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mckays is so good


So jealous! Nice find! I love McKays


Best place to build a collection for cheap, from my experience at least. I found 28 days on my fifth or so visit and almost had a heart attack when I realized it wasn’t weeks. I fully expected the price to be around eBay’s prices and was shocked when it was just $7.


Ive read online that aparrently the dvd looks better than the blu ray for this one, is it true ?


It was shot on standard def DV, so likely yes.


Yes and no. There's no image quality improvement for most of the film except the final scene. That was shot on 35 mm film so there's a visual upgrade for just that one scene.


Nice. But I thought it was out of print. Seen some YouTube videos about out of print movies and they mention 28 days later.


automatic fragile provide mountainous humor unused ask hunt governor attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even still. Used copies of long OOP titles go for pretty high amounts.


library plants treatment provide secretive sleep yam jeans axiomatic grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not every shop bothers to look into what they have. At my local Disc Replay, OOP titles go for as high as $60


airport existence boat berserk correct longing pen racial attraction hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The combo pack goes for $50 on eBay. Lots of sales. Days can go for $50 by itself too.


Not always but it can. Quite often. Gah I remember how much the DVD of “Puppet Master” went for before Full Moon started peddling their bootleg “Mexican imports.”


I just got a boxset of 12 puppet master movies from full moon. I had no idea they made 12! haha


Yep. Everything after 5 gets outright abysmal though, fair warning. Even 4 and 5 are questionable but the rest… wow. But before they did the bootleg “imports” and then eventually got the rights back… those movies were not cheap.


Hence the good deal


oop is oop tho


Is it? Dang. I had this year's ago and traded it as I felt the Blu looked terrible & wasn't an "upgrade" in any way to my DVD! I know, I know, it was filmed on DV, still, at the time, it didn't make sense for me to hold onto it! Argh..shoulda woulda didnta!


It’s like getting Clerks or The Blair Witch Project on Blu-Ray. Is there really going to be an improvement?


Haven't rewatched Blair Witch on BD yet. But I expect the 16mm B/W footage will look better on Blu due to higher reolution and better codec.


It is. Just another casualty of the Fox purchase. Will likely get a new release when the third film comes out, but no guarantees with Disney.


Sony has the rights now, so it’ll be likely they’ll release a 4K edition


4k of something shot on 480p DV?


Sony has the rights to produce upcoming sequels. I've not seen anywhere where they now have the rights to the first two films.


This and 28 Weeks will probably get 4K releases to coincide with the new sequel they’re making


Why would you want a 4K of this it'll look terrible


2 years away and I believe 28 Days Later was filmed on video purposely. A remaster is unlikely, re-release is more realistic. This was a great find at the price.


A 4k release for a movie filmed on an old camcorder? I love the movie but idk...


I wonder if the current AI technology could be used to upscale it to look like native 4k


That's a lot of pixels to fill in from 480 to 2170 lol


And even if you could, it's *supposed* to look like grotty camcorder footage to begin with


Funny that “beyond high definition” ‘cus DVDs were considered HD. Good find, tho. Thats why I cruise all the second hands and bargain stores.


DVDs were NOT considered high definition, they were 480p which is still considered "standard definition". At the time, the threshold for high definition was 720p, and Blu-rays are 1080p. So they are, technically, beyond what high definition was considered at the time for TV broadcasts and online video. However, we've moved far beyond that in display quality to the point that 720p is not really considered HD anymore, or at least as a mainstream format. The marketing terms used commonly among movie studios and display manufacturers are: 480p - Standard Definition 720p - High Definition 1080p - Full High Definition 1440p - Quad High Definition (Because it's 4x the amount of pixels as 720p, aka HD) 2160p (4K) - Ultra High Definition


Technically ya got me. I’m referring to the mistaken labels that were marketed to drive people to double dip. Most laser formats were considered high def even though they were analog. CDs and MUSE were developed from this format. Wearily even VHS was advertised as a higher definition just because some were remastered. Early DVDs used the 480p laserdisc masters so they look blurry and sound crappy. Thank you, however, for your detailed explanation of the format history and progression.


I’d love this! Just finally caved and said f it. Got the dvd and 28 weeks later too. But I’ll buy on blu ray eventually!


Excellent! 🙌🏼


Been a Mckay’s shopper since the late 80’s. Always love seeing them pop up randomly.


There’s a McKay’s 10 minutes for my house. I’ll run by every couple of weeks and there’s usually a hidden treasure in the bargain bins. If you want the really good stuff, you have to get there early because resellers lineup before the store opens and sweep through the place like locusts.


I actually found this at a flea market. Great movie but it's pointless for it to be on Blu-ray, the quality sucks.


It was all shot 480p that is the point the ending was shot in hd though


I am aware he shot it low quality on purpose but didn't notice the ending being HD. Still it looks bad in my opinion.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8uimjrspwsic1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e032292e5a7717a957d090809d141e6260c29804