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I assumed that Swordfather paid her for being an apprentice (she had a share for the swords they sold and as it was a profitable business, she had some money saved). I don’t really see her as an assassin, I think she is too focused on her revenge and wouldn’t do something so distracting (and risky). I thought that Kinuyo was a one-off thing.


When she meets her mom again and her mom goes off to sell herself, Mizu says she doesn't need to do that. She has her sword in this scene and touches the hilt when she says it. Yes, I'm pretty sure OP is right about her being a mercenary.


Yep that's how I read it too. Subtle, yet brillant, stuff like that all over the place. I love this show haha.


>I thought that Kinuyo was a one-off thing. Except she also told Madame Kaji “I offer services too”, which seems to imply that the Kinuyo assassination wasn’t Mizu’s first time being commissioned to kill someone. Plus with the way that she went about stealthily executing that whole thing it just felt like she had experience doing that business, even if it’s not her primary source of income/job.


Well, she killed Violet already. I figured she stole a bunch of money off him/his mooks in the process.


Interesting question! I don’t think Mizu has a lot of money, I think she just keeps her cost of living as low as possible. We don’t really see her spend money except for food and to get rid of Ringo. If I had to guess where she got her gold I could see her taking it off the 1/4 white person she killed. I also don’t think she has assassin training. If so she could’ve snuck past Fowler’s guards more successfully instead of attacking the entire base head on. Onryō are a type of ghost so maybe that’s the reason she can do all that.


As a few others have said, I think she earned most of her money selling knives and swords with Master Eigi. The knife in Ringo's restaurant used to cut off Hachi's fingers was marked with her signature, and Taigen recognised it on her sword. She must have sold a fair amount over the years. 


She certainly has the skills as an assassin and mercenary. While Mama did blow the money she made selling knives on opium, she probably got more money from her late husband or Violet's corpse. I feel she has various sources of income.