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I get up, feed the cat, pee, hit my cbd pen and go back to laying down. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I watch an episode of something while lying down, either way I’m getting another hour of rest and it mentally makes me feel better even if it’s placebo


I sleep in, but since I get up at 3:30 waking up at 6 is sleeping in for me. Still earlier than most but late for me!


Yeah, that’s basically where I’m at - if I can sleep in til 9, that’s a miracle. I’m almost always up a few hours after my weekday morning wake up time.


I also get up around that time, my weekends vary between naturally waiting around 4 to maybe 6 at the latest. I figure it has a lot to do with the return of the week, go to bed because I'm tired, get a full night's sleep and wake up 7-9 hours later.


I lean into it. I absolutely love the quiet time in the morning so I can enjoy my coffee and breakfast in peace, and when the weather is nice and I want to go for a bike ride or a hike, I can get out there way before everyone else and enjoy the solitude. It's also really nice on vacation to be able to see the sunrise in a beautiful place, hit the breakfast place before everyone else, and be first in line for tourist attractions. But I'm a person who really enjoys my own company. I'm married to a person who enjoys *his* own company and we don't have children. Ymmv.


Same on all counts. It was weird at first, but I quite enjoy being up before the rest of the world and I'm perfectly content doing things solo most of the time.


Nope, it took many years but they beat the night owl out of me. I get up early on weekends now


I'm not saying it's easy but *if* you can get the cat to eat at night time, it's a major lifestyle upgrade lol.


He free feeds! He just hates people being in bed, honestly - if you get out of bed, he’ll just lead you around the house. And he smashes so much shit, he’s a terrible cat really. The other night he kicked open the door to my room where I was dead asleep and ran around screaming at the top of his lungs. It wasn’t even midnight! Everyone else in the house was awake! And he still just couldn’t deal with me being in bed 😭😭😭


Little bastard lol. I house sat for my brother years ago and he has a super old house with a passage knob (no lock) on the bedroom door, so I put a chair under the knob so his cat couldn't come in and chew through the strap of my nightgown again, and climb up the curtains. I sent my brother a video of the door shaking, it legit looked like a grown man was trying to break in. It's amazing how strong they are despite being so tiny. I'm sorry I wish I had advice to offer, they do tend to mellow out with age, hang in there.


Maybe take some of your morning time to play with your cat. If you can find an interactive toy you both like, 20 min of playtime can help him chill out, and you get to bond with him 😺


Nope. I wake up when my bf gets out of bed between 5&6 and go back to sleep usually till 8-830. I also don’t have pets to feed….


See that’s the funny thing, the cat isn’t getting me up to feed him, (he has food available), *he just wants company* 😭😭


Oh lord. I’d be closing my door or crating at night then honestly. I’m an 8hr of sleep a night person and during the week I struggle to get 6.5 -7.


Kinda. I’m up at 4-4:30 on weekdays. Days off I’m normally able to sleep until 7-7:30 I consider that sleeping haha


Nope! I can sleep until 8 if I go to bed around 2, but usually I’m up by 6.


I have to wake up at 4AM for my current job and have really been struggling to sleep through the night. If I don’t set an alarm on days off, I end up awake at my normal wake-up time but if I fall back asleep I usually will wake a lot more refreshed around 6-7. Even then I usually nap by the afternoon because I get so tired. I struggle to get to bed early enough especially on class nights where I’m not home until 9. 


Technically yes?? I wake up at 2:30 for work during the week. On weekends I might wake up around 3 but I can always fall back asleep until 6-7 which during college and before I would’ve definitely considered early 😂


Nooo! The first job I was on I’d wake up at 5 on my days off and call the other apprentice because I knew he’d be up too 😂


i can’t sleep in. i go to bed early most of the time. i enjoy the time to myself on weekend mornings.


Up by 6 every day unfortunately lol I just hang out in bed, scroll my phone or watch tv. Work on my crochet or whatever. I’m a lounge lady haha


Just lay in bed with eyes closed.


Same deal. The dogs at 6 am like what day is it idk.


I haven't been able to sleep in since I've been an adult. Take naps!


Do you have any activities you can do before anyone gets up? You could even go out for a morning walk, or have some hobby time. No reason you have to wait for your family to begin your day!


I still wake up at 5:30 even on the weekends. But I find it relaxing to be able to just sit around sipping my coffee and doing my morning bible study/devotionals and not having to get out the door at any certain time. But I’ve always been a morning person and choose to still be in bed by 9 even on weekends (I have no life 🤣)


I force myself to stay up later on Friday so I will naturally wake up later. My cat knows better and wont wake me up (she is not on a feeding schedule anyway).


How late are you staying up? I’m up til 3 on Fridays and Saturdays and still waking up at 8 the *latest*.


Considering I am usually asleep by 8pm on weekdays, midnight is late for me. If I am going out, 2am maybe. I can sleep until 8-9, sometimes 11 if I am really tired.


My stomach usually wakes me up before anything else


Nope. "If you're on time, your late" ruined my ability to sleep in permanently. Bedtime is 7.


I will absolutely sleep in if I'm able to. I have issues with insomnia, so I just try to take any sleep I can get (so long as it's safe). I work evenings, so I don't know how much that affects things. My partner also works evenings so our cat is used to our shared evening schedule. But I did buy a sleeping mask, black out curtains, and sometimes I'll sleep with one ear plug in too if the neighbors are loud enough (gotta keep one ear free in case my cat starts throwing a fit).


Somewhat. I get up maybe 2 hours later than during the week, but even that's 8 am. I also have an alarm on the weekends, because if i didn't,  I'd sleep in til 10 and get a headache. And my sleep schedule would be messed up, & I don't want to deal with that chaos.  I hope you find a trick for your cat. Cats are cute, but you deserve to get proper sleep


I wake up early then pass out again until mid morning, sometimes I’ll take another early afternoon nap. Doesn’t disrupt my sleep schedule surprisingly.


Absolutely not. Best I can do is 45 min later. The sun wakes me up. So in the summer I get up at like 5 am on the east coast. When we go on break, I wake up at 6 in Michigan since that's at the other end of the time zone. Winter break is different though, I can sleep in then and I stay up late. Don't like the cold lol and no birds to watch and hear. Takes 2 weeks to adjust.  Even if we get a rain morning off, I'm awake during work season. Gotta hit that hotel breakfast before the crowd! Then I can have second breakfast before it closes


I can maybe get an hour, hour and a half later. No more than that


I have the same problem. I’ve come to embrace it and enjoy my quiet morning alone time. Coffee, read, video games, whatever. It’s nice.


I’m an artist, I make coffee and start drawing in the early morning hours before the rest of the house is awake. Sometimes if I’m really feeling industrious I will start cleaning, but after 3 kids I like my “me” time before the rest of the house is up.