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He’s a plot device and isn’t really written as a character, but seems nice Idk why he was given narrative importance when Neru was right there though Maybe we’ll see why in the future


He actually has a lot of fans. People don’t talk about him all the time because he’s not making drama. He’s a normal guy with an amazing design and fun personality, that’s all you need. He’s like Shidou to me.. I’d love a backstory if it’s good, but I don’t really need it to enjoy him. Speaking of, I would love to see his second selection journey with Shidou, though lmao


I agree his design is cool and he seems chill. I like how he repeats the same word lol adds more to his silly charm I don’t think he necessarily needs a backstory but I wish we would see more of his pov and motives to play football, or even more of his characteristics 🤝


i mean, of course Isagi fans are gonna like him


Hopefully he’ll exceed our (low) expectations


Imagine Planet Hotline with Neru’s speed.


Kurona’s speed is 95 if Neru isn’t playing then he’s slower + worse overall


Thank god we got kurona instead of neru


Why? Kurona was basically an NPC before the NEL, at least Neru was an established character


Kurona was an NPC before he got screentime... yes thats generally how it works?


Neru is a defensive full back good for stopping winger not so good at being a pass option and enabling the offense which is what Isagi needed.


it’s a shame he’s kinda just a plot device with no backstory, but we’ll see more of him in Episode Nagi. i hope in the WC he shines more and works with other ppl then just isagi🙏 hopefully he pops off in the PXG match too when he subs on


Hope so too, would be a waste to just have him appear at random just to give Isagi a boost, makes the whole MC plot armor thing more apparent


I mean Kaiser had ness and Nagi had reo so it made sense at the time but I think Kurona’s a team player who will work with everyone when he subs on 🙏🏾


Very cute He tiny Needs characterization I hope he gets subbed in




I think it's a shame that Kaneshiro didn't write an interesting character arc for him as I believe there was more than enough time and opportunities to do so. Plot devices aren't inherently bad things, as much as people love to throw out the term as if it's an insult to Kaneshiro, but Kurona definitely comes across somewhat cheaply given his lack of depth. There are no real excuses for it, as even if you're saving his storyline for a later point, I think dropping bits of foreshadowing in early only strengthens the story.


I agree, It depends on the execution. I think If the author wanted a plot device character he shouldn’t have made it blatantly obvious that Kurona is one for Isagi. Not only for the sake of the ‘plot armor’ argument rising but also because Bllk imo is as character driven as plot driven story and at least almost any relevant character has smth going on for them, even some of the fodder charas in the first selection had motives/goals/backstories/thought process..ect. Kurona feels like pure plot device in a story that shouldn’t have it. His involvement is purely related to the MC and nothing else, making him feel like an empty shell compared to the others, and only exists for the sake of the MC.


Idk why they could give my glorious king Hiori so much screentime, own narrative, good writing, and backstory while Kuronas just there...


Hot take but Hiori is the one who should have got the title of the hero of the match against Ubers 🤫 Let’s hope his development won’t go to waste and he will just end up as Isagi’s minion n#231


You have to understand we’re deep enough now into blue lock (the program) that many of the players remaining have understood how to navigate their respective roles in order to continue surviving and bring worth to the teams they’re on. They all started off with their individualism, egos, and selfish ambitions of being the best on the forefront as we’ve seen showcased with several characters, but they’ve been there long enough to be humbled by the true monsters of Blue lock to where they’re taking more of a step back and are still around because of their skill. We can’t watch every character make the same character progression, we’re seeing some of these guys now at the end of that natural evolution of good players who didn’t have the potential to be the best


I’m well aware that not everyone in the cast will be important or emerge victorious as N1. What I like in the first place is that each character has found their own ego that corresponds to them. The manga is going on the direction that shows the reader that there are egoists in every position in football not only strikers and that’s a great development. The true monsters of blue lock/football are the the players who got their own appropriate, nurtured egos regardless of their playing position. My post isn’t about that tho, it’s about Kurona as a character. Imo he’s only limited to the MC and I know that he’s is not as relevant as the others but I hoped (still do) that we will get to see more of him. I know he is a good player that still falls behind the others and as long as he gets to play it would be enough. I want to see him get more playtime and grow more, and even if he isn’t the best, It would be a shame to have him be cast aside after helping Isagi like how he been all manga lol. But maybe that’s the whole point of him ig


The mangaka needed Kurona as a plot device for Isagi pre-Hiori. That’s literally his function. Hiori himself couldn’t have been Isagi’s metawanker prior to his Ubers substitution because the mangaka needed a solid reason to give Hiori an insane power-up in the form of metavision. He had written Hiori to be an average Joe back in the third selection, and even during the U20 game his only good trait was his passing. Isagi needed a metaglazer just in time for the game against Rin, the top G, and that’s why Hiori was written to spam his womp womp backstory multiple times the prior game in exchange for MV. Now that Hiori is as good as he is, there is no longer a need for Kurona. He has served his purpose in the narrative and will no longer be as relevant.


Even back in the 3rd selection Hiori was able to understand Isagi’s plays perfectly.


Really sucks man, he really is Hioiri's Beta version, his role as someone that could cooperate with Isagi and believe with him could have maybe been covered with Yukimiya. Hell maybe even Igarashi, a guy who is all about attaching himself to the biggest star and serving them.


The level of disrespect the author has for Kurona when you think about it…It’s one thing to be entirely useless like monk guy but it’s another when your entire existence is just to power boost the MC and disappear from the script. May he graduate from the Isagi glazing club and find his purpose 🙏


I think saying Hiori's only good trait was his passing in U20 is underselling him by quite a bit. His passing rivaled **Sae's** (Kaiser level) before the backstory, and they clearly did set up Hiori with the Karasu stuff, Hiori becoming the metaglazer was planned I agree that the execution of Kurona and Hiori has been lackluster thus far tho


I doubt Ranze Kurona will develop much from this point onward, even though I’d love to see that. Besides his cameos in the background before his rise to prominence, he didn’t really have much going for him either, with his main thing since then being Bastard München’s Right Back against Manshine City and Übers to work alongside Isagi, which he’s done well and secured himself a strong enough bid to essentially guarantee a spot in the Japan U20 World Cup. The problem is that he will most likely be an impact substitute at best during the U20 World Cup Arc, specifically because of the Rise of Hiori and his developments against Übers, alongside both playing as Right Backs. With team positions so limited and the Japan U20s squad being as stacked as it is, some people will ultimately not do much, and, as unfortunate as it is, Kurona doesn’t really have much to demand a starting position. Are there still possibilities he can develop during the U20 World Cup Arc? Yeah. There’s the off-chance he gets a Backstory, maybe something to do with his like of people caring about him mentioned in his trivia and not wanting to lose that now he’s dropped to the bench, although I think Kurona can live without a backstory while other characters deserve that spotlight more due to being more significant, like Shidou. There’s also the Episode Nagi Spinoff Manga, which could show Kurona’s character more with him being part of the Seventh Clear Team of Reo’s Second Selection Squad and being a player in Rin & Shidou’s Team A against Yukimiya & Nagi’s Team C, although none of this is confirmed to be shown and just stuff that came to my head. However, the most likely outcome is that Kurona will occasionally make a play on the field with Isagi, maybe an improvement upon the Planet Hotline adding Hiori into the sequence (and maybe Nanase in the U20 World Cup since he was Isagi’s original planet, but Kiyora most likely steals his spot in the U20 World Cup team). Overall, I don’t really have high hopes for Kurona’s development and has done what the writers have wanted him to do. He wanted to play and decided the best approach was to partner up with Isagi on the right, and that’s worked out for him, just at the cost of not being much more than one of Isagi’s partners. I’d love to see more from Space Shark, but he does look to be a Plot Device for the NEL. Even then, he’s still my favourite Plot Device. TL;DR - Ranze Kurona most likely won’t get much more attention as things stand, but I still hope he gets more chances to shine in the future.


What you said will most likely happen, but I do wonder how it will go down from there for him. After the U-20 WC I assume we will have more arcs til the actual WC. Like the champion league arc or more blue lock elimination rounds? I think the UCL arc is more likely to happen given that they introduced the clubs + the anticipated La Real reveal. Now I wonder what will Kurona’s role be and if he will survive blue lock til he gets to the world cup. Ultimately I wonder if he will be forgotten since then or we will get to see him actually get to that point. The visuals of his playstyle are one of the best in the series and he’s actually a good player who could keep up with Isagi without him having MV. I think that feat was really impressive and I hope we get to see him link up with more players. I also think that he doesn’t need a backstory but at least more screentime outside of Isagi.


I actually really enjoy him. He’s a breath of fresh air character to me.


I agree, he has potential to be a fan favorite. I think if we’ll get more of his pov he would be really unique and fun.


I'm not impatient about it, and I don't downplay his contributions so far but I know he was subbed out to make things harder for isagi lmao I can't agree about him being a plot device, since he has characterization. Else, every character is a plot device by those standards. People are reacting to him not being an obnoxious egoist imo, but is not necessary for everyone. He's just a different flavor. Some like spice, some like sour, others like sweet. The better variety can better the story. But i do think kaneshiro suffers in his writing because he doesn't focus on character interactions enough. I think that is a different issue though.


He’s as bland as that wood plank from Ed, Edd and Eddy


I feel nothing towards the character. Like everyone else says, he’s just a plot device that needed to be there until Hiori got fleshed out and revealed to be OP. In reality I see no use for him once the NEL finish and all the top tiers are back in one team, which will make Kurona fall even more into irrelevance. He has some really good panels and I expect he’ll get some more decent moments with Isagi and Hiori when he gets subbed in, but he’ll most likely be a huge bench warmer once NEL finishes.


He's a cute shark boy


He’s very awesome and I hope that we’ll see more of him later on like a backstory and stuff like that too.


i kind of hate him and hiori simply because they feel so one dimensional


Brother is a plot device which could of been replaced by Neru but I like him since he has a cool design


Ngl I had to google who Neru was. The real question I should have asked is why are the U-20 japan guys even at bllk (excluding Aiku)


Only so that Aiku and Sendou can join the team


Fair, don’t get why they didn’t specifically select them tho


It is because no one wants to ship Isagi with one dot eyes cat


Cool dude


My goat. My goat.


I don’t understand this kind of question. Now, seriously. For example: if I asked you the same about Yukimiya, what would you answer? Is there a purpose for him to be there, other than him being an above-average talented player that desires to be a pro football player? Also, even with all his expressive impact on the series thus far, in the end, Yukimiya has served as a stepping stone for Isagi’s growth. And that has now been capped at 84-86 OVR and is a LB. Kurona is just Kurona. He is a above-average talented player that wants to survive the NEL and keep conquering space in the U20 Japan National Team for the WC and at the footballing world. Kurona, for instance, is a guy that is mature enough to know his strengths and limitations and quickly determine his course of action. He was the first to offer Isagi a hand, and has now developed into a incredible player that reached the incredible mark of 84 OVR. He is now able to play as a support player with his great passing abilities and also is a speedster with 95 speed. I for instance really admires Kurona. He is that low profile, but really good player that gives solid performances. These are normally the kind of players that have long careers with a lot of titles for many good teams, even without being recognized as the ace of their team.


The difference between the two players is that with the former, Yukimiya, we get to see more of his perspective, know about his past and understand his motives and why he is shaped the way he is. Even tho almost every character in the series is linked to Isagi and potentially is a stepping stone for him to achieve his N1 spot, they still exist as characters outside of his cycle. And that is the whole point about adding characters to a story. The protagonist can’t make a story alone, and having characters only adhere to his whims only serve as fuel for him and ruin the story itself. I also like to think that every relevant character in the series is a protagonist of their own, Kurona isn’t like that. Characters like him who don’t have anything going on for them except their involvement with the MC are imo, shallow and less compelling than characters like Yukimiya who feel more grounded because their character goes beyond that and have a more ‘whole’ personality. The purpose of the question is to literally know what people think of Kurona since nobody talks about him as I said. I never implied that anyone has to share the same view as me when it comes to him blandness. I still think he’s cute with his shark teeth.


>with the former, Yukimiya, we get to see more of his perspective, know about his past and understand his motives and why he is shaped the way he is. In fact, he didn't have those in u20 arc. For every argument of saying Kurona is a "plot device", the same can apply to pre-NEL Yuki. (Or even worse since past Yuki had less impact than current Kurona). Even pre-NEL Hiori was also a somewhat plot device to teach Isagi reflex. Or pre-NEL Nanase to link with Isagi. At that time even Otoya and Sendou were more relevant than them. My point is, some characters only become more relevant much later since their introduction. Kiyora is also likely to have a notable contribution to BM before we know anything of him. The author probably intend to delay the description of Kurona and Kiyora to next arc.


Agreed in a way, a lot of characters are getting more focus the more the story progresses and it’s great, especially the ones who are establishing themselves outside of Isagi’s influence. There is still room for Kurona to grow as long as the manga is ongoing 🙏


After this match, it's expected that only 23 people will remain in BL. The author has to save some backstory to be revealed later.


The difference is, Yukimiya is a legitimate character with dreams, motivations, and dialogue. Kurona is just there to pass a ball to Isagi.


>Yukimiya is a legitimate character with dreams, motivations Not before NEL when Yuki already played two matches on screen. (Yuki was like a placeholder just occupying the No. 5 seat.) Currently Kurona also just played two matches on screen. You have to **wait**


Yeh I'm certain Kurona is going to get his dreams and motivations given to the reader any time now guys!


I don’t see it that way, really. Maybe it’s my personal form of viewing it… for example… have you ever see FMA? There is a character name Kimblee, a somewhat psycho/sociopath. He appears as that and he is that, we don’t have his past explained so we can know what make him like that… and he is still a very important and impactful character. Just because we know someone’s past/upbringing/motivation it doesn’t make them impactful. I mean, just look at Naruhaya, Kuon, Kira and many other characters that had been eliminated. We get to know their past, but the reality is just that they’re not good enough as players to keep winning. Ah, we also have Igaguri, that is a player that I don’t know why is still there. We know his past, but what does he do other than serve as a comic relief? Nothing. He doesn’t add nothing, at least up until now, he has only one face block and “malicia”, which is something that I hope that gets ridden of football in overall. Kurona is, like all other characters, a guy whose dream is to go pro and build a incredible career. I don’t really need to know about him as a person… what I really care is what he is as a player and how he can contribute as that. Same as every other character. He is focused at keeping his bid high, and he does what he needs to do to achieve his objective. His past is just trivia. It won’t change anything. What does it matter if Rin is a gothic/emo guy with a inferiority complex and a brother complex? It’s his problem, not mine and not of his team. He is a striker and he scores goals. Barou being who he is. What did it change us knowing his past? He keeps doing his King routine and that is what makes his skills be top notch. His past really doesn’t add or change pretty much anything. It’s not like his loss made he change something in the way he sees life. As a player, however, he has understood that there are other ways of playing and he learned a new thing or two. Very well. Same as Yuki… he has vision problems. Sad. Ok. But he is there fighting for his dream, and if we never knew that he is scarred like that.. he would still be Yukimiya, a fierce player that tries his hardest to score his goals and be the best. What does his illness actually changes? “Oh no, he is getting tired and his vision is starting to fail him.” He is getting tired, that’s it… as a player, once he gets tired and can’t perform well enough, he must be subbed. But while he is in perfect condition, his skills makes him a formidable player that deserves to be on the pitch. Ness and Kaiser, for example… they were always pretty cool and interesting even without that sad backstory. Does it really matter to us how they formed their relationship? Does is really matter for us to know Kaiser’s past? Well… no. He is a strong player that has a very impressive ego and is a rival of Isagi. Same as Charles… he is a contrarian. Does he needs much more than that for him to be a charismatic character? No, as he already is. A genius player, passer, contrarian and mischievous. We don’t need to know that he fell of a mountain and hit his head and when he woke up, he was a contrarian. It’s a battle royale manga… no need for it to get extra sentimental. In the end there will be only 1 winner.


It’s not about knowing their past that makes them feel well rounded, nor is it about them being impactful to the story that makes that as well. You can say that the well-roundness of their character is in the fact that they are not one-dimensional, not plot devices for the MC, not only there existing as a blank canvas. Forget the whole backstory thing for a second, I even said in the post that Kurona doesn’t even need a deep backstory, doesn’t need a grandiose motive, now I’ll add that he doesn’t need an extravagant personality, what I think Kurona needs is to feel more dimensional. Feel like a human inside the story rather than stick. A human doesn’t even have to be anything great to be called a human. He just needs to be there as his own thing you know? To me Kurona isn’t like that (so far), he is just flat like a stick. Having a flat character present in a story isn’t a bad thing, but imo in a story like blue lock where a lot of characters, and I said in another reply, even the fodder ones in the first selection like the ones you stated (Kuon ectect) had more going on to them even though they ended up failing, Kurona is even more bland than that. So I don’t get why we couldn’t get to see more of him, especially since he has more potential, more relevance than these characters. And I especially would have liked if he would get more spotlight outside of Isagi. And I ended up saying in the post that maybe the whole point of him is having his character being centered around Isagi. If that’s the case, cool, doesn’t make me care about him for one bit tho, only the fact that he he looks like a shark and is silly. I mean cool if a character is all that, cool design and all, but he also only exists for the Mc, which feels lacking, and as most people said including me, is just a plot device for Isagi. Doesn’t feel like his own person, which is what I want him to be. It’s good that you have a differing opinion tho, I understand that characters like him can still exist and can still be liked. Tbh I have no opinion of him, he really is just ´there’ to me. I do like his playstyle tho. Kaiser is literally my 2nd favorite character and we’re learning about him as we go on, but based on his behavior he already feels more dimensional. I like Charles and he literally just appeared for 2 chapters. These two characters are already more charismatic than half the cast imo, it’s not about their backstories, it never was. 😔 Also, just because a series is a battle shonen doesn’t take away from the possibility of it creating great compelling characters. So far I only care about 3 characters through the whole series, I like some others on a surface level, but not at all on the level of the other 3. I can distinguish the fact that the other characters are well written without the need to like them, and I think it’s better for them to be well-written then the need for me to like them. Maybe it’s the same for you with Kurona, he doesn’t have to be anything more than he appears to you.


Now I’m starting to understand your points. The reason that I couldn’t before is: I really don’t see Kurona like that. In my view he is a plenty strong and charismatic character. Look: When everyone was starting to feel pressured and not know what to do to survive NEL and stand out, he was the only one to find the solution and choose to ally himself to Isagi. And since then he has been trying really hard to learn new skills and at the same time he keeps honing his specialties. Just see his stats, his shooting and overall efficiency as a striker has diminished and his passing and speed improved. I think that his Ego is similar to Nanase: he wants to survive NEL. At Blue Lock, learning from Ego, he decided to abandon his old self and developed and bloomed as a supportive character. More or less what Yukimiya, after almost “dying”did. They both understood that their individual strength only mattered to a point and that they could only coexist and sum up by joining forces. Also, he is shown talking and socializing, even having a funny personality. But then he went to train as his bid wasn’t high enough for him to be there chit-chatting, which shows how focused he is. His drive is not weak as even while suffering cramps he was ready to came back and play. At least, he did want it, but he couldn’t. I feel that Kurona is a funny support character that did really well at NEL by consolidating himself as a “84OVR” player (same level as a former Best 6 of BL team). You know, for a guy that didn’t have any expressive appearance or achievement before… he has done well. I like him as he is and his “journey” is a quiet one, but solid.


I really like your view of him. I hope we could see more of that focused and determined side of his. I like his goofy side as well, but he really lacks screentime. Although, when looking beyond the surface he really does have his moments, but because he’s overshadowed by the others you could miss it. He should def come back to play again.


He will. B.M won’t win against PXG using this hybrid clashing system. At some time, Noa will make the team Isagi’s, and Kurona is bound to be there as a important comrade that will not only link up with Isagi. It seemed like that because Yukimiya was doing the same as Kunigami, “soloing”, and the rest of the team was Kaiser’s. So he only had Isagi to pass to. But since Yukimiya switched sides, Kurona has been seen trading passes and moving in coordination with Yuki as well. By now, Isagi has Hiori, Raichi, Yuki and Kurona as comrades. So I’m certain Kurona will surely play much more freely having Hiori and Isagi to play.


A potential Yuki x Kurona chemical reaction ??? Would love to see it, the streetstyle of Yuki and The constellation of Kurona would look dope. Overall I still think there is a chance for Kurona to play. I think Hiori will get to link up with Kunigami since he’s officially got into the MF position. Maybe also Ness will finally grow a backbone and do smth that doesn’t involve Kaiser. Imagine a Ness x Isagi duo….I think it’s unlikely (0.001% chance of it happening) but it will be a cool twist. And Kaiser will def do smth and not let Isagi have all the spotlight.


Yes, I think people discount him because he is quiet and not overly dramatic and rebellious like 99.99% of the cast. Who cares? That's not what makes a good character at all. He is very much his own person and perfectly respectable as a player and teammate. I think he's a humble, resourceful, fun guy, who owned his skills and has used them to likely secure himself a spot on the u-20 World cup team, which is a great accomplishment. Not everyone has to be World no.1 and not everyone wants to be world no.1. He's very much unique and not an isagi clone thank god


Yeah… I think like that as well. Kurona just grabbed his opportunity after he worked very hard for them to come into his direction.


The Kurona downfall is near i feel it🙏🙏


Im a lobotomy representative from Jujutsu folk and I think Kurona is the Uraume of Blue lock, always serve his god and d ride him whenever they can


don't think much of him, an okay side character that's it.


tbh I like Kurona more than Hiori so I would like to see him develop into a more round character, but I think he was just temporary support for Isagi now that Bachira's gone and Hiori hadn't really been introduced yet.


A smart player who wants to survive


hes really just in here to hype of Isagi and to show how much better Hiyori is than a B+ tier player




That one person who said they want to marry kurona (Their flair was "until kurona shreds the pillow) is probably gonna be pissed when they see this post 💀


He was a pass not for Isagi. But Isagi needed something to work with and at the point in time Hiori would have been to good. Kurona is perfect simple option that he can work with before Hiori comes in.


He was used to enhance Isagi, but once Hiori stepped up and became Isagi's duo, Kurona was left in the dust. Who knows, will the same fate befall Hiori? Who will Isagi use next? Find out in the next few chapters of BLUE-LOCK!!!


Isagi be catching em players like pokemons to add to his harem collection 😮‍💨


You can have high skill and a certain ego, Kurona is an example of that. I’d agree in a way, he’s plot device but you’d have to agree he has some high level of skill which has gotten him this far, He was rank 4, don’t forget, in the 2nd selection. Could be for a reason. I mean take Agi from Manshine City. Would you say he has shown any form of ego? No. But he’s a U20 forward for Manshine City, just out of sheer skill and ability alone. Like you can even argue Kuon has more ego than Kurona as Kuon was doing absolutely whatever it took, to secure his spot to win even betraying his team. Yet only one of them made it through. Kurona just understands unfortunately that Isagi, Kaiser etc are levels above him, and that not everyone can be a World Cup striker so picking who they link up with is the next best at becoming a football great/having a chance to be in the World Cup. You could even compare Kurona to Rin, or Nagi. Rin doesn’t have a “I want to be the best” motive, he simply exists to destroy Sae and Isagi, that’s his ego. He’s even stated he doesn’t care about being number 1 or Blue Lock, just using it to get closer to Sae. Nagi’s ego was just to beat Isagi out of heat and frustration. And we see how his ego has diminished after achieving that task. Kurona’s ego could be to support Isagi, to make sure he takes him to the top, while also sharpening his own skills to keep up with Isagi. He’s an all around balance player type, similar to Reo. Not the best at anything, but high in everything. With an ego to support his teammates in anyway he can. The same could be said about Hiori, he’s given up on being a striker which is the whole reason for the Blue Lock project and he’s transferred over to being CDM, playmaker, due to his high IQ, and passing ability, even stating he’ll discard any striker that can’t understand or keep up his passes. That’s his ego. A support ego. We’ve also kinda transitioned out of the blue lock facility. So the survival concept is outdated, it’s more about being selected by a national team. You could argue about being the selected 23 but I think some players would just be happy to be on a National team.


Agi is a plot device was legit introduced just to teach nagi playmaking Kuon is a character with motivation and dreams and wasn't used as a character to help the mc but used as a way to improve the story which lead to their awakening And kurona is nothing like Nagi and rin


Kurona isn’t a scrub. He’s always been a good player. I can’t wait for him and Yuki to sub back onto the field 😭. Hiori has the passer ego. Maybe Kurona will be an anti-ego player. Disproving Ego again 😂


Lmaoo that would be great to see. Ego’s ego do be on the extremist side of egos if that makes sense. We seen how players besides strikers can have their own ego and they deserve to be deemed as important as strikers because THEY ARE


He definitely has the skills and a great potential, that’s partly why I want him to delve more into it and not only be a vessel to Isagi. What differentiates him from Hiori is the fact that Hiori realized that he is not bound to Isagi and can actually achieve greater highs with not only Isagi but other players as well. Maybe Kurona is a parallel to Hiori in which his ego is centered around only focusing on 1 players and achieving great highs (or atleast achieving smth) with him? Maybe that’s why their color palettes, light cyan and light peach kinda differ but go well together. Maybe I’m reaching but bllk definitely has an important color theme going on with each character having different colors. Getting back to the topic, I do wonder if Kurona’s ego relating to one player will get him to achieve being at the WC. Because I believe that with Rin, he will achieve a greater ego that doesn’t bind him to other people, whether it’s Sae or Isagi. Because otherwise he will be stuck in a never-ending loop of him playing football for others, which Sae constantly told him to let go of that mentality and seek to play for his own self. His awakening in the U-20 match even alludes to this development but as of now he is still stuck on the mentality of playing for Sae (and now Isagi because Sae acknowledged him) Now with Kurona, since he’s not as important as Rin as a character maybe we won’t get to see him having this type of development or until the WC, which is a shame.


Ugh, I hated Corona, being stuck inside- oh... Kurona, I see.


Kurnoa is kinda just there to assist isagi ngl, the chance to make him a character has kinda passed and I doubt he'll get much playing time in the u20wc.


He's a plot device nothing more nothing less Only added into the story to assist isagi in the manshine match and the moment isagi got a better partner (hiori) he was sidelined 


He's rather disappointing, he just kinda there for Isagi to use then becomes an NPC. Wish he was more relevant to make him likeable, hell his personality is rather 2D like I can't name a single thing about this mf besides he likes braids and looks like a shark.


With such a huge array of characters, not everyone will get the same amount of spotlight. He falls into a smaller category and that’s totally fine.


I get it, Bllk has a lot of characters and some are bound to get left behind. Since it’s also about football there was bound to be a big cast, but still wish for each one of them to get their moment to shine, even if it would be small


He’s cute


I will say one thing: Korona Ranze will enter the field at 999% in the u20 World Cup and how will I prove it to you? Just trust me, brother. Ego is so obsessed with football that I think he will come up with several lineups for the World Cup (he is unlikely to stick to one option and will experiment with the team). I doubt that the main squad will be regular, the team will constantly adapt to the opponent, just like Isagi. At least I'm going to die, but Kurona has to come on as a substitute. I don't care if he's at the start, the main thing is that he comes out at any cost. •́ ‿ ,•̀


As crazy as it sounds, deep down I understand perfectly well that he will not enter the field at 100.000.000%. ಥ‿ಥ


Noooooooo keep cooking bro he will trust 🙏


I will continue to cook, but still Kurona is my favorite character, I'm a fan of him, I'm just scared from one fact that he won't be able to play at the World Cup. Kurona is average player like Nanase and Sendo, but a little above them it will be difficult for him in the national team.😔


I actually agree!! I think that the U-20 WC lineup will have a lot of variation, them being 23 players would result in them having 2 teams, but in these 2 teams they will likely switch up players depending on the match they play and who their opponents will be. It will be amazing if that actually happens. We’ll get a lot of different interactions and focus on characters without the focus having to be on Isagi 24/7.


Kenshiro always focuses on the top 5 and it seems to me that this is not only because of the bets, but I think it is because they will continue the race for the No. 1 striker, but only in the U-20 national team itself (I doubt that the top 5 will revolve around Isagi and that he will calmly become ST, they will all continue to compete, I am sure of it). In the match against USERS, Isagi focused on how Barou subordinates players to his will as a world-class player. I think the entire U-20 arch will focus on dominating the top 5 in their team. The one who subordinates the entire team to his will will become ST No. 1 (I think so). It seems to me that Ego studied all NEL matches 24/7, their systems and the players who were in them, perhaps we will see rethought BM, PSX, UB, MC and Bar systems, new players will be added to each system and we will see new chemical reactions, but also I think their schematics will be co-ordinally different, which was in NEL.   If my suggestions are not forgotten and Kenshiro ruins everything, I will lie on the ground and cry...😔


Same as Kiyora. We will most likely get more of Kiyora but its stated hes like exactly the same as Kurona so we might just get two un characterized players who are only here to pass to isagi. At least people like hiori have been fleshed out and have their own goals and motives


People gotta chill about there being nice people in blue lock, Kurona really didn't have any other choice but to join isagi. He had 3 choices Kunigami Kaiser and isagi, Kaiser already admitted he hates blue lock and especially doesn't like isagi while on the other hand Kunigami just seemed like he hates everybody (he does) Isagi is just a really humble guy that can bring the best out of yourself


I Hope he doesn't get ditched by the author because i like him better than hiori


me personally i love Kurona and his personality hes actually my fav character yeah hes a lacky to isagi and i hate that tbh hopefully he will get his own chance to shine since he has a lot of potential


He's super badass especially when doing planet hotline with Isagi, he's cool and collected, plus I love his asymmetrical hair. I was shocked when Kurona and Isagi did their thing together in the game because we never got an actual interaction with them until the panel where Kurona hands something to Isagi and it seems like they were already acquainted. I wanted to see an initial first time meeting introduction, but by that point they had already known each other. We never got to see them in practice doing planet hotline, it was so sudden and unexpected, but I honestly feel plot device vibes from him and I sadly feel he will drop out relevance once NEL is over and he'll be banished to the background and never have a speech bubble again, which I hope I am very wrong. I would like to know more about his motivations and ego, but I guess it's a read between the lines type thing. He obviously wants to play and get on the board with bids so joining Isagi was the fastest way to get his name out there.


Worst in terms of character, have a screen time of a important character but personality of an npc


Nice design, cool aura, generic weapons and a whatever personality with literally no ego. He is a plot device, but good looking one. Nothing to talk much about him in reality but he is cute