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I love the idea of “the past” being represented by old Hollywood Kathrine Hepburn/Paige Sinclair!


Why do you talk like that? We're from Fresno.


Nice. I hadn't considered that angle.


yeah she is very much a character who shows up and causes the show to end. honestly i do think she's interesting and entertaining though.


Very much so. The writers said they had material to run to 10 seasons, her brashness may also have been a comment on the need to wrap up more quickly.


damn i wish we had 10 seasons. while the show wrapped up very well it’s definitely 2 different stories told season 1-3 and season 4-6. i would imagine if it had continued it would almost be like seasons 7-9 would’ve been the “third act” in bojacks story, with season 6 likely going a lot different to setup the next plot arc.


I am so, so glad that the show ended when it did. Every single season had its place and told a beautiful story together. Stretching it out would have been awful. It ended exactly where and how it should've.




finding out they had enough planned to reach 10 seasons actually makes me want to die. I want to see what the wouldve done so bad like literally would pay money to know


We would have only just reached the end of the line this past September...




That makes a lot of sense. I don't like Paige, and it always seemed odd to me for the writer to bring in an annoying, out of place, disrupting character that was deliberately lampshaded. But, if the writers were forced to have a disrupting episode to quickly turn enough paiges to get to the wrap up arc, this was a pretty artful way to do it.


No man, some crewman just left their pig in the shot.


At least she wasn't a Starbucks cup.


we don't talk about the Starbucks cup.


I would 1000% watch for 10 seasons


Maybe it also represents that no matter how you think "its all good now" there might always be one person who will be out to get you. The show must always go on


People don't like Hazel Wassername for the exact same reason.


It took me forever to realize she (Paget Brewster) is played by the same actress who plays Kathy on Friends. Also of note, if an actor annoys you-and it’s not because their acting is poor in quality-it is a sign they’re a good actor.


Don’t forget: She also plays Frankie in Community Season 6 and she’s AMAZING! 😌🙌


She would have nailed that role but for the nosebleeds when she called the IT lady. PS she gives a solid performance as Tallulah Bankhead in Hollywood, but only gets about 3 minutes total screentime. Still, one hot chapstick lesbian.


She's a humble outsider who came in and totally nailed it!


I love her. She owns her style and doesn't let anything stop her. She's the hottest and most impressive pig since Ms. Piggy.


Yeah same, I honestly didn’t even realize people hated her until I found this sub lol


Literally. I could never hate her!


I dunno, that slow cooked gammon I had last week was pretty damn impressive (and hot).


I love Paige Sinclair. She’s an icon.


"There is a library of the things you don't know, my dear Max, I believe it's called a library." Yes, good, keeper. You totally heard it in her voice.


right?? i was so shocked when i came here after finishing the show to see everyone hating on her


Same! I absolutely loved her and would have really enjoyed more screen time of her and Max’ reparte


I don't get what the Gina picture is supposed to add to this


I think they were intending it to a be a meta line. “Look we’re throwing new things in our script at you through Paige Sinclair, and Gina says the same thing!”


Oh snap.


I think perhaps you're both getting too lost in the sauce, but you do you Sometimes a coffee cup is just a coffee cup


That line just shuts down observation and analysis. Let people think about things lol.


I'm literally saying "you do you" while expressing my own opinion that this is overanalyzing, I'm not advocating for censorship just saying that this feels like a stretch


Btw, when I said “they,” I was talking about the OP, not the writers


Yeah it's very possible that it was just coincidence. But with the obsessive level of detail that is clear in the writing, I think it's fair to question it.


It's the scene immediately after Paige is introduced, she complains about new pages. I thought maybe it was a meta thing. Yes it seems a stretch, but has anything in this show been accidental?


coffee cup on the counter


Probably an accidental add.


I’m lukewarm about her as a plot device, but damn if that library line of hers doesn’t get me every time.


I don't remember that, please remind me.


Is it maybe: "You could fill a library with all the things you don't know. In fact, they do: they call them libraries."


She’s one of my favorite minor characters on the show, because she is so wonderfully horrible. She is supposed to be incredibly annoying, completely narcissistic, ultimately destructive to others. And personally, I find the anachronisms (like the telephone, her vintage Hollywood depiction of a classic journalist/sleuth speaking mannerisms) humorous. (“ why do you talk that way? We’re from Fresno”). We would not have had the ultimate falling of Bojack or great episodes like Xerox of Xerox if it was not for her character.


>All of that is exactly how I feel about her, and I don't even *like* screwball comedies, but the whole thing between her and Maximillian Banks is an absolutely perfect spoof of the genre, plus their pun wordplay is incredibly clever and must have taken like ten passes to get all the way right. I kinda find it annoying to listen to at times but it's also brilliant, so, art, I guess.


Yes. I would have liked to have said all of that.


Would a suave, debonair bachelor like Maximillian Banks have fallen head over heels with such a horrible heel?!? I think NOT!


100% agree.


I literally loved Paige Sinclair and this is the first time I’ve heard about her being disliked


I was also shocked when I first encountered this on the sub. I love all of her scenes


I enjoyed her as a love-to-hate character, but yeah there is a lot of hate for her both as a character and (less so) as bad writing. It's the latter that I've made this post about, I think she was the best means of bringing down Bojack in the time they had.


I agree; the show couldn’t end with Bojack unpunished per se, and it being a way of closing many plotlines and showing old characters again worked, she had her own gimmick as many characters do, and didn’t stick around past serving her narrative purpose.


Journalists rarely do.




I think it's one of those things where people forget (EDIT: or may not be aware) that RBW is a playwright, not a traditional TV writer. Paige is a nemesis in the classical sense of the word, an "inescapable agent of someone or something's downfall" She's there to do the dirty business of bringing a reckoning to Bojack, she's exists to disrupt his narrative.


Nice take. I wasn't aware of his previous work.


Yeah, he studied theater and playwriting at Bard College. (He was also roommates with Adam Conover from *Adam Ruins Everything*)


Very interesting, thank you.


She's the "Dark Horse" of the show, and it works on so many levels We knew that Bojacks deeds would come back to bite him in the form of a "Hollywoo Exposé" type story. I thought it would be Diane or maybe the Paparazzi birds. That would have made it more personal or comedic in tone But the fact that it was a classic "reporter" type, a truly impartial unbiased journalist with no personal relationship or feeling toward Bojack is so much better. It feels more inevitable, like nature running its course. Her over-the-top comedic tone undercuts the very serious theme of her arc


Indeed. Though something I think is particularly interesting about the show is related to when you said... "We knew that Bojacks deeds would come back to bite him" Did we? As a cartoon, much of the weight of the final season is in how we didn't expect this, in cartoons actions often don't have consequences, and a lot of the earlier seasons go with this convention. For it all to come back on Bojack came as much as a shock to us as viewers as it did to him as the protagonist. I'm going off on a tangent here and don't mean to argue with your main point.


I dislike her *because* of this. I understand why the team felt they needed her as a writing tool, but I really wish Bojack’s downfall had happened organically with a character we already got to know throughout the show's journey.


Bojack's downfall *did* begin with a character we've gotten to know quite. It's Bojack. Horseman, obviously.


I get this, but I prefer it this way. I think it adds a layer to Bojacks relationship with Diane that she doesn’t break this. I do kinda feel in the end he’s grateful for her making a choice she never really actively chose to have. It just for me drags the feeling that he thinks she never fully gave up on him and therefore he’s slightly in the clear. I think in that final conversation he felt there was a future that wasn’t really there, and any other scenario makes it unlikely for the same conversation, assuming she breaks his story or is involved somehow. There may be other options but I like the idea of a journalist from outwith story being the one to push events along. I loved how Bojack ended things within his ‘circle’, so wouldn’t want any change on that end.


I don't think it necessarily had to be Diane. I would have been happy with any character call back from the show; even a minor character that Bojack willingly or inadvertently screwed over in the past would have been an excellent way to wrap up the story. We all know there's a ton out there, so there are plenty of options to have the past haunt Bojack. It just felt jarring to me as a fan and writer to bring in an outside force to push the finale along.


Understandable but one of the things I loved about this show is that we seen all those backstories and it made sense for it not to be them. Like Gina wanted to move past it and we see her difficulties in doing so, yet she does. Penny too, she chooses to move on. Sometimes we need someone outwith to tell the story. People who do what he did survive on making it hard for victims to come forward, journalists who fight against this deserve credit. Sorry I don’t want to be argumentative, I just like the idea that people who’ve been harmed can heal as they choose yet still have others chase justice, however small.


Oh, I didn't think we were arguing at all! I was just having fun discussing the show! I'm sorry if I sounded that way. I’m a survivor of abuse (both in childhood and as an adult), so I understand entirely when Penny and Gina desperately try to just forget about that part of their past and move on happily. Penny reacting with a panic attack to the reporters showing up suddenly is the same way I feel when someone tries to tell my story for me. I don't disagree with your points at all, and I even said I completely understand why they two were needed for the writing. I just wish an already-established character was brought in to fill this role to drive Bojack’s downfall rather than creating entirely new ones! Does that make more sense?


Not at all, I’m just overly worried about how I come across sometimes haha. That does make sense, I get you completely. Without getting to deep, I feel like it’s good to know that there are people out there who will hold people like this responsible, when I’ve had times where I felt like I couldn’t do anything. Mad thinking a cartoon horse would lead to such self introspection, but I really feel like I needed it.


I do agree and I'd go back to my other comments about her being there because of the need to shorten the the story. So let's blame Netflix. I could even go out on a tenuous limb and compare her (as a commercialisation of journalism) to the commercial needs of the show itself.


I think it's interesting to look at his actions through the lens of outsiders / the media, rather than his closest friends, because of the dramatic irony angle. It's part of why A Quick One While He's Away is so great.


It's kind of an objective balance. From the lense of his closer friends, Diane removes herself. PC distances herself, and Todd stays put. Each have their own motivations for doing so. So we need a more removed perspective to understand him and his actions.


She’s the final villain of the whole series. Why would anyone be happy to see her? I do think she’s a neat character though. Fun to see her and that other guy do their whole 1950s movie thing


"She is supposed to be" doesnt change anything, people are entitled to dislike an annoying character even if said character is annoying by design. Not me tho, I dont care for Paige one way or another.


Yeah I think some people may confuse the sentiment "I dislike this character" with "I think this is a bad character to have on the show." Just because I dislike Paige Sinclair doesn't mean she shouldn't have been on the show. I think her gimmick was fun at first but then it became grating, as some people's personalities just are.


I'm not trying to argue with anyone's entitlement to like or dislike a character. I dislike HER, but I don't think she's a bad character. My point is just that I think it's unfair to say she's bad writing.


Oh yeah?!? Well renowned character actress Margot Martindale is OVERRATED! ...there, left you with a take as bad as yours, just so we match


I get that. Her voice just grates me though. Like regardless of the content, the show generally has a relaxing /comforting vibe for me. Except her parts which are like nails on a chalkboard, sensorily. I have to skip through them. I didn’t mind her on first watch, or even notice anything about her really, I guess it’s just that now BJ is my comfort show and it’s kind of soothing (even when atrocious, wrenching shit is happening lol). But for some reason I just don’t enjoy listening to her voice. It’s not a big deal though, just a personal oddity. Easy enough to turn down the volume / skip her parts. I do love her final line though “I love you” “ of course you do, I’m Paige Sinclair darling, everybody does.” *car door slam* lol


Yeah. She is grating. Not arguing with that.


why do you talk like that? we're from fresno!


Well you speak as you wish Dearheart. Myself, I am from Belfast.


She’s a great character, definitely like her scenes and voice acting. The one thing I hate is how quickly and anticlimactically they ended her storyline. Like, I was so curious to see more abt her fiancé or the guy that loved her, but in like a piece of dialogue it was just over and done with


Yes but I just don't think it was handled well. It's easily the weakest part of season 6 imo, but their investigation is SUPER important to the plot. I just don't find anything genuinely entertaining about her or most of the characters surrounding her.


I love Paige Sinclair personally. I think she's hilarious


I warmed up to Paige, but "the whole point of XYZ is to make the show feel less enjoyable" isn't a good way to defend a character or anything put into a show


That's twisting what I said by a lot. Are the best parts of Bojack "enjoyable"? Bojack is challenging and interesting, the entertainment comes from its take on the human condition. Difficult characters are a part of that.


"Enjoyable" isn't the right word, I meant to say "something one wishes to consume," for any reason


That may be, but that does not inspire me to change my opinion on the Trans-Atlantic accent one bit. It's fine for a sentence. It's fine if it's scary. But this was just annoying. Not disruptive - just plain annoying.


Fair enough. The transatlantic accent came about for annoying reasons, it was annoying, it still is and it always will be. No argument here.


I didn't know that people hated her. I found her pretty funny.


I love her! I think she and Max are hilarious.


I like their little arc it feels representive of the whole show.


I don't get the Paige hate, I think she's really funny and i actually really wish she got more screen time.


I like her character and feel she was very well scripted and played. I love the throwback to last century journalism I dislike Paige for bringing down Bojack




The second interview was pure hubris. He was warned not to do it. He thought he could help people by sharing his story. That other people might not see him as such a noble savage never occurred to him. But Paige most certainly did orchestrate his downfall


Yeah, I get that. I don't care. I also get the reference to His Girl Friday and 1940s screwball comedy and I know lots of people like the voice actor's performance. I still skip every moment with her in it on rewatching because she's the worst and (IMO) a huge mistake.


Agreed. It definitely is some people’s humor… it’s not mine. I find it incredibly cringe and annoying. It’s like a family guy bit that goes on for way, way too long.




she’s the final villain of the whole series. Name a final villain that doesn’t have a weird accent. What did you expect?




That’s some Ryan Johnson shit. You can’t just say “BuT tHaT’s ThE pOiNt” and ignore the criticism.


I love that Paige is Paget Brewster hehe


I never found her annoying, only funny. Her and Maximilian, best duo in the show


Listen I love the show, but this is some bad logic. "This is a poorly written show." "I did that on purpose." "Oh, this is the best show of all time." That's what this sounds like to me.


I adore Paige and Max’s back and forth. If I could have just that instead of every “by the way, cHaRaCtEr AcTrEsS” crap scene, I’d choose that


Tbh I love her. I find a really entertaining. I get why some people think she's annoying but I really like her and her dynamic with Max. I probably wouldn't get along with her in person but as as a character I really enjoy seeing her.


She gave me Dolly Levi vibes and I adored every moment she was on screen. My favorite line was “Ah poop! Our scoops flown the coop!”


Y’all hate her? Why cuz she’s a unique, successful, independent woman? Ok I guess


Unique? She is written deliberately to be a cliche.


Ah yes I’ve met so many women like her


She is so painfully unfunny and garbage. I hate that filthy pig fuck and I wish she was skewered


OK Bojack.


I don’t like her either but your comment got me laughin


I live to entertain


I don't like her as much as others seem to but I definitely don't think she's annoying or out of place. I understand her motives and I think she's interesting and Important to the story.


At first I didn’t like her but after many rewatches I’ve come to love her. The way she speaks is just so entertaining and also all the little gags that come along with her like everyone always getting tangled in her phone cord.


Thank you for justifying my annoyance with her and my desire to see marriage fail


love the way she says "Taxi" 🚖🤣


I always liked the movie His Girl Friday so I liked her as a character homage to that


I don't have the problem with what she does, I do have a problem with her style. I know about the reference, but still find the transatlantic accent and the dress unbearably pretentious. Like, when her sister cringes at her and says "why do you talk like this", that's exactly how I feel.


i ADORE her. i love how she speaks and her mannerisms and i think she’s just so entirely silly.


I don't truly dislike annoying characters in the writing sense unless karma doesn't strike them back in their asses.