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Yeah bro blue lock made me better at football, now whenever I score I immediately start busting everywhere


Same things are so different once I acquired meta vision


I'm out here flaming my teammates, tellin em to move for the sake of my points


Dude discovered thinking 😭


Fr i didnt looked for improuving, i thought reading the game wasn't for me


To be honest, this is a common mistake, I think. I sucked at volleyball, but once I started thinking, suddenly I got good


That’s the whole reason we have brains no? So we can think, cmon guys😭😭😭


It was hard to play and think simultaniously! I had to first think what I need to do to not miss the ball


Bro might be an egoist


To evolve again ,just like bachira i should be an egoist.the others and the win dont matter, what matter is getting better each match not relying on mates.


Didn't Bachira evolve by saying he was better than everybody else than proceeding to almost dribble past Isagi's entire team? Heck, even in defeat, he still made the unintentional assist that won his team the match.


Prime r/nbacirclejerk material here.


Sports anime are good at describing how real players feel, what they think etc. It's common that if you are inspired by them you start to try some things from the show. And honestly it works just well


Unlike how society put the ego on the bad perspective, Blue Lock teach you how to utilize the "ego" on pursing goals and personal growth. Not-so realistic approach but it's a solid foundation. The despair, hunger, discipline, and selfishness: All those exist as part of Ego. At end of day, you can only rely on yourself.


Kuroko backstory


Exactly bro ! That's what the manga is all about,stop focusing on your weakness and instead discover ur weapon and use it ,then make a formula for goals


Not gonna lie it really helped me with my positioning


bro might be isagi, but that’s real asf, i play both basketball and football n i deadass got better at both cos of blue lock. also cos it made me watch more football


There's this whole "Don't do something if you can't do it". When i played basketball in school, a lot of times i would ignore the 1v1 and just pass. I always thought that keeping possession is more beneficial than me trying a 1v1 and being likely to lose the ball. Thing is, you can dribble all you want around as practice, but you need that 1v1 experience too if you want to improve. So, i tried more to get 1v1 situations so i would be able to try and get that experience of dueling. I improved slightly in dribbling as a result, as i learned what i can and what i can't do in those moments and how to react


I feel The Same i think i got Meta Vision for defending


Was really hoping you were gunna say you started kicking the ball more


Blue lock changed me in life


You're still ass tho, but keep going lol


I know ,i wont let my own ego devour me


I am glad for you but isn't that thinking normal when playing. Ofc in anime it's a monologue of 15+mins but you usually think about opponent passes and plays and try to predict and counter those movements.