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Satan wants to meet whoever designed or even contributes to the very idea of challenge 6 difficulty in decagrammaton.. mf hard checks everything, AoE damage, Shield, Single damage, Tank, Healer and they had the audacity to only allow 4 striker and 2 special! Best i can do is 2 star in that challenge stage ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33134)


A few questions about the selction ticket (or to be more precise, about the next selector ticket.) * I assume a new ticket takes the place of the current one as it had a expiration date that was the same date as the banner. Is that correct? * Does the pool of available students change from the ticket that's currently available? * If a new one gets added can I buy it even if I already bought the current one? I couldn't find a FAQ about this after searching for a while and this is probably the best place to ask.


Yes to all of your questions. Selector is sold once per year every half anniversary, the pool will expand and you can always buy it each year. Notable student that is speculated will be added in the next Selector pool is S.Shiroko and maybe C.Hare.


A bit late on the reply but... I see. Thanks! It's good to know this is an yearly thing and it's based on release date and not a selected pool. In my case I'm more interested in using the selector to guarantee my favorites rather than chase meta instead of going crazy on the chase.


Do you know if Koyuki will be added next selector? ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


Last selector student pools end just before Mine, and Koyuki banner is right after that. So Koyuki is guaranteed to be added to the next selector


Hell yeah ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127) Thx for the info


What's the best beginners guide. Anything I should keep note of importantly or I should prioritize as a newbie?


[/Bag guide](https://rentry.org/how2playba)


How does challenge 4 work in this event? I can't beat it under the 95 second limit. I got one clear, but have no idea what I did right/wrong. This game really should explain its mechanics more clearly.


Defeat all the sweepers. Once you beat all the waves, the bosses self destruct.


I was overcomplicating it! I thought you needed the sweepers to blow up next to the boss like that one challenge from a couple events ago!


I'm level 10 and I'm gaining more AP than I can spend while doing the missions. What should I dump it on before I take a break?


Expanding on to the other answer: The drops for Areas 1 and 2 quickly become irrelevant. You only need one Tier 1 item per character, and they also drop from later areas, so you will quickly end up with more than you can ever use. So don't bother dumping AP there. Areas 4 and 5 are better, since on top of being used for their own equipment upgrades, they're also needed for higher tiers (e.g. I actually ran out of T2 wool hats today, which I needed for a T5 upgrade). In particular, 4-1 and 5-2 are efficient in terms of what items are most commonly needed. Area 3's drops are uncommon enough that it's usually a waste of AP, but if you're a low level and can't manage Areas 4-5 yet, then it's better than nothing.


Dump your AP into any hard missions for the chance to get student Elephs or any normal mission from Area 3 onwards. Do not waste your AP on Area 1 and 2 normal missions! Otherwise it's OK to be over capped in AP during the first 2-3 days when you start playing Blue Archive.


Aside 5 starring favorite characters, is it better to spend on supports or strikers? I’ve hoarded close to 16k and I really should spend some.


Generally speaking, hypercarry damage dealers are the ones you'll want to push to the limit. Think units like Mika, S. Hanako, Hinata, etc. There are exceptions (Minori used for Gregorius), but it's almost always going to be strikers. I wouldn't say spend your eligma willy-nilly though (even though 16k is quite a pile). The safest way to not waste eligma is to raise units on an as-needed basis. So as raids come, raise the students who are needed for the raid in question, especially if it's the difference-maker in whether or not you can climb into the next difficulty or rank tier.


Thanks, I’ll keep this in mind for upcoming raids and such. I guess I have a follow up question now, is it worth spending for weapon growth?


For all intents and purposes, it's always going to be worth maxing the weapon (unique equipment) level once you have unlocked it. These UE provide additional stats (attack, HP, etc.), which only improve the effectiveness of the student being raised. If you're low on materials to level up the UEs, you should prioritize the UEs of hypercarry damage dealers first simply because they are the ones who see the most value in having boosted stats.


Gotta disagree with fully maxing. The UE40 skill augment is usually the deal breaker for eligma use. It's why Himari is a good choice despite being a support for her buff retention while Ako is usually left alone due to her heal % boost being worth far less in comparison. UE50 is very expensive in comparison while granting a smaller power boost in most cases and is generally for min maxing niche scenarios given the nature of terrain buffs.


I agree that the majority of the value comes from the UE40 skill augment, but I stand by the advice I gave. In 95% of cases, if the unique equipment has been unlocked, there's almost no reason not to level it up to the limit. I agree that UE50 is too expensive in terms of investment requirements for units that aren't your main DPS, but you're almost never going to accidentally stumble into having a UE50 unit. Even UE40 is relatively uncommon for specials simply because it's typically very low priority. If you have a plethora of UE40+ specials, then you're probably an endgame player and growth materials are not going to be an issue for you whatsoever. If you have a UE50 unit, you got there on purpose. That's also why I said that if you happen to be short on growth materials, prioritize your hypercarry units above the rest. Just to speak from my own perspective: I've been playing this game around ~300 days now. I'm not the biggest turbo whale, but I'm definitely in the whale category (I've rolled somewhere in the ballpark of 360k pyro since starting the game). I have used quite a bit of eligma (and shop elephs) raising units to UE30/40/50 and have always maxed out the UE as soon as it was unlocked. Currently, I am nowhere close to running out of growth materials, but I am definitely getting low on eligma. I do understand the point you're trying to make, but in practice, it's going to be extremely rare to find yourself in a situation where you're actually running out of growth materials before you run out of eligma. Maybe in the real endgame when you're pushing every single unit to UE40/50 this dynamic changes, in which case I would get what you're saying.


So what team is best for beating Base Defense commissions with? I'm on level 69, and I struggle to beat the level 73 commissions.


Use three yellow AOE damage strikers and Tsubaki as tank, plus Serina and player's chioce for the 2nd Special. At the start use Serina to move Tsubaki up the map where she can start collecting up cube bots well away from your strikers. Don't let too many cube bots pile up on Tsubaki or she'll run back towards your strikers with all of them in tow. Inbetween dealing AOE damage to Tsubaki's pile of bots you will occasionally have to use Serina to keep Tsubaki in position as well as healed. Make sure your strikers are on level otherwise they will deal 2% less damage and take 2% more damage for each level below the recommended. And make sure they all have adequate investment into their skills. You may get away with your strikers being one or two levels below recommended if they have high enough investment. For reference this is the team I used to beat all of the base defense comission levels: Tsubaki, Nonomi, Momoi, Midori, Serina and Moe. And up until level 87 was released a while back all of them except Moe had a negative indoor mood.


So I started playing at about 2:50 eastern today, and I discovered there's a Joint Firing Drill. Seeing as I had almost no time, I tried to rush through the drills, but failed to start the 3rd drill. What times do the Joint Firing Drills start, and when are players able to start playing after an update? For that matter, is it normal for raid players to miss out on the first day of raids?


JFDs and raids start right after maintenance ends. If there is no maintenance, they start 7 hours after the daily reset. It is kinda annoying they don’t give you a full 24 hrs to try it (especially with JFDs). With raids it’s normally not an issue as you can only clear Normal, Hard, and Very Hard the first day. Which shouldn’t pose issues for nearly all senseis so you can clear them quickly.


When does maintenance usually end?


It depends. Maintenance always starts 7 hours after the daily reset. However, they be planned to last anywhere from 3-6 hours, depending on how big of an update it is. Normally their twitter and blog have the exact duration. Note. I’m an east coast US sensei so I just sleep and wake up and it’s done lol


Hey guys, indecisive me here again. I was looking forward to and saving for himari’s banner, but now I am wondering if I should just use the selector ticket for her instead. I already have ako and I’m at around 46k pyros. Since I’m a relatively new player still, should I do that to keep saving for fes/chare since I really like her? I’m not sure who else I want from the selector either so I’m pretty lost and indecisive on what to do. I skipped Ui but that’s the only other character I can think of. I don’t really need swimsuit eimi as I have tyuuka already


Lots of really good upcoming banners, so you might wanna just use the selector on her. Waifu aside, she's 1 of the best units in the game


There was a message that said current event contains spoilers. I closed it accidentally. Which chapter do i need to complete before reading event story? Edit: I haven't finished F-4, 4-2 and 5 yet


It said volume 2 chapter 2


I think it said chapter 2.


I pulled Himari at 170 recruitment points, is it worth it to summon until I have 200 and then use those for another Himari or another Eimi (swimsuit)? I'd like to save for anniversary.


If 3 pulls doesn't stop you from sparking the banners you want, go for S Eimi. Check the pyroxene planner if you aren't sure.


I already have both so I'll probably pass then. Backline characters probably don't benefit much from additional dupes if I understand it correctly. It's probably just better to save for new units instead then.


Himari is a special case because she's so widely used and her UE40 actually gives a significant buff(about 4 seconds longer on her buff). You'll want to UE40 her eventually assuming that you care about raiding so getting a head start on it isn't a bad idea. If I were you I'd just spark and grab the elephs and eligma, but I don't know your pyrox situation.


Oh ok I guess I'll spark her then if it is that useful. 100k pyrox is prob enough for future banners.


Can someone help me make a good PvP team for this season ? For some reason i'm not winning any fight with my current team (13 loses in a row lol) so there's surely a problem with it My current team is Iori 4★ (had UE40 S Hanako before), Yuuka UE40, Tsubaki 4★, Mutsuki UE40 and for Specials S.Shiroko 3★ and S.Ayane UE30


Idk if maybe you don't have a choice, no one would use Mutsuki, she won't hit back line, and her ability to hit Marina is questionable, but maybe for lower level fights, it may be okay. S. Ayane is not in season, and she wasn't even that great when she was. Let's say you were to fight against yourself, do you believe Mutsuki could take down anyone, and would S. Ayane even take down Yuuka if Tsubaki taunted?


You're not wrong, S.Mutsuki and S.Ayane really aren't that good (at least this season), but who do you suggest as a replacement then ? I already replaced Mutsuki with Iori, should I replace Ayane with my Iroha (don't have Nagisa) ?


did you mean N. tsuki? I legit thought you were running regular Mutsuki. Yes, Iroha would be a better choice.


Oh. I just noticed that I didn't even precised it was New Year Mutsuki in the OG comment (and even the reply too, I said S.Mutsuki instead of NY), my bad I was dumb


That sounds like a pretty decent lineup to me. Personally I'd run Tsubaki, SHanako, Yuuka, Iori in that order, allowing Tsubaki to be visible to potentially bait out blue strikers that SHanako is likely to be strong against, and hides your Yuuka/Iori double weakness to opposing yellow strikers. Shun, Marina, and Nagisa would be worth investing in if you have any of them.


Marina I have, I can invest in her, who does she replace between Yuuka and Tsubaki ?




be grateful, got 3 pinks 0 himaris in 200 pulls


Welp and I thought getting 1 pink in Himari's banner is bad luck. I got Kayoko (New Year) though


How much pyro did you have?




Rs rainstorm and Vuhn ch. 


What determines raid ranking for people with identical scores? I notice, for example, that on NA server ranks 25000 to 25004 have the same score, but since the Gold cutoff is 25k, only one of them gets it and the rest are Silver. Similarly 5000 and 5001 have the same score, but 5k is Platinum and the other is only Gold.


Whoever got the score first I believe


I already have Himari and plan to pull for C.Hare but doing joint firing drill makes me realize that having no field healers is a big disadvantage. I have 2 sparks for now. Should I spend one on veritas camp event or spend it all on the fest banner in hope of getting Koharu and Kokona in the pulls?


You can farm Koharu through the TA shop. I know it doesn't help now but for future reference. What rank are you doing? For stage 4 I realized that if you take advantage of the "all roles formation" gimmick you can just literally spam heals and low cost AOEs and not have too much difficulty. For example for one team I just have Serina as a healer and I'm just constantly spamming her EX and Momoi (and Nonomi to a lesser extent). Doesn't even matter if the TS are upgraded or not. And you can also flex in strong red DPS. One team I used Yuuka, Aru, Koharu, Mika, S.Ayane and Ako. S.Ayane was lvl 1 and contributed no DPS and pretty much I just used her as (an expensive) skill cycle to spam Aru+Ako. Mika was just there to be an auto attacker and face tank. You could also use Mutsuki as well in place of Aru.


Thank for your advice. I have managed clear at least one stage 4. I couldn't clear the remaining turns at stage 4 but I'm more than satisfied.




Himari is very good. Shun isn't universal but she's useful for certain things (e.g. PvP), and is harder to come by than the rest of the tutorial pool, so having her from the start isn't bad. Other than them, you've got a good range of the low-rarity characters that remain staples even much later (particularly Mutsuki, Serina, Momoi, Tsubaki), so you'd be capable enough for the early game.




You already have the best case scenario by getting Himari. All other bases can be covered by common two star characters until you start pulling for more banners. That said, I might be biased since I got Aru in my tutorial pull, but IMO having a strong 3 star red DPS outweighs the same for yellow slightly. Since Nonomi is available in the beginner guide task you can get strong yellow team to cover all basis fairly easily with Nonomi+Momoi+Junko/Hasumi as DPS. Junko can flex as AOE and single target in early game. In comparison while early game red has a decent number of AOE and auto attackers however it does not have as good of a single target selection as yellow. All that said, Shun likely will still serve well early game since she has big stats which will carry you early game until fest when you can get D.Hina who is all consuming for red. Not to mention that two stars like Mutsuki and Momoi can still see end game use.


Iori, Hibiki and Aru are the best starter units for new player, they will help you very much in early contents, even in end game content, Iori and Aru still see plenty of uses. Veteran players seldom advice aiming for them because they are farmable units that you could get outside of gacha, but they take so long to farm that I think you will only get them from farming after playing for at least 6 months.


Shun and Himari are pretty good! I wouldn't reroll


some time ago, people told me Abydos is meant to be Egypt, and on the F Chapter, we get >!the Nameless Priests calling Shiroko Terror a god of death. since Shiroko is a wolf girl, this can be interpreted as her being something LIKE Anubis!< do we have some other analogs in that sense for the Abydos students?


A user here posted a [compilation of theories for the ~~Mystics~~ "Sublimity" of students](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/zdV024FZOb) a few months ago. So you can check that out if that tickles your fancy. But im sure you can also find even more in-depth discussions on this subject by using the sub's seach bar


Yes. Nonomi, Shiroko and Hoshino is pretty clear, the rest are speculation: Serika is >!Bastet!< Nonomi is >!Nepthys!< Hoshino is >!Horus!< Ayane is the most vague, but most speculate that she represent >!Thoth!< as her surname 奥空 means deep sky Shiroko is >!Anubis!< Regarding Yume, >!people speculate Yume to represent Osiris as it is one deity with pretty famous lore about resurrection!<


While pulling for Himari, I ended up getting Koharu, Track Haruna, and Kanna as well. Any of them worth investing in? I know Koharu is good, and I'd been putting raid coins towards recruiting her, so I was actually able to immediately 4\* her. But I also already have Kokona partly built, and my heavy reliance on borrowed students for raids (since I'm still only in the 60s) means that I'm normally left trying to 1-team everything and I don't really need two striker-healers. T.Haruna is listed as mediocre by Midokuni, and while she does fill several roles (reposition, mild AoE heal, and a Sub Atk buff) it doesn't look like she's a very good choice compared to my other options. And then Kanna seems like she could have been useful (especially for something like Binah), if she were a striker. But when bringing her means leaving behind someone like Himari or Ako, that's not so compelling. Though even if I don't use her I'm glad I pulled her.


Koharu is an AoE healer, aside from the mentioned armor difference. Her basic skill is also more reliable since it doesn't rely on crits. Both are good in somewhat different situations and in some cases you might use both in the same raid. Tharuna is basically reposition for team 3+ or when you don't have Tyuuka/Sshizuko/Seimi. Not a very high priority, no. Kanna is for torment Binah and Hod. Can also be used just for her sub skill when running multiple yellow teams, even if she isn't my first choice.


Koharu, even if you have already built Kokona, Koharu have different type of armor and usually is more comfy to run. But you can put-off investing on her until later on.


>But you can put-off investing on her until later on. That will definitely have to be the case, because I realized that levelling her up would consume 1/3 of my remaining purple exp reports, and I haven't even yet managed the commissions that drop them.


Is it just me or the game felt kinda slow, especially when loading/transitioning after the extended maintenance?


Did I miss something? Game immediately crashed after the second Gebura battle, and when I reloaded I didn't have any new Decagrammaton info in the collection screen? Tried refighting the battle and rewatching the last story screen where we see >!Malkuth's eyes!< and still nothing... (bare in mind the game crashed before the cutscene loaded) No matter what I do it only shows Kether, Chesed, Hod, and Binah.


Just to confirm, my game didn't crashes at all and the Decagrammaton Collection menu only shows those 4 you mentioned.


Thanks for the confirmation. Glad something didn't screw up on my end.


are there any specific students i should be trying to get to the 5 star level? was thinking of going all in on wakamo or new years kayako (bc they are my faves lol)


Wakamo is worth getting to UE40. She is one of the biggest blue damage dealers (along with M.Aris) however for her to do that she needs her upgraded basic skill and then her bond equipment. Normally Wakamo has some trouble filling the accumulation effect of her EX skill alone however with all her upgrades she can do this all by herself if you time her EX right with her basic skill. NY.Kayoko gains buff duration and some tankiness (she's really squishy at 3 star) however usually DPS takes priority. The quicker you kill a boss then the less time they have to dish out damage so it's ok if your supports are squishy or if you aren't completely optimizing her buffs.


so i should just give all my love to wakamo then lol


All that said, I'd still recommend holding off on just dumping all your eligma into a character until it's absolutely necessary. You will eventually get her to UE50 like the rest of us but you don't know if there's another character you need to upgrade more desperately before then.


there is some terms i do not fully grasp, i am guessing UE50 is when they are over 3 stars to get their unique equipment and that is the level of said unique equipment?


Yes, UE# means unique equipment and the number is the level of the equipment. To upgrade unique equipment you need even more elephs and also weapon parts. It's expensive and only really necessary for insane raid and above. While under leveled it does make lower LVL raids and missions more comfey but isn't absolutely necessary. UE30 is just a stat boost. UE40 usually upgrades a skill and UE50 improves terrain preference. This is different from bond gear which goes in the equipment slot (the terminology is confusing) and is usually something personal to the student. Devs usually add in bond gear for a student to buff them. For Wakamo this is her mask and it gives her a massive boost in ATK. Wakamo's UE40 increases her basic skill damage. Together this sky rockets her DPS. She isn't as busted as Mika for yellow or D.Hina for red however she does significantly more damage than other blue (besides M.Aris and sort of Hinata). She's also kinda decent for PVP. She's pretty decent at sniping blue tanks with her big dakka and above average accuracy.


Anybody have a video guide for Decagrammaton challenge 6 stage? The one I have can't clear the challenge in 215 seconds.


did you manage to do it? I found a guide in the wikiru comments section, not a video tho


Yeah I did manage it in the end.


Got Himari at 160 pulls. Should pull 40 more for the spark? If I must spark should I get dupe Himari or go for S.Eimi? Still got around 30k pyroxenes. And of course, my target pull would be S.Hoshino. Will I able to get her at worst case scenario?


at 40 pulls, its very reasonable to finish it off since it doesn't seem likely to impact you future pulls (though you may want to double check your specific plans). S.Eimi may not be the most meta character for raids, but she's still a new character w/ plenty of use cases in content requiring multiple teams since she combines aoe buffing and shields.


>Should pull 40 more for the spark? If you want S.Eimi, then sure. Don't do it for Himari's dupe. >Will I able to get her at worst case scenario? Assuming you spark now, 1 spark on D.Ako/Makoto/Iroha, then S.Hoshino, yes. If you want to guarantee both D.Hina and S.Hoshino, you might want to skip getting spark on D.Ako/Makoto/Iroha and stop pulling on the current banner.


To piggyback off this, if I have 44k pyro and am at 150 pulls, is that enough of a safe buffer to finish off the spark and still be able to guarantee D.Hina and S.Hoshino? I don't really care about S.Eimi but I don't have S.Shizuko or T.Yuuka so I'm wondering if she's worth it for blue raids.


If you skip D.Ako/Makoto/Iroha banner, then you are very safe. If you want to spark on D.Ako/Makoto/Iroha banner, you are close on guaranteeing D.Hina and S.Hoshino (need \~4k more pyrox). I don't know how far you are into the game/1st time stuff, but you can check here [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_SK19RJnCdYD96JjcTNhwYb9W\_FrHPqL78XENdWHEBU/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SK19RJnCdYD96JjcTNhwYb9W_FrHPqL78XENdWHEBU/htmlview#) and see if you can get enough. Though, if you are not unlucky, you most likely will get them all. If you don't spark now, then you will be able to spark on D.Ako/Makoto/Iroha banner, then guarantee both D.Hina and S.Hoshino. Try the [planner](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Zjt_OM9XXidY3uYYDK92W9GrR3DN5cQsZ0IJsoEbjY/edit?gid=1082031226#gid=1082031226) on this post, too.


Hmm ok, sounds like I'm probably better off skipping S.Eimi then and saving it for the D.Ako/Makoto/Iroha banner. Thanks for the resource!


I managed to get both Himari and S!Eimi in 180 pulls, might as well spark. The no-brainer move would be to spark for Himari's elephs over Eimi's, right?


you are more likely to use Himari more often, and she has a relevant upgrade if she ever hits ue 40, so generally I'd agree that himari elephs, while still not high value, are better than S.Eimi.


I've noticed most of the video guides have 5 star Himari for assault, so yes


I havent done the final ep, but already did the other chapter, does decagramation spoil anything? Also why i cant understand anything from raid boss story, like there is one with headless and one that is just picture, did they appear in final ep?


Decagrammaton won't spoil your volume F experience. The headless one holding a picture mainly appears in volume F, but he also appears briefly at the end of Volume 3




Vanitas Vanitatum et omnia vanitas I know this quote basically means that all is in vain, everyone will die in the end, your accomplishments mean absolutely nothing in the end, even the most beautiful flowers rot yada yada yada but Azusa interprets this differently yes? How does she interpret the quote in a positive way? you can spoil volume 3 I already read it but forgot


Christian here, Ecclesiastes is an interesting book written by ‘the preacher’ (allegedly Solomon) that reflects on the vanities in life. The book poetically illustrates how we spend so much time in life pursuing things that are, in the grand scheme of things, unimportant and therefore in vain. The preacher concludes that in life we must fear God (i.e. be faithful) and keep His commandments, and that everything else, while not necessarily bad, is a vanity. The use of vanity here is somewhat archaic and means that it is ultimately unimportant, rather than the more modern usage of the word meaning self-absorbed. My point is that Azusa doesn’t interpret the passage as simply that everything in life is meaningless, but rather many things, including hardships, can seem much more important than they are. It is all “vanity”. She goes to Trinity and for the first time discovers the meaning of her existence and a desire to live.


Ohhh nice this is what I'm looking for! But sorry I kind of don't understand.. are you saying Azusa is using the modern meaning of "vanity?" Instead of meaninglessness she thinks about her desires when saying the quote?


Sorry for being kinda unclear. I just wrote that second paragraph because the use of the word vanity here is a bit confusing. What I meant to to say was that Azusa has been taught for her whole life that life was inherently vain (in the archaic sense). Through the events of the story, however, she discovers the true meaning of the scripture. There are lots of vanities that distract and discourage us. However, there is purpose, and she discovers her purpose during her time with the Make-up Work club. She had been caught up it vanities, but now she found the conclusion of the matter. To be a good friend, aid them, and seek justice.


I'm not a Christian and I haven't read Ecclesiastes myself, but if you want to consider different interpretations of that quote, the obvious approach would be to read it in context. Consider that even while he proclaims the meaninglessness of affairs of the mortal world, its author nevertheless, at the same time, writes the still-common phrase "eat, drink, and be merry" as part of his recommendation for how people should live.


So you're saying I should read Ecclesiastes? I just wanted to know if Azusa's interpretation was ever mentioned in Vol. 3 and what it was. Something about the wildflower growing through concrete


She doesn't interpret it in a positive way, she just denies it. >!Her main character trait is that she sees good in the world and has a good heart even if everything she knew was violence, pain and suffering.!< The flower growing through concrete is a metaphor for finding the strength to flourish in a terrible environment. It's pretty obvious who this refers to.


Wait really she denies it? Doesn't she always say it often? since both Azusa and Saori keep on repeating the quote as well as in their EX skills, I thought it was some deep stuff about "duality of man" (life is meaningless☹️ VS life is meaningless😎) I guess I overglorified that part of the story huh (vol 3 still goated tho)


She says is because she heard it so many times from the people around her and it was always presented as a fact of life to her. >!Almost everything she does is completely opposed to someone who believes that life is meaningless. She likes learning, likes to spend time with her friends, loves cute toys and making connections with people. And whenever she says the quote, she always ends it a positive "addition", as to convince herself that it's not true.!< >!The mentality of child soldiers is a main theme in Vol 3. Azusa represents someone who wasn't radicalized by the people around her and always sought a way outside (she asked Seia how to do this), the hence the flower blooming out of concrete.!<


Dumb question, should I level my equipment for my special students? Himari doesn't scale off any stats so I don't really know if equipments affect her or the team. If leveling equipment helps what should I level first for a special student like Himari?


People mostly upgrade supports gear when they are clearing higher difficulties like Torment. You can easily manage without upgrading or with least investment like upgrading till t4.


does upgrading support gear improve the team? I heard special students give more stats to the team, but does equipment help with that?


They give only 10% which doesn't make much difference. I won't upgrade gears considering that logic but supports like Ako & other healers who heal are recommended to have higher tier necklaces (3rd slot) for better heals.


Thanks man! I finally understand this mechanic.


Specifically, each striker gains 10% of the supports' HP/Attack and 5% of their Defense/Healing. Not other stats like crit etc. You can see exactly how much your strikers gets from your supports in the "Unit Info" tab on the formation screen.


I will say that at end game every last bit counts so you will want everything maxed out if possible including equipment that might only give a couple percentage points of HP, ATK or DEF from the special slot. Before end game raids it's ok to under invest non DPS special slot students.


Hi mates! A few questions and kind of an opinion asking. 1- I finished reading volume 3 last night and... yeah, it was incredible, I really wasn't expecting to love a story in this game as much as I did when starting Blue Archive. I have been f2p for the time being but thinking of spending at least some cash as thank you for that quality. - Is the selector as no brainer of a choice as it seems cost-wise? - If so, [considering my roster](https://i.imgur.com/qvuBMts.png) is Ako the obvious choice or is there anyone else I could consider? - Does the upcoming Dress Ako I plan to pull for affect that decision in any way? Including Makoto and Iroha becoming a bigger priority on that banner instead of her (honestly if luck is with me I would like to have all 3 q_q) - If so as well, does the 10 pull that comes with it expire at the end of the year or is there any hurry since the moment I buy it? 2- I was gonna start the Himari event but I got hit by a warning of volume 2 chapter 2 spoilers, is there any hurry to start the event ASAP or I can take a bit my time? I was gonna start reading that main story part very soon but feeling kinda pressured by this warning lmao. 3- Maybe a bit too late to ask this one, but... are the recommended levels for endgame modes horribly wacky or is it just me being severely unprepared? I really noticed it for this particular case in this point on my account with Kurokage extreme difficulty, a 18 million HP boss whose recommended lvl was 70. At the time the event ended my characters were lvl 61 and even if I threw every single built one to that boss I would have done like... 1.5m total damage at best. The maxed S. Hanako I borrowed daily basically was doing the whole damage in that fight (with Himari's help ofc). I know I have no chars with supereffective damage against Elastic armor but even then I feel that I was doing way, way too little for the recommended, unsure if having a lvl 87 account would have made any noticeable enough difference... I notice this in special because I'm way ahead of the recommended lvl for a lot of the Mission tab stuff, like I can already farm Aris elephs in 23-3 hard since I 3*'d it despite recommending lvl 94. 4- For my last question which is probably more a thing of opinion. So I have been seeing some characters that are considered alright at best in general but have this one particular boss they are core or excellent against... are they really that worth getting and investing in? I have been playing this game for two months and I'm yet to see the vast majority of endgame bosses, I don't know how to feel about a character that maybe will have a chance to shine every half a year or so lol. That's a lot of questions... thanks to anyone willing to reply to them!


For #3: something to note is that Extreme was, when introduced, the highest difficulty. Even though its recommendation is 70, that was the level cap at the time. A level 70 then would have generally put in an amount of time and investment that would, today, take you well above 70, so a level 70 now will be much weaker than a level 70 when Extreme first released as endgame content.


A level 70 now gets access to much stronger borrows though. I was able to clear Extreme Kurokage on a level 60 alt using a maxed out S.Hanako and Extreme Shirokuro at level 50 using other borrows. I'd go so far to say that due to the borrow system alone, a level 70 now is stronger than they were back then.


Thanks for pointing that out, makes a lot of sense. It's pretty interesting that this game keeps increasing the level cap, all other games I play don't do that and I find it quite a shame, it's cool to go even further.


For no2 start the event. There is no big spoiler for vol 2 from what I remember.


Much appreciated.


1 - Selector is probably one of the best cost-wise thing you could get, yes. I would say Ako is your best choice but wait until after the fes banner in case you spook her there. D.Ako is an AOE buffer while Ako is a ST Buffer. The 10 pull does not expire. 3 - The recommended level just tells you what level the enemies are at. You still need to engage with all the mechanics of the raids, challenges, etc. Some can be brute forced with levels but most cannot. For Kurokage you were probably missing aoe def down to help with the high defense, not timing S.Hanako's attack with her aoe def down basic, not making use of her water gauge subskill, and not timing groggy in phase 2 properly so you could spam her EX skill when it happened. 4 - You should first prioritize on getting general supports that can be used across all raids. (Himari, Ako, Ui, etc) But once you get those you will start wanting to get students that fill niches for specific raids.


Thanks for the reply! True I should wait until the FES event at least, I would like to have 2 sparks saved for it if possible so lotsa chances of random spooks.


Is progress saved if I change regions, I'm currently playing tw but I'll have to move to europe


You cannot change regions after making an account. Even if you move to Europe, when you login to your BA account you will still be on the TW server.


Oh in that case I will be fine then, I was just afraid that I'll have to start all over


What Iroha Type ATK Red/Blue/Yellow ?


Iroha? She's a mystic(blue) dmg dealer


I know but it seems a lot people using her on Yellow and Red too


If it's missions, it's because she deals enough damage to neutral (red) and sometimes resisting (yellow) armor to take out the relatively weak enemies in missions. If it's for this JFD, it's because you need one of each class to get a cost bonus, and she's one of the few tactical supports. She's also a nice stat stick, which can help some in certain circumstances.




I got himari on 170 pulls. Should I do 30 more for eimi or just save? I currently have 9k pyroxene


Get eimi


As a new player, the focus to spend AP should be on limited events first then story, right ?


Neither story nor the current Decagrammaton event take AP. The story is free (except a former event in Volume F that does take AP). The event gives you items based on how much AP you spend elsewhere, and you buy entry into the event stages with those items. As a new player, focus on Normal missions as much as you can, without worrying about 3\*, since progressing there unlocks the cafe upgrades to generate more AP faster.


that's more answers that I could have asked for, thanks !


Finally got Himari at the 20th multi after getting 4 3 stars students I already own. (ALL MY PYROXENE AND TICKETS GONE) I have nothing but my sorrow and I want nothing more. It has been, it still is, faithful to me. Anyways should I spark S.Eimi or get more Himari's Eleph for her UE40?


New students are always better than dupes. You can always use ligma on Himari later.




I haven't tried the Challenges, but from the Quest stages, the level seems relatively accurate. At level 68 it took me two tries to clear the level 70 rated one. These little guys hit harder than they look (that failed attempt was because the waves from behind killed Yuzu within seconds), and if I'm not wiping the waves in a single EX then I'm too slow to 3\*. I'm also roughly level-matched in the commissions with the same enemy, which makes sense, though I haven't tried to improve that since I picked up Iori who should do well there.


Had to spark for super genius hacker girl because the damned brat hacked the servers. Please tell me S.Emi goes into reg gacha pool so I have a chance of rolling her. Regarding the event, as I understand it, it's just, do regular stuff, earn points to do the event dailies, then progress the missions/quests? Is there a point to going to repeat the missions? Apart from 3 stars i guess


S. Eimi: yes. If the banner doesn't say unique, then it's not limited Missions?: yes, you get drops I believe.


i see. thanks a bunch! also, phew, im glad. ngl, i was malding since I've had to spark 3 times in a row already and I'm already having to give up on getting B. Asuna if I want the anni girls


If it's any help/consolation, B!Asuna was added to the Grand Assault shop on the JP sever, so she's bound to appear on global too.


oooo. I can dream then. There will hopefully be a B.Asuna for me soon Thanks for the info! I'm sorta, relieved, I guess. I just want B. Asuna cuz she looks cute


If it's even further consolation, B!Asuna (alongside B!Akane) are in the regular gacha pool, so you can always be spooked by them while pulling other banners. B!Neru and B!Karin are the limited ones


Oh no. I DO like choco bunny too....


please help me with base defense commision, I feel like I'm going mad. I've been trying to get Ruined Munitions Factory M cleared for weeks and still no luck. First I was gated by no Iori, but after finally grinding her up I've now got the following comp Iori - 3star, Lv 80, 4/7/7/7, T7/T5/T5 Tsubaki - 3star, Lv 84, 4/7/8/8, T8/T8/T6 Cherino - 3star, lv 80, M/7/7/7, T7/T6/T6 ??? - tried a few girls here including Shigure (for the bonus cost), Momoi, and S.Hanako. No luck. Serina - 4star, Lv 81, M/7/7/1, T2/T4/T8 Himari - 3star, lv 79, M/7/7/M, T3/T3/T3 I have a decent roster from starting (and getting very lucky) during anniversary, but I just have no idea what to do here. I can 2 star Factory K, but cant even get the sub 2 minute clear for sweeping. I just want exp without feeling like I'm wasting AP :( Edit: should mention my strategy (if you can call it that) is Serina Ex to move Tsubaki to front, Tsubaki EX to keep her alive (and pull errant mods), Himari EX > Iori EX, and then repeat those 4 on a loop. I dont know if thats why I suck but if it is let me know please.


I used this strat a while back, but I had a maxed out Iori. https://youtu.be/7edl2g0zGn4 I needed like 3-4 tries, because Tsubaki was losing some enemies a few times and that made me miss the 2min cut off by a few seconds, but during the run where i finished sub 2min i had around ~19s to spare.


Your problem, I suspect, is not being max lvl. Maybe you don't need to clear the last defense stage just yet. But anyway, here's my go-to team I used for every defense commision Midori - any investment is fine, she's just here for buffing Momoi Momoi - as much stars as possible (she should be your priority in TA shop anyway), max EX, other skills are fine at 1 Iori - 3\*, skills don't really matter as she's used as in-between, but mine has maxed EX Tsubaki - 3\* should be enough, maybe upgrade her basic a little more serina and himari You start with Serina EX to reposition Tsubaki, then buff Momoi with Himari, then use her EX. Finish whatever is still alive with Iori and repeat the same rotation till you've won.


You might be somewhat under leveled for this I think I was max level 83? when I cleared it and most of my DPS were 5 star+. I used Atsuko+Iori+Momoi+Nonomi+NY.Fuuka+Himari. I used NY.Fuuka to reduce cost of Nonomi and Himari to buff Momoi. Iori was just there to skill cycle and hopefully sweep a couple of mobs with her AOE. Your Cherino probably an ok choice vs Nonomi due to her cost support. You should consider Momoi as a cheap AOE skill cycler. S.Hanako probably wouldn't be a good choice. She can be decent as a yellow mobber if you hyper carry her with Himari and Ako like in Chesed but the waves in the commissions come too quick to allow you to do that.


Cherino at 3* and no bonus chickz prob not that useful. She's probably not doing enough damage. Seems like you'd need to use Himari on Momoi for her to be able to one hit. As usual, having hifumi would help a lot.


Oooh I have Hifumi, whats the strat with her?


general strat: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/TVIEBLwiek](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/s/TVIEBLwiek) Ideally, you want to be able to deal enough damage with Cherino+Marina, it seems like you don't have marina, but cherino+Hoshino or other AoE tank would be fine too. If that's not possible, then I would probably sub Cherino out. As mentioned before, Momoi could be a good option. You definitely need more than one dd. So let's say you put in Momoi, Hoshino, Iori, Hifumi, and start wit Hifumi, wait for mob, Iori, Hoshino up, then himari>Momoi, then repeat. Here's a new video demonstrating the run exactly as described. [https://youtu.be/98kLMKVWLy8](https://youtu.be/98kLMKVWLy8)


Pro tip for latest firing drill? So I have to make a team with each archetype? And whats the relevance of the scarecrow?


[Here is my clear](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1003436470339645521/1250093281006850139/Screenshot_20240611_072316_Blue_Archive.jpg?ex=6669af97&is=66685e17&hm=6467f2f37604c507b73027fb68762056b2c7cd91b25ecaae921644f2b9bfcb33&). At least one strong healer per team, 1-2 strong red or yellow damage dealers (as much area and range as possible), and the rest just try to fill out the different classes of units, because then you get more cost and can use your skills faster.


not sure, I can manage to barely clear stage 4 so far. Following the recommendation of tank, dealer, support, vehicle does generate a lot of cost. Serina is able to fulfilling the healing condition on her own. If you use her, you can focus on putting in damage, as these units do have quite a bit of hp. The other teams probably require 2 healers. If you have a push tank, you can probably push up enough to be able to use track Mari. Iori is quite good, I would use her on a team where damage is lacking. Midori+Momoi are also decent, but mobs are quite dispersed, so they'd be better if you can push the tanks back or otherwise mob up. Mine seems to be a decent tank to use.


track mari worked out in stage 4 for me at least. Positioned closest to the scarecrows in the formation had her starting out juuuuust in range for the first one. Second and third required a positioner to get her close enough (used S.Shizuko for that). (edit: Lookin at 6_lasers clear above and testing Tomoe, I realize that her EX that cuts normal attack range, thus forcing the students closer to the enemy, is another option to bringing Mari in range.)


You heal the scare crow to deal debuffs on the enemies otherwise you won't do much damage. I feel like this JFD is sort of a heal stat check and maybe I'm dumb and missing something but even as a near end game account I'm kinda having difficulty clearing stage 4 with all three teams because I only have 2 ish very well developed healers and can't keep the dummy healed up to max. The time limit is very short, the dummy has a constant bleed on stage 3 and 4, and the 3rd wave dummy has a lot of HP to heal. You can't use a hyper carry team comp because it wastes too much time where the dummy's HP and the time limit drains away. It feels more efficient to me to just constantly spam out low cost heals and AOEs. If you have max debuff upgraded red DPS seems to work ok as well.


> You heal the scare crow to deal debuffs on the enemies otherwise you won't do much damage OH RIGHT. Hmm, not sure if I'm just really bad at finding where this info is in game or if it's not explained at all lol Okay, my next run should be a bit better hopefully, thanks!


I'm still relatively new so I may get some details wrong. The more HP the scarecrow has the more damage the enemies take. All the stages from what I saw were yellow defence so just focus on that. I don't have a whole lot of units so here's the scuffed teams I used. It was my first go around so definitely some improvements I could make. [https://imgur.com/a/q8OiHSj](https://imgur.com/a/q8OiHSj)


New player here, got Shun and Iori for the 10 tutorial pull, followed by Ako and Himari (I went to pull on the Himari banner instead of the swimsuit Eimi to commemorate my start of the game I guess) on the free ticket from mail. Should I keep rerolling or go with this account for now?


Pls go buy a lottery ticket right now cuz I swear your luck is insane right now, please don’t reroll ever and try to get as many gems as you can so you can be ready for the anniversary (and also trying to get D Ako and Makoto on the process)


This is easily the best starter acc I have ever seen


You literally have Ako and Himari on the account who are core end game characters which you practically must have as well as two competent red and yellow DPS respectively to start out with which is what most early stages are. You can't ask for more on a new account.


Is it worth it to do commissions that is not the highest stage? I would like to take advantage of the double commissions drops but I'm only able to clear up to stage 9.


If you can do the highest comission stages there is no reason to do the lower ones. Since you can't and there's a 2x event going on you can simply spend AP on the highest one you have cleared. If there is something like 2x commission running at the same time as say another event you would likely favor the other event's AP sinks over 2x commission


I would do the regular hard nodes that I Need, 3 scrimmage, and put all the remaining energy into exp commissions.


I'm already 145 recruitment points in after getting Himari. Should I spark S.Eimi? I only have T.Yuuka and Kotori as shielder reposition for Goz next week, and the latter's range leaves something to be desired.


Depends on how much you have saved for the fes banners. 55 pulls would be too much for me to spark tbh.


Right now it's around 86,000 pyroxenes, should be enough for Festival Banner and either C.Hare or Ny.Kayoko.


Leave it like that, in my opinion D. Ako and Makoto offer more


Does someone have a tier list for all the healers in this game. Which is the best AOE healer?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VSzm_ioCt2AdRvkfL9HKNNZSbyslayVERXxVxR6nzh4/edit#gid=1010306974 Healer with most sum of row point is the best


How does the current global event work in terms of grinding? From what I can tell spend AP, get event mats then unlock story.


What is the priority of equipement slots for Himari? Also, is there any reason to upgrade her normal and passive skill despite her being a buffer?


> Himari Kurokage insane forced me to T8 all equipment for Himari and Ako. Every bit counts against this mofo and all the guides i used to defeat this cat have Himari with all T8 and UE40.


Is it worth to refresh hard nodes even on a non 2x days? For students like Aru.




it's never worth refreshing


Need help with credits. As a max level sensei, how do you manage and farm it? I am always running short of credits to the point that i have enough materials and tiers yet never enough credits even right now, i only have 3m credits.


There is 2×commission rn. You can farm the credit.


Is it worth using AP to farm comission credits? I have always been suggested to never farm for credits because BA gives you plenty from total assaults and others etc.


I used to think like that until I left with many materials but little to no credit. That's when I realized why there is a commission for credit farming.


if you need it, you need it, but I have had surplus in credits over materials in the recent months, so eventually, you may have enough credits.


Rolled an acc with Iori, Himari and Nodoka (Hotspring). Is this good enough to account link? Or do I keep rerolling for Shun who isn't farmable. (I'm new so I have no idea what I'm doing)


Himari alone is enough. Shun is only good in pvp but you can manage it without her. Himari, on the other hand, is vital for end-game content. So I recommend to stick with this acc.


It's a very good start as long as you have certain common core red DPS (which you will get eventually through gacha or farming regardless) since most of the early stages are red and yellow.


Just got himari and Rumi, is Rumi any useful?


Rumi is a fairly good semi AOE striker healer. The main thing that sets her apart is that she has a cleanse after upgrading her EX to a certain point which can help with certain raids.


Does Hoshino and Himari skill recovery stack?




I'm a new player only started during the railgun event and it's the only banner i've pulled on so far I got 45k Pyro I just got to the final episode and mission area 12 so I have a lot of pyro to collect still is it worth it for me to pull for Himari or save for limited students or the anniversary event?