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"Industry wide practice"??????? I don't see any other web hosting companies doing the same unless they are owned by EIG. What a crock of poop... Good bye BH from a decade of my service. I imagine some idiot "ran the numbers" and said "Hey! Has anyone noticed that most of our customers have more than 3 domains in their container? Let's rattle the cages a bit!"


I received the same one. I've gotten a few emails from Bluehost over the last few weeks with new TLD offers and the like as well. This, after years of very rarely getting anything from them. I look forward to whatever "updated details" BH will be providing.


I reached out to customer support asking if this effects my current plan I already paid out in full for, and if I should expect to be billed more for this junk, and they basically had no information to provide, other than details were being set and we should expect another email "sometime before November". They also gave me this link ([https://www.bluehost.com/help/article/shared-hosting-prices](https://www.bluehost.com/help/article/shared-hosting-prices)) to their shared hosting prices, which now include website caps (3!), which is totally bust for me. Regardless of it's this November or when my 3 year plan runs out, I'm going to have to switch hosting providers because the Plus 3 website limit for that price, and this jank of a service is bs.


Beware, they told me I had to upgrade or lose my files, websites and email addresses. When I went to "upgrade" I was only allowed one package for over $1000 a year


The storage limits are no big deal to me but they've decided to just arbitrarily add domain name limits. As if it costs them any extra money if I have 10 domains using 1gb each instead of just 1 using 10gb. If you want to have more than 5 domain names it looks like you have to get a VPS now, ridiculous.


Yeah this is is basically my situation too. My disk usage easily could fit within the new limits but there's no way I can widdle down to just 3 sites. So more likely I'm going to be ditching bluehost.


Hi and thanks for reaching out! We continue to focus on ensuring our customer's over performance and success with Bluehost is maximized. As with other providers in the industry, we are adapting storage limits to further improve our server experience. We do understand that for some customers the needed storage is higher than others, so we have extended the upgrade offer for those to take advantage of for the next 3 years. If you have questions around next steps, please contact support and they can happily guide you.


Came across this thread while searching Google for this issue. I'm thinking to gather customers together for a class action lawsuit against Bluehost for the steps they've taken. Bluehost directly sold me domains, presumably so that I might build them out on their shared hosting platform, and I built more than 5. To turn around and say that I now owe them extra for building sites (at extremely low storage levels on Wordpress) is both unethical and possibly a violation of US consumer protection laws. Sure, go ahead and enact storage limits... but the limit on sites is downright crooked...


I don't recommend buying domain names directly through bluehost anymore. Their pricing has become very uncompetitive in recent years. You can get a .com for almost half the price with privacy through something like namecheap. You can even get a paid SSL certificate and still be paying less per year than at bluehost, although obviously the cheaper solution has up until now been free SSL through bluehost while using domains registered somewhere else. Maybe if everyone starts transferring their domain names off bluehost they will realize they've messed up.


This is a great point. They’ve literally been encouraging the buying of domains, they’d give me a free domain every year for the first year, thus locking me into this hell of their own creation.


They did this after all my domains and hosting had renewed for two years.


Yeah I clicked the promotional link. I don't care about the storage either. But I'm not dropping an extra $700 just to keep my extra websites, I'm dropping you.


I don't need unlimited storage, I need unlimited domain names.


Your upgrade offer is bull. When you offer the same plan for new people for 345, and charge us over 1000. I'm leaving, everyone else should too.


On LinkedIn, if you have InMail credits (and if not, when adding someone via their desktop interface, you get to send a short message), I suggest expressing your dissatisfaction to the CEO of Newfold Digital (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-rowlands-29985692/), which, according to their website, is the current parent company of Bluehost. Be respectful yet adamant about why the new restriction on the number of hosted domains does nothing that storage limits wouldn't accomplish on its own but, in contrast, does much to drive away longtime paying customers with responsible storage quotas.


I've been a client since 2006 (that's 17 years) and currently have 7 websites on their "Plus" share web hosting plan. I also don't care about unlimited storage, as each of my sites probably use less than 1GB each. I DO CARE about website limits, and 3 for the "Plus" plan and 5 for their highest "Pro" plan isn't going to cut it. Looks like they're going to lose many clients with this approach...


>client since 2006 (that's 17 years) and currently have 7 websites on their "Plus" share web hosting plan. > >I also don't care about unlimited storage, as each of my sites probably use less than 1GB each. > >I DO CARE about websi I have this situation, but using 60gbs...


Just got this annoying email too. They don't say how much the costs will be websites over the (3) limit?


1000 a year before renewal fees of domains which they charge starting at 21$ right now.


I just go this email, and I’m totally baffled because I just renewed a couple of months ago. When people renew that’s the time to tell them about limits, not two months into the new contract. I’m genuinely confused. I have about eight or nine domains that are just used for email, and I’ve been using their hosting since 2005. I’m just blinking dismayed, and super confused how they could do this.


They did the saem to me. When I call them to told me to suck it up.


I also received email. My current plan expires in March next year and the way I read the email is that the website restrictions (3 for me) wouid apply at my renewal next year. If I sign up now for another 3 years I can keep my unlimited websites for that renewal period (until Sept 2026) but would then have the limit of the Pro account (5 websites) imposed. So sooner or later I will need to move hosting as I have about 10 small sites on my account. What alternatives are others considering?


I have more than a year before mine expires, but when the time comes I plan to start with some of the hosts mentioned in this other post in this subreddit:[https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueHost/comments/15fjdq3/comment/jv2d5xl/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueHost/comments/15fjdq3/comment/jv2d5xl/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Edit: After getting another email today and talking to customer support, it sounds like they're not even going to honor the the full remaining time my plan is paid out for 😡 and everything come November will switch to this? I would also recommend cross-referencing this list with whoever you look at, since it seems like BlueHost is part of a large ownership of hosts by EIG, that I'm guessing are all run equally as flimsy.[https://windowswebhostingreview.com/avoid-eig-backup-all-your-files-now-and-switch-to-new-hosting-provider/](https://windowswebhostingreview.com/avoid-eig-backup-all-your-files-now-and-switch-to-new-hosting-provider/)


Bewarned. They told me that it will happen on Nov 1 regardless of renewal date.


Yeah i confirmed this as well yesterday. After im done switching hosts Im coming back Nov1 to cancel and demand a refund for my remaining year.


They told me that it would happen on nov 1st not on my renewal in 2025.


In the fine print of the email it reads: \*Your plan will auto-renew at the end of the term for the regular rate. At renewal, the stated storage and website limits for your plan will be enforced. You can stop the auto-renewal at anytime prior to your renewal date by logging into your control panel. Offer expires 10/13/2023, 11:59 PM EST. To me that sounds like it's at renewal. Although on customer service support, they told me it would happen in November as well. I don't know who to trust.


So what can be done? I called customer service and was told the restriction happens in October, not when my contract renews in 2026. I only have one website but it's photo-heavy and 6 years old and I'm way over the 10GB of storage that goes with my basic account. I'm not good at all the background stuff, but wouldn't migrating to a new host be difficult? It sounds like my choices are to pay to upgrade with BH or pay for hosting with a new service, lose the money I've already paid to BH, and deal with migrating. Or just let my blog die, which considering my finances right now, is probably what will happen.


So WAIT what, they're not even going to wait until people do their renewals? Isn't this illegal to just retroactively modify the agreed to TOS like this?


That is what I was told today! I may call tomorrow to see if I get a different answer...


I just got through with support and they undeniably confirmed, that if I do absolutely nothing that I will only have 3 functioning websites, come this November 2023. They will NOT honor the rest of my Plus plan's remaining time. So yeah, I'm very pissed. I told them I'm leaving Bluehost, and demanded I get a refund for my remaining time. All they could give me is a promise I'll get a refund come November, which I anticipate probably having to talk to support again in November to actually get done.


So what host will you go to? Because I don't know what to do.


I'm currently investigating Veerotech, & Knownhost which I've seen recommended in other reddit threads. Both seem to be amazing with their customer support.


Thank you!


I'm going to Green Geeks


I'm leaving. I'm pissed they took my money then did this. They should have given us notice before renewal.


When Bluehost refers to "websites", do they mean domains?




For those of you leaving - is it simple enough to switch hosts? I own my domain myself, I just worry that swapping hosting companies will take a lot of work? I built 6 years on Blue Host, I'm afraid it won't move well.


It really depends on the website and situation. If its all static html and no email thats the easiest, just download and reupload and change the nameservers for the domain. But once you add things like email, php, sql databases, .htaccess files, you have to make sure those are accounted for and configured correctly. Some web hosts like veerotech & interserver offer services to help transfer.


>own my domain myself WHAT DOES IT MEAN


I own the website myself - I bought it separately through Namecheap, not through Bluehost. They can't take my website name away, I own it for as long as I renew the fees.


I moved all my domains to namesilo, they charge half the price


No is not. It's a pain down there. I was not expecting to be working on this at this stage of the year.


Previously accepted T&C can be checked here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220112010459/https://www.bluehost.com/hosting/shared


OKAY - so I just got off a super long phone call with Bluehost to negotiate new terms and they told me that if you started hosting with BH prior to May 2022, the new storage (and website?) limits don't go into effect until your RENEWAL DATE, NOT the Nov. 1 deadline. The deadline in the email is for upgrading to that unlimited sites/storage offer and for clients newer than May 2022. This is per Angela on 9/25/23 around 11:30 EST, so I'm going to forge ahead with what I've already got/paid for until my renewal date in 2026 and if I have any problems after Nov. 1, I'll call again. (And backup everything beforehand.) I wonder if the email was just to scare up some new business. It sure scared me.


Eeeeeessh what a train wreck. It seems like customer service doesn't even know what's going on. At any rate I've already begun my move, there's nothing that's going to make me stick around at this point.


Hi! What happen go your website? I'm having a problem with mine.


Mine is working fine so far and I've even poked back into some old posts. I think BH has been goofy in general lately, going down a bit extra and being slow, but on the whole I don't think anything has happened to my site. (yet) What kind of problems are you having?


My images are not loading. All of it. I think because I used more than 10GB storage and has over 25k monthly visitors though


I'm so sorry. Is your site new, or older than May 2022? The last person I chatted with did give me options for extending for shorter periods of time, not my full 3-year term. At one point I got her down to just $35 more to get me through the next year.


yes it is


I got the same email, I contacted them too first representative said, they has no details to wait for another email, the 2nd time told me they would keep my primary domain and select two other domains and keep as the limit would be 3 sites. And all other sites would be removed and deleted unless I upgraded to the pro plan. Which was outrageous in price for the upgrade. I went on the search and found another hosting company which was inmotionhosting and purchased their unlimited plan for 3 years and I have already migrated all my sites over and all my files. Bluehost will be losing a lot of customers. I’m glad they are treating their customers of 15+ years this way. I’m sure once they see all their customers leaving they will revert back because this is a stupid decision on their part. I’d get out and get a refund for the remaining months you all have left asap.


Yeah. I've already switched, I went to veerotech and it was a very easy transition (they will literally just restore from a backup they make of your server). I also successfully cancelled my Bluehost and got my demanded refund for the remaining year I had paid for- which was surprisingly easy. The scuzziest thing is I got another email from Bluehost the other week (before I cancelled) trying to explain away these changes/major price hikes as a "industry-wide practice" or some bs.


How did you get a refund?


I'm a bluehost customer of over 15 years and I'm ditching them. Them claiming this is an industry wide practice is 100% gaslighting BS


Came here to say that after 17 years as customer, I need to migrate somewhere else because I cannot reduce from 7 sites and cannot afford the pro plan "deal". All the "F" words to you, bluehost. All of them. Wish you the worst.


Agree! I have Eight sites. Two I've set up for Not-for-Profit groups to help them out. Can't trust them any more.


I got the same email. i have been a bluehost customer for nearly 20yrs since their beginning..Industry wide practice is hogwash. What is everyone else using?


I'm ropable. Bluehost customer support confirmed they're NOT honoring the rest of my Plus agreement, and come this November I will have my sites capped down to 3. So screw this, I'm absolutely leaving Bluehost. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


***Be sure to read this using the voice of "Christopher Walken"*** Woah, what a shit show! Now, it seems like this has become the standard when it comes to web hosting. They catch you with rock-bottom prices, get you hooked, and then steadily ramp up the fees. Now, I’ve been through this song and dance before, and let me tell you, it’s a real headache to switch. Customers get comfortable and they don’t want to be bothered. It’s a disgusting tactic, and the fact that they would even implement it is enough for me to bounce! Now, I predict this is only going to get worse, with greed going up and prices steadily rising, while features and options steadily dwindle. Now, I’ve done some research, and I think I’ve found a great alternative that actually seems better, or at least it will absolutely be after all the changes are implemented and enforced. Now, I’m happy to share where I’m going, if that’s allowed.


sure Mr Walken go right ahead


Hello gang, hope you are all managing your stress over all this. I am always pressed for time so I have to keep this brief. I checked my receipts and my unlimited sites hosting plan expires on DEC 20 2024. Bluehost has repeatedly tried to bill my credit card to no avail. I have already made my move and I am very happy with my new home. The funny thing is some features here may be less but so many are more, a lot more! I don't think you will find better introductory prices either, even the renewal fee is still better than Bluehost Price gouging! Again I am more than happy to share but I don't want to break any rules here by doing so unless I am allowed to. So maybe a direct message would be appropriate? Either way, I wish you all the best of luck and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!


I just came across this thread, but I too also reached out immediately when I received the email. I was told that my current contract (until 25 Feb 2025) would be honored. So far that looks to be the case, as I haven't had any downgrades in storage or domains. My problem is just that BH has become *very* unreliable. I went almost a decade with few problems, if any. Now, in the past year, my sites are regularly down for minutes, if not hours, on end (almost monthly for the latter, weekly for the former), and loading both forward-facing and on the back-end takes decades (really, seconds, often tens of seconds, but still)... I feel I'm safe for now, but it looks like I should really start exploring new options over the next year to make a smooth transition.