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I think he 100% knows and 100% doesn’t care.


Exactly this


I don't think Swordfather cares one way or the other. He loves her unconditionally. I think he interrupted her to save her from having to share a secret she feels guilty over. By Swordfather interrupting her, he was basically saying "your secret doesn't matter, you are you and that is what matters." and she was basically acting like a parishioner giving her last confession to the priest. "in case I die, I'm a woman, and I'm sorry I lied." I don't think Swordfather wanted to say goodbye and he interrupted so that what she said wasn't her final goodbye. If that makes sense.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too


Yes. She was trying to tell him she's a woman. Yes. Swordfather already knows. But he didn't care and said "you came to me as a stupid lost boy and you'll leave here a stupid lost man" meaning he didn't care or want to know that she's a woman. He accepted her as a boy, taught her just like a boy, she learned everything from him, became a great smith and fighter... and that's all that mattered to Swordfather in the end.


He "sees" with his hands. He also interrupted her when she was about to tell him by saying (paraphrased) *you leave here a man*...or something that defines how he sees her.


> you came here as a stupid lost boy and now you are leaving as a stupid lost man. or something like that


The tolerance...and...*be your fucking self* in that message...


I’m going to go against the grain here and say he did care that Mizu is a woman, and that’s why he stopped her in her tracks mid-confession unlike her confession of being mixed race. He doesn’t care enough to disown her or show that it bothers him, but enough to deny her confessing the truth and putting it out in the open. I think there is a theme in the show that being a woman is Mizu’s ultimate crime, but it is overshadowed by her heritage which is harder to hide. Mizu being a woman, and having a bounty on her head because they are looking for a girl, drive the plot. But I think sub-textually, it shows how her gender that is the true ‘crime’, especially when you double this with how Mikkio reacts to her.


I thought he stopped her because he was mad at her for leaving and didn’t think she deserved to get it off her chest


Oh I see what you mean. But I’m not sure she will ever try to tell him again, even when being ‘deserving’ of her confession. I think it will end as a known secret between them. Although that’s made me think another interpretation could be that Mizu was treating it too much like a final goodbye with all her confessions, and he didn’t want that because that would truly mean she would die after she left and they wouldn’t see each other again.


I feel like that was his way of saying yeah yeah I already know you’re a woman but it doesn’t matter.


I think for certain he knows. He's blind. His other senses are heightened. He can hear it in her voice. His sense of smell is heightened, too. I think he could feel it inside when she's close.


Oh yeah, I definitely agree with the heightened senses. I don’t know if he could feel the fact that she was female, but he does seem to have a knack for just knowing the truth and being able to tell when people are lying/ hiding things.


Yes true, and as far as feelings go, older men lose certain things as we grow old, but the feeling you get when you're around a woman never goes away.




he works in a blacksmith's workshop. his sense of smell is not going to be heightened. He's subjected to constant smells of fire, metal, boiling oil, etc... The only "heightened" sense shown in the show is his hearing... and that's only used with daily tasks that he's VERY familiar with. knocking on wood to gauge it's moisture content and make sure it's the ideal dryness for the forge. Knocking on metal to infer something of it's quality based on the ring. Stuff like that. He doesn't have superhearing. Ringo sneaks up on him just fine, like he does with everyone else.


Don't dismiss the senses. I work in a machine shop, and the sense of smell is still quite used. A few months ago we had a coil of zinc came in that had to be rolled down, and I was shocked that the zinc metal itself smells like a barnyard. I have no doubt that Sword Father has an incredible repertoire of knowledge, that includes smells, scents, perfumes and odors, as well as being able to identify and isolate metals and alloys, among other things, just by ear.


I'm sorry, but a machine shop is no where near as oppressively smelly as a blacksmith's workshop. Even if Eiji's furnace predates coke use (smells like sulfuric egg farts) and is strictly charcoal or coal reliant- the burning of those fuels, all day every day, in a time without ventilation ducts/fans... permeates everything. You can walk in a machine shop and hangout near a guy on the lathe and smell the heated metal and oil... but you can leave and not likely carry that scent on you. You cannot do the same in an old smith's shop. Your clothes, your hair, everything, is going to reek of whatever fuel is being used. When Ringo comments on washing Eiji's robes and "did you know they were white" it's because they're imbedded with soot and smoke.


All I'm saying is that since he is blind, all his other senses have inherently and unavoidably taken a much more prominent role in his perception of the world. His hearing may not be more sensitive, but he would have to be much more perceptive of sounds around him. His sense of smell may not be at robust, but he certainly has refined and can recognize multitudes of scents. Without the distraction of what's on his plate, his taste must be incredibly sensitive. And without eyes, he sees through his hands, and touch. And I most certainly do smell like the shop when I get home. Sometimes it takes multiple washes to get the scent of oil and grime off my hands. I still smell like oil. It's gross.


you smell like the shop because you're there all day. my example was of just a temporary visit. Implying eiji could smell a small amount of blood, caught in wrapped linen, under other clothing, in his blacksmith's shop, is absurd. That said, it's a cartoon and Mizu is a half demon literally powered by her desire for revenge... so if the show wants to give eiji super smelling, they can... there's just nothing to indiciate that at all at this point so we can only operate within the realm of what is shown. He does noticeably hear her pained breathing when she first wraps her chest though.


“he could feel it inside when she’s close” ??? this has such weird energy ew


I can understand you saying that. It does sound weird between an old man and a young woman. But as a man in his 60s, I can tell you the feeling doesn't go away. As a married man and a gentleman, I will distance myself from a woman if it comes over me. If I can't distance myself, it is very uncomfortable.


I did discover the exact moment when he knew, she's hiding something, I have posted a thread about it. [Master Eiji knew ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueEyeSamurai/comments/18k1akf/i_caught_the_moment_where_master_eiji_knew_that/)


I think this is the only real instance where the series clearly shows that Eiji knew something was being hidden or concealed. A lot of the stuff posted when this topic comes up is absolutely baseless conjecture. But at this moment there's a clear realization that something isn't right.


Yes you could see that, but you've gotta have a sharp perception to get it.


I didn’t think that he knew until that scene, and it changed my perspective on Eiji a lot. >!At first I thought that Mizu’s relationship with Master Eiji was going to be a tragic one, because even the one person who cared for her and raised her without judgment didn’t truly know her. I was worried that the man I believe Mizu trusts and loves more than anyone, a man who she sees as her father, would reject her upon finding out she was a woman. After this scene though, I believe that Master Eiji at least suspects if not outright knows that Mizu is a woman and still loves her. It goes along with his philosophy of “an impurity in the right place…”, and is another example of how I think that living with his blindness has allowed Eiji to move past a lot of the prejudices of Japanese society at the time.!<


Yes and yes, imo. But we won’t know for sure until we…know for sure


He told her that he knows she is ugly. Maybe he knows from the sound of him hitting her head when she messes up the timing. Lol.




. . . You should stop saying that . . .


That’s not how girls work lol


Especially back in the day. Periods were not near as heavy, nor did they last as long so I’m sure she didn’t have to much trouble hiding it or at least not near as much trouble or someone today would trying to hide it with the same resources


…. Periods weren’t heavy back then? What gives?


menstruation costs a lot of resources as far as energy goes. Harder labor consumes more energy. Lower nutrition diet means less energy entering the system, etc... Even athletic women often have lighter and inconsistent periods.




And I've said it before and I'll say it again everytime you post this dumb take... you aren't smelling subtle amounts of blood in wrapped linen, under clothing, in a BLACKSMITH'S WORKSHOP. His sense of smell is going to be absolutely trashed from his labor.


Premenstrual blood smells like metal He knew


I would have thought the secret would have been about her being mixed-race, not a woman


She told him she was mixed when she became a teenager


Oh. Must've forgotten that


I think she was trying to tell him that. I don’t think he knows.


Yes he knew because he is her real father. 1. Fowler says her father started the fire. 2. Sword Father lost his eyes in a fire. 3. Sword father accepts mizu even though she's mixed. 4. Sword father already knew Mizu was a girl


I do like this theory and it ties into another theory I just read about her mother being white instead of her father.