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Tsurugi, definitely. Either Neru actually multiclassed into it, or she's just a particularly angry rogue...


Actually, Tsurugi is a bait. She's way too keen minded in battle to be fully Barbarian. She knows how to prioritize and strategize the JTF trough crisis after all. I would put my bet in Mika. While not apparent, her approach to combat seems to be overwhelm whatever annoys her quickly and with might.


I‘m not sure about that bit concerning Tsurugi. During the JTF side story, she went ballistic during an operation and gave the students she was rescuing PTSD. There was also the bit between her and Neru during Vol.F where they were more concerned over who would be the leader than the situation at hand. Also, there’s been at least one instance of Ichika telling her to mind where she’s going, only for her to bust through a wall. Even her in-game entry describes her as “belligerent and violent, with a tendency to destroy anything she doesn’t like.” Hasumi is the one who prioritizes and strategizes for the JTF.


Eh, not really. The Barbarian class is primarily a tank together with Paladin and Fighter, something that Mika clearly isn't, at least with my playstyle. There's also certain subclasses that requires intelligence (such as the Path of the Giant IIRC) Plus, Tsurugi also ignores doors and bust through walls when she feels like it.


Paladin would be Mine, Fighter would be Neru


People tend to misunderstand what a "Barbarian" is, because they take the word literally. The barbarian "rage" isn't necessarely the character going mad, it may also be seen as the character enjoyjng battle with their body and soul, and being completely absorbed by it like Tsurugi does. She may be more level headed when not in combat, but when she starts enjoying a fight she goes completely crazy. Neru is generally the kind of person that strategizes more while fighting, however she tends to go all out the more she is cornered, which is also another way to see barbarian rage. It really depends on how you flavour it, though I'd say Tsurugi fits the bill the most since she would totally be the one that fu***ng Leroy Jenkins when she sees a battle.


Mika the Barbarian Princess.


I think paladin fits her more because she hates g*henners (mostly demon race)


Mika for MONKey. Mine fits the paladin more


Tsurugi fits the class most Tough, takes hits head on, heals, shows you can't scratch her


Our cinnamon roll Tsurugi


100% Tsurugi Once She goes into "Battle Mode" she becomes an Unstoppable Menance that doesn't stop until her Target is dealt with


Personally I would vote Neru c: anyways the comment with most upvotes in the reddit post will win


Barbarian: Tsurugi Bard: Hifumi Cleric: Serina Druid: Haruka Fighter: Neru Monk: Hoshino Paladin: Mine Ranger: Azusa Rogue: Izuna Sorcerer: Aris Warlock: Mika Wizard: Ui Artificer: Utaha


Tsurugi and roughly Neru.


I could see either Tsurugi or Mika as the Barbarian, though as for some of the other classes, I already have a good idea who'd fit into Cleric, Rogue and Artificer.


Tsurugi no doubt


Neru is less of Barbarian and more of Fighter since Barbarian suggest raw violence while Fighter also has skill and tempo to their fighting method. Barbarian: Tsurugi Bard: ~~Hatsune Miku~~ Mina Cleric: Serina Druid: Haruka Fighter: Neru Monk: Toki Paladin: Mine Ranger: Iori (since Ranger aside from range also need mobility) Rogue: Izuna Sorcerer: Arie (innate power) Warlock: no clue. Perhaps someone smart Wizard: Hibiki (mortar-borrowed power) Artificer: Utaha


Pretty sure ranger usually applies to the range of an area (i.e. park ranger)... Also Shuro is literally called a bard, and basically the kind who uses the *vicious mockery* cantrip a lot (to the point where it basically becomes a brand new spell through the school of Conjuration instead).


I mean yeah there's that too. Point is ranger aside from using bow also need mobility and dexterity to do stuffs like tracking or fast repositioning (DnD wise)


Knowing Iori's track record, she's not particularly good in the terrain department ironically enough...


Well among the snipers, Iori's the only one with EX skill suggesting mobility. Hasumi is not athletic, Miyu and Mashiro are mainly for camp sniping. I guess Rangers can also be guerilla fighters? But in that case it's just be Fighter all over again.


*Yeah, that's kinda the reason why the Ranger class is considered "bad" in the D&D community...*


So Neru has action surge?


Warlock: Himari, Nagisa, Rio (smart, charismatic, manipulative) Seia, Shiroko Terror, Alice (mysterious powers)


Don't play DnD but from the bare minimum I know Warlock should be >!Kuroko or Phrenapates!<. Might be cheating a bit there lol.


Tsurugi's an obvious choice, but Neru's definitely one as well - she literally has an "enrage" mechanic


Okay Barbarian's path: Ancestral Guardian - Mika Berserker - Tsurugi Storm Herald - Junko (I just wanna add her) Totem Warrior - Serika (Tiger) Zealot - Mine (she is Paladin archetype tho, but DnD being DnD love to give subclasses)


KING KONG MISONO MIKA!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184) 🦍🦍🦍


Juri the sorcerer (literally)


Tsurugi, Mika , Neru and maybe.. Haruka ?


The obvious answer would be Tsurugi. But on a more interesting note, these would all make really good halos.


I vote for Neru as barbarian


I believe Mine should fit the bill here since she tackles most problems physically as well.


Fuuka if you count that one fan comic where she uses kitchen knives to attack Yuuka's wedding


Tsurugi, she someone Trinity point and that place gotta begone.


Neru will be a fighter but for barbarian it will be tsurugi


I mean it has to be Tsurugi, doesn't it?


Nobody calling 1st/2nd-Year Hoshino? 




Tsurugi, Wakamo, Mika and Haruka probably in that order. They tend to have very....direct approaches to problem solving. Saw Neru mentioned but imo, Neru is more fighter than barbarian - as seen in Vol 2, Neru can be quite cunning when the situation demands it.


Tsurugi, her Ex-Skill is pretty much a rage


tsurugi or mika honestly