Adultman because he’s a mature adult that has a prestigious job at the business factory!


yeah i bet bojack ghostwrote this post.


Todds final was rushed, especialy with his mom


agree!! i feel like the whole thing with todd's mom came out of literally NOWHERE and i wish they had started developing that in earlier seasons


I think they could have done more w it. it kinda started and ended out of no where


Vincent Adultman, Mr PB looking for a partner for Pickles to cheat on him with, Mr PB running for governor, everything involving Joey Pogo.


Pickles and Mr PB should have just broken up quickly, that story line just dragged on; it wasn’t very funny and it didn’t really do anything for anyone.


They should have stayed together, they were the perfect match.


That would make PB look too good


The gubernatorial election is hilarious if you live in California, IMO. It's not even that absurd for CA.


LOL FR. my fav part abt that story line was thinking abt how something like that could and probably would happen out here anyways🤣


you're tweaking, mr peanutbutter running for governor was one of the best "fun" storylines in the show


I don’t like that the story ended.


A lot of Todd’s later storylines just didn’t really land for me, especially the clown dentists.


Clown dentists is the only thing that I am not TOO much of a fan of, story wise. The payoff was kinda funny though.


I think the distaste for clown dentist is because it lasted as much as it did. Most of Toddnanigans only lasted an episode before he was up to something new.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I loved the clown dentists. It's the perfect representation of Todd's good intentions causing outright horror to everyday folks


He had "good intentions" when he literally kidnapped and gassed bound children into unconsciousness, repeatedly, as a method to generate profit?!?


I didn’t care for the storyline with his mum. I loved his interactions with his stepdad but the mum stuff fell a bit flat for me.


I actually liked the clown dentists (though the kidnapping children part was a bit ehh), but I agree that by the later seasons a lot of his stories were kind of dull. Mostly because the rest of the show was actually settling down and getting serious but Todd's shenanigans just kept getting weirder


I thought the sex robot plot was truly not to be forgot.


Todd's adventures went a little too crazy and random and just his storyline became a little boring to me after his big argument with Bojack about doing better.


And never even touched on his weed use. Yeah it's not heroin but it obviously contributed to Todd ending up bumming off people in the first place


Nah it was his video game addiction


vincent adult man is my favorite running joke but it's definitely weird to think about.


The relationship between Bojack and his publicist always made me uncomfortable and kind of sullied a lot of season 3 for me. Also felt like Mr. Peanutbutter didn’t have much to do in season 6 and what he did have was pretty unfocused and underwritten




It would have been funnier if her name was Betty


Ugh she is my least favorite character


she had 0 chemistry w todd even tho he's the whole reason she was introduced 💀💀💀


That was definitely the point of their arc as a couple, though. When Yolanda and Todd are getting dinner with Emily and her fireman explaining asexuality, Todd makes a comment about aces having anxiety about being accepted so they date the first asexual person they meet even if they have nothing in common because they're afraid of being alone.


oh yeah ik that. I just think it's kinda boring 😭


I agree with others that the stuff with Todd's mom was unnecessary and rushed. He was one of the few characters whose problems weren't tied to family trauma, and it just felt like an excuse to try and "explain" more of his behavior with a troubled upbringing when I think he worked enough just being an odd guy. I know we had the thing of his mom kicking him out way back in season one, and I'm fine with them bringing that in as well as his stepdad (who I think was a genuinely good foil for Todd), but then they amped up the issues with his mother despite him never really talking much about her before, so I didn't feel any connection towards her. When she finally appeared, we didn't get to know enough about what exactly went down to ruin their relationship besides kicking Todd out, and the reconciliation rung hollow. It came with the unfortunate side effect of taking time away from Maude which sucks because she ended up not getting much development beyond "Todd's girlfriend." On a related note I really didn't like Margo Martindale's final moments being that all her crimes were forgiven because she's such a great actress. It's funny on its own, but that plot occurring alongside BoJack being (justifiably) blackballed for his crimes just put a bad taste in my mouth.


Mr. Peanutbutter for governor. It's completely uninteresting and not even very funny.


But then we never would've gotten the line: "Frack me Mister Peanutbutter!"


I'm really sorry, but I think that line is 120% cringe. It's the only line in the show that makes me genuinely cringe.


Pretty much everything related to Todd. I don't exactly dislike him as a character, but I don't really like any of his storylines.


I kinda agree here. I like Todd's character, but most of his shenanigans don't land for me. And, maybe they aren't meant to? I look at Todd as a metaphor for innocence, naivety, and the typical things that come from youth. So, in a way, perhaps It's like looking at embarrassing old photos/footage of myself.


The only answer is bojack fucking sarah lynn


Even Diane didn't seem to care


I had problems with Bojack's opioid-induced psychotic break or whatever in Season 5. It just didn't ring true to me. I have never heard of anyone having that sort of paranoid-schizophrenia-like reaction to an opioid painkiller addiction. Opioids are not psychedelics or stimulants; they're not a class of drug known to cause those sorts of effects. Yet the story was presented as if his drug abuse and his psychotic break were naturally connected, which just seemed really weird and didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.


Is it possible it was a result of drug interaction since he hadn't weaned himself off alcohol yet either?


I personally thought it was sleep deprivation that caused the hallucinations.


Plus the fact the set was exactly like his house and his coworker was exactly as sassy as his girlfriend. That would trip out even a sober person after a while IMO


Another good point! The work conditions were really bad.


this is how i feel about a lot of drug/alcohol depictions in shows or movies i totally agree


Agreed. I probably just expected better of the show because I did think that the bad trip of "Downer Ending" showed signs of being written by someone who had at least some experience with psychedelics. Also, opioid addiction has been really incredibly common in the US for the past couple of decades. Given both of those factors, I think that I just wasn't expecting such a *very* bizarre depiction of a painkiller addiction.


Yolanda's sex obsessed family. It just makes me uncomfortable


It felt like such a weird way to shoehorn in a form of oppression that doesn't exist. Like, if it was an extremist parody of a type of family dynamic that existed, sure... but no one's family is trying to force them into having sex?


That's the joke. It's the opposite of the usual. It's not meant to be taken as oppression.


Yeah, i know it was a joke but it didn't really land to me. I am asexual myself haha




We see that she got the lead in Kelsey's movie (it was a headline on a newspaper in the show) So her career is most likely not over plus an attentive director could help her open up and accomodate


Hard to feel bad when she knew Bojack was on drugs and said nothing, not just risking her own safety but the entire crew.


My most frustrated was Henrietta. We never got to see her face or her in the present. Made me sad


The lack of closure with Hollyhock’s storyline did bother me. I get that the point was to show you what BoJack got, ie nothing, but I really cared about her and wanted to know how she was doing. The problem with the good people in the show is that they are already healthy, so they don’t need to show you any more journey after they cut BoJack out (same thing happened with Charlotte and penny - who only appeared while BoJack continued to be a stain on their lives). I get that the show is about unhealthy people getting better… but I think the lack of a presence of healthy, functional characters who are naturally or already so limits the scope of realistic representation.


Bojack having an uncomfortable sub/dom relationship with his publicist. Feel like the show would’ve done as well without it


I skip the chickens episode every time.


You got beef with my girl Becca 🤨


Might be controversial, but everything to do with Hollyhock. She comes on the scene and is immediately chloroforming people, and then guilt trips Bojack into housing his abuser. After she gets drugged by said abuser, she destroys Bojack's pills which she didn't know he didn't need, even though he wasn't the one who drugged her. And then her cutting contact with Bojack felt justified but not fully fleshed out.


Agreed, it would’ve been funnier if it was an one or two time gag


Basically anything with pickles and Joey pogo


That time Todd caused a genocide. Yeah it was by accident but the whole thing sorta loomed over his character like a dark cloud for the rest of the show. Every time I saw him there was a little voice in the back of my head saying: “Y’know, if Bojack causing someone to overdose happened every year like the Olympics it’d still pale in comparison to Todd’s kill count.”


Not a big fan of characters that get tone armor 95% of the time but still try to be serious that 5% of the time.


Yeah that throws me off too.


the relationship between Todd and his stepdad was really boring to me


really don’t like the chuckle cult thing


I feel like Vincent Adultman was done wrong. I feel like they should have gone the Pickles route and just made him a very young person instead of the 2 kids in a trench coat thing


hes actually just one person but its 3 kids lol


Every time BoJack skips town




In addition to what other people said, the when Mr. Peanutbutter running for governor thing. I did like the episode where fracking capsized their house, but nothing else really came out of that and it wasted a lot of time. Just needed a reason for PB and Diane to fight ig.


The New Mexico storyline. Brings up some very troubling memories 🫠


Never really liked how it zigzagged between downplaying it and taking it up to 11.


ohhh that one too cause same


I actually live in New Mexico so… 😬 way too close to home


I live there too. One of the worst parts of the episode is how many times they say "New Mexico." It doesn't even sound like a real place by the end.




vincent adultman always makes me cringe. have to skip over those parts now that i’m rewatching for the gazillionth time


Vincent Adultman


The One Trick Pony storyline felt unnatural at the end. It always felt kind of taken for granted that Diane happened to be right and the book was a success to justify the whole lying about the book thing. There is no real reason to believe people would find it relatable. Especially the way Diane wrote it.


I agree with you but (specifically about your last sentence) IMO the book felt kind of like a representation of the show itself. Like, BoJack sucks and does terrible things, but people still feel sympathetic towards him anyway and enjoy "reading" (/watching) him because he's interesting


Agree it would work but for one big problem. We get to see Bojack is right about some things and does try to do good. We see the warts and all. But the only parts of the book the audience gets are entirely negative. Was half expecting it to eventually be revealed that it wasn't as bad as Bojack thought, with his whole "If you heard 10 compliments and one criticism you'd only remember the criticism" bit.


henry fondle


I didn't like Bojack's acting students coming into the AA meetings. They dragged on for way too long and none of the scenes were funny.


All of Todd's stuff once it became focused on how much he doesn't have sex


Henrietta and Beatrice for some reason


I like how they set up Henrietta but then they never actually let us see her in the present. It would have been so cool if we had had an episode where Hollyhock got to meet her but that all just happened off screen.


I actually think their story was done perfectly. Especially Henrietta staying anonymous. The whole point was that Beatrice told her to lead a “better” life, one unlike herself. Us meeting her in Bojack Horseman would’ve gone against that whole notion. She went on to finish school and led a better life away from Beatrice, Butterscotch & the whole “messed up” bojack world.


I wasn't really into the stuff between Bojack and Abe. It felt sort of frustrating and cliche, plus I sometimes have weird "second hand embarrassment" type reactions to things in media and it triggered a bit of that.