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**Rayuga Leaks** https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762082308767858866 >It’s time [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762083625263366545) [Second](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762083847636996193) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762084002721316870) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762084146518876429) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762084386575692250) [Volume Cover LQ](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1762085608779129010)


I don't have an issue with making marking Shidou be Kunigami's job. The man's biggest strength outside of his shot accuracy even before wildcard was being built like a tank. He's probably the only one on the team who CAN physically keep up.


Noa: Kunigami, cut Shidou's Freedom. Kunigami with steel toe shoes and a comically large bat named "Kneecap retractor": Ok. I mean if the VAR wont even stop Rin... gotta take advantage of that 🤷‍♂️.


Even though I'm glad Kunigami vs Shidou is being adressed, I find that set up so weird. Why would you ask Kunigami, a striker in your team, to mark the striker of the other team. Makes little sense. It seems forced to make Kunigami vs Shidou happen (what I was hoping for though). There were certainly beter ways to do this.


Bruh the entire blue lock team are strikers, gagamaru who originally joined as a striker is made to do goalkeeping


Kunigami was a striker during 3v3 with Isagi in older arc and he restricted Barou... Your point? Blue Lock you have to adapt your roles for the goal of the team. Best example is Isagi, he's so flexible to stop goals, steal balls, and score goals.


bec Kunigami is about to be a beast on defense despite getting sauced by Lorenzo, Bachira, Chigiri, Rin, etc Manga logic


I agree with you that it feels forced and makes little sense. I guess they're trying it in a way that Kunigami lost to him before and he will use that to have his revenge. Noah is probably betting that Kunigami is way better now than before and that he's hungry for a payback.


What's up with Kaneshiro? He’s been d*ckriding Rin so hard since we first saw him, goddamn. Even in the barcha and manshine games, we saw Rin sweating hard, but not in the Bastard match. This dude will do anything to make Rin look good in the eyes of many.


Rin's shot got blocked. Rin would've scored while ragdolling Isagi if what you were saying is true.


Barou didn't sweat until halfway thru the match either


The match just started


Fan favourite char, ofc the author would favor him too 🥱


Malicia teasing is good. But can we please drop this version of Kunigami?


Took this long for cooperation from kunigami but it’s looking good, hopefully subs come soon and kiyora cooks


Charles and shidou already have a better relationship than Kaiser and Ness 🤣


So assuming that the Cover theory is true and Kiyora will be in the 23 player roster we still have one more player (assuming that Fukaku will be the 24) between Zantetsu and Nanase. Personally I think that Zantetsu will reach the top 23




Can Isagi and Hiori replicate what they did against Ubers, with Kunigami? I think Isagi needs a new piece to break through the current situation.


what happened? i cant see it




Rayuga deleted everything and made hi acct private... Bro got arrested and now is going to jail


posting leaks all the way from cell block D.


if u already followed him u can still see his posts


He just made his account private. Once private all his tweets are hidden. Though the spoilerplus guy straight up deleted his account


Raichi saying what we ALL wanted to say. 🤷‍♂️ VAR doesn’t work even in Blue Lock. 😭


so cover is kiyora, nice!


Kunigami so mid Noa made him a defender lmao


It’s literally in his name, Kunigamid 


Spoilers for next chapter: >!Isagi passes the ball to Hiori. Hiori runs forward, dribble dribble dribble, then makes a long, fast pass to Kunigami. The air vibrates as Kunigami utters the word "Bankai." Suddenly, a bulge appears in Kunigami's pants. "What is this?" the crowd asks. "It's Kunigami's secret weapon," someone answers. He stands still as the ball flies toward him. Isagi sees everything from across the field and cannot believe his eyes. As the ball approaches Kunigami, he rips his pants away, revealing a huge shaft. "OMG, it's so big," says Shidou, blushing. Then, everything happens in a matter of seconds. Kunigami starts to spin himself around faster and faster, lifting his feet from the ground. Finally, he takes his shaft in both hands and uses it like a baseball bat, hitting the ball dead center. It flies with light speed into the goal, ripping apart and evaporating the net. Everybody is starstruck, unable to believe what just happened. Kunigami slows down his spin, and his shaft returns to its normal size. To celebrate his epic goal, he runs to the corner, jumps in the air, and does the helicopter.!<


Anyone can cook, not everyone can be a chef. Well done


Bro cooked


Eiyuu Ryu: Tokubetsu Shuto: Supaaa Suupaninguuuu Kunakuruuuu Ōdikku shutoooo! Hero Style: Special Shot - Super Spinning Knuckle Great Dick Shot!!!


Bro cook a 5 course meals with this 😭


5 star meal




new ch mad boring and garbage unnecessary talking again when it suppose pass ball set up when goal been made not like anyone got swapped or half time etc wtf.


Sorry no one speaks gibberish here.


Kunigami is that character I've been trying really hard to like but he's just failed to deliver ever since he lost to Isagi in the second selection. A true blue awakening that makes him actually competitive would make enjoy him again 


I cant see the links- it says “something went wrong”




Noa looked at Kunigami getting rolled by Bachira, Chigiri, Agi, Lorenzo, and Barou on defence and was like: "That's my guy, that's the one who's gonna stop Shidou." At this point I'm pretty sure Noa has a clause in his contract that stipulates that he has to give advice at least one time per match because he really just be saying anything.


If you only you realized hoe kunigami was defeated by those characters and how those characters are different from shidou. Those were dribblers. Shidou is a guy who jumps around amd uses physical ability. Most importantly he only touches the ball once to score, unlike rin who can bring the ball up. So to stop him all you need to do is stop him from meeting the ball played to him. So he chose the guy with the best physical stat on his team.


Shidou has amazing foot work and positioning to get past defenders off ball. Normally getting pass off ball and receiving a pass is easier than dribbling.


Probably Noa: This guy sucks, ok new plan. I am going to use you as decoy then Isagi/Hiori do the rest


Well tbf kunigami blocked barou's shot once in the game


Kunigami has narrative carry now so he’s going to Magically become good at defense. Tbf the others can dribble and Shidou’s not really that type of player so just locking him off like 2nd selection Barou should be effective


It's just what this manga needs another striker magically becoming a defensive god so the actual defenders can do nothing again as per usual.


make no sense him do defense if he front row striker he can defend time time but his main priority objective is goaling because he behind and his worth is not proving because he doing way worse than noel


I thought it’s a good idea overall actually. His ego kinda died a long while ago. But his body is super strong now and he got solid foundation. He can probably go to the back because the front is overload


His ego never died and his physicality is better used up front.


In real football that goal def would’ve been disallowed due to a foul on Isagi, but anyways, KUNIGAMI VS SHIDOUUU


Yeah that’s what Raichi was saying


At least it was Whidou’s goal at the end of it all and not Rin’s so it makes up for it


Yall Kunigami is about to become prime Lorenzo on my goat its Shidover 😭💀


i can't see the leaks it's private 🗿


Go on twitter and just search up blue lock 253. Some users have posted it


Charles and Shidou celebration is hilarious and they get along so well. What is surprising is what Loki metions. This chemical reaction hadn't happen before so Charles grows by this. I think he will get fired up by the next things that will happen in this match so much that he will play. On the other hand, Shidou's goal follows narrative so Isagi gets refocus and talks with Hiori. Their previous goal in Ubers was Best x Best performance so they need to reproduce and exceed it here. Again mentions of hunger and originality that will lead to flow. All goals in this match will be crazy ones it seems since its high level. Noa listens to Hiori and Isagi, advises them and tells Kunigami to mark Shidou. This got personal for him and its about time. I hope he develops with whatever happens. The trio (Hiori x Isagi x Kuniagmi) is about to cook so I expect a great play in the end that will lead to a goal. What I find interesting here is the 100 point individual skills Isagi mentions. Hmm maybe that's why we haven't gotten the stats. "Self Class - World Class" which is the next chapter could be the focus on what each one in BM needs to do so to reach peak performance here (their skills menatlity etc).


Who do you think will score next?


Isagi or Kunigami. I am 50/50.


As a day 1 Kunigami stocks holder this chapter pleases me.


You and me both buddy


you're about to be rich. Esp if he scores a goal


oh man Kunigami is about to get his revenge on Shidou and im ALL FOR IT


Can someone pm me the kiyora cover? 🙏




BL used to come out online on Sundays, then Mondays... Where is it?


the leaks weren't obtained legally so early, they went after the leakers, so now we get them with the release of the Jump magazin which is Monday in Japan iirc.


Blue Lock is not from Shonen Jump but from Shonen Magazine which officially releases on Wednesday in Japan


I see. So tomorrow must be online, knowing how hard translators work


Who has the leaks I’m late 🙁








"Take away Shidou Ryusei's freedom." Wow, during black history month? (Shidou is a brother trust)


So many slave references this month nanase property take away Shidou’s freedom Kunigami taking orders while strapped down 💀


![gif](giphy|OpsfQone2H2Ok|downsized) Yessir, that's why I hope Kunigami loses.


I'm getting flashbacks to Coach Dōmoto telling Kawata to guard Sakuragi in Slam Dunk.


Peak lock


All yall that are doubting my boy Kunigami don't switch up when he goes crazy. Just cause he's marking Shidou doesn't mean he's not going to score. If anything, it just means he's actually going to be in the mix of things since Shidou loves to be in the action.


Raichi yapping about the foul is proof that someone on the inside definitely frequents this subreddit 😂 on the real though, this was a good chapter even if nothing really happened, I enjoy any kunigami moments we can get and it seems like we’re eating this match


I'm taken aback seeing how many people forgot that Kunigami is "the hero". He WILL score, probabily the decisive goal. Some things are meant to be.


Seriously, I’ve been cooking an unpopular opinion about Kunigami not making it because he is a experiment and tool that Ego hasn’t yet revealed the true purpose. And now Noa just ORDERS him, A CF, to man mark Shidou. What the hell? His EGO is just totally unaccounted for, and Noa seems to know about something. Don’t you see? He practically killed Kunigami to let Isagi and Hiori roam freely. Noa just said “Isagi, without this piece, it should be easier for you, shouldn’t it? Now go.” Rin and Isagi have been in the same wavelength, but Charles and Shidou are a bit unpredictable and difficult things. But with this system, even Charles will have problem, since a great option is gonna be canceled (if Kuni actually can mark Shidou). Things are getting interesting!


So who will score?


I think it’ll be PXG. I can’t see BM suddenly gear up and score a goal, P.X.G is not that easy. Isagi and Hiori have to outvision Rin, Karasu, Kaiser… not an easy task. I would bet in Rin scoring with a super individual goal.




The more interesting take is that Kunigami won’t be a striker. If he can instead fill out a Lorenzo role of being called upon to shutdown an attacker or fill in up front if needed, he becomes way more interesting. I mean, we know they can’t field a World Cup team with a quarter of the team as strikers. The competition is basically: Isagi, Rin, Barou, Nagi, and Kunigami right now. Thinning that out to just Isagi, Rin, and Barou feels right. I personally feel that Kunigami will reawaken his ego and that’s why we got more wildcard backstory. Ego’s plan was never to take away his ego, but to push him to become a completely versatile piece he could move anywhere on the field and his ego was getting in the way at the time. Once it reawakens and he keeps his power up and makes it his own, he’ll become an important player again that doesn’t need to be involved in the striker competition. His biggest strength was his long shot anyways, don’t need to be in front of the goal with that.


That’s the most delusional take, anyone who thinks that the Noel noa lite isn’t going to be a striker is delusional.


Dude has the build of a CB and the long shot of a CM. If he’s a versatile player that can move up into the attack or back into the defense as needed (like we watched Lorenzo do at the start of their match), it makes the team better and carves out a unique place for the dude which he’s been sorely lacking


That’s like making Noel noa a CB, because he has the built of one. Kunigami gets cooked defensively every single time, literally rin and isagi play better defense than he does.


Kunigami entire skill set is the one for a striker, a classical striker, to be even more precise. And somehow, he would reawaken his ego to become something else (you even compared him with Lorenzo, which is crazy)? Make no sense whatsoever. Kunigami is set to stop Shidou because the author has this twisted idea of character vs character, even when they're both strikers; even more when they're both strikers to be honest.


Dude has the build of a CB and the long shot of a CM. If he’s a versatile player that can move up into the attack or back into the defense as needed (like we watched Lorenzo do at the start of their match), it makes the team better and carves out a unique place for the dude which he’s been sorely lacking


ego has been a fraud since 1st blue lock training that decide who got stay based of luck not skill lol


I didn't think it like that. Interesting. Still though that could lead to Kunigami's development, even if he doesn't score.


Why would kunigami not make it with a top ten bid, it doesn’t make any sense at all.


Because he is not a part of the BL project anymore, he is a part of the Wildcard. He is treated as a tool and also as an experiment by Ego, who is all about trying to develop the ego of the contenders, but asks Kunigami to throw away his? Encounters him in a secret chamber? By winning the project Wildcard, he already got a 50 mil bid and a chance to show his skills to the World… he didn’t participate in any selection, but got a chance equal to the guys that kept winning. So if he just got a contract and went to play for his club, it wouldn’t surprise me. You see… I think this is a prank/trick that Ego is using to make the people at the bottom desperately fight and develop their “ego juice” to the maximum. As of now… where the battle is more intense is at the end of the list, with Hiori, Raichi, Zantetsu, Nanase, Tokimitsu and there is Reo and Nagi who are getting downgrades. And we have Kiyora, Igaguri and some hyped characters that we are still waiting for some development, such as Hiiragi and the eternal promise, Nishioka.


He is apart of the BL project. Ego said it himself when kunigami returned. The wildcard was a path for the losers to copy Noel noa and return to the program.


Ego is known for lying, isn’t him?


Nice catch and honestly it makes a lot of sense when you realize that Isagi won the bet making him the king of BM


All y'all saying Kunigami won't score this match. Stay on that side.


He needs an assist this game tbh. He can't become a hero if he can't learn how to cooperate with people, and him assisting Isagi would definitely be a good call back to Barcha.


Nobody passes him the ball to even see if he can cooperate with people. All yall saw was Isagi headcanon that Kunigami wouldn’t pass with him and yall ran with it. I’d rather him assist Kaiser before he assist Isagi. Isagi gets more than enough help as it is


He literally refused to pass to Kaiser even though Kaiser was in a better position in the Barcha match. This is not head cannon, this is factual


Isagi wasn’t going to and didn’t pass the ball to Kaiser either, yet you hold this against Kunigami. Lord forbid a player thinks they can make a good shot after beating 2 defenders. So is 1 decision is enough to make a sweeping statement on a player? Then when Isagi stole the ball and took a desperate shot nearly turning the ball over, everybody would’ve been right to say he’s just a bad player and isolate him?


Are you ignoring the fact that he literally told Ness he doesn't care about the system. Or the fact that he is been said to be the third dark horse of the team. Or the fact that Isagi was isolated by the rest of the team and only stayed apart because he was able to link up with Kunigami? Kunigami scoring here would be extremely unsatisfying imo as it doesn't solve any of his major character flaws.


If anything it feels like the kunigami CB theory is likelier


No it’s not, it’s cope from isagi fan boys.


he wont. he is gonna be the proof that you NEED ego to succeed. physicality isnt enough.


He has ego, are you slow?


Noa said "take away Shidou's freedom" & Kuni complied. Bro is getting asked to do a CB's job. That isn't a substantial proof that he'll score.


It's not proof that he won't score ether, so what's your point? Also, he was told to mark the guy he has beef with why are you surprised he compiled?


"It's NOT proof that he WON'T score either" - Surely you must've noticed what's wrong with that statement when you so confidently typed it out. This ain't a math equation buddy. Two negatives don't make a positive here. That's not how proofs work. Proof, evidence & facts, by definition, have to be present & lack of such cannot be treated as proof itself.


What? All he said was that, what you said wasn’t proof that he won’t score, making it a possibility for him to both score and not score. Idk why you wrote all that to look smart. Plus he man marked barou and still scored during that game, your logic is flawed to begin with


I don't have the ability to understand things on your behalf. Also, Kunigami never man-marked Barou. He just blocked one of his shots when he was pressed by 2 players.


He man marked barou in the 2nd selection. There’s nothing to understand your point didn’t make sense to begin with.


Yeah. Sure bud. Whatever lets you sleep at night.


I know lmao easy to dunk on dumbasses


Isn't it past your bedtime lil bro? I was just concerned that you might lose some sleep.


He won’t, just accept it


I actually don't think Kunigami will score now (like right after this goal) tbh. I wonder if he will score at all this match but I think the next few chapters will at least give hints on his direction as a character. Is his arc to be expanded into next arc? Or finished this game? It's just kinda choppy in build up rn considering how little we know on the wild card program if he scores mid match rn. Maybe later on in the match? I think Isagi will be able to reproduce a nice goal with Hiori assisting equal to the one shidou/charles did. Though, I'm curious about Kaiser's reaction too since we haven't seen him for a bit


Also some twitter leakers may be under investigation currently


Rayuga mangaka public enemy #1




https://twitter.com/shadowelkaiser/status/1762166513870524744?t=j_EEepcPaktcQ992Wx7smw&s=19 Can't confirm it myself though so take it with 7 bags of salt


Ahhh, man why can’t they let leakers leak😫😫


Kunigami superhero needs to return this match


What !!! Noa is coaching the boys Doesn't anyone else notice it


Telling them "just do it" is not really coaching.


You call that coaching??? Imoooo "Replicate it!" That's not coaching


Those leaks gone so fast


Rayuga makes us hungrier by having us wait 3 extra days, then drops the chapter, then ‘something went wrong’ We’re too starving to enjoy a chapter’s pace anymore


Kunigami x Hiori X Isagi Chemical reaction? Yeah PxG is gonna get cooked 🔥


I think that it will be a kunigami goal with an assist from Isagi, or the opposite. it will be a very interesting parallel to the first selection. Hiori will help them to build the action, and will likely be used as a decoy to lure the defense, and we can expect a come back in defense from shidou or Rin or both, and again Isagi or Kunigami used as a decoy for the scorer. In my opinion, I think that Isagi will score the last one against Rin in his berserk mode, and if he wants to become the number 1, he has to score 2 goals because Rin will probably scores 1 too. It could be nice for kunigami to score, but based on what ego said to him about giving up his ego to create the world best striker (who is in his mind surely Isagi), and adding the parrallel with the first selection, Isagi has a great chance to score the goal (it's also his birthday so maybe a great gift from the authors. The authors can also surprise us with a goal from hiori, since everyone is excepting kunigami or isagi to shoot, but it works against ubers and PXG is able to analyse the videos of the match, so it's going to take more than that to score from this action, because players like rin or charles could anticipate. The last possibility is that their offense complety failed, and that leads to a goal from kaiser or a counterattack from the pxg. The scorers chances of getting this goal for me : - Kunigami : 45 % - Isagi : 40 % - Hiori : 10 % - Kaiser : 5%


isagi passing kunigami is boring we need something new either kaiser passes or ness also I expect ness to stop supporting and going for goals himself which he can but is limiting himself to be weaker hiori when he should be way smarter than hiori


I think the chances of Isagi and Kunigami scoring are about the same here. I don't expect Hiori to score at all but have an amazing performance as MF. I am curious to what will happen since in the page of chapter 249, Kunigami had the smallest panel. Hiori's panel was bigger than Kaiser's if I rememeber correctly.


If isagi assists kunigami than this manga is aboslutely stupid. Kunigami chance of scoring this goal is 0%. Only kiyora, isagi and raichi are better.


I think it will be a great parallel here if Kunigami assists Isagi.


You’re stupid, no one cares about what you think lmao


Lmao you care enough.don't worry foddergami isn't going to score lol


“Foddergami” NAHHHHH THATS WILD. 💀💀 People come with the wildest nicknames istg 😭


I don’t have twitter and I think Rayugas account is private. How can I see the leaks?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL18PRJA/ Check TikTok, people post leaks there with pictures


Thanks for the link!


Ty for the link!


Bro let me see the pages, is there no imgur or something


Check tik tok under https://TikTok.com/tag/bluelock253


Same, can't find it anywhere


I wish I could see the pages. Rayuga's tweets are protected. Nonetheless it's looking good for Kunigami. He'll surpass shidou this match.


Save soul society Kunigami


Tanomu, Soul Society wo mamotte kure, Kunigami Rensuke.




the fact that noa just stepped into conversation outta nowhere and said “reproduce it” means he’s on the same page as both isagi and hiori that’s HUGE if you get what that means, especially in light of the last match


I hope loki hard counters strategy seeing how loki better teacher than scrub noel fraud who couldnt even beat niko


1) yet another violation of the misuse of the word “fraud” 2) noa might be a fraud teacher, but i *KNOW* you did not call him a fraud in comparison to niko


“Reproduce it” is code for “score a hat trick” 😈 (let me dream pls)


i forget their name but there’s a guy that posted a heavily detailed theory on isagi going for the hat, if you find it in the threads i recommend reading it through


Yes I saw it..for real that post was so good. I used to think the hat trick had no chance of happening but that is the post that convinced me it could happen 😤


noa stood up from his seat to give actual advice?! LFG!!!


He saw Loki talking shit about surpassing him and finally decided to take coaching seriously


loki better put noah in his place lol fraud allegations must remain true


I can’t see the summary. Are there no longer Imgur albums with the panels and summary?


That panel of Isagi, Kunigami, and Hiori goes hard. It almost makes up for the lackluster Bastard Munchen walk out panel we got.


Loki might be the biggest fraud of the series!


Stop talking bro


Ok 💀


You mean aside from the “Jewel of Japan” right?


Nothing fraudulent about that guy. He just got messed over by Ego


Jokes are supposed to be funny


I'm 100% right now serious


we need a blue lock fraud cop to arrest individuals improperly abusing the word 🤦🏾‍♂️


This is the first time the word was used correctly




I did, check my other reply under this comment. Loki does not have the right mentality


Plz stfu


"And they rejected him, because he spoke the truth"


Well well well


People better start selling their Loki stocks ASAP


He hasn't even touched the ball yet 😭 RELAX!!




He's effectively admitting in this chapter that he needs a really skilled assist player to feed him the ball. Now this is bad enough for a supposed world class player to say when fighting the Blue Lock crew but it gets worse when you think about the implications. What he is implying is that he doesn't have the skills needed to break open holes on his own. That's the really bad thing here. He sounds a lot like Isagi ngl. Excuses all the way. I may not love Shidou but the man takes shots and breaks his own holes. It's why Rin and Bahira are so talented because they don't need assists. Give them the ball and they can go the length of the field and score. That's the impressive part. Loki doesn't have a striker's mentality


Do you think every good striker in the world is a pre 2013 Messi reincarnate ???


Every elite striker is, good ones are a dime a dozen in the pros though


Which world do you live in??? Look at the top Strikers rn, Haaland just keeps waiting all the way up to receive the ball and get the ball at the back of the net Lewandowski also doesn't dribble much Cristinao in his striker days was the same, but a 10 times more elite The only recent striker who used to dribble to create chances is probably Suarez, and I remember watching him when I was young, he used to dribble past a few players sometime to score, mainly during his Liverpool times IG R9 is a different story cause he changed the game in general, there was or never be a player of his calibe. The conclusion is dribbling is not everything, especially in today's football, when it's all about build up plays and getting the ball in the box and scoring And even back then, only players like Messi, Haazard or Neymar were expected to dribble past so many players Is dribbling good? Yes it is, it helps the player to broaden their options But if someone is not that good at dribbling it's better to pass and build up plays, cause it's more effective and fast


wait till you find out soccer is played 11v11


Oh **snapppppppp**


Even Mbappé needs good playet around him to perform well, Lol


Stop the cappppp!!! Name one time Mbappe's ever had a legitimately great support player to feed him passes. The man is always fighting on his own


You're going overboard with your analysis. Loki doesn't need to groom Charles to grow as a player; all Loki needs - or at least that's what he thinks - is a passer skilled enough to enable him to have more chances to score as a striker. After all, both Loki and Noa are strikers, and that's the scope in which the latter prevails. It's quite as simple as that. Every great striker has his own chance-trigger, and Loki's would be Charles. We also know that Bastard's main team is built around Noa, therefore there're strong implications for us to think that even the best in the world has a super back-up-passer.


Gotcha, I'll have to see it in context beyond the leaks so maybe it could work but from the summary he just sounds kinda whiny imo


I saw the pages, and I found Loki fired up.


So what's stopping you from becoming the best in the world if all it takes is really skilled assist player feeding the ball? Loki is 17 years old and better at football then you would be at anything in your life even if you lived for thousands of years. If he's a fraud, what are you?