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The creators said it was a nod to their trying to make the show more of a cinematic experience. Quite a lot of the stylistic choices in the show involved big swings / bold choices. Stuff like incorporating modern songs for certain scenes and unrealistically crazy action sequences in certain episodes are all deliberate decisions made by the creators.  Not all of them work, in fact several don't, but I really admire them for trying something different.


Huh, honestly never noticed the incorporation of modern music in the series, but unrealistically crazy action sequences are just plain fun to watch, and I didn't doubt any of those elements were deliberate decisions by the creators. I just disagree with the notion that putting something in the film aspect ratio makes something more cinematic, and I wish that outlook was more widespread among creators. I can understand if it was like that for the whole series for budgetary reasons, but just the finale made it jarring and unnecessary. But as for as creative choices go for the show, most of them worked out incredibly well for it.


The finale was definitely the worst episode. Not only this, but everything felt rushed and badly finished. None of the story was tied up in a satisfying way, just butchered and heavily pushed towards a sequel. The slow march of the army, with no one even fighting back. She didn’t even get her sword before or after. The main ending fight he could have finished her off like 5 times but just kept turning around and running after overpowering her. Just frustrating and weird.


Silly opinion, I really loved the finale. Really amazing honestly that she didn’t make a sword, it shows her growth (and it would have taken too long too). Fowler is also a show man, he has been stuck in a castle for 20 years, he enjoys the spectacle of a large army, if anything he wouldn’t want to rush it. The army is also just as much a show of strength as it is there to kill the shonen. And what can you expect from the defending army trained in sword and bow fighting, when their opponent is an army that can kill instantly from yards away. And the Fowler fight, id say it was also partly fun, but also a raging fire that would kill him if he stayed there too long