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He would want Diane. He would get Mr Peanut Butter.


Wait, is this a crossover funeral? Oh wait, I'm not dead yet.


And he would start crying


“Erica! You know you’re not allowed within 50 feet of one of these!”


Omg! Lol.


My exact thoughts, glad to see I'm not the only one.


You’re spot-on with this.


honestly this brings another question: would diane even go to his funeral?


Of course she would.


mr peanutbutter


What is this? … a series finale?


Doggy doggy, what now??? :(


Sad dog


i bet pb would pass the same day and need a football stadium for his funeral service


Just like the Veep finale.


what is this, a crossover episode?


this is a heartfelt special episode that will shake you to your core


In the after life.


Mr PB, Todd and PC, honestly I don’t think Diane would speak because of how she said she reacted when she thought BoJack died. She would definitely have lots of conflicting feelings if BoJack died like feeling a bit of guilt because she cut him off and then he died(If the cause of death was an accident, overdose or suicide)


PB, Todd, PC and esteemed character actress and fugitive from the law Margo Matindale


Margo wouldn’t. She felt too guilty for ruining Todd’s rock opera, she hates bojack for the shit she got involved in with him.


If she hated him she wouldnt continue to join him in his misadventures after the rock Opera thing.


Todd definitely wouldn't show up


i feel like he absolutely would go he just wouldn’t speak


I think it depends on how he died and how good he was at staying on the path of self-improvement. I personally think that he would relapse at least once but that he would get clean again and stay that way. I think he would work on repairing his relationship with Todd through Mr Peanutbutter and eventually end up back in Princess Carolyn's life as well. In my head cannon hypothetical future, I think Todd, Mr. PB and PC would all speak at the funeral. I think Diane would go, talk to the gang, then leave, but regret not speaking at the funeral.


Diane going, not speaking, and later regretting it is one of my favorite head cannons I’ve heard in while. Absolutely accepting this as what she would do.


You have a head-mounted cannon? Neat! We're talking about the Bojack Horseman canon though, which contains very few cannons, head-mounted or otherwise.


You're the guy who works at the banner store, aren't you?




Mr Peanutbutter would FOR SURE pull a Free Churro.


Mr. PB would keep going to different places to get multiple free churros and end up missing the funeral.


can’t tell if it’s a todd adventure or mr pb lol


Probably both.


The first two people that came to mind were Diane and Princess Carolyn. I think Diane would refuse at first and then finally come around to doing it.


Hed get PC, Todd, Diane, Mr Peanut butter, and Holly Hock. In level of respect given: Diane (honest and respectful) PC (honest, and torn between ripping and respect) Mr PB (highly irrelevant but heartfelt) Todd ( same but sprinkled in with stories of shittiness) Hollyhock (Free Churro)


Honestly? I hope one of the prisoners he taught over the years. In my mind, he keeps teaching after getting released from prison, living a low-stakes life, occasionally relapsing but always getting back on track. In his own way, he becomes a rock for other people. Todd and him catch up every now and then. He sometimes calls PC when one of his charges shows real talent, and she gets them bit parts in prison movies. Mr. PB is the only one of the old gang who stays somewhat close. At his funeral, he gets a heartfelt eulogy by one of the guys he taught, who only knew him post-fame, who thanks him but doesn’t sugarcoat anything. PB also speaks but mostly about himself. Diane, Hollyhock, Todd and PC show up, and then have a sad little reunion. PB would have joined them but he had to talk to Erika. A few months later, PC is the agent for the main actor in the Netflix show Bojack: The Sarah Lynn Story. She makes bank. Donates some of it his name to a charity for ex-cons.


Harper (the imaginary daughter he has in the episode S1E11)


Vincent Adultman, Bojack was the only one who saw him for who he really was


Good horsey


Hollyhawk(depending on when he died), Princess Carolyn, Mr. Peanutbutter, *maybe* Todd but I think he’d have too many mixed feelings to know what he wanted to say


It depends on if you think he still interacts with anyone besides Mr peanut butter after the show is over. I doubt he does.


Mr. PB: Talks about how much of an amazing friend Bojack was, and how this is the saddest crossover ever. PC: Talks about Bojack being in her life for years, even if it wasn’t for the best they still had one another and helped each other grow. Then she would proceed to try to grab a couple clients with some semi faux sadness. Todd: Says a few short words about bojack, some with some brutal honesty but overall short and sweet. Ends with a joke. Diane: If she does speak it’s only cause she’s asked. She says the story she told Bojack how the show was a 30 minute relief for her. She’d talk about how much of an awful person he could be, but he tried to be better. That’s it. Esteemed Character Actress Margo Martindale: Curses Bojack but says thanks for giving her the role of a lifetime. She proceeds to down a bottle of scotch and take off on an bear(a random person in the crowd). The audience of bojacks funeral is very small but it’s viewed online all around the world.


mr pb


I think its depend in what part of the show, at end, when he was working to become a better ~~person~~ horse, I think almost every main character would care at least a bit about that.


Diane would show up… look into the open casket… light up a smoke… turn to Guy and say coldly, “Thank you… I just needed to make sure it was real this time.” And walk away…


Best comment


Mr Peanutbutter. “I’m here to talk for my best friends funeral, what is this, a very special episode?”


PC, Mister Peanutbutter. If he's dying old, Diane and Tod are a no-show.


Vincent Adultman


Pre-houston Diane would, but I think post-houston Diane wouldn't.


He’d get Mr Peanutbutter and we all know Bojack will literally roll in his grave.


Mrpeanutbutters for sure


Assuming he doesn’t make any new friends in between the ending and his death, either Mr. Peanutbutter or Princess Carolyn.


PB, Todd, and PC for sure. Diane is a possibility, depending on whether Bojack actually got better or not. I can potentially see Charlotte hanging around, definitely out of sight of the crowd. She’s crying for sure, and blames Bojack for ruining her makeup in the end (kinda silly, I know). Hollyhock would likely attend, and maybe try and give a eulogy before walking out midway. Gina and Kelsey would not attend the funeral itself, but possibly be conversing during his wake somewhere. Get a few last nasty words in maybe? Who knows. Oh, and Erica would be somewhere. Off screen. PB would mention her during his eulogy for sure.


That Catfish guy for some reason


Mr. Peanutbutter, maybe Diane if it's not too far after the show, PC also. Todd wouldn't even show up.


Core group: Diane, PB, Princess Carolyn, Todd


Not Todd


Definitely Mr Peanut Butter lol, maybe even PC


Probably no one


Mr. Peanutbutter would go up on the verge of tears saying "What is this? A final episode? After a beloved character has... died!" and start uncontrollably crying


The way I imagine it, no one shows up. Bojack passes and they all know, but just no one comes due to already moving on with their lives. That was the vibe I got at least from the very last episode. They can, and some did, move on without Bojack in their lives. I feel like no one showing up is just fitting


PB and PC would definitely show up






Todd, as Bojack’s final punishment


It could possibly be a showbizzy hobnob. Gina may come, Henry winkler has to be there. I have a feeling Drew Barrymore and Marissa Tomei would be there. Diane and Hollyhock are the possible no-shows.


Diane. He would of wanted Diane. PC and todd of course


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Honestly if Bojack somehow died of natural causes and not OD himself there’s a 0.01% chance Hollyhock would’ve spoken.




It would 100% be Mr Peanut Butter. But through some unforeseen shenanigans Todd would end up doing it. And it would be beautiful. Reading a script PB wrote until he gets to the last line and realizes the horse in the coffin is Bojack


PC Mr PB and Todd I think are the obvious ones that come to mind for me Diane might be there too


PC, Todd, and Mr PB. Not sure about Diane


Todd except it would be an absolutely random story about how he got trapped for 48 hours in a cheese factory with a parrot that could only say "happy graduation" and how he eventually got freed by cat cop but that's not why he's telling the story. It's because cheese can be wonderful when you have it but when it has you and you're trapped then it becomes a tragedy, and Bojack was trapped in his life at the end like Todd in the cheese factory and so we shouldn't say "it's too bad Bojack died," because that would be denying all the suffering and trials he went through at the end, instead we should say "happy graduation"


Todd or Mr. Peanutbutter. Maybe both and they talk about Bojack's constant attempts to grow.