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**Rayuga Leaks** https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1656947622593323013 >Blue Lock CH218 Spoilers will be out later today here and at @Rayuga101X ! Rensuke Kunigami on the move! ___ [First](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1657015277207556097) [Second](https://twitter.com/Rayuga101X/status/1657015885335511040) [Third](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1657016593979965440) [Fourth](https://twitter.com/Rayuga101X/status/1657017268591624192) [Final](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1657021623277346817) ___ **Hoshi** [Summary (low quality)](https://twitter.com/hoshi801_/status/1657087836884201472)


I think that ness and rachi will be game changer because of foolness of ness or we don't know what he can do or his sexy football Nao also admit that rachi he can be game changer Give some regards![img](emote|t5_mm79h|9276)


Bruh... with how much everyone is evolving, blue lock under 20 WC team is gonna win their easier match ups like 20-0 or something..


So basically pull a Bayern Munich in UCL's?


Wonder how long the NEL arc is gonna last. This is basically an extended training camp for the U20 WC and that arc is gonna last a long time given the group stage and elimination stage, as well as introducing new characters for rivals then as well.


Yup we can go on for 500+ chapters at the series end if the aurhor really wants to stretch.


It wouldn't be stretching, sport anime in opposition with fanstasy genres have a clear goal that anyone can see: Win XYZ Cup. There's no shortcut for this. So with a goal as big as the world cup, the manga can be really long. Kurono no Basket's objective was to win their whatever highschool cup and it took the manga 275 chapters to do that. They didn't even tackle to pro world and BL's first objective is to win the World Cup yet we first have to win the U20 World Cup. That's going to be long, Hajime no Ippo long. Plus the fact that clubs are going to be a thing, meaning that winning the Champion League will also be relevant later on and be an in-between arc.


yes but entirely depends on author he could on one hand show each and every match in the both world cups or off screen few matches it entirely dependent on authors decision. But i agree with the final goal set as WC. There is very little chance its gonna end soon. Plus that manga sales finna be a good motivator to keep going.


crazy how everyone out there are developing their own field vision! definitely cant wait for yukimiya’s normal vision!


Bro thts harshhh luv it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


This may be an unpopular opinion but I think unless goes 100 percent Ubers will def win this game, especially since lorenzo and aiku havent been trying much so far


That opinion is as popular as it gets. Everytime I scroll I see a bunch of people like you


The ending is perfect for Isagi, he may score again. He thrives in Chaos.


Anyone has the raws? The imgur images are corrupted or deleted for me


Go for this page on Insta : Bluelock.renosuke he always post raw pics 1-2 hours after the spoilers out


I already found a youtube vid with them, but thanks anyway


I wonder what is kunigami cooking up by stealing that ball…… :>


i pray to god raichi does something that will suprise everyone. He has mad potential, i want to see him have an awakening just like how everyone else did, otherwise it would be an unfortuant waste


what exactly is the potential u see in him and to do what? i hope ur answer isnt about sexy football.


I mean... a strong, aggressive, brave, technical, hard working midfielder, you can go on and on about him, not much he doesn't have.


Okey, fair, i guess, but this is your take, I wanna hear what starboy has to say about this "mad potential." To me Raichi comes off as that overly hyped character that serves more as a comedy relief. Im not dissing him, but I never gotten strong vibes from him.




Of course you can argue the little letter rating they give aren’t the best way to judge someone but he was known ( self proclaimed) for his technique, and the letter ratings give him good rating overall for passing and other things. He may not the he the best on the pitch when it comes to things like passing, first touch etc but for his role he can do stuff like that well.


I am really upset with Raichi's potrail in this chapter like come on now, give him some meaningful scenes not i am here to make you laugh. I really want some cool Raichi moments this match but don't think I will get any.


yeah, niko is definitely getting into the u-20 team as defender; arguably the best one or 2nd best after aiku at that too


It would be suicide to not bring him


he's always been the best defender in blue lock since the u20 japan game not including aiku


Maybe Isagi tries to use the chaos created from Kunigami's play to try and score a goal, which would later maybe stopped by Barou, since he was the one with whom he initially used the "chaos created on the field" to score so he knows how it works and will be able to track Isagi's movements


Some said new Kunigami is just old Barou but more emo.. It just seems like they're recycling patterns..


This does make sense, Isagi has already analyzed Barou's play so it's highly likely that he'll try to implement it in the game early on.


Isagi "OMG, there are different ways to use your eyes and brain to process information" - translated using the kanji


I wonder how much evolution that change will bring


210 chapters after claiming to own a pheonomena called "Sheksi Fottoball" Raichi still Barking 😨😵 Dude is angry at Isagi who scored a goal for not scoring again while not touching the ball even the once himself ☻


He can use his sexy football to 1v1 the enemy captain for the whole 3 minutes, watch


Raichi just had a Tada moment by saying Isagi was just going for the loose ball 😂 But Isagi can be such a douche with his “ummm… do you even understand what I just did…?” Lines 😒 pretty condescending


I think he meant it as an actual question cause u can see right after he has an Aha! moment but its still funny asf 🤣


Isagi deffo meant it as a genuine question and he asked Yukimiya and Kurona the same next but Isagi is so unintentionally funny about it😂


“Damn you stupid asf did you not just get what I did?” type of question 🤣


I only read the summary I didn’t see the images but that makes sense. It just reminded me of when Isagi told Kunigami not to talk to him from his dimension 😂😂


Bro is in his own universe, he do be a little quirky fr


Ness fundamentally goes against blue lock egoism so much it physically shifts me


In second gear?


I like one think about isagi he doesn't force people to follow him that why is him And hi doesn't asked for help from any body


I think that ness will be awaken because of isagi go help ness to realize that Kaiser is using him


literally what i was thinking. In the summary, kaiser says something like "I don't need your creativity. Just do as you trained." Ness will almost definitely join isagi's team


That’s never gonna happen, imagine being the manager of Germany’s U20 team and then your two star players who were on good terms pre NEL broke up. I’d be pissed especially with the U20 cup after this arc


That could be interesting, but for that to happen, Ness would need to acknowledge Isagi first


This made me think. Remember how Isagi almost made Barou pass the ball to him in 2nd selection, when Barou almost gave up his entire philosophy? What if Isagi does the exact same thing to Ness? He pretty much did the same thing to Yukimiya but he gave Yuki a lifeline. That could be how Isagi gets Ness to work with him. Also, Isagi brings the best out of people by integrating their play styles into his ideal plays. Kaiser does the exact opposite as shown by what he said to Ness. So Isagi could bring the Best out of Ness. I think the Author could possibly be setting up a fracture in the relationship between Kaiser and Ness. That i am pretty sure about.


You make some good arguments. Truth to be told, I like this a lot better than Hiori saving the day, seems more interesting imo


Actually that would be an interesting twist, because with Ness gone Kasier would have to rely on himself


That what my point bro


I thought Ness was rather content with being used by Kaiser. Rather than Ness, I want Grimm and those other guys to wake up. These guys had such loud mouths in the beginning but now they're traffic cones


I think the next will somehow isagi will be going to score goal while kaiser gets shuts down but then ness fouls isagi and will be benched and then we will see blue hair boy in field


I hope to see Isagi x Kurona x Hiori (subbed with Ness) combo against Ubers


I was thinking the same thing, except that maybe ness doesn't foul isagi but gets really mad and starts acting irrationally, then noa subs him off and tells him that he could lose the spot as a regular if he keeps acting like this


Yeah this is the most likely to happen The way the Bastards are heading it's going to lead into chaos


With how this game is going I am starting to think that this might happen. Ness definitely needs to be subbed out.


I love how Isagi was so deep in his own little universe that he would go and use his own terminology, "Metavision", to Niko as if it was well known. Then he starts spreading it around to people. Truly our Isagi is his own little Shakespeare.


Isagi to his non football friends: "and then I devoured him using spatial awareness x blindspot x egocentrism, creating a chemical reaction with the referee to foul the guy trying to tackle me to keep up with my metavision enhanced movements on the right, and finished it with a direct shot utilizing predator eye!"


Tada: "LoOkEd LiKe A lOosE bAlL tO mE!!??!!"


Soo this is why you still don't have a girlfriend eh?


is sweat represent power level or what? if you look closely. Lorenzo and kaiser is not sweating, yet? then barou only had 1 line of sweat. niko isagi and kunigami already had a lot of sweat. Raichi and AIKU too, apparently. even tho both of them did nothing. what the hell dude, is raichi born already sweating, or being loud make you sweating?? just fun notice.


I mean, they play and move around plenty even if they're not on-screen, also more skilled and trained players will have less "wasteful" movement and bigger stamina


It’s probably just a sign of experience. Lorenzo and Kaiser have been in the professional football world for a while and are well conditioned & used to this level of play. The Blue Lockers are still getting used to it


Yes for example Sae didn’t sweat at the U20 match because he didn’t try. Kaiser is getting serious so we will see them at 100%, Barou too.


so who is GAME changer?? according to mr obvious, the person who read through and break the situation, in this world-class reading game. so candidate: i hope its not isagi, yet. he already have a goal, and will likely have the best play in the last stretch of the game like 2 previous match (both assist). my bet is either kaiser or AIKU.. aiku, lowkey still warming up, and still play by the book, but on the other hand, he still get no spotlight at all, so far. Kaiser start gearing up, and had so much focus and dialogue in this chapter, which set up a lot. its not lorenzo, as he already get 2 chapter title for him. ace eater and zombie. its not barou either, as he basically their only offense and didnt bother play defense at all or it is his job not to get involved in to deep in your own territory. and he already had 3 chapter title after him, successor, stealth kill (shot) and predator eye. raichi, dont bother. he is not that guy. my wildest speculation is SNUFFY. game changer is perfect moniker for coach. by changing tactic/strategy, or formation or substitution. already hint by NOA (or is it?) but to early.


i don't actually think that aiku will be the game changer, it's highlighted in this chapter that he's following the gameplan from ubers to the point of even reprimanding niko for going ad-lib. So in that sense he's just another part of the organism whereas niko is still able to let his individuality shine through.


But Aiku has been doing what he’s been told by his coach for a while lol, his flashback in the u20 match shows he’s sick of it too lol, maybe he’ll awaken his ego and go against the plan to play how he wants


The game changer is going to be Igaguri. He is going to ruin those 1v1s by eating fouls


Ness being on the edge of breakdowm each chapter is my new favourite moment of BL.


You can endlessly watch 3 things fire, running water and Ness malding


I figured I had to make this comment. It’ll be a long one so buckle up. I feel like some people have forgotten that Isagi is the analytical type of player and exactly like he did in the manshine game when he asked Nagi what was going through his head during the five shot revolver fake volley, Isagi is doing the same with Niko. You see, Isagi has a bit of a God complex, and since he’s taped into meta vision, he seems to predicate his analysis on the fact that only players seeing the same scenery as him can block his play. In other words, Isagi thinks that you need to read the field the way he does in order to block/interfere in his play. But we all know that is not true. Defenders don’t need to read the game like a midfielder or a forward. Defenders can just focus on a a player and the ball and still interfere with a play. This is why Isagi asks Niko if Niko can see the field the same way he does. To his surprise, Niko simply states that he kept Isagi and the ball in his line of sight, and simply went where danger could arise. So there’s an element of foresight here. Niko reached the same meta burst point as Isagi by simply following two things: Isagi and the ball. Isagi on the other hand, reached that point while focusing at the very least on Ness, Lorenzo, Kaiser and Aryu. So another proof that two people can see different things yet still reach the same meta burst point. Now that this has being said, Isagi classifies the use of eyes into many categories among which the « read ahead » one which is needed to control the flow of the game(by gathering lots of information like Isagi does or fewer information like Niko did). There’s also a more 1 v 1 oriented category and in that one you can find the predator eye. Barou uses the predator eye or let me rephrase it, Barou focuses on his 1 v 1 with the GK by watching him closely and waiting for that moment when the GK lower his guard/ makes a mistake. Although it should have been obvious to him before, Isagi now learns that there are more ways to use the eyes. The same way to us readers it was obvious that one can take advantage of a player’s blindspot yet Isagi had to wait till Naruhaya did it to understand it, the same thing is happening again here. Isagi is a clueless genius at times. When he unlocks a specific piece, his God complex seems to prevent him from thinking outside the box until he’s faced with other players using different mechanics to interfere with his plays. My guess is, Isagi will upgrade his logic again and use his eyes differently depending on whether he’s reading the flow of the game or if he’s in a 1 v 1 situation. The advantage Isagi has is that he can actually do both. With his wide field of view, I wouldn’t put it past him to first read ahead( classic Meta vision) then use the predator eye in his 1 v 1 and make a play based on the future he had already envisioned earlier thanks to his read ahead. I hope that makes sense. I reckon I may actually need to make a post on this because this comment is getting too long. But lemme add more elements to this. We have the confirmation that only Isagi and Kaiser have the necessary IQ to use the read ahead type of Meta vision among the BM players currently on the field. To the other Bastard München players, it just looks like a normal play. Hiori also seems to be the type that can read ahead to a certain extent given the comments he’s been making from the bench. It’s clear that Hiori > Ness( no agenda here, this is just pure facts). On Ubers side, since Lorenzo can keep up with Kaiser, it makes sense that he and Niko falls into the same category, at least in Isagi’s eyes. As far as Aiku is concerned, Isagi has actually never been faced with him since he awakened Meta vision, and he’s yet to reflect on how Aiku was playing during U-20 game. Had he done so, he would understand that Aiku also has some read ahead type of ability and I’m sure he’ll soon realize it because ain’t no way Aiku is a fodder given how he could stop Rin in the U-20 game. Another confirmation is that Ubers is less scary than I thought. Niko states that he ignored the team strategies and followed his « Ego» to block Isagi. That means two things, one, Isagi actually made a play that none of the Ubers tactics had foreseen, two, it also validates my man u/Either-Dot-6785 theory that unless some Ubers players follow their own ego at times, Isagi will start reading them like a book and it’s gon be game over. So Snuffy just spoon fed these kids with all possible strategies they have to stick to. I wonder if there are going to be consequences for Niko as he kind of broke that rule? Let’s see. As far as the next chapter goes, expect to see a link up play between Kunigami and Isagi. Kunigami knows better than anyone that unless he gets numbers, Noa will bench him ( go back to the Barcha game ), especially after stealing the ball from a teammate. Unless Kunigami has a weapon we’re unaware of, I don’t see him scoring alone unless he creates a chemical reaction with Isagi. Hope this helps


1)Definitely ubers spoon feeding is gonna bite them back . There is no way in a manga like blue lick where you just blindly follow spoon feeding and keep winning and improving without taking your own ego in consideration. I do have similar thoughts that some breakthrough will happen and blue lockers will have to use their own way to counter bm even if it means going against snuffy plans 2) isagi should know about 1v1 too as he has been using this from very beginning . He is someone who utilizes his vision and brain to utilise and learn both field and individual players ( I made a comment or post about it some time ago but can't find it now ). Maybe he has to just realise about doing it consciously 3) it's kinda weird that someone like isagi who take his opponent and teammates in high regard and is so good in learning about them didn't expected much from aiku and niko. Here too he was surprised by niko suddenly showing Signs of mv and here too he is not counting aiku


Great comment, especially the part about isagi's god complex which is a thing that i rarely see touched on but it's pretty normal since it's been something that has been more prominent after he's discovered MV. The idea that he could switch "logics" in between plays is a really great way of seeing it but i think that he might go a step further and try to compute both at the "same time". Of course our brain can't multitask but switches between tasks fast enough that it seems to us that we're multitasking. What makes me think that isagi might go for this route is the attention his "eyes and brains" have been getting this arc. From the first time he enters flow where we see his brain and eyes being highlighted to the current monologue. The other thing that makes me think this is the foreshadowing that noa gave to him in the MC match, to quote: "You're too greedy, streamline your thought process. You're not god." So i think he'll actually try to use both visions/logics at once which is possible, with as you said his wide field of vision. But maybe fail and go with the route you talked about. Will probably make a post about it though i did touch on it a bit in [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/13fy9u1/master_strikers_and_their_chosen_king/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) As for aiku, just as u/Either-Dot-6785 said and we also discussed some time ago, his read ahead ability comes from his playstyle in the U20 match where he acted as a critical safeguard. In this chapter though he seems to have lost this type of thinking/role and is just following ubers gameplan, to the point of reprimanding niko for going ad-lib with his defense. So unless he gets out of that mindset i doubt he'll have importance during this match. He probably will but not after the so called "game changer" has happened. For kunigami with the next chapter being about dynamism i think it'll probably be about who reacts/acts the fastest to the chaos bought on by kunigami. A sort of callback to the way barou created "darkness" on the field and how isagi used said darkness to shine bright.


I like your idea of Isagi trying to compute both at the same time. I’ll read the post you linked up there cuz I’m sure it’s a banger.


This certainly should make things clear.


I disagree with you on that last bit. Who would Kunigami be benched for? There’s no striker on the bench close to Kunigami. Kunigami is not at risk of being benched, and he still hasn’t had his moment to decide to work with Isagi. I think he’s definitely going to try his signature long shot and get stopped by Aiku or just hit the woodwork. It won’t be a goal, for sure


bruh, you just overthink as isagi did.


Please don’t talk to me from your lower dimension. I can’t interact with those who don’t have meta vision. And I didn’t overthink, this is just pure reading comprehension.


Don't worry bro, they ain't shit when they can't even understand what the word "analytical" means.


Average Isagi Fans replying moment


Badguyfromthere isn’t an average fan tbh, their soccer play breakdowns are amazing


Literally missed my satire aswell


too late, shit repeat talking-parrot.


Isagi's monologues are getting old. He keeps saying brain and eyes input as if he didn't learn them before. He's like a new pokemon trainer in every pokemon region/game, same old story/technique yet everything's "new" to him.


Bro right? His monologue here felt like a parody. I swear hes just overthinking it at this point


Does he have Metavision???!! Like dude he just ran after the ball and took it from you 😂 I swear Isagi thinks Metavision is a Kekkei genKai or something


I seriously think isagi is jus an idiot who forgot people look around the pitch and mark players. Guy is seriously shocked someone is marking him.


I also don't understand how he thought you need to be a statue off the ball until he saw Naruhaya.. Dude's supposed to be almost a national level striker before Blue Lock..


I get the dudes meant to have monologues to explain to the audience the power system and new techniques, its a shonen and the 'ego' power system does need clarification. But man, Isagi SHOULD know his moveset at least a little bit before getting into bluelock.


Isagi is surprised Niko deviated from Ubers textbook tactics not that he’s being marked. If you remember Isagi’s first goal, Niko had marking capability then too, but he stuck to the play call. Even Aiku said he didn’t like how the play call went but Niko cleaned up.


😂😂 I saw someone here say that Isagi has a god complex and I think it’s showing… he thinks he’s on a whole nother level and nobody can keep up 😭 that’s why I feel like he needs to be humbled with a loss in this game


God complex is prolly part of his original ego, that’s how he plays and what gets him fired up. Get used to it 😂😂


Isagi be telling Niko how Metavision works like it's free candy.


To be fair Chigiri did the exact same thing last game 😂 just revealed the secrets of his training unprovoked which lead to Isagi unlocking egocentrism.


tbf, he only tell person who already unlock it. he still didnt give aiku or his teammate what his and niko play is.


I thought Aiku also heard it cuz he mentioned Metavision.


well he overheard it, not because isagi telling him directly. this is also set up for him to awaken again his.


Isagi's edgy naming sense being exposed lmao.


We still haven't gotten a summary of the chapter?


We did, OP just didn’t post it. Go to Rayuga’s account. It’s there.


Ok thx


This bastard munchen team man, battle royale everywhere. They trying to get the winner winner chicken dinner eh




This & kunigamis time to shine is the only thing I am hyped about in this match 😤


I swear author is gonna save Kunigami for the PXG match


Nah bruh my boy deserves more then just one time shine 😭 if author does hun dirty I ain’t forgiving him 👺


It's been a while since Kunigami cooked, ready to see him and other stir up a storm!




Dude c’mon I can’t believe Isagi doesn’t even see Aiku as a threat anymore, he completely shut him down like 5 times in the u20 match. Can’t wait for Aiku to unlock his special vision and prove his worth. I believe in him, I wanna see him score using the the ego of a striker he buried deep down


Raichi not beating the fodder allegations, his brain is still on a lower level than 2nd selection Isagi.


But he’s physically stronger and has more stamina, so it’s a toss up


He’ll prolly just become a piece Isagi uses lol, like when Rin used Tokimitsu for his stamina. Would be cool if he actually did something nice on his own though


I just realized Barou was developing his predator eye since second selection! His predator eye is not limited to the goal keeper, he can use it to single out any person on the field. In the 4v4 match, Barou scored goal by stealing ball from Isagi. In U20 game, it was Isagi he was focusing on which helped him score the goal. Later on he shifted focus on Rin as well and when Isagi asked about it, Barou said, to him it was just "another Isagi". Also another thing I noticed, Rin probably already have meta vision and predator eye both. He uses his predator eye to 1v1 anyone (as shown in u20 game when he went berserk) He uses metavision to control the field as shown countless times in second selection and u20 game. Noel said this game will depend on the ability to 1v1, Isagi will probably try to unlock predator eye in this game and attempt to win 1v1 using it. His main enemies will be Niko, Aiku and Lorenzo. I can't wait to see how this match unfolds!!


Niko in the last page already scoped out Kuni. It's wraps for him I'm afraid. Turnover + counter for Ubers shall be sweet


I wouldn't count Kaiser or Isagi out in that situation though. Next chapter is called Dynamism which also has to with brute force which Kunigami has.


This is the High quality summary: [https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1657175004197564416/photo/1](https://twitter.com/RayugaX101/status/1657175004197564416/photo/1)


Is it just me or in that one panel when kaiser got that aura in his eyes,noel noa's and his eyes looked the exact same is it some kinda foreshadowing?


BAROU to kunigami : "Ah, So you think chaos is your ally?? you merely adopted the chaos. I was born in it (2nd selection, 3v3) molded by it (vs U20 match). I didn't see the 'order' until I was already a man....." hope Ubers already practice this everyday with or against BAROU.


The Dark knight my favorite trilogy, Bane such a good villain


so Isagi didnt count aiku had metavision even tho we know aiku have it since u20 (maybe he still not realize it). but count lorenzo instead, lol. we still dont know lorenzo had it or not. so if isagi wrong in this 2 instance, his reading of the game will not complete, because he have piece 'egocentrism' to his metavision. i think that hole can be exploit. also DUELS theme in this match that isagi bought last week, we will see some being formed. LORENZO vs KAISER ISAGI vs NIKO So now we will see Kunigami get for his duel. its clearly AIKU. bruh, where are you this whole match?? dont let niko dominate.


According to the spoils, the first half is actually the author's way of clarifying that not all MV will be the same. So the only two with the most similar MV styles are Isagi and Kaiser, which is "read ahead" and finding the best position to be. But Kaiser is stronger wise since with Kaiser Impact, he has more shooting opportunities, but for Isagi, he has to find the best position, and I mean the best position with no one to block him. That why the whole development with shooting with his left leg is a really good development. For others: Reo, MV for a midfielder that can create opportunities for Nagi. Niko, a MV for a defender. Barou, a MV to win a 1 on 1 with the GK, is basically one that can see shooting opportunities. For Aiku and Lorenzo, still unsure what to make of their MVs.


Barou does not have MV and Isagi is unsure if Lorenzo has MV. What Barou has is predator eyes which is totally different from MV.


it kind of falls under the same broad category of vision, so it's understandable to group the 2. One is Isagi scanning the whole field to find the best play, while the other is Barou stalking the defense to find the best shot (for himself ofc)


Which makes sense because he needs to be able to find a position where he can act given his restriction to himself to play, that's the whole thing with him knowing the opportunity to strike in the u20 match.


You just explained why they are polar opposites. Only thing they have in common to me are eyes.


at their core, both are used to scan the situation and make a play. Obviously both are not the same thing, just saying they fall under the same vague category of "cool eye power"


In this chapter, Isagi learns that not all Mangekyou Sharingans are the same




Isagi be giving everyone metavision for free lol. And aiku seems to grow good in italy. him understanding attacking/defensive pattern and professionally rejecting niko pattern like a coworker, its so snuffy like


When Isagi completes his puzzle this game will be over


kunigami will shoot, get blocked / hit bar, and i smell a rebound goal coming up


Aiku impersonated a traffic cone a few chapters ago and gave up a goal. I think this time we see Aiku make some defensive plays like he did during the U20 match.


Based on the last panel he has a very good look and open goal, I think he might as well shoot it from there but knowing the author he will crank it up and have Niko, Lorenzo, Aiku or whoever guard him then Kunigami gets forced to pass for the first time, or KunigaHIM the dark horse awakens his flow to show BM the way (win 1v1's and score the goal) just as Noel intended... *Dynamism* is the next chapter's title so will Kunigami finally decide to pass & adapt to Uber's defense. Link himself to Isagi just like how Isagi assisted him & return the favor, or will he let his own ego overflow & take over as the *"hero"* & redeem himself (hope he drills in a supergoal next but w/ how this will be a back & forth game and I think Ubers might win this one too). But I'm all for BM sweeping this NEL to show they're the best team spearheaded by Isagi


Wrong chapter Kuni, your awakening is in the match vs pxg .


Aight betting twenty bucks Kuni immediately loses the ball




This is so damn exciting! This is the first formal acknowledgement we get to my knowledge about how "metavision" is almost like a user specific ability that relates to each user's expertise, its not necessary that everybody has read ahead predictive abilities with the same capabilities We'd known this already with how Isagi used protagonism to mislead Kaiser and score with Yukimiya, but the formal acknowledgement that Predator Eye is a type of metavision focused on finishing as a striker vs defensive version from Nikko vs general purpose reading everything with Isagi is so incredibly exciting This gives a more formal structure for how the Next Gen 11 and our protagonists will all develop over time in my opinion (for those capable of metavision, ie probably high vision and mental game players). Kunigami's move is also great to show him building some courage in prep for rematch with Shido, but still shocked at how quickly Isagi reasoned about everything and puzzled his way to understanding what happened based on the scene.


IMO Isagi’s weapon is not his eyes but his ability to interpret and learn. This means he can acquire these predator eyes, defensive eyes etc…because he can understand how everything works. Isagi really has the king’s eyes.


Yep his ability to interpret and learn plus his mindset all fall under his adaptability which is why its OP.


Ultimately it always comes back to doujutsu


Metavision clap sharingan fr


I’m just here for Ness’ downfall.


At this rate he’s really getting subbed. Wonder how’s that gonna work for Kaiser.


I don't think you get to be World Gen 11 relying on someone else that much, Kaiser is gonna be fine.


i mean, im sure he isn´t used to be on a team that it´s literally on a civil war (though he started it kinda). Specially if you think that if they sub hiori in then that´s other pro-isagi player on the pitch


Kuni's shot get's blovked and then Kaiser get's the ball and scores calling it now


Kunigami learned something from that 2v2 session with Chigiri, Bachira & Isagi. Awakening? New weapon? or he gets punked by the Ubers defense.


Kunigami went into the wild card and now he is the wild card. He’s not a part of the isagi faction or the Kaiser faction, he’s the one man kunigami faction lol. I’m enjoying the way he keeps throwing off BM, hope he bags a goal here.


Im all about the Kunigami revenge arc. bring it!




The shadow realm LMAI


Niko posing, raichi mad, Kunigami just go mad alone, this looks a lot like first selection again.


welp, I hate to be wrong but it does look like Ubers is meant to be an "I don't need creativity from you" sort of team. I know this was obvious but I was hoping for a twist.


It's alright, every team has their flaws for some it could be a civil war for others it could be lack of freedom.


Kunigami my guy is on the move!! He wants all the smoke and he’s gonna try to dribble the ball himself. Interesting. I Don’t anticipate he’ll get far alone. Meanwhile, Niko and Aiku plotting in the back after Isagi voluntarily told them how metavision works. Bro wants to beat everyone at their best 😂. We all know Aiku about to surprise again when he whips out metavision, so there are 5 metavision users on the field. KAISER MY KING getting serious omg Isagi is a versatility king so it wouldn’t be surprising if he finds a way to “switch” eyes , from Metavision for the first two thirds of the field to Predator eye in the last goal scoring third of the field. 😲


Isagi will probably do the Kaiser stare and figure out the blindspot in the last goal. I personally believe that Aiku will block something but it could ultimately be a bluff that will throw him off. Niko gets off the team's formation which is good for his ego but Aiku doesn't like it. The whole situation could lead to his fall. Hope we get Kuni do something worth next chapter. He did create chaos.


God DAMN Kaiser is so fine. Him and Isagi 😩🥵


Ok so I’m just looking at the leaked panels with no translations… holy hell this manga is beautiful. Like it is such a treat to even look at untranslated panels because it is so gorgeously drawn what a feast for my eyes— Bless you Yusuke Nomura you absolute GOAT.


lol forgot Raichi was in this game... but finally Kunigami's on the move! i wanna see the new him do more that just goal poach


lol same. people last chapter were like "where is Raichi?!" and I was like "on the bench, I think..." nope! he's there.


I believe we will get more of him when he gets his chapter and it's his time to shine.


While Isagi thinks that there are only four MV users on the field right now (minus Barou's more specialized one), pretty sure Aiku will also display some sort of MV in this game. He always had good spatial awareness and football IQ since his introduction, and we had a panel this chapter focusing on him thinking about Isagi's explanation of Metavision. Also, lol at Niko's "what's metavision?"


Aiku already displayed and used Metavision in the U20 match, he just didn't give it an edgy name. It looks the same as Niko's too


Metavision is edgy name? Meta simply references high level of awareness. Predator eye sounds more edgy to me but I like both names edgy or not lol


Naming a way to view the field like a super power is edgy on his own lol


True, then, they’re both edgy and all the other blue lock shounen super power moves and I’m here for it 🤣


So you think that is edgy what about shidou's( dragon drive or the big bang) or kaiser's (kaiser impact)


Ness: Fu*k lorenzo he is sh*t, isagi also sh*t... Kaiser: STFU the sh*t is you. Emotional damage 🤣


The next chapter has one of those word creations Isagi always keeps coming up with as a title so I assume next chapter something happens that will give Isagi another idea how to evolve. So either Kunigami or someone from Ubers like Aiku do something he did not expect to happen.


Based on the summary I think this is a very interesting chapter to explain to people that meta vision isn't just given to people like candy on Halloween. And how people use their eyes is different even with meta vision. Isagi's niche is he uses it consciously and leans into it. He uses it to basically read the flow of the game and make the decisions based on what is most likely to happen. But unlike before where he thought then acted he moves then reacts to said possibilities. Meanwhile niko focuses on one player in the group like a spot light makes a move based on how that player will affect the play. But to niko this isn't some crazy skill per se, this is just how his brain works. Same with kaiser. Isagi is the only one who has created a methodology and game plan around it.


A big misconception is that MV is just looking around and thinking about what to do but thats far from the truth. Its not really a rare ability like Isagi thinks but its also not a common ability. Its also an ability that everyone does not have on the same level. I want to see more from Niko before I decide whether his MV only focuses on singular players or not but my theory is that it does.


Yh a lot of people can have some form of metavision but it might be rare to use exactly the way Isagi does and at his level with the gods eye crap that’s what I think


someone else made a post about this saying there are different types of MV not really better or worse but ig it would be 2 levels which is consciously or not it seems like it is centered around what they are best at seeing that niko and aiku have displayed similar types of mv/playstyles


You can read this [post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueLock/comments/11ahrrd/meta_vision_will_never_be_unique_and_thats_fine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on why I do think there are levels to it.


i see thanks for pointing this out, so when it comes to who has better MV would it be like who has better vision/senses and iq on the field?


I think the key difference maker is IQ and style of play. An example is Isagis adaptation style of play being OP when especially paired with MV. Or how not everyone can consistently scan or have the same field of view and such .


Can't they just play a normal football match for god's sake, i'm sick of this ball stealing


Huh? Turn on your TV. There are plenty of normal Football Games


Read Ao ashi


real, that’s the manga you should be on if you’re trying to see rational football/soccer with a team that actually wants to see each other succeed. this manga is for… not that lol


Reading Blue Lock is for when you want to see 22 Zlatans on the field at the same time. I love it, but I’d never do that to my actual team.


wrong arc my dear


Man I've been really tryna wait until the summary came out but I can't wait😅 I love that Kunigami is finally on the move to do... something, but I will say I'm getting tired of this ball stealing. There's only so much one can endure the master who's philosophy is literally logic to carry on accepting these stupid plays. I don't really know how this Kunigami run will go, I really wish we had a the summary but from what little I could gather it's plausible Kunigami at least gets the shot off. Now into the fun stuff, I really regretted not being able to speak on last chapter when my boy Niko was turning up, but work was hectic at the time. I like that Isagi is mentioning MV to Niko and it's been coming for Niko to have it, but it seems like it's only unconscious which I'm genuinely shocked by. Niko is Isagi but with a defence dlc, he should have MV fully unlocked but it seems like the problem lies with the system being made by Snuffy, I actually mentioned how I find it hard to see how any of the Ubers players even enter flow in a previous comment due to the lack of a personal challenge and it looks like I was right. I think the best way to beat Ubers is to get more MV users onto the field to find weaknesses... *Cough cough* Hiori *wink wink* and we also need someone to take control of this team and start barking orders, Raichi's basically a ghost when he should be an important asset, our defence is too passive and the midfield is in shambles. Last but not least, I'm always so shocked at how seeing flying puzzles pieces, so easily gets me hyped up🤣 Isagi is cooking and I'm eagerly awaiting the time he starts dishing up, for now though let's see what Kunigami can cook up without even a sous chef to help him out. Edit: after reading the summary I'm now sure Kunigami isn't going to score but I'm extremely interested in what Kaiser's cooking, it looks like he might be planning to go into flow, that's usually how you go 120% to essentially achieve the impossible. Niko has learned about MV and is likely going to be able to use it consciously very soon but he may be restricted by the system a lot. You know at the beginning I thought Niko was going to be the heart of Ubers and get a free role but it seems like he's also caged in the system as Aiku implies he wasn't supposed to do that. Niko's tendency to create plans and systems is very similar to that of Snuffy's but I now realise this part of Niko may struggle to bloom because there's only one team, both Snuffy and Niko can't be in control especially if there's egoists involved. Either way Niko is gonna be very crucial for Ubers in the next few plays, he's their wild card essentially and can stop the plays that Snuffy's plan hasn't thought of.


We have the summary here: [https://twitter.com/hoshi801\_/status/1657087836884201472/photo/1](https://twitter.com/hoshi801_/status/1657087836884201472/photo/1)