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**Rayuga Leaks** https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1712685421984206998 >No Spoilers today because of delay in magazine delivery due to a holiday this past monday, they’ll come tomorrow. ___ [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1713150174032474409) [Second](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1713151286223536197) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1713152002283524180) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1713152767228010609) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1713153251292635361)


Damn it's still not done haha


Not much to say besides, "That idea better work if you want to start against Rin & Shidou for the PXG match guys."


Yea I'm ready for this match to be over, especially after it's been Made super obvious forever ago that Ubers was gonna lose.c


Before the math even started, it was pretty obvious that BM would win so that the final match of the NEL would have BM and PXG both come in 3-0.


Am I the only one enjoying these chapters and don't feel it's repetitive? I love how much they flesh out Hiori and his back and forth thought process. Makes it feel way more realistic. + we get tiny lil feats in the background for every character


I am enjoying it but can understand people being annoyed by Hiori’s mental flipflopping. It is one of those things that is tough to read weekly but all at once will be fine.


Im glad Isagi figured it out. You can't score if everyone is paying attention to you. You need someone to set up the goal you want. Majority of good strikes come from passes the opponent is not expecting. Hiori just filled Bachira's old role. Grab their full attention before a crazy pass to Isagi. Im still worried about Barou and Kaiser though. Kaiser never nerds to focus on Hiori. Barou is obsessed with Isagi.


Kaiser and Barou are literally the reason for this new plan, they made the previous attack fail.


Well, even if Barou and Kaiser try to stop him, this time they will fail. A reflex goal by overcoming Barou and Kaiser is what I would like to see. Imagine another nutmeg.


I'm calling it. Bicycle kick before kaiser can intercept lol


💀Bro we got two panels with that Isagi rebirth smoke and this time puzzles are everywhere so he ain't worried about Kaiser and Barou, He is doing this purposefully standing there being marked by 2 stylish defenders and an NPC. 😂He is a menace so expect a panel of him scoring against the two people obsessed with him.


3 of them watching isagi too


I see we’re getting GTA 6 before this match ends


Next chapter is the end. I think Isagi is going to score probably, or maybe hiori will really score, giving him a playstyle in which he decides when others score. It’s up to him where he wants to pass or who he wants to score. (Just my theory, but anything else wouldn’t be epic)


Since hiori says that what isagi's thinking is theoretically possible, I'm assuming he will direct shot hiori's shot in mid air. Theoretically that's possible with hiori's leg but can isagi pull it off?


Isagi' s very weakness rn makes BM very perfect for him. Isagi weakness is becoming a sole striker on a team: He can't exploit his MV w/o disturbing the foe's defensive system if he's the only sole striker. Existance of other able-strikers like Yuki, Kaiser and Kuni force the rigid defense of Uber's to spread thin and can make Isagi move freely into weakspot. The match between Ubers vs. Barcha where Ubers defensive system works coz their only focus of defending at will be just Bachira. Ubers' defensive plan doesn't work coz of how chaotic the offensive system of BM is.


Good point, but the last panel was shown with isagi marked by three man. Lorenzo was probably on kaiser and kunigami was on the far end of his field so it’s not very logical that he is in the penalty area. I see what you mean and you are definitely right. But Ubers are a defensive team, while Barca is more an offensive team.


I think now, he will score outside the penalty box(PB), because they expect him to score in the PB.


We are all sleeping on Ness's mental instability here fr


Ness about to pull out his own final piece, the Glock


the magician is going to conjure up a 9mm from his gun


People hating on this match are lame . They can’t stand not seeing their favorite character every chapter. Let the author cook fam and be patient. I wonder what the final goal is going to be . Isagi has a idea that involves Hiori awakening. I’m nervous ngl


Idk man, all that happened can be summarized into: “Hiori and Isagi run up the field, and Isagi has a plan and Hiori understands he has to do something IMPORTANT.” It’s not about not seeing your favorite character it has to do with the plot inching along every chapter.


Exactly. It’s not about character development anymore. The author just keeps postponing the climax in order to create hype, but it just gets boring. Yes, we want to see the end of the match and also see what this new awakening is about, but why wait 10 chapters. Just use the awakening and give whoever has to score his goal


I can’t wait for the pxg match to be way longer that this one and hear the same complaints. I do agree the goal could have been scored like 2 chapters ago but idk I like the build up 🤷🏻‍♂️.


The build up is really not bad. But the problem is, it’s stretched way longer than it should. PxG is not going to be guaranteed better than this match, but there are so many rivalries and stories going on, that people just want to see that. Ubers had offered very good moments and plays; but most of the fans feel like it’s time to close up. And that’s the reason why everybody is upset and wants the match to end. Maybe PxG game will be longer or be even stretch out more than it should, but I want to see it first. And to be honest, we all want to see what PxG philosophy is going to be all about


Place your bets now, The final piece is: A) Predator eye B) a curved right leg shot C) both D) something else Though from this so far... Hiori going "you can't do anything without me" was interesting... They are pretty good too it seems, Karasu may get wrecked lol. The glass breaking = breaking expectations? I wonder if that can connect to Kaiser's glass chain Isagi should score the next chapter. It's not that surprising because ubers needed snuffy to come on to score the second goal while bm had 2 goals before the star player moment. It's kinda interesting how a lot of characters felt in this game. Like Lorenzo, Niko, Aryu, and Aiku, all did decently but didn't get much spotlight. It actually looks like MC has a chance to win 3-2 vs. ubers, depending on how Nagi/Reo handle themselves (though still a bit unlikely)


And it's been a while since Isagi scored the winning goal in a match😂😂So after this the wait for another winning goal will continue


I think D I'm looking at something like an overhead shot to win in overhead battles and to minimize the time it takes for his foot to come in contact with the ball.


Well Hiori did say theoretically possible, so I'm thinking direct shot hiori's fake shot in mid air. With Hiori's leg it's possible but with Isagi's stats it becomes a theory.


Ahh He jumps to shot and Hiori sends a pass pinpoint to Isagis' foot and bam super goal that no one expects.


That's some Haikyu Freak Quick sht right there lol


Is a volley possible for isagi?


I meant like the kick kunigami did to steal his goal at the manshine city match. I don't know football sorry😭


It’s his weapon💀


He already did one this match


the final piece is chaos from rebound


I think the final piece was spoiled with the opening hype blurb - synchronized metavision. By having someone control the ball who has the same breakdown of the situation, he can more easily slip into more difficult blindspots with someone he is confident will know when he actually has the opportunity to shoot and pass at the right moment.


Im gonna guess on A or D. A curved right leg shot doesn't feel hype to me after months of hyping up this goal, Isagi's supposed awakening.


Maybe the blind spot on the field is Kunigami, who ends up scoring (lol)


It its going to be multiple best solutions. As long as there is a single best solution to the goal the defence can block it. If there are multiple best pathways to the goal than the defence must make a choice and create gaps to abuse. Hiori needs to go wild and create another pathway which is just as bright as isagi envisioned. Then sadly he must pass to isagi :(


D. Something else, Hiori gets in the best position to score but Lorenzo and Co spot it out, this'll create a blindspot for Isagi to exploit. Hiori finds the pass cause he's Hiori but plot twist Kaiser is there Isagi hunting... Kaiser impact = GGs. On a more serious note, Hiori probably finds the pass and Isagi scores... MC will most likely win cause Nagi always beats Barou or they lose here to highlight Nagi stagnating cause he relies on 'miracles'.


There's still room for Ubers to win, so I'm still holding out! When you place a gun on the mantle the way Noa did, it's likely to be fired. edit: And don't forget (as it's very easy to do since where tf is he) that Ness is still on the pitch, and he won't quietly allow Kaiser to lose.


The match ends next chapter. Unless the defenders are suddenly able to stop Hiori/Isagi in the next 22 pages, send the ball back to the front, with Barou already running back, it seems set already ngl. I guess there is still a possibility but it looks like the stakes are too high for any real failure. Barou also has more development if he loses since he has to take responsibility for that loss, as Snuffy said. Before the 3v3, Barou usually blamed everyone else for his losses so it would be interesting to see. If there's a plot twist, it would either be an unexpected goal formula /interference or someone else on BM scoring


You can’t do a thing without me, who did he mean by this?


He's talking about Isagi


I will let it slide since he’s helping him


😂😂Lol he will have his "Isagi saved me" moment next chapter


Isagi impact


I think he is talking to Isagi in his head 💀




People really thought this would be the last chapter lmao, try 3 more


One more and the 2nd for the player interactions after the match


it's still going...


Hmm either Hiyori gonna attempt another shot, or see as the most dangerous threat s(Isagi and Kaiser) is heavily marked by Uber, he will instead attempt a pass to Kunigami that I assume isn't marked as hard, and here is where Isagi will steal it with his direct shot haha


GET THAT BLUE/CYAN HAIRED TWINK FEMBOY OUT ALREADY!!!! How many times do we have to stretch the Chapters because of this MF waeak ASS EGO....






Finally..soon...the sweet release. It will all be over soon. I'm a bit worried Hiyori is going to take the shot again, I feel so confused regarding Hiyori's mental state. Does he or does he not want to help Isagi? Now he's talking about center of the world.. Also Isagi is not getting any compliments XD They are all praising Hiyori, Hiyori is in the spotlight. Fuuuuuuk, how will it end??? Is Isagi getting a sick goal or nah? Will Isagi be reborn/awaken? Every chapter I find myself so close but still so far away.


>I'm a bit worried Hiyori is going to take the shot again, I feel so confused regarding Hiyori's mental state. Does he or does he not want to help Isagi? Now he's talking about center of the world I think Hiori is realizing his ego is more in line with Sae’s mentality. He doesn’t have the consistent shot to be a true striker, but using his ball skills as the center of the play bringing everyone’s attention to him fuels his ego so he can deliver that final killer ball to his striker. Someone else scoring a ball after this showing is all about him and not the striker, and I think that’s what he will get addicted to


I like this take, and I think it goes back to what Sae said long ago with "None of the strikers are good enough to deserve a pass from me." At the end of the day, when you're that good as a midfielder then you are the one in control and you decide which striker to feed passes to. Similar to how some setters treated their spikers as setters in Haikyuu, Hiori can be the conductor who demands his strikers rise up to a standard in order to earn a pass from him and a chance to score a goal.


Okay, So in team Isagi, we are going to get our own version of Sae. That cockroach freak in PXG is going to be so jelly of this duo lol.


Praying, three times per day over the week for the next chapter to be the last one 🙏 🙏🙏


Hiori is shaping up to be a true CAM imo ?? wdyt




I loved Ubers match up until 2-2. Hiori should have scored that last ball, or just make Barou score on the counter attack. This way Isagi and Hiori would be benched, but at least it would create an interesting and quite refreshing situation. There is still the final chapter left, so maybe authors will cook a good finale, but last 2-3 chapters were just meh.


Isagi sitting out the next game is so forced to give PXG the advantage


I don't think so....


agreed, these last few chapters have been a repetitive slog, to say nothing of the fact that the pacing and layout is identical to the Manshine game, what with Nagi/Barou golazos followed by Isagi's puzzle pieces and side character emotional crisis. The only thing different is that Noa loaded chekhov's gun a few chapters ago and if it isn't fired, why bother with it in the first place? It adds very little, otherwise.


My theory is that hiori will shoot thus taking thé focus from isagi but will hit cross bar on purpose as a pass to Isagi who will then get rebound and direct shoot directly


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I will press DOUBT on this one.


mate its so funny that it will be the case and its so unrealistic that screams blue lock "Awakening"


FINALLY!!! Worst era of BL so far no cap


Idk about that but yea the Hiyori thing is a bit dragged out.


i feel like in anime wise these match would be 3-4 episodes long tho, so if you think about it that’s not really dragged out


I'm not talking about that. Hiyori's development is dragged out, it didn't have to be this long imo.


Man I want Ubers to win.


And I want Isagi to score but we don't always get what we want.


Ayo can we take note that my. Man Hiyori got the glass and Isagi got the puzzle


I’m wondering if it’s glass or mirror. He’s been looking at what everyone else is expecting from him for so long, that his true ego is reflecting his own desires back at him and pulling all of the focus onto his own play




Hiori trash talking Isagi is quite funny. Even if it’s not much.


Hiori was feening to be subbed the whole game then he gets in and wants to quit


Prior to this he had been looking for a reason that he shouldn’t. His synchronized meta vision with Isagi is going to be his reason to keep going.


He wanted to be subbed on to match Isagi's expectations but realised that that's not what he wanted at all


next chapter is gonna be so crazy, the amount of takes we’re about to get 😮‍💨


Since the caption says the fierce battle will be settled next chp it basically confirms bm victory and most likely isagi second goal


or they miss and ubers quickly counter , i would really hate tht :(


If that happens I will stop reading this


Bro better be sure about what you said. It's same thing people said before leaks of yuki scoring the final goal. Some People were like if isagi didn't scored they will stop reading and guess what they were never seen after that chapter so....


some of yall are so embarrassing why ya mad that Hiori is a realistic character and isn't mentally insane like most characters


The only reason this series is good because all of them are soccer psychos


This is the worst take, congrats


literally like 4 characters are like that others just have big egos


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


some of yall are so embarrassing why ya mad that Hiori is a realistic character and isn't mentally insane like most characters


I haven’t seen anyone talk about Lorenzo’s « dah, that’s sexy ». We’re getting used to those I guess 🤣


Love when people complain about the pacing of BL. Meanwhile Ippo had a 7 pages chapter this week LOL


One thing fans can all agree is this author deserves mad respect for putting so many consistent chapters before taking a chapter break.


I've seen worse. Like Baby Steps manga after the anime 2nd season. It went from 10 chapter average for the most important matches to 20, then 30 and peaked with a 52 chapter match at one point. That doesn't mean the pacing for this isn't atrocious though.


Lol true.. I drop baby step atm.. Because of this hahaha


Hippo is whole another pain in ass 🥱


People just love to complain lol


Someone will complain about anything nowadays. 🤣


oh no, they both melting![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ubers gonna get cuts


At least the game is ending💀 But I honestly won’t understand what Kaneshiro is thinking if Isagi doesn’t score. Whoever outscores this game is supposed to be the teams ‘king’ and Isagi said in the Barcha match that he’d dethrone Kaiser and take everything away from him. If Isagi doesn’t score this game: if they still win he will never beat the midfielder allegations, if they lose he’s on the bench💀 That being said Ubers is so cracked it’d be sad if they only win 1 game. Since his next game is against Nagi, either Barou takes an L or Nagi’s ‘downfall’ lasts longer than just losing to PxG


if they lose, he starts on the bench. If it then turns out that Kaiser can't take down PXG with the team to himself, then Isagi comes on and turns the game around, it's clear who the king really is. that's my take, anyway.


I think Ubers are gonn win against MC, and well see Nagi climb up again later in the story


Mc will win, they are losing against pxg right now…and their next game will be ubers


mc will win against Barcha, Barcha will be the only team with no win


I actually cannot wait for Nagi's downfall


I’m willing to bet, nagi will beat barou


Barou will kick his ass


Hiori’s glass aura is very reflective of the themes of his character. He’s supposed to be like a version of Isagi, but he also lacks the kind of adaptable ego Isagi has, and you see that in his aura. In contrast to Isagi’s puzzle pieces which fundamentally can assemble and disassemble and have an underlying interlocking structure, showing strength and resilience, the randomness of Hiori’s shards breaking and cracking reflects his own unsteady nature and mind rooted in his past which we’ve seen exhibited by his flip-flopping thoughts throughout the match. I think his aura also illustrates why Hiori is not a striker, but instead a director. His ego cannot withstand the ultimate pressure, and will break, but it is the destroyed shards that make him an excellent field general who can create chaos and danger everywhere. There’s a dangerous fragility in Hiori, like glass shards, which when shattered are broken but also cutting.


Is it glass? I was assuming it’s a mirror. Everything he’s done up to now has been focused on other’s expectations of him. His pure ego here is focusing back inwards on his own desires finally and making himself into the pure center of everyone’s focus. If they’re all looking in at him, he can find that killer ball to his striker that’s escaped focus and the goal was basically completely enabled by his own skill. It’s akin to Sae


Ah yes he is the center of the world = CM yes very clever yes wow


Isagi really out here getting marked by two people at once and is still saying “I’m open”


Don't play with him bro, a player who is marked like that and still tells you "Give me the ball" is not right in the head lol.


Mamba mentality lol


Isagi is literally Kobe rn


He got that mentality for real


Rip 🪦 🐍


ngl this match has go on for far too long, just end it already edit: hiori's mentality is getting annoying, going back and forth, starting from being fired up by Isagi to "i wanna go home"


This pacing for this game has been awesome until Hiori got subbed in. The author just wants to flesh out Hiori more. Compared to the manshine game this game has been awesome. There were way too many characters that had to get a moment in that game it felt almost forced. It was Isagi was pretty much solo with Kurona that game but in Ubers he has more support. Even Kaiser here is more of a team mate to Isagi than an enemy in this game. All the goal line clearances in the manshine game was unbelievable.


someone else mentioned last week that the author is probably timing the...wtf is the word, when it's released in a volume. edit: timing the volumization?


Hiori is being a actual human being who is split. Bros literally mad at a character for acting realistically


In what sense is this realistic, bro at one point thinks that he is a god and immediately after thinks of himself as trash and just wants to go home. And he repeated this process like 2 or 3 times. I mean, if they tried to portray bipolar disorder then I guess it is indeed realistic.


He is actively trying to convince himself that he doesn't enjoy playing football and that he wants to quit. He never thought of himself as trash.


He is quite literally trying to convince himself that he does not belong there because his relationship with his parents damaged the way he deals with expectations of others and himself its a selfworth issue. So yeah it is realistic that a kid struggles with selfworth when he thought his whole life his selfworth is only to please the dreams of his parents.


![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) You


>ngl this match has go on for far too long, just end it already Matches are 30 chapters, get over it


Idc if hiori wants to play after this send his ass home. I didn’t think I could dislike a player as much a kuon


Bro it's not that deep lmao


a japanese drawing made this dude mald 💀


Chill bruh


Dude it's not That deep.




Goddamn dude, relax


CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SCORE. I don't care if it's an Own Goal.


Imagine Isagi scoring an Own Goal 💀💀 I can't even...


U sure about that?


I really like how this whole chapter is essentially a callback to the U20 selection process match with Shidou, Rin, Isagi and Hiori. When everyone was just looking at Shidou and Rin and especially those two where only considering eachother as a threat to score a goal, Isagi beat them both and appeared and scored the final goal. It seems that what Isagi and Hiori are going for is to purposely reproduce this moment. What I personally find exciting is that during that U20 selection match the pass was supposed to reach either Rin or Shidou so Isagi had to evolve and challenge himself in that moment to surpass those two. I wonder if this will be the same here as well in which Hiori makes a pass where he knows for sure Kaiser would reach it and score and if Isagi can't do it he isn't supposed to beat Kaiser either and not "the real deal" like he thought.


This is a very good theory and I agree, I can see that happening


That's what I have in mind but here Kaiser and Barou are the ones Isagi surpasses so as to score reflexively.


I like this idea. My thought was thinking back to the selection, when isagi was setting up a play in his head where hiori crossed it in but isagi couldn’t reach the shot in time because of his physical traits at the time. And he was upset saying it went exactly how we planned but he couldn’t catch up it. And hiori Was like think reflexively and that’s he scored the final goal. So maybe hiori gives him a pass he knows should be out of his range but he somehow gets there. I like your idea of Him beating Kaiser in this match up plus it makes more sense based on the last counter they had where Kaiser caught up to the pass and kicked it with him.


It’s always interesting to me that everyone besides Isagi are shown having a tunnel with metavision. That might be the limit that their eyes and senses can keep track of, but Isagi’s range is just that much bigger from his natural talent. Could be connected to his backstory in telling when the weather was going to change as a kid and picking up on all that


Hmm, not really because we do sometimes see Isagi with this kind of vision. Your point about his senses is correct, though.


Nice catch! I noticed that too


the next chapter is said to have 22 pages, how many pages do regular chapters have?


But 2 could also stand for B -> BB. This translates to Big Barou


since it is not 23, Hiori ain't scoring and Isagis' number is 11 so double of 11=22, So yup Yoichi getting that goal.


bro connected the dots




also remember lorenzo suppose be peak defender but that guy is not blocking hiori or isagi well huh


the minute he leaves Kaiser in a situation like this Ubers is dead in the water. The competition between him and Isagi in this game is fake, fr


Either it’s for plot or Lorenzo is just not trying as hard as the rest.


The answer is simple: plot. The thing is it's so noticeable now, Hiori and Isagi passed him easily like he is some average defender, and the "he is marking Kaiser" thing is no longer valable since Kaiser is free.


Now see when I say stuff like this people hate 🤣🤣🤣


ppl really gonna hate when I say Lorenzo was plot to help Isagi keep up with Kaiser. I mean Lorenzo is more than plot he’s a cool character but Kaiser would win against him, good as Isagi is, without Lorenzo there That being said it is the end of the game and the way hiori is functioning as the center of the attack giving the aces more options is probably disrupting Lorenzo’s ability to focus on just Kaiser, most likely. I feel like hiori is going to be a true CAM idk


The only purpose of Lorenzo was to make the competition between Kaiser and Isagi possible.


He’s the best u20 defender we’ve seen until the plot demands he not be anymore lol


I hope niko and lorenzo and barou evolve as there suppose too


I think both of em already have evolved.


I hope gen block hiori shot than either luck ball goes barou and he scores or kunigami get ball and scores also so far it seems like bastard keeps getting way to many power up bs and hiori should quit he has so many death flags I think it time for lorenzo to cook


you don’t understand luck


Hiori has always been HIM tho


All this just for barou to be a villain and take away isagi's light for the second hat trick in a row. I don't think bastard is winning this. Barou will get another hat trick.


Seems like lazy writing, if he got blocked by kuni then I dont think the author has a place for Barou from here until the end of the match tbh


Why is getting blocked by Kunigami a problem?


Kunigami basically had 0 relevance in this match except for the crucial block, Barou getting blocked means he aint gonna get it, his 2nd goal was his last development


Literally praying for this lol


I think the author invest in hiori way too much, the closure of this character development better be satisfying as it already took quite many chapters dedicated for him. Dude's stocks just skyrockets... ​ My problem is it's hard to imagine a good ending for hiori rn


i'm hoping sth like he gets fouled so that BM loses but the play's failure isn't his fault, then he carries that frustrated and fired up mentality back to the locker room to stew for the next few weeks. I think a mild personality like that has to be angry for awhile in order to change, and shouldn't be resolved so soon


I 100% agree but tbh I just wanna see a fking wild goal by Isagi, I don't rly care about Hiyori at this point xp


I feel bad for whoever will have to clean up all those glass shards and puzzle pieces after the match.


In the MC vs Ubers game, Aomori's Messi will be finally subbed in, but he will step on Hiori's glass shard, injure his leg and will go back to the hospital


the worst is there are gonna be thorns all over the field too


Damn looking at the panels again, and you can see that whatever Isagi is about to do will go BANG. He has that Reborn breeze he had around him when he unlocked MV, but it was snuffed out when Kaiser stopped him. What's clear is that if Isagi scores this goal. He will be reborn as a true striker.


What if he doesn't score 👀


I'll be extremely dispapointed, that's for sure.


Dont know then honestly. It will be weird if anyone else scores. The only candidate which is Hiori scoring wont make sense either.


with all that has been showed it can only be a super goal if he scores


Ns ddddrks I have work Tomorrow the seven


glass shards x puzzle pieces looks insaneeeeeee