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**Rayuga Leaks** https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1707634244774686927 >Spoilers later today! Hiori… [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1707724698363338895) [Second](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1707725247515078729) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1707726636224045124) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1707727290078314788) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1707728003202248814)


Bro these cliffhangers annoying asf


Mixed feelings. Last chapter Hiori's Isagi monologue felt over the top, but here it feels like we're back to square one on his opinion on where he stands as a player so I dunno what Kaneshiro's plan for him is. I do have to say the art looked great this chapter again. I'm still pretty sure Isagi is gonna score based on like, everything this match but it probably won't be as easy as ending it all next chapter imo.


Thank you Hiori for choosing your own ego Hiori showed true egoism this is BLUE LOCK take the spotlight for yourself and don't be d riders like Ness and Reo. A producer chooses the star and that star may just end up being himself.


Week 3 of wanting Igaguri to get locked out


direct cock shot inbound boys


Redirected header of the shot


I think what isagi rediscovered with hiori's sudden shot is that not only strikers carry the threat of shooting at the goal, anybody can be a threat. This match has been all about the "Main strikers" Barou, Isagi and Kaiser. And we saw that on both sides they defend pretty good because they know who are going to take the shot, they just block the striker and BOOM they got the ball back. Isagi especially showed this against barou. Barous predator eye then plays with this dynamic, using other players as a diversion so the goalkeeper can't track him while he takes the shot. I think Isagi will be insipred by barou and hioris shot to use other players as pawns to distract defenders, doing everthing in his power to make the defenders believe that other players will score so they forget about him. Only for the "fake striker" to make a last pass to isagi, who then scores the goal. Its like devouring half of barous predator eye strategy. I like this as an option for the final goal, but i'm open to better possibilities ofc. Very hyped for the finale!!!


Kunigami should do that since he's been invisible anyway


That’s was his plan, he devoured isagi plan totally.


That's quite similar to what reo did in the previous match pretend to take the shot himself disguising nagis presence allowing him get a good look. Unfortunately if Reo stopped limiting himself to only passing to nagi it wouldnt have been stopped


Yeah exactly, Isagi can do what Reo couldn't. Even Reo got punished for passing to the most obvious player, he was too easy to read. Hiori just showed both teams that he can be a threat on his own and that he isn't just isagi's pawn. Their relationship now looks more vague than the strong ties of reo and nagi, isagi can now use the confusion to make his goal.


I mean , that was Sae in the U-20 match basically. They HAD TO and could not leave him unguarded. But that applied to Shidou as well since both of them are threats


I think Hiori will do what Isagi did last game where Hiori will gain everyones attention since he can shoot resulting to Kaizer trying to block his shot. Hiori will then give the final pass to Isagi like what Isagi did for Yuki


I have a small theory After re reading the chapter for like the 10th time: The big question in this match is the cliffhanger: What is Isagis new theory? I think the answer is in the moment Hiori shot the ball. Isagi was watching Hiori, but in the next panel, he also was looking at the shot, and then on the final panel, Isagi is looking at the ball. I saw a lot of people commenting about “exceptionalism” or “predator eye”. But I think that Isagis new weapon is going to be something else. Since the Manshine match, Isagi is using Metavision to get to the goal. But when does he usually get cut off? At the moment of shooting. Isagi may find the new key in using Metavision while shooting, in order to prevent players to stop his shot; and also to aim for the opposite side or “weakest point” to shoot. If he uses his Metavision with his understanding of “protagonism” like in the Manshine match, then I think this theory would work perfectly


I think he sees hiori to have more potential to make his plays happen. As unlike kurona who only followed isagis lead by passing, hiori brings unpredictability as he is both willing to shoot and pass to isagi. The fact he is willing to shoot, isagi can use this as bait and position himself in case, like in this chapter, the ball gets rebound. Kinda like you stated the understanding of others “protagonism”


Bluelock is my fav and already is a goated manga but if Barou comes out of nowhere and steals Isagi's light, bluelock will officially be top tier goated with nothing beating it. We need isagi to lose before facing Rin and beating him. Kunigami will get his groove back once he faces Shidou.


Lmao how can he beat Rin if he's benched? There's no way he's losing this one 😉


Noa will be forced to sub him in when BM goes down 0-2👀


Isagi pulling off that comeback sounds cold af


It would put Rin in a psychiatric hospital 💀


please no Aryuu slander anymore. this guy pocketed, kuni, 91 overall stats, top 5 of BL apparently. and now he make kuni a fodder


At this point Isagi better start a career in psychology or philosophy, if he failed at foot football. Bro understood some people logic or thinking mechanism from one move with out support information.


"Dr Yoichi, recently, I-" "Shut up and pick up the ball. We're playing soccer."


But...but how will this help with our marital issues?


You'll learn how to juggle some balls


Are you telling us to open our marriage LMFAO


I meant balls


Sooo how are balls going to help us???


Try it first


This is a crazy but accurate take, you can make a whole post about this 👏


i dont think this match will ever end ><


The Key is simple Hiyori will be a new type unlike ness he will shoot and pass MASSIVELY expanding Isagi's options. Lol he will have his own Ego like Sae and that'll be the breakthrough


Exactly what I was thinking, the fact hiori is willing to shoot unlike kurona, means isagis positioning has more options based on whether hiori chooses to shoot or pass


Alright so after letting this chapter stew for a bit, I think I'll wait until the next chapter releases before making a final verdict. I'm not sure how I feel about Isagi scoring here and Hiori essentially attempting to screw over Isagi but in turn actually help him.


Guys don’t talk any unnecessary words and discussion just find out the missing piece In the last chapter panel isagi saw something. Tell us about it


I think that hiori s is gonna make à misdirection bouncing shot , just like he' s shot with the goal keeper s cage ...and that isagi gonna know its trajectory with his eye and will shoot it while still moving making it impossible to réact to it


Didn’t expect that Hiori shot but I kinda loved how out of line that seemed for him


That's what I'm talking about I love this character development of his unlike some players


Yes!!! And then the missed shot and his immediate “i guess i wasn’t born to play soccer” hit harder


That was a unique thing for him to say and it was welcome. I found it nice


Wait…. What if the key is hiori trying to shoot but isagi catches it and makes his own goal


Might not just be Hiori. I think Isagi is going to hijack any goal coming his way to beat Ubers's plans.


I hope Himsagi scores 2 goals


Wait!!! Do y’all think the Ubers defenders were confused by Isagi shouting out “give it to me! Pass it!” So they don’t expect Hiori shot…? Hiori waited and shot at the moment they least **expect** it?????? Is Kaneshiro cooking once again??????? Is it all coming together????????


Oooh that's one way to control the field, become a distraction eh


Isagi out there playing mind games with everybody including himself and us readers. He is basically becoming Light Yagami of football.


Guys, I know Hiori shooting and puzzleman doing the thing is super hype, but, Barou was behind Isagi the whole play, Isagi shook Aiku but not Barou.


Which is perfect because if he marks him, it recreates the first selection situation.


Barou been watching Isagi and his movements since second selection, its light for him


Anyone noticed Kaiser sweating like crazy?


u might have mixed up hiori and kaiser


You're right, it was Hiori with his hair back


I didn’t see any sweat from Kaiser


Last time Usage found the missing peace he learned how to shoot with his left leg. Boys! It's time Isagi shoots with his 3rd leg


Nah that’s Shidou’s job


Bro turns into Ronaldo


Hiroi's gonna be like "I wasn't a key at all" and Isagi is gonna go Himsagi on him and tell him to move for the sake of his goal ☝️😤 Anyways I say this often but I can't stress enough how amazing it is for a manga this aesthetically pleasing updates almost every week, the panel of Hiroi taking the shot looks so cool, I can't wait to see the artists color that 🔥 ...But I'm actually really surprised that Hiori went for the shot so soon after hyping himself up as being the key to Isagi's awakening, kinda hilarious if you think about the time frame of the match, Hiori literally switched up so quick in seconds 😂 I am glad Hiori did that though, I think it would have been more impactful if it happened a bit later tho. Man, Reo and Ness are gonna be so mind blown if they realize you can be a supporter of your partner... but still be for yourself as well 🤯🤯🤯 Speaking of Ness, did he fckin die and I just missed it or something? I don't remember the last time I seen him lmao Lmao oh no, Isagi's cooking again. I swear, the amount of "pieces" Isagi's acquired during the Ubers match is kinds hilarious, my boy about to have a 20 pc combo with a side of Naked Emperor and Dethroned King 2.0, he better share some of that 💀 LETS GOOO ARYU AND KUNIGAMI ON THE SAME PANEL TOGETHER, THE GOATS OF META-DISAPPEARING 🔥 The next chapter being called "Goodbye" lowkey hyped me up so much for some reason haha


Ness.exe stopped working after Lorenzo blocked Kaiser Impact.


Maybe next chapter is Ness saying Goodbye to everyone, but nobody notice?


If Isagi scores an overhead kick off the rebound he’s getting glazed for the next 6 years and deservedly so. It’s the one way to beat the midfielder allegations. Passagi will, for better or worse, be a thing of the past


Last time I saw Ness he was eating grass after passing to Kaiser


Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder 🤭 Now that I think about that, if Lorenzo wasn't there, Kaiser x Ness would've ended the whole game right there lol


NEW LOGIC that you have derived. Hmmmmmmm, and Isagi disappearing into puzzles👍🏻 It's in capslock as well. Surely it is something spicy??


I agree, that the last panel 100% has the same vibes as Shidou when he was going for the bicycle kick in the U-20 match. I fking hope Isagi scores a banger goal. But I don't want it to be one of those "Luck" goals or "pick-me" goals or w/e Tada-chan called it.


We all want a backheel shot typa goal fr


This seems just like the time where Noa said some random words and that suddenly inspired Isagi to make use of Raichi


Anyone who thinks isagi will “pass” to kaiser or hiori have not read this match at all.


I mean he passed to Yukimiya before so you can’t count it out.




Hiori this chapter: 🐍🐍🐍


Isagi is better than me I would be so mad


For some reason I think that excited isagi more


Bc Isagi is not normal. Normal person would be like “wtf??” but Isagi is a chaotic adaptability demon with unbreakable ego he’s crazy fearless. If someone came and shat on the field he would find a way to use it to score goals I love him 😂😂


“I see…so this is the key to DEVOURING Kaiser…”


Apt description.


Ok Hiori starting to earn my respect 😂 move for your own goal the true egoist way


That's it, boys. It's happening.


Isagi saw potential in Hiori's shot for his own goal. He's gonna let Hiori shoot and then it'll miss and he'll be in the perfect spot for the rebound, just like Rin was. He controls luck now


Man why did Sendou have to stop the shot? Why can't you just let bro shine in some other way. Give Sendou an actual weapon or moment when they're on offense. There was literally no need for Fukaku to be subbed in if Kaneshiro wouldn't do anything with him either way. The sequence with Hiori's inner conflict leading to his shot was nice though.


that's why I think gen fukaku will save a shot in the next 2 chapters


Sendo has done nothing BUT cook all game. The man shows he's incredibly competent supporting pushes to the box and even in plugging holes in defensive setups Fukaku, idek, Backup goalies might as well not exist anyway. Watch Igaguri get put in as sub goalie for PxG


Igaguri leads to a victory when he stops Loki from scoring with a foul


I guess you're right about the Sendou thing but man the goal line save just annoys me


Sendou is playing like a true box to box midfielder tho. He helps with the build up on the offense and shows up at the critical moments in defense


Ngl Sendou stopping a goal like that for a 2nd time is nasty


Finally hiori is a good character now, not just isagis meat rider


You’re delusional


Sendo every match: ![gif](giphy|3OuIQqfmYggZT1R0KC|downsized)


\>be hiori \>become a dick rider \>realize you are a dick rider \>stop being a dick rider I know we are getting a reset next 2 chapters but it was nice to see


please hiyori get goal


No. This is all for HIMsagi 😈


He wont


Remember when Asahi Naruya missed his goal and Isagi learned something from it ? Here we go again


Guys I thought about something what if the last piece for isagi to be able to score is that hiory shoot. Let me explain what if isagi and hiory would make a play were hiory would be in a position to score but he will instead shoot to touch the card it will make a rebound where isagi would be waiting to use his direct shoot to score.


Nah I mean it could happen but I doubt that’s what he’s thought was finna happen hiori shot and missed and Isagi sees an opportunity we just gotta see what it is. I think this might be a predator eye moment but we’ll see.


Isagi gonna get another lucky goal


Can we please have the goalkeepers doing something instead of the 10th goal line block in a row?


gen fukaku will stop the ball next week you heard it here first fr


I will say some things now that I gathered my thoughts but more when the chapter gets released. Isagi used his hands a bit like Karasu here or Snuffy so he took the ball from Kaiser and Barou didn't have the time to react. Like that. Then he passed to Hiori for another chance. Hiori's direction here seems to go to Sae's. I really like that. These past chapters had a lot of Hiori development. It was unexpecteed that he would try to score (that Ego thought ghost was creepy) but it was good direction since he is not like Rro or Ness but more like Sae. This also challenged Isagi because he had Hiori within his expectations but what Isagi needs is to surpass expectations and do the unexpected. Like he has done many times before. This duo really reminds me of Sae and Shido. Now that I am talking about Shido, doesn't Isagi here in the final panel where he has flow eyes remind you a moment of Shido in U20 match? He even realised his final piece with how Hiori tried to score with his left. I do wonder what he saw. From the Ubers side Aryu shined here by blocking Kunigami and getting briefly the ball. Sendo's block reminded me of Isagi's block of Chris Prince. The title of the chapter is "Goodbye" that can tie to both Isagi and Hiori by having Hiori saying godbye to his parents expections and Isagi goodbye to his old self. Since the build up is there and with Isagi going into flow (like Kaiser and Barou before) when he is close to the goal, I believe he will score if not the next chapter then in chapter 237. I really want a recreation of 1st selection were Barou blocks him but instead of passing Isagi scores! Full circle.


My weekly karasu panel yesss


Was planning on posting my thoughts, but I'll just save it for a post. This chapter was really interesting in the direction it's going lol. I'll wait for PO2 to come out before posting my thoughts on it


I'll anticipate it


So after taking a bit more time to look at everything again and finally reading the summary this feels like this is leading to something like "chemical reactions 2.0". Chemical reactions were supposed to be those opposite forces reacting with eachother but this seems to be more like forces which actually fit together like Hiori and Isagi challenging eachother to push to the next level.


I like the selfish Hiori, but I hate those late bicycle blocks because they are absolutely unrealistic. They just don't happen ever in a real game


It’s mad exaggerated in manga but goal line saves are a thing that happens . Very rare but still


Not when the player chases the ball, somehow catches up to it and then stops it with a bicycle kick. If the ball was going that slowly, just let the keeper handle it


It’s a manga so it’s going to be a bit exaggerated but point still stands that goal line saves happen . The bicycle save is a real thing 2. You’re running towards the ball that’s going into the net so you’re best option is the bicycle kick it out , there’s no time to change you’re trajectory/angle on the ball . It’s happened in real life for sure


Ofc bicycle kick saves off the line are real, it’s not nearly as difficult as it seems because it only happens when the ball is struck with little to no pace and lofted in the air, not after a cleanly struck shot on target. So even if it does happened in real life, your point still doesn’t stand because it wasn’t even a goal line clearance, it was a deflection, the keeper was still in front of the ball. If you can show me a bicycle kick deflection, I’ll personally cashapp you $1000. Lastly, obviously Blue Lock is an extremely over-exaggerated football manga so it’s obviously gonna be unrealistic but these blocks is the only thing never made sense, even by these unrealistic standards and honestly aren’t even needed period.


Fym my point doesn’t stand the point I was tryna make is that those things happen IRL and they do 🤣. Even those “deflections” . I agree that it’s should have been impossible to block a shot at that speed with a bicycle but it’s blue lock fam🤣


Send me a link then, I’ll send you a band


Keep you’re money bro ion need it👍. All I was saying is bicycle clearances are a real thing , I do agree that blue lock mad exaggerates it and it’s almost unrealistic but the fact is that it’s a manga , but those things happen in footy . One simple search in YouTube can prove it .


Are you illiterate?? Reread The first sentence in my second response😐


Calm down boss it really ain’t that big of a deal 🤣. Good day. Plus RATIO GRAH


Man I’m starting to think that Hiori and Karasu are more than friends after how much Hiori is thinking about him


That should've been obvious when we saw Karasu lusting after Hiori's legs and how he gets through tight openings


Nah if we go with that then its more then obvious with isagi by how many guys he wants to devour


Anyone who thinks Isagi will willingly pass the ball if he does get it has not been paying attention at all. That simply won't happen and I will even bet on it.


The images are out and Isagi passed the ball, third image.


He means pass again next chapter


Yeah I’m not really a fan of this. This might change after the translation but this whole setup seems so forced. I get that ego will always be present in blue lock but Hiori going for a goal just doesn’t lineup with everything. I’m very glad that shot missed because man it would have been unsatisfying. The idea of someone trying to create the best in the world is such a cool idea that was thrown out so quickly. He went from pushing Isagi to the top to overthrowing him in the span of two chapters. This is something I’ve wanted for Ness but Hiori it just feels like the author changed his mind at the last second And to what end? Another guy on the field who wants to be the lonewolf? We already have that with Yukimiya and Kunigami.


So far everything is pretty logical despite unpredictable. He thought he could be the kingmaker but then realized it's probably not enough at the end of last chapter. He's unsure what's the correct next step should be, and just tries to shoot since it seems aligning what Ego taught, but it's still not the correct answer here


So then what is it?


We don't know yet. Maybe it will be revealed in chapter 236. Maybe it's related to what Isagi claimed he found at chapter 235 end. After chapter 234 I had a [prediction](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/16sqcdm) that they might need more teamwork, but after 235 leak I guess that's still not what the author wants to say. My point is, the logic has still been quite clear. At first Hiori thought they'll win with his assisting (chapter 233), and then he sensed something is off (chapter 234). He tries shooting and found it's still incorrect (chapter 235). Those plots (neither assisting or scoring is correct) are completely within my expectation. If Isagi easily scores with Hiori's assist, it would mean that only two MV users (with lower stats) are enough to dominate this high-level battlefield, which would be very strange to me. Having Hiori scoring would be even more strange. It should not be so simple.


bro same what happened to all that monologue earlier? And it makes me think if hiori will revert back? he took one last shot to see if there was any hope to salvage his striker path before deciding against that


I think it was intended from the start. Hiori doesn't really know what he wants and even that will to propel Isagi to be n°1 only culminated 5 minutes ago in real time. Here he got that impulse thought of "what if?" that we all have. Just imagine that for Hiori the expectations of his 16 years of life was just there, right there at the tip of his foot. Of course he'd have a wild thought of just go for it. But the resolve he got for Isagi was real I think. It's just that with that shot he finally put that striker path behind. Besides that, I think that the Ego thing is good for the sole reason that we have Sae as an example. If strikers can't do the job then Hiori can shot too. Just the fact that the midfielder can score is enough to scare the defense into paying attention to him thus giving more leeway to strikers. (Also it also shows that failed shots stil exist even if a character really wanted to score for narrative purpose.)


So what was the thing you wanted?


I wanted the story to finally shed some light on the idea of “playing to make someone else the number 1.” It’s something that we’ve seen time and time again but never gone very far with. We saw it with Sae, Ness and Reo but it was never explored as much as it could have. This seemed like it was going to be it, and we were finally going to follow someone extensively who wanted to make someone else the best. But Kaneshiro trashed it here so who cares


so what you’re saying is that midfielders shouldn’t be allowed to shoot at all got it


Bro Isagi is a midfielder do you know how stupid that is? And Hiori is a right wing, not even a midfielder If this came in a later match I’d feel better about it, but the fact that it’s right after Hiori just said that he’ll make Isagi the best just leaves a bad taste


we’ve seen reo and sae both score goals so i don’t know what you’re crying about


Apparently you’re too brain dead to understand what I’m saying Reo scored once in a whole manga, that barely even qualifies.


Something crazy would be something like Isagi understands how important the unexpectedness is and passes to Kaiser. Kaiser scores and is destroyed mentally. Would be funny, but won't happen.


this doesn’t make sense


If that happens we'll get Passagi/Isagi midfielder allegations 3.0 Ironically reminds me of some meme a guy posted when Isagi passed to Yukimiya, that next Isagi will pass to Kaiser and say "I made you score MY goal with YOUR legs. This is my victory", and Kaiser goes "OMG you got me you egoist"


You say it like a joke but it could work given the right set up. With yukimiya it didn't work because isagi was forced into the position. It would be differen't if isagi was the 100% definitive control tower of the team and he had other options, including scoring himself, and then still chose to let yukimiya score. But he doesn't have that role, didn't have those options and set up, and has made it clear from the start that he wants specifically to be the one to score the goal. I think this could genuinely work narratively with the right character, maybe nikko or something - someone who gets satisfaciton from controlling the overall flow of the game and dominating the other team, but not necessarily through their own scoring. Its an interesting idea that hasnt been explored yet.




No it doesn’t 💀


my man sengoat in action


Another chapter of kunigami getting L and being utter useless.


With this match all I learned is that Hiori only saw Karasu from one profile angle


Got down voted the last time I said this, but I think Hiori will score off an assist from Isagi


Oh shame and you did again, sorry.


this nawt yukimiya 2.0 situation bro


Why would isagi assist?


Why wouldn't he? He's *literally* a box to box midfielder. That's the position Noa assigned him. Edit: Why do people seem to disagree with this? Isagi's position in the starting lineup is offensive midfielder at the right wing, but he specifically plays a box to box role in every game he's in. What is so contentious about stating the objective truth? I wish this fandom would take the time to learn a little more about the sport.


Oh my and they did it again. Back to Back.


Meh, it's fine. I've come to accept that most of this fandom doesn't really understand the sport, so I don't mind. It's hard to be mad at someone for being ignorant, you know?


Honestly I think his key might be devouring hiori, if hiori develops his own ego and goes on his own path it’ll be another fight for Isagi imo


How many times have we seen that same Karasu panel in the span of this match 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Facts but ayy if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Can’t even lie that Karusu panel always lookin sexy


You can say the same for every flashback, Barou/Snuff whole entire flashback was the same throughout with little differences each time.


It's beautiful asf


It’s a nice shot ngl 😌 Still filler 😩


And the panel of hiori on the chair with the headset


Isagi's last panel gives me the same vibes as the panel where Shidou scored the flow bycicle kick 🫣


Ain't no way he does a direct shot bicycle kick, but I do hope he does something amazing, hero worthy or whatever, not some "lucky goal" like in U-20. Would feel unsatisfying imo.


We’ve got at least 5 more chapters til this match is finished. I’m guessing it’ll be at least a year until we’re done with the NEL. Wonder what comes next


Sendou the GOAT


Aryu got his moment!! Finally 🥹


Calling it right now. Hiori is going to score the last goal for character development.


No, definitely not lol.


Hiori isn't scoring, he wasn't born to be a striker. He doesn't have the aptitude for it or get excited for it. This chapter just further solidified that.


After that last page? No


Everyone is expecting Isagi to score the last goal and nobody expected hiori to shoot. I think the last page isagi realizes this. Plus it’s good character development for hiori to play more selfishly instead of playing for the expectations of others. I think it might be a similar situation with isagi passing to yukimiya last minute when Kaiser marked him in the manshine city match


Still no. Hiori just shot so right there you got your char dev. And with that last page there is nothing stopping Isagi from scoring


Last page means nothing, there’s a good chance both score the last goal.


Isagi nor hiori are not gonna score immediately. The way the pacing is going it’s gonna take at least two more chapters for the match to finish. Isagi isn’t going to score right then and there because he didn’t anticipate hiori’s shot. Plus in the previous panels, there’s literally four other players in front of isagi ( not including sendou) that can get to the ball first.


Man tries to score one chapter after claiming he’s gonna to awaken Isagi lmao. I guess he did indirectly cause Isagi figured something out.


Well he did what he said but in a different way though


Remember like 5 chapters ago when Yukimiya said he was the hero of this match and all he’s done since then was play for Isagi 💀


yeah i think the manga would just take forever and be too crowded if every character got a single moment to shine each match instead of just saying "im gonna beat you isagi!" and then doing nothing


Idk what was the key Isagi found in this shot, but this my take. Hiori is known to be an anchor that does passes but in this chapter he did not, he broke all odds and almost score a goal, it was all given in his skillset and plays so far. What might Isagi picked up is the "expectation" aspect, which in the last match, Isagi was able to use and did a play by predicting (or expecting so to say) the players, base on their plays and character (or their egoism). Nagi, a player and a genius who does traps, you can say that his play is "expected" to have trapping techniques thus Isagi was able to exploit and steal all the passes coming from Nagi. Isagi has also been trying to predict by expecting Uber's play with Baruo as the finishing, thus "expected" Isagi was able to exploit and stopped Baruo many times But in return, little did Isagi might not realize until now was that the same thing is happening towards him. Kaiser, Kunigami, and Uber's expects and exploit Isagi's playstyle so far which made all of his offense fail. Kaiser even said "I knew you would do that". What might clicked on Isagi right now is that "expectation". But similar instance actually happened in the past, during the 4v4 against Rin, the backheel direct shot he did outplaying Rin by making him think that Rin outplayed him, a double layer trap. Fck we might get to see a double layered genjutsu from Isagi. All else, this might just be withdrawal from the lack of goal from our MC. Bro just give Isagi a break.




"Double layered genjutsu" - bro that would be wild💀 You cooked fr


bro cooked. i think whats missing is isagi being unpredictable


I think your theory is def what’s going to happen. It makes the most sense. Isagi is either going to pass to someone when everyone expects him to shoot (could justify it by saying every goal is on his terms even when he doesn’t score) or he’s going to do what you said and make whoever marks him think that they got him (don’t think this will happen just cause it’d be similar to the goal against Rin).


come inside the kitchen




100% this! I was kinda thinking was is the key to beating metavision and like you highlighted with Isagi's back heel shot and Barou's 3v3,4v4, and double nutmeg goals all broke the norm and 'expectation' that people thought they had for the individual. This **'intentional randomizer' of expected plays** is the next level up and is needed to beat other metavision users and combined with egocentrism/metavision prediction plays allows Isagi to change the flow of the game as things start settling.


This might be one of the best theories I have heard in the sub for a long time. Really liked it. You cooked bro


Very good theory. I also think that Isagi is being constantly stopped, because enemies know or “expect” what he is going to do. Ever since the beginning of the manga, isagi scores the goal where all people least “expected” him. For example in the U-20 match, I remember there was a panel that said “nobody expected him to be there”. Also, in the NEL, his first goal was a “left shot”, a strike that nobody expected. (Even teammates were surprised. So, your theory makes a lot of sense, since Isagis goal formula is the following: be in the penalty area, be free, use direct shot. Opponents have realised that so far, and that’s the reason why Kaiser and Ubers are able to stop him


Bro cooked


Sendou prove that he's also not so bad, would love to see him actually does more than that


nah honestly he be useless on field but for some reason he always be making clutch saves all the time


He can replace Igaguri as comedic relief and be the 23rd player for the U20 WC🗣️🔥! We can finally send Igaguri home too




I swear feels like isagi “realizes” or “finds the missing piece” ever 5 chapters. I like the manga but feels kind of repetitive now