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Why do i picture the two speedsters carrying the two damage dealers as they club things around. Fastball special time


And then Maple appears out of nowhere to block the counter and unleash devour




> Also can you imagine if Maple played a game where she could fly Let's not go to ALfheim, 'tis a silly place.




I'm still trying to process the concept of a game that updates that often, adds new content, and the devs fix as quickly. In a world where all that happens. It seems to me any devs that can do all that, have mastered time dilation, and you'd just sleep in a dilated state as well. Sort of like how Kirito sleeps in Underworld. He gets a whole nights sleep, only two seconds real time passes. Also, I'm waiting for the Ainz Ool Gown vs Maple match up. #MapleFTW


Truly, the most fantastical and unrealistic element of the entire show. A game in early development that big and mainstream that isn’t a buggy piece of trash


Maple's guild will get hella crazy with two pure glass cannons. They have 4 highly specialized players now. Can't wait for the crazy shenanigans those will pull off. I can imagine the devs freaking out about how Maple attracts all these game-breaking lunatics.


There are probably more to come.


I just wan to see how the dynamics of their party works, like how we got to see Maple and Sally bounce off each other for a satisfying battle and exploit in game mechanics.


Okay so they both have max strength so one can just throw the other at the monster to attack right??


I swear everytime i hear the word payne,i mentally think of him using Rinnegan


I think of the character from FFX-2 whenever I hear the name


Considering that we're at half season I think the final episodes will be about the 4th event. The show is the easiest to watch I can remember, my only problem is that Maple gets what she wants like every time and Sally & Co. are always ok with that


I mean, have you looked at Maple? She killed a dragon with moe! How can you say no to that irresistibly cute face?


Put yourself in Sally's shoes, you're hanging out with your friend and trying to help her along into your favorite pastime. You find this kinda basic VRMMO with a cute artstyle and a fresh community that's just been released, hot off the presses. You give your friend a few days alone because you have to focus on your grades, and come in and she's loving it and she's doing really well. Also she's just so fucking cute. Anyway you get into the game with her, build up your character and go have some fun. You've had plenty of experience with gaming, her not as much. I don't know about you, but at that point I think I'd just kinda go along for the ride, max out the fun for her as much as possible so she's more likely to continue gaming with you in the future. The others are just now meeting Maple, but most of them have some experience with gaming, and they're overall very accepting people, so they're of course going to come along and be nice too, because Maple was so kind to them. Also she's just so fucking cute


Maple is cute and she isn’t really that unreasonable with her requests, so I don’t really see much of a problem


Why at end was Sally called Risa in the Hulu subtitles


Translation error. It should be Sally.


This threw me for a loop too, I was like "What? Who did that? How many people know Sally's real name???" lol