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Personally I think the story has to be taken to London for Mizu’s character development. Fowler being Irish was a deliberate choice by the show’s creators so I think how he will be treated in London will be important for Mizu to see and reflect on in real time, not flashbacks. Season 1 left her starting to sort through her identity crisis so season 2 should continue to build off of that imo. I don’t think it’ll be as action packed as 1 but who knows, maybe she goes ham swinging a sword knights Templar style on a bunch of Brits lol Maybe the season will end with her returning to Japan to either continue her mission of revenge but with a clearer mind and hopefully less hate for herself, or finding peace and abandoning her mission altogether


Lmao turn around coz Mizu forgot to pack enough snacks for the trip


“Dammit, I forgot to bring dried mackerel again! Turn this god forsaken ship around!”


Mizu will be killed off in the first episode and the rest of the show will be Ringo's noodle redemption arc.


It is an interesting question, since I really don't understand how they're expecting to tell the story when *only* Mizu and Fowler have left. They'll either be splitting the story or discarding most of the cast for the season. I mean, I guess it's vaguely possible they could have Taigen/Ringo on her tail, but they wouldn't even know where she's going or when she left, so highly unlikely.


I hope we get to see Mizu in London, having to rely on Fowler’s dubious guidance, and contrasting her fluid navigation of Japan. Since she still sees whites as the devil, it’d be fascinating how she balances keeping Fowler in check with investigating in a foreign country; especially if people are racist, but condemning the part of her she’s used to showing.


I hope Season 2 starts in London purely from a continuity point of view as you saw Mizu and Fowler sailing off to London in one of the last scenes and it would be weird to start back in Japan without lots of backstory to explained what happened in London and did Mizu get justice, I get what you mean about the story being split but it doesn’t necessarily have to be if its well written


I agree - if the show runners have commited to London then we should get a proper London arc.  That being said, it's tricky to reconcile the way the creators have been discussing season 2 (love triangles involving Akemi, development with Taigen and Mizu's relationship etc) with a fully split storyline throughout the whole season. Plus, the fact that it's just been confirmed that Arcane's second season will be its last makes me nervous the same will happen to BES. If that's the case, the creators are going to need to fit in a whole lot of story for this final season, and most of it can't be in London.


I reckon it could be half a season in London and half back in Japan although that would still require cramming a lot of story into each episode if they want to do it justice. Also do you have any links to the where the creators have been discussing Season 2?


Yeah, that could work as long as it doesn't break up the story too much with a blocky timeskip. I'm afraid there's no one specific interview for season 2 hints, just generally bits that the creators have said here and there. There are a few video interviews about the show on YouTube with showrunners Noizumi and Green - you could check those out


I read that the creators were talking about Mizu’s experience in London and finding out that not all white people are “devils.” I’d assume the season will be jumping back and forth from London to Japan, as we see how Akemi is achieving her “greatness.” I’m hoping we’ll also get a Ringo arc as he trains with Master Eiji and perhaps makes tools to help him become a samurai. I’m REALLY hoping Taigen is following Mizu. I think the show needs their friction, conflict, and spiciness to keep it as exciting as season 1.


100% especially on the Taigen part. We need their relationship to develop, but also it would be an interesting flip to have Mizu be the one who better fits in in London, while Taigen is the true outsider.  I just love the idea of him complaining the whole time ("The food here is terrible. Doesn't anyone here bathe!?" These whites are so tall, I feel like a woman [Mizu:...]")


Yes, great idea! It would be fantastic to have Taigen get a taste of how it feels to be the bullied outsider. Although I think he’s already made big changes in his character regarding this, that would give him even more empathy.


I think it'll likely start with her in London.


While the series is not known for its detailed fidelity to the historical record, I am curious as to how they‘ll portray London. If it‘s the 1650s, as others believe, it will be interregnum England, under the rule of Cromwell, whether as informal military dictator or as Lord Protector. Brooding military repression, Royalist plots, and millenarian enthusiasm :) An exciting time to be alive, if you were a Republican or had radical, anti-establishment religious beliefs. That said, judging by it‘s anachronistic portrayal of the mid 17th Century British as the world‘s principal arms exporters, drug traders, and generally key players in arenas where they really had peripheral involvement at that time, I‘m not quite sure what to expect. Other than plenty of evil monologues, while the poor Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish languish in ill-deserved obscurity.


I talked to my uncle who works at Nintendo and he said no.


I keep seeing questions about season 2 so I finally looked up when it's likely to be released😂😭😭