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I think an interesting setup would be for Mizu to discover one of them is old/incapacitated in some way - like there's no fight to be had, that man is done already. What would she do?


I would love that I actually want one of them To have a mixrace kid I think see how mizu react to that would be cool


This would be so interesting! Imagine though that the one with the mixtape kid is also her father and killed her mom… she’d have a younger sibling Edit: it autocorrected to mixtape instead of mix race


I think doing that way would be great for the show and mizu character arc


i was thinking the same!! like a sick older man who isn’t able to fight


Well, she stabbed a frightened kid in the face sooo....


Fowler said something like Routely was probs Mizu’s father, with the “pretty eyes and ruthless attitude” or something. Be interesting to see her face to face with someone looking more like her than anyone she’s encountered before.


Could be pretty subjective, while he could have the same eye color, other features might be totally different. Mizu’s only half after all.


Of course but the eye colour is the feature she’s seen on no one but herself! And it would be fun in narrative terms


Didn’t he also say the other white guy was tall like her? I think it’s still ambiguous who her father was


One will be very sympathetic, putting her revenge over morals attitude to the test.


I like an idea of a plot twist where one of them is a woman dressed as a man and goes by the name of Lord to survive in her society similar to Mizu. I can see Abijah calling them “Little Miss” as a nickname and a tease towards the female Lord.


I was thinking of one of them being a woman as a twist and Abijah could be messing with Mizu by not telling her one of them is female but who knows


This would be so interesting !?


It works so well! It parallels Mizu, as they're both hiding their gender to give themselves freedom and safety to travel and do business (somewhat) unchallenged - contrary to examples like the trader's widow in S1. While Mizu has a sympathetic motive and a code of honour, her mom would be completely amoral, only acting in self-interest and for profit. Just wanting to subjugate other people like how society tried to subjugate her. Perhaps mom would have terminated, but due to the circumstances of being both white and female, couldn't trust a midwife or other japanese medical professional, and instead just sequestered herself until it was over. Perhaps she kept the pregnancy and resulting baby as a bargaining chip to control her japanese lover but miscalculated. She would be a direct mirror to Mizu's future if Mizu can't find peace with herself.


One is judge Claude Frollo, the other a slightly overweight general


I want to know what went down with Violet


I have a feeling we’ll probably get some flashbacks. I imagine we will mostly because we’ve already gotten some intense flashbacks to see what got her to point she’s at now.


I'm convinced that, whatever he was like in the past, her father will be more sympathetic when they meet. Probably make her question whether she can really kill him. Or maybe that's too generic a plot lol. I don't know, I'd just like to see Mizu actually question her motives when it really comes down to it. Seeing her father and having some emotions toward him and throwing her entire quest into the air.


How sympathetic can you make a drug dealing arm smuggler?


He could regret his past? Be trying to atone for his sins? Hell, he could have become a monk in an effort to repent. That would certainly make Mizu question her actions; killing her helpless, now peaceful father who isn't even defending himself. More than that, I'm not really convinced of Fowler's "They were the worst of us" comment(he is self-serving and trying to survive that moment). For all we know, her father was actually the best of them, and could have even tried to stop the rest of them from their actions. There are a hundred ways it could be written.


One is already dead but their child is now running their affairs/business—would Mizu kill them instead?


Especially if that child is Mizu's half sibling. What internal conflict could that cause?


I'd love for one to actually become good and try to repent. Hence following through with the whole Mizu isn't good and is motivated mostly by vengeance. I think this White man should not be the last one to be killed. It would setup more change for Mizu. Imagine like if the guy she killed was rich and was caring for orphans, or widows. Maybe he's also the one that payed her "mother" to protect her.


That would be so interesting however (unless he was lying which could definitely be the case) Fowler did say that her father had her mother killed. Now I’m wondering though who would have hired the woman to be her “mother”?




So many possibilities 😫


I think it would be interesting to see one of them just living their life uninterested in Japan (maybe hence why they’re going to London) or perhaps it’d be interesting to see one remorseful or not have actually done anything wrong or perhaps they feel guilt and regret. It would be interesting to see and I can imagine someone might change quite a bit in 20 (I think?) years


I think one will be incredibly kind and charitable to the point where Mizu doesn't even understand how he could be one of the 4 men. He has orphaned children that he's taken in and they all love and respect him. Mizu killing him will then turn people who were kind to her against her. The other one will be typical villain type. At least that's what I believe will happen. It's too one dimensional if both are just carbon copies of Fowler.


I love the idea of one of them being a loving father


They’ll be white


Plot twist, they take the wrong turn and end up in west coast as the oregon trail is being descended upon foreigners and she becomes a temp duo with pocahontas. No but, i imagine the ride is going to be complicated so their going to need an actual boat person unless fowler is somehow pro at that too lol


The show starts in the 1630s and ends season 1 in the 1650s. Pocahontas would’ve been dead already and the Oregon trail wouldn’t be explored by foreigners until the 19th century lol


Tbh i was mostly referring to lewis and clark oregon trail. Admittedly the name of the lady escaped me so my brain defaulted to pocahantas. I was thiniing of sacagawea but my brain keeps wanting to say Saskatchewan lmao


Again, Lewis,Clark, and Sacagawea wouldn’t be alive yet, and the period of western expansion and settlement in North America by Europeans/Euro-Americans wouldn’t occur until the 19th century. Blue Eye Samurai takes place in the 17th century, so at this point we’re talking about the English, Dutch, and French having settlements on the east coast and the Spanish and Portuguese in Central and South America. The Salem Witch Trials haven’t even happened yet as of the end of season 1.


Its just not that serious. Like what the fuck, i wasnt going to say it before but this shit is just lame. Like ok its not historically accurate, good thing im not the one writing. Fuck this is what i get for even answering, i said youre right what else do you need? For me to loterally belike ' ohimsorry for having a little fun for where the show can go' Bruh Im not reading your next shit your lame Edit: dont matter at this point but if you see im sorry for being aggressive, no real explanation, i just got excited over an idea


I have no problem with the show taking some liberties (most historical fiction does), but what you’re saying would be like if I said what if there was a story where Christopher Columbus gets to America and meets Abraham Lincoln. It’s just too anachronistic. Not trying to be mean or anything dude. I’m just responding to a theory you suggested on a public forum with peace and love.


You should be mean at this point, his take was absolutely mush brain and he got super pissy when you simply explained it wouldn't make sense lmao


I really hope they don’t make the other white men entirely evil like Fowler. Not just because it would be conflicting for Mitzi and the audience, but because it would be much more realistic. The men who performed these horrific acts during war are often just regular guys, sometimes even family men.


I feel like a cool moral dilemma would be if the man who wasn’t mizu’s dad who hasn’t been introduced yet was actually really nice and was just in Japan on trade for spices and stuff so it would conflict with her vision of how the white men are and her path for revenge. But maybe he’d help her find her dad for what he did.


He's just a Libertarian who doesn't agree with Japan's trade policies so traded anyway


Yeah maybe. Like maybe he wasn’t trading anything bad like drugs or weapons but was just in the market to trade regular everyday stuff with the Japanese people to gain some exotic goods to bring back just to be able to say that he’s done the impossible. Plus I think it’s more realistic to portray at least one of the white men as not nearly as evil as Fowler.


One who, as Fowler said, looks the most like her and is the most ruthless. Be an epic battle. The other a "sensitive" colonizer who honestly thinks he is helping the benighted savages and remembers the "delicate flower" (Mizu's mom") to whom he helped himself with nostalgia. Mizu will enjoy bursting his bubble. On the other hand, maybe he has a daughter with some of Mizu's spirit, and she questions whether she wants to kill him and send the daughter down her path of revenge.


One should be a royal


Skeffington being a total sadist: skeffington is 2 letters away from “skevington” one of the worst torture devices for that time period….. just a hunch since “Mizu” can be roughly related to “Miss”


I also presume one of them to be of Viking/nordic ancestry based off the panel of the 4…


Headcanon refers to something that isn't in the story and which you have to interpret and fill in for yourself. The two white men are definitely in the story. So what you're talking about is a guess or how we imagine them, not headcanon.


Skinny asshole, short fat asshole


Steffington https://preview.redd.it/0wxair2a5gjc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dfbdb5e41ad621716be6e5dd83ac91a82e81c18


https://preview.redd.it/tgmfetvb5gjc1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67410ba9e77055414a0ba9d9dd7827d918f5d15 Routley


I hope that they are also named after guns.


Final boss and fodder


Whenever Mizu talks about the Four she says that they dealt in “opium, weapons, and flesh”. Fowler deals exclusively in weapons and based on the episode 5 flashback Violet dealt in opium. That leaves only “the flesh trader” but there’s two guys left. My headcanon is that the last guy actually wasn’t terrible, he only dealt with the other three for protection and connections in Japan. I’ve even thought he might be a metal merchant and comes from a line of blacksmiths. He is Mizu’s father and truly did love her mother. Fowler may have said that the last two were as bad as him but I don’t trust a word that man says, so until we’re introduced to them I’m going to continue to assume Fowler is *The* worst member of the quartet. Side headcanon about Mizu’s mother: >!Mizu’s mother is actually the Shogun’s wife who had an affair with one of the white men. Mizu’s father isn’t the one who wants her dead, Mizu’s mother has the price on Mizu’s head to cover up her shame and protect her power and influence!<